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Hempy, Flowering, Yellowing, Pics


At day 20 of flower. The strain is ak47(70 day flower pheno) and i am afraid at this rate i will lose all my big fan leafs by week 7 or 8. I lst'd them when i put them in flower and the yellowing seems to be starting at about the middle of the plant where they were lst'd. I have a few white flies in there but I do not think they are the culprit. My water temps have lowered so i was thinking this may be playing some role. They are in pure perlite feed lucas formula 8/16. They have been watered/fed 3 times since i put them in flower. I used half ro half tap the first 2 feeding and straight tap on my last feeding. It looks like they need some nitrogen. I have some gh grow but i am afraid to hit them with too much nitrogen. Any suggestions?




cant see pics . when you pull on a yellow leaf does it pull off easily or is it still connected strongly to the stem? Has growth stopped or slowed since the water temperature droped? Do you have a ph meter to check the ph level , if your plants are having a N lockout apposed to N defficiancy adding more N will not help. With 6 weeks left you will still have time to fix the problen and have some DANK ak 47. best of luck


so the pictures are not working because i can see them?

have not tried to pull one off. i am afraid that will just send the problem to next leaf.

they are budding like crazy no slow down in growth.

i do have a ph meter but i am not sure how reliable it is. i think i have been feeding in the 6.2-6.4 range.

the rest of the plant looks good and growth is strong. i just want to try to keep this thing from going bald to early


here u go


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Bobman I have seen your posts in the hempy threads, I gotta tell you I can't figure where you got the idea that you shouldn't water your hempys more often than that. hempy in his own words watered everyday til he saw some run off with full strength nutes every watering. every single hempy thread starts off with someone telling you how to run a hempy and by the 3rd or 4th page people are so fucking confused it's amazing.
you are running straight perlite, which doesn't hold water. if you are using osmocote plus that doesn't hold water either.
top off those old nutes in your res every day with a small slowly poured dose of food until you see drainage.
hempy used 3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite. at least the vermiculite holds some water.

I am old, we been growing in straight perlite for years, with or without the small internal res in your buckets straight perlite needs alot of water.

right now I have 16 hempy buckets with perlite in the res & coco in the grow area. I water every day. you can if you miss a day or two with a hempy be ok, but you should water everyday.

hempy is hydroponic growing you want your pH to be closer to 5.8. but I think if you just watered every day you would be fine at your pH of 6.2 or whatever. but 5.8 would be better.


basically, it just worked for me. in veg my plants are perfect and i let them go too long between watering sometimes. so your saying this could be a salt buildup or something from doing this. am i not getting the growth i should? i am all ears. i can take a newly rooted clone and put it in a 32oz container water to overflow then wait a week until watering again. gradually this time frame speeds up and i have to water more frequently. when i get to where i have to water every 2 days i pot up and start the whole process over again. i have always been curious about this but i am also cheap and do not want to waste nutes unless it is of benefit.

i think you can see the plants look good just not perfect. I just do not want this to advance to fast. should i flush then start the more frequent feeding/watering schedule?


yeah yeah thats all well and good but you are in flower now. you plants need food. they get it from water. water every day for a one grow see if everyone else running hempy is right or you are.


is this hempy? jesus buddy get a grip.i was asking for your advice not debating with you. i see people growing all different ways with hempy. i want to do it the best way possible i will try your feeding suggestions as i have been wondering this myself for a while. so thanks but your still an ass.


sorry you took it that way, wasn't my intention to sound rude.
I just can't imagine anyone thinking 3 waterings in 20 days with straight perlite is even close to enough. I am glad your plants look as good as they do.


Oh, and as a side note, I hope to God my posts don't remind anyone of hempy's. I usually can spell and I use some punctuation.
This was also not intended to sound rude, at least not to the op.


this is one thing i have always been very curious about. i water and feel there weight and they never wilt and i know the perlite holds nutes because its pink when they finish. i just never got a straight answer. people do this so many different ways. i just want to max yield. my veg plants were fine so i never thought there was a problem. my yeilds have been good. but i have had some leaf issues on a few plants each time. i would read threads and people were saying my plant wilts if i do not water/feed every day so i thought i was crazy. i was like man mine can go a while until the plant drinks all the water. i guess i was treating it to much like soil and can expect even more if i keep the feeding schedule and frequency up?


well thanks i guess i just took it the wrong way.sorry for being an ass myself. ex girlfriend just called and gave me a bunch of shit.