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Bloodlock's 2nd run in Ikea growdrobe - Kings Kush + Bubba Kush (DWC+CFL)


Active member
Hi guys!

Since my first run with Easyryders are finished, I am starting up a new thread for my second run with Kings Kush and Bubba Kush from Greenhouse. Now I have got the basics under wraps (at least I think so), hopefully this run will end up even better. Hoping from 200 g dry this time around... :)

I am now using GHE Flora Series as nutrients (FloraGro, Micro & Bloom). PH is stable at around 5,8. :)

Germinated the seeds 39 days ago:

Now I have put them in the big Ikea growdrobe with 12/12 2 x 125w 2700k CFL's (one for each plant). They have LOTS of room to grow them big dank buds! :plant grow:

Also took some clones for the first time, trying out 2 different techniques

First is a DIY bubble cloner. Just put the clones there 1 day ago in PH'ed water. They are looking good I think!

The others I put in rockwool, but they are failing epicly. Maybe the cuts where too small? It seems as bubble cloning in plain PH'd water is the way to go, hope they root soon!

The Ikea growdrobe show is off, take your seats and light up people!



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Looking good there mate, I'll be hanging on the couch in the front row to see how it all goes for you. :)

Peace an Respects

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
:bump:Front row seats!! sweeeeet
:wave:this looks epic bloodlock!!
Great job bro..
how much dry did you get from the easyryder?
take care


Active member
Hi BC!

Sorry man, posted a dry weight + smokereport in my old thread.

It weighed in at 81 g dry and that "big" bud you guessed would weigh 14 grams.... it weighed exactly 14 g! Epic remote weighing skills! :laughing:

Smoke is still bit rough, I put it all into jars yesterday. I think I might have waited too long though, as the RH in the jars is only 47%. "The perfect cure everytime" thread states that the RH should be over 55% for the curing process to take place. I hope it turns out decent anyway. the good news is that I got stoned as hell smoking it! :)

How did you dry and cure your Easyryders BC?

Here is a small Kush update, they are looking very healthy!

Kings Kush on the left, Bubba Kush on the right. :)


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thats too funny!! I could call it a lucky guess!! 81 grams is great!!I grew 1 plant and got 33 dry total..you blew mine out of the park!!
I dried my ladies in a DYI box(its somewhere in my threads!) then into a bigger tupperware container..Did yours smell alot in bloom? Mine hardly did at all. That TW sure did though!
your new ladies are looking just awesome bloodlock!!
keep up the great work bro..
take care


Active member
Yeah that guess was real impressive BC, hehe. :)

You got 33 g on 1 plant, my average was 27 g per plant. So I still have a couple of things to improve on my new grow. 50g + per plant would be nice! :)

Mine didnt smell that much in bloom at all, I think the smelled more in late veg actually. But maybe I just got used to the smell or something. :)
wowsa blood, those kush's look priiiim-o! that king kush is dominating the box :p they both look healthy as hell, i definitly love these plants.

i probubly need some advice on my DWC, its in my thread, take a look if you get the chance!

everything is looking great, and u definitly had an awesome harvest!

good job bro! :yes:

christoph :lurk: (hope im still in the front row! i brought my lazy boy :))


Active member
Hi there Christoph and thanks!

The Kings Kush is a very nice plant, it responded very well to LST and now I have 7 nice branches at about equal height and getting a lot of light. Should get some nice buds on this one! :canabis:

The Bubba Kush didnt like LST that much. Its very compact and the GIANT fanleaves block the light for everything underneat it. :/

Christoph, I will check out your thread and give you any input I can regarding your DWC-grow. Heading over there now, but first some Kushporn. :dance013:

Not seeing any white pistils yet, shouldt they start to show now? I am not sure, as I have only grown autoflowering before.

Kings Kush:

Bubba Kush:

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
hey bloodlock!! I really think the trick to more per plant is a bigger planter with 1-2 gallons of soil etc and scrog..easy-ryders should have minimum of 1 gallon but its hard in smaller grows...
what I am thinking is a flatter planter the length of the pc and high enough to fit 2 gallons of soil inside..that would be perfect..
pistils should show around the 21 day mark but it can be later..they ALL will be ladies !!!
take care
thanks for checking my thread dude! wish i had me some bubba kush! looks like a very nice strain! your plants are looking beautifull, and as BC said, they WILL be female! just whisper too them that they are, worked for me :p


Active member
The Kushes are growing fast now, especially the Kings Kush on the left (*edited, wrote right!). Plants are looking very healthy compared to my last run, I guess my new nutes are working!

Its day 47 from seed, 9 days of 12/12. And still no signs of white pistils!!!

Just got a Ruck 150 temperature controlled fan. Just set the temperature and it adjusts the speed between 4 different speeds.

Havent installed it yet, but hopefully I can then run 2 x 250w CFLs with decent temps. That will probably increase my yield even further!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Looking awesome bloodlock!!!!!!!!!!
My lady took 21 days of 12/12 to show pistils..they will show soon...lots of them too bro!!!
take care


Active member
Thats good to hear BC, thanks for the reassurance. :)

Cannot wait to see how these babies turn out! I have only tried Kush a couple of times before, and I loved the high! From what I remember I was extremely relaxed and in a blissful state. Should be good to have that + my cured easyryder all jarred up in the fridge through the summer. Thinking about what to pop next, maybe Super Lemon Haze, Pinapple Express or Power Kush? Nice dilemmas to have! :)



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
The Kushes are growing fast now, especially the Kings Kush on the left <<snip>>
Its day 47 from seed, 9 days of 12/12. And still no signs of white pistils!!!
Awesome looking kushes bro, those big fat leaves are just beautiful. I'm running a Bubba Kush cross for the first time myself, so will be interesting how yours perform for you. The pistils will come, won't be long now though.:dance013:

Peace an Respects :)


Active member
And we have a lady!! The Kings Kush have started to show white pistils! :)

Here they are together. Note the GIANT fan leaves on the Bubba Kush:

Pistil action!

I am a bit worried about my clones, 2 of them have been in the bubbler for 2 weeks now and still no roots. Am I giving them too much light in the form of the 125w CFL? Any advice is much appreciated!

Thanks in advance! :)


Active member
Hi folks, its time for a small update on the Kush sisters (now confirmed girlies!) Its day 53 from seed and 14 days of 12/12

Kings Kush on the left, Bubba kush on the right.

Also the clones have rooted, 100% hitrate with the bubble cloner! I have put the clones into hydroton netpots. :) But what to do with these 6 clones? maybe do a SOG with all 6 plants in the ikea cab? 6 plants in 3 DWC's could work...



Well-known member
wow wow o w2o 2wo.

they looken so so dam good.
and yah I would do a sog grow with them clones. but I would veg em for around 1 1/2-2 weeks. my 2cents.