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blue cheese 12/12 from seed oxypot style

Looks like you're getting some good results mate! Will be interesting to see you do a full grow with the panel! What's your opinion so far on the different nutes?
I know what you mean about the heat wave! Temp is mid 80s in my room on a hot day!


day 63 from seed start of week 9

to use canna boost or not to use canna boost that is the question?

from this grow i can safely say that it hasnt helped the plant at all in the size of her buds which is a suprise to me, they still look under developed and lacking in any weight her overall health is good but she is just well underperforming in what id hoped to achieve.
this could be genetics or even the fact i chosen to go 12/12 from seed either way it hasnt happened for that plant
the only other question that needs to answered is does it affect the end smoke quality but ill answer that later in the grow.
on the latest res change ive dropped the use of canna boost as its an expensive product and feel its just a waste of time keep feeding it her so we will see what happens

as for my other plant it is still producing and the buds seems to be forimng nicely i have the light at 18 inches above the plants and the lower nuggets seem to be forming better than the main cola at the minute, work that 1 out.
the only other thing i have found out about these plants is that they are very nute sensitive if you push them even a little bit over the desired ec they will throw a wobbly they like low ec im currently on .7ec and ph 5.7

im hoping to be pulling these plants down in the next 3 weeks to make way for my next project so thats 2 more res changes and then 1 weeks flush and im hoping that from what every 1 says that they pack on weight in their final weeks but looking at the plants it seems like they still got ages to go :)

latest pics

















thansk for dropping in peace
Nice mate! Interesting about the canna boost! I have put my trainwrecks on the flowering nutes now and have left the boost out of one of them! If it goes tits up i'll be looking for you!! Lol!!
These have grown excellent from 12/12. Kinda makes it an Auto with the grow time! Can't wait to see your end results!


ha ha im just posting my findings fella if you look back in the grow you will see that both plants were exactly the same in height and looks and ph and ec the only thing different was the canna boost ;)
its very very similar to growing autos differences being with regular strains your cutting out the ruderalis trait and your also saving on 4 hours of light per day so its cheaper

doing 12/12 does have some downsides obviously im missing out on the plants full potenial and yield and because of no veg time the plants stems holding the flowers are weak i already have 1 plants buds weighing it down, its not a problem because it means the light can penertrate deeper in to the plant.

ive seen a thread on here titled 12/12 from seed and most of the plants seem to have produced only 1 main cola and a few side branches i was expecting the same sort of thing from this grow however both my plants are 25" and 26" tall and the same in width both have a main cola but also have about 15 side branches on each plant producing nugs, they are both mini replicas of the full plant but with less yield im kinda impressed with how they turned out and even more happy that all my seeds are are not duds :)

i look forward to doing a full grow with these seeds at a later date maybe even do a cross with a nice auto and producing my beloved auto cheese strain that im longing for

still pondering why the healthiest of the 2 plants is taking so long to form her main cola where as her lower nugs are filling in nicely. the overall structure of the plant was why i picked her to give her the canna boost regime as she showed really good potential.. must of been my shit judgement.

i took a couple of shots of the trunks on both the plants and im amazed how the smaller 1 has out produced the bigger 1 ive also put in a couple of cheeky budshots from the lowest growing buds on both my ladies to show that penertration is good ,the lower buds are 38" from the light :)







after seeing my results with the canna boost im really dissapointed and have decided to drop it from my future grows,this stuff is expensive and i have seen no real increase in yield from this grow im still gonna stick with canna as my base nutes though.

so today ive been out and purchased some new goodies for experimental purposes ive opted for carbo load , overdrive and hammerhead.


ive changed the res on the plant that was underperforming and added overdrive and a small dose of carbo load to see if i cant put some life back into her. i know its a bit late in the grow and i only have a few weeks left before the chop but im looking at changing tactics on my next round of growing and i will be trying different nute setups again :)

every grow is a learning experience and i always learn something new from each 1 :)




Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Carboload is the shit man! :woohoo:

It will make your buds burn with black ash though from all the sugars, but they taste great!


its currently @ 14" above the tops of my plants

its a 345 watt panel and it states on their website to keep the lights at 12 - 18" above the cannopy otherwise it will slowdown growth

im all new to this led business so its just trial and error untill i hit some sweet spots

cheers for dropping it does look like we are bothe pretty much at the same stage of growth im currently on day 68 from seed but if you take away the 23 days to show sex this puts me on 45 days flowering or end of week 6


Carboload is the shit man! :woohoo:

It will make your buds burn with black ash though from all the sugars, but they taste great!

lol i was reading on another forum that carboload can mess the res up in dwc and give off smells and cause all kinds of trouble but im almost 3 days into using it with no serious side effects.

i have noticed a difference in the amount of blueberry fragance the plants are given off as apposed to the earthy cheese hum which is a bonus :)

and blue cheese always tastes great even without additives ;)



day 69 from seed

since adding carbo load and overdrive the smell from these plants has gone insane but they have a very strong freshly baked blueberry tart smell to them now as oppose to that musky cheese stench.

its an absoloute pleasure being in my tent at this stage of the grow :) ( im actually sat here smelling my fingers lol )

the hairs on the plants have started browing off nicely and 1 of my plants looks like its gonna finish before the other 1.

both plants are dialled in @ .7 ec and ph 5.7 unfuking beliveable as i never got over .8 ec in the entire grow.

im gonna do a fresh res change and monitor the plants and decide on wether or not to start flushing, i like to harvest when the trichs are cloudy for the more head high rather than the couch lock body stone.

im easily gonna be pulling in over an oz a plant which i am chuffed to bits with cause of the amount of new things i tried out this grow :)

some of the more formed buds have started to harden not proper tight nugs but just very firm, as i stated early in my diary ive never seen really tight buds from blue cheese

heres the latest pics and some bud porn for you guys

















day 73 from seed

the plant is nearly ready for :tree: the next res change is gonna be a flush and then im breaking out the axe. i seriously cant wait to get my lips around this :dance013:

the stems on the plants have no support for the buds they have just dropped to the sides of the plant and as the lower buds cooked quicker than the higher nugs im just gonna roll with it at this stage of the game.

looking back over this grow i found it better to space the pk 13/14 out over 3 weeks as oppose to just 1 week only and also that canna boost did nothing in aiding bigger buds which got me :thinking:

i found my plants really sensitive to nutes and even the slightest increase in feed and they would punish me.
i would deffo grow these out again and i would love to top them next time i grow them and cut away all the bottom half of the plant and even do so lst as i think 1 of my girls liked being bent over ;)

im going back onto autos next round and doing a full grow under this light to see if i can improve on this grow :)

latest pics













i dont know if you can tell in these pics of the main colas but they are having difficulty staying straight due to the weight and most of the side branches have flopped over due to shitty support from the stems and average size nugs :)




Ha Ha I found you skotty, I was wondering how your grow was going after you left thct.

I see you got your LED light in, looks like it's doing a great job so far, those plants are looking nice.

What do you think of the LED panel so far ?


yeah i didnt move far ive set up camp over here as the growers on here seem like a friendly helpfull bunch :)

i cant say wether the light is good or bad because of so many things that took place in this diary and its not a full grow with the lights either.but what i will say is that it does produce buds no question about that and the penertration is the tits cause my lower nugs cooked faster then the main colas (kerazzy)

im not sure on wether or not to put up wet weights like a few growers do or wether just dry them out and give proper readings :) haha

their flushing at the minute getting ready to make way for round 2 with the l.e.d

cheers 4 dropping in



day 77 from seed or week 11

plants are on their final flush nearly all the trichs are cloudy and ive even seen a a few orange 1s ,they both could go longer depending on what effect you like but its always gonna be the head high buzz oppose to the couchlock i aint fuking moving from this spot today buzz for me :)

considering blue cheese aint a massive yielding plant i think these have performed quite well under 12/12 from seed im happy with how the grow has turned out, really cant understand why that cannaboost delayed the swelling of 1 plants main cola that was a major draw back for me but all in all im happy with the result

just the weigh in and smoke report to add onto this but if anybody has ever smoked blue cheese they will already know how good it is :)

last pics before i get the axe out













Active member
They Look Great Bud, cant see from the pic too well, but look like they could go another week or more, its hard to see from the pics! Quite a number of pistils still white, is that just the tops of the Cola's doing that man? All in all great show mate, Nice Work. Ever considered a ScrOG mate? What you droppin in next skotty more AF's? Good luck!


yeah these could easily go another week, harvesting plants is all about the effects you want to get

being a seasoned grower you should know that the trichs on the plant start off clear then go cloudy then turn amber

if you harvest when the trichs are cloudy this will give you a more sociable head high uplifting buzz and if you harvest when the trichs are amber this will give you the stoned couch lock buzz, my preferred stone is the head high sociable stone which is why ive chosen to flush now as my trichs are cloudy with few just turning amber.

its just down to growers preference :)

this is how i like my buds




Active member
furry muff bruv, of course, like i said its hard to see exactly whats going on in the pic, they look a little under, but if thats how ya like it, cool of course, i like 10-20% amber, just leaning on the heavy side, but no more than 20%, Terpines spoil & you lose all the flavour i find, so in that respect its perfect. Lovley looking Bud btw, MMmm love BC man. Enjoy your harvest man! Good luck!


cheers scrogger i apprciate your feedback

the plants are over 11 weeks on 12/12 and the flowering time is 8-10 weeks

but if you minus the 3 weeks they took to show flower this puts me on week 8 so the harvest window is open :)

have to admit taking photos under led lights aint easy especially when using a 3.2mp camera phone

im looking into getting a bigger air pump ive seen a few on the bay of e i was thinking of 60ltrs a minute as a starting point but cant decide on which brand to go for, dont really wanna spend more than £100 on a pump and stones, if you have any recommendations ill be interested to hear fella


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