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Blue Dot


Active member
Is there anymore info on this strain ? Linage or flower time? My buddy gave me a clone of BDot that looks like the pics and gave me info but I wanted to hear other info that may be out there.


You will not be forgotten
i have 2 bluedot goin outside.. will throw a pic in ... lovin how its lookin.. great grow for you.. i love this strain :) Dime


Active member
Our Blue Dot is the Leda Uno x (NL#5 x Haze)
I don't know which one is the original one.
But mine is the hazey one.
Thats why I love it.
Because it tastes like the sweetest richest berry haze.
The high is very up and strong with an indica down side as well.
I'm about to harvest some now.
I'll get a pick right now...

Sorry guys.
It wont let me post pic's again.
God this gallery sucks ass.
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Active member
I knew yo ass see this thread..lol. I was wondering about that leda uno thats why I asked about more info on BlueDot. How many days? 65?


Active member
Leda Uno can be found threw a quick Google.
If I remember it's a really fast flowering strain.
Thats where the rich berry comes from.
Leda Uno is similar to the make up of Mango.
But a little different.
It's the Brazilian x Thai x ?
I think.
Mine is finishing up at about 10 weeks.
Like most of my strains.


Ahh, Blue dot is a personal fav. Going to have quite a bit of it as I know a few people running it outside. For about 3 years I consistantly got blue, super, red, and purple dot. Red dot was def. not up to par everytime I smoked with. The purple was also good, but super dot was the most potent. It seemed to have been crossed with perhaps a SSH, as she seems to lean that way in flower.

I didn't realize that Bluedot was from that area, haven't been out there since those delicious Halloween buds disappeared :badday:


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Unless you know someone with the original blue dot then you won't ever have the same thing! So many offshoots and people making things up over the years that the original truly is a thing of the past.


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"It's basically (Skunk #1 X WW)X(NL#5 X CBB)." This is also just speculation and passed off as being gospel for some time now. Only the original breeder or person who had the clone only would be able to possibly verify. If this is indeed the true make up then i'd say the WW is more the original. But then who's gonna be the judge? There isn't anyone alive in my opinion who can smoke some cross as this and pinpoint it to have this or that strain involved period! Those who have a cut from the original mom that supplied farmacy and was dispensed in gold tins can truly say they have Blue Dot. Until there is a dna database people can call whatever they have as this or that, so with that said........ if you enjoy what you have and wanna call it blue dot then more power to ya.


Active member
I know for a fact there are 2 Blue Dot's.
All the Versions I've tryed had the Haze in it.

So I'd say the real one is probably the Haze hybrid.
In my opinion it's the better one.
But I like Haze.

Sorry Nuggs I gotta disagree.
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There is no haze in blue dot--PERIOD.

I don't want to come off as a herb elitest but there's no way in hell that BD is a haze hybrid. It has no traits that a haze would exhibit, whatsoever. I used to frequent Farmacy indirectly back in the day (being originally from Sonoma County) and I know the real thing. I will admit that the cut I grew in this thread isn't exactly the BD I knew in the late 90's but it's damn close--genetically I think it's the same thing but it came from a medicore mother. I think what happened to BD is what's happened/happening to Trainwreck and Bubba Kush right now; so many shitty clones got passed around in med clubs that it was only a matter of time before the genepool has been pissed in.

I will also disagree with the notion that the best blue dot is no longer available. There's someone hoarding an original mother somewhere out in Sonoma County. I picked up an HP of some BD last year in Santa Rosa that was THE rope. Had me reminiscing on some older days...
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Active member
I don't agree.
But one of the blue Dot's is Leda Uno x NL/Haze.
So whatever you want to believe is fine.

Just because you have the other one.
Doesn't mean the one I have (with haze in it) doesn't exist.

I got it from San Fran where the Blue Dot came from.
I've been told by several people who know what they are talking about.

And this is the lineage I was told...Leda Uno x NL/Haze.
If you can prove me worng go for it.
I'll admit I'm wrong if you can put some sort of proof behind your statment.
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Active member
growmatic said:
There is no haze in blue dot--PERIOD.

I don't want to come off as a herb elitest but there's no way in hell that BD is a haze hybrid.

I will also disagree with the notion that the best blue dot is no longer available. There's someone hoarding an original mother somewhere out in Sonoma County. I picked up an HP of some BD last year in Santa Rosa that was THE rope. Had me reminiscing on some older days...

:noway: JD - then we got the real one because this shit is off the HOOK. He even says so... :laughing: because I was reminiscing. This shit is the same BD as back in the day when it first hit the streets. SAME SHIT I SWEAR. If youve smoked the real BD then you know that taste and HIGH it brings.



Active member
All the B dot I've smoked tasted like mine.
The one with the HAZE in it.
And yes I can tell just from smoking it too.
But thats not how I know.
I was told the lineage by people who know what there talking about.
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Active member
Also you said there are no haze trait in blue dot.
this is not true...
The plant structure is alot like NL/Haze.
Not to mention the taste.
Add some berry floavor from the leda uno and you got the blue dot flavor.

Mysta that Sour D x SSH was killer.
It was the best I've smoked of that strain.
Too bad it getts the mold on it during flower.
It seems like a desease in it's make up.
Because it always gets it. No matter what the set up.
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Active member

here we go again with the JDOG !!!! LOL!!!

how rude of you to speak to the thread starter like that ....



Active member
I apologize for getting pissy about this.
I changed my other posts because I have been having trouble sleeping lately.
So I was progressivly getting more and more pissed threw the night.
And you could see it in my posts.
If anyone is wondering.
All I was sayingis that I disagree and that everything I said in the first post is all I realy was saying the whole time anyway.
So I just changed it because I could tell I was in a bad mood.
And it made it sound different then I meant it to.
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Agree to disagree.

BD isn't from SF... It's from Sonoma. Sonoma County doesn't have many strains of their own--most of what they grow comes down from the ET--but blue dot, is undeniably theirs... It was grown for a club out in Guernville called Farmacy--it also went by the name of five fingered lady in some circles. Some people used to swear from it's medical qualities--a strong medicine that's really light on the palate. Not really too exciting anymore considering what's available now, if you ask me.

Back before OG was wiped off the map, there was plenty of documentation on this matter, a lot of it contributed by Dr. Jay.

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