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Moab really works. Im dropping hammerhead this time and just using maxi bloom ,protek and moab. With some bennie's/ tea's every once in while. Using ton's of bottles cant help when your plants have everything they need. Its your setup that matter's more then what brand nute's you use.
I agree with bobby.when growin a lucrative crop spare no expense.if you keep your feed "simple" so too will be your yield, quality ...so on.imo.
I politely refute that....I use Dynagro

4 c99's at 6 weeks flower


2 of many of the harvested tops
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First time Grow and was given by hydro shop 4 50ml bottles samples and I am running a small grow with 10 gallon res. @ 2ml per gallon, it appears I might have enough estimating consumption for 3 grows, it has a manufacture date of 2/1/2011 plus he game me 2 samples of Canna Boost 120 ml. but it is also almost 3 years old should I use it
has anyone run a side by side comparison with one plant receiving Bloombastic, and the other plant not getting Bloombastic ? Or, even a similar run of a plant with a bloom nute vs a plant with no bloom nute ?


Active member
It's both sad and funny in equal measure to read threads like this.
The only person talking scientific facts at the beginning of this thread is homebrewer. And yet his posts received negative criticism while people praise the ignorance of the replies which refute everything he says.

People are asking "have you ever used it"

But he's right in saying he doesn't need to, because the product label states what is in the bottle and he can source the very highest purity of each ingredient... in fact he can double, treble, or quadruple the amount of each "biologically active ingredient" if he wants, and still have $100 left in his pocket.

This is what's in your bottle. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[/FONT]Derived from: Pottasium Phosphate, Pottasium Hydroxide, Phosforic acid, Iron EDTA, Laminara Digitata, Ascophyllum Nodosum All natural based nutrient additive

The "bling bling for your plants"....

Is worth in total no more than $10.

It's surprising how naive people are with regards what they want to believe in when growing weed. The chase for that magic ingredient which will give you a massive harvest and make you rich is what makes the claim of special forces inside the bottle so enticing.

The fact is there is nothing whatsoever that the nutrient company will source which will make it worth even 1 tenth of what they charge for it, and if you don't understand the business model of these companies then you won't understand either that if there was, they certainly wouldn't be putting it in your bottle out of sheer generosity.

Originally Posted by acridlab
there are alot of different extracts /vitamins / aminos for example, that actually make these said boosters,, boost..if it were simply npk, nobody would use them..

Ascophyllum Nodosum is what you will know as seaweed. And let's say they use humic and fulvic acids in the bottle as well - which they probably don't because they've probably left that maggot for another hook - In fact let's say they put carbs, silicates, humates.... everything all in the one bottle, what you would have, even then, would be an amount of each which, if you simply bought your seaweed and humic from a better source than a hydro company - and it would be hard to find a worse one - you would be able to make literally 1000 times over, and I'm probably underestimating

You can debate whether high PK ratios work better than high K ones etc etc... I mean maybe high P&K + seaweed really was responsible for some fella's great result... but only people with no knowledge of where these things come from will argue that they're worth anywhere near what you're paying for them, or that there are magic ingredients which justify the price.

The hydro nutrient market is based on the ignorance of the consumer. Growers empowering themselves with knowledge would see the floor would fall out of it and the prices fall down as they clamor for your custom by selling them at proper concentrations.

But in the meantime, while you've got the choice to buy a whole tub of high grade magnesium, but instead you choose to buy a teaspoon of it diluted for twice the price because you don't know if it will do the same thing, these companies are raking it in.


Active member
You can apply that thinking to anything in life, and you're free to do it. Who gives a fuck where things are sourced or whether any ethics are applied. But to clarify for people who might think that a £135 bottle of potassium and phosphate is and better than a £10 bottle, no, it isn't. That's pretty much all I'm saying.

And with regards convenience, I understand that people don't want to formulate their own nutrients. I don't do that myself and it's not something I would recommend people to do.

This isn't about how much the nutrient costs vs the value of your crop, it's about why you're using it in the first place and why you are willing to pay that much for a liter of it. It completely invalidates the "i don't give a fuck" argument because you obviously give enough of a fuck to invest in that particular product vs another cheaper one, and you do it because you want it to do what it tells you it will. Let's not bullshit each other, that's why you buy it.

But there's a good and easy compromise and if getting the most out of your garden is what you're really after, and you're investing in the idea that humic/fulvic/seaweed will give you a boost in yield, then you should buy yourself a tub of humic granules and knock yourself out...

Have you ever used humic from granules? When you do, your eyes will be opened mate, and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about the first time you dilute a single granule ;)

If they use the equivalent of a teaspoon in this bottle I would be amazed.

A whole tub costs roughly $50

A whole tub of the pure, good shit, with all it's chelation and micro elemental growth boosting properties.

So this is not about saving you money as much as it's about empowering you to go and buy the real shit, the good shit, and give it to your plants. because what's in that bottle certainly isn't that.

If you really don't mind how much people cut things with ballast/filler, then you won't mind next time you go and buy anything which you hope/expect will be of good quality, will you?

What you're paying for instead is low grade high filler.
If you're cool with paying top dollar for that, good for you. Not everyone is.

I'm not here for people like you who don't give a fuck. I couldn't care less how much money you waste. I'm here for people who want to know `is this product really worth the money`... The answer is, no, it really isn't.
I had no idea what bloombastic was so I googled it. When I saw the price tag I literally said out loud "Holy Shit Fuck!" . I need to get into the cannabis nutrient industry. You are all a bunch of suckers.


New member
This thread is about the user experiences of Atami Bloombastic not a lecture on how ignorant or not ignorant one is.

I have used Bloombastic, Bio Bloombastic and AN Overdrive. As a commercial grower, I need the assurance of a good harvest everytime. So a little mpk in my book is fine.

Bloombastic is just a pk boost with aminos, potash, etc. Yes, I saw good results but the price point makes it cost prohibitive for us. You certainly see a difference quickly. I believe it was in week 5-8 of a 9 week flower. I settled on AN Big Bud and Overdrive instead of this stuff.

We are organic is soil, aact, guanos and all most of our ingredients are sourced from the forests, cow pastures and abandonnes Apple orchard around out place. I had an email answered from the one and only Elaine Ingrahm and she said that for her 'organic' means that as long as the soil food web active and re amending soil then a little mpk or minerals is fine. Mpk is very prevalent in vineyards I believe.

Going to do a run at weeks 3-6 with the BioBloombastic next.

Yeah one day I will probably go veganic and stop with the pk boosts and do supersoil.
But for now, the extra pk boost gets me to a gram per watt no problem. Choose the right genetics, get your shit dialed in, pay close attention to the leaves and if you try pk boosters you'll really see the difference is there is any.

I wasn't sold on Bloombastic the first time but I once again bought a sample bottle because there is something good about it.


New member
I have read all of the thread and im a little bit confused. Yesterday i've made a test before use bloombastic with full dose and i noticed that the ec value increase with only 0.1 . My question is can i burn them with yara kristalon mix at 16-51-51 at 1.7EC + 0.5ml/l bloombastic? I'll start use it in beggining of 4 week of flowering.


has anyone run a side by side comparison with one plant receiving Bloombastic, and the other plant not getting Bloombastic ? Or, even a similar run of a plant with a bloom nute vs a plant with no bloom nute ?

I'm actually doing this right now, giving 5 plants in one room bloombastic and another 3 in a separate room that are not receiving it, They are all into 7 weeks. I am DEFINITELY noticing more bud growth on the ones receiving bloombastic. Not like tremendous growth but can notice growth getting packing on. Not quite foxtails like I see with shooting powder, but like foxtails that are fatter, rounder and more uniform. It suppose to make the buds super dense too, but haven't been squeezing them.
I been feeding at 2ml per gallon, for a week now and starting the 2nd week I'm going to ramp it up 4ml per gallon. I see no signs of nute burn either, and my total feed e.c. right now is 1.6


me too, its a nice cheat is how i look at it, it is expensive and i would get the bigger bottles off the jump... bless

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
so whats the consensus here ?
Is there anyone here whos used bloombastic in a/b testing and confirmed it works as advertised?
Im not interested in your FUCKING OPINIONS - Im interested in hearing from those who have used the product. HomeSlice, this means Im ignoring pretty much anything you have to say on this subject.