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Bloodlock's 2nd run in Ikea growdrobe - Kings Kush + Bubba Kush (DWC+CFL)


Active member
thanks Cheesebuds! Wouldnt be the same without your epic bubblecloner though, got the idea from your sig. :)


Well-known member
cool tanky tank v much. yah I have found out that my home made bubbler works really really great for cloning and growing.

glad that its working out for u.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
WOW bloodlock!! you are going to have alot of nice bud when this grow is done!! Fanastic work bro!!Is'nt the smell amazing?! Kush (any Kush) has one of the most incredible smells..
I am going to use my pc as a mom/clone box if that gives you any ideas...
take care


Active member
Hi guys

Thanks for coming up with the idea there Cheese, these clones are growing like shit in the bubble cloner! :)

BC; hmmm, have thought about firing up a PC again as a mother/clonebox. But I am thinking I will just grow out what I got going on now and then take a little break fixing up some things in the apartment. Need workers inside and cannot grow for some months. :/ Will start up again in the fall and upgrade my cab to 250w hps in Cooltube.


But now to the Kush pron! Having some temp issues because of nice summer weather, but I think the girls are coping...

Clones in bubble cloners. Look at the 4 clones I took 2 weeks ago while in flower. They will supercrop for sure now!

Also some 1 month old cured Easyryder bud I just started smoking. It now burns perfectly leaving only white ash. Smells and aroma are now much better and the high is great as well. :laughing:

Enjoy the summer, wherever you are!


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Lovin it bloodlock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on a scale of 1-10, what are your comments on the easy-ryder? mine dried out too fast and wasn't very nice..my fault though
have a great summer bro
take care


Active member

BC: The Easyryder has grown on me, it is good weed for sure. Smells very fruity. Taste probably would have been better if I flushed it for longer than 1 week. High is UP and cerebral, not any body stone. Perfect summerweed! :smokeit:

Also lots of positive feedback from friends who have sampled it. Its something different from the commercial indicas people are used to getting.

It def could have been even better with more skills, but I am very happy since its my first grow! But the Kush will be sweet as well... :)


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
I'm lovin your photos Bloodlock. And your comments on the Easyrider has made me thinking of trying it one day. Carry on man.


Active member
Guys, I need your help here

Buds are starting to swell up!

But is this what I think it is?? I am worried they might go hermie on me

What to do???


Active member
Hi there peeps!

Small update on my kushes, they hermied on me and a seed popped up here and there. Too bad, but I will finish these up anyway. This is day 88 from seed, 7 weeks of 12/12, 6 weeks since flowering.

since the plant is so tall the 2 x 125w CFLs doesnt give much light to the lower buds. They are plentiful and I could probably yield much better with the 250w HPS w/cooltube I have ordered. It could penetrate much more of the canopy me thinks.

Clones doing good, but still strange leaves on the clones I took in the beginning of flowering.....

Btw, just made a small joint of a well cured Easyryder bud. Took 3 hits and got completely spaced out, had to lye down after taking these pictures. LOL!

:thank you:


Well-known member
wow thouse r some very nice plants u have there.
too bad about the hermie. but now u have seeds for the future.

also I have had plants befor with leaves just like that clone in the back left corner in ur cab.

wow only 3 hits from that joint and ur were blown away. thats nice to here.

homegrown for ever.


Active member
Hi guys!

Been a while since my last update so I though it was about time. Been extremely busy at work lately, too much stress really. If it hadnt been for the herb I would have gone nuts a long time ago....

The Kushes are progressing, but ever so slowly.

Trichs are now about 50% milky, 50% clear. I really hope they will fill out a bit more, I got bigger buds on the Easyryder. But the nuggets look and feel very hard, a good thing!

Here they are 6 weeks after first pistils, Bubba on the left and Kings Kush on the right.

The Bubba Kush had a nice christmas shape, but the top cola was way taller than the undergrowth. Because of the many buds around the middle of the plant I decided to cut of the main cola to get more light to the middle of the plant. Have also done extensive defoilation on both plants to increase light penetration.

Here is the top I cut of hanging to dry

The clones are outgrowing their cabinet soon, hope their mommas finish up soon!

:dance013::thank you:


Well-known member
wow wow wow they all be looken very very sweet. ya no u could just start flowering the clones in the cab there in then move them into the other cab when there mommas r finished.

I did that befor and it helped alot. just an idea.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Looking AWESOME bloodlock!! Too bad about the hermie but cheese is right.More seeds!!
cheese is right again about starting to flower the clones in the cab they are in till there's room later?! not a bad idea at all!!
take care bro


Active member
Hi there Cheese & BC!

I only have a 6400k CFL in the smaller cab, could it work in early stages of flower with 12/12? Or do I need another 2700k bulb?

Many thanks, cannot wait to try out some homegrown kush! :)
Why not use the Daylight bulb for flowering? Tighter nodes and dense flowers. You should experience less stretch too. Give it a try and see what it is like.

On the hermie, reveg is very stressful on a plant. I wouldn't worry about it. Take off the male flowers as you find them. If you get a few seeds, what is the big deal... really? Once you start pampering the girls again and don't make them switch gears, the following clones shouldn't show any male flowers again.

Nice grows btw. Aren't you glad you moved up from that PC?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
That bubba and king looks good and yummy, how they going for ya now?? Must be some nice smells coming from them. :biggrin:


Active member
Hi again guys!

Been away on a fishing trip with my buddies, so dediced to chop the Kushes before i went away.

Here is what they looked like at chop time:

Here are the clones in their new home. Also with much bigger water containers with lots of rootspace. It will be interesting to see if this will increase yield. My suspicions is that the roots will be able to absorb much more nutrients when given more waterspace.

Just smoked some of the Kings Kush yesterday. Trics are 50% clear, 50% milky. The high was overpowering couchlock in the beggining, but need to smoke it some more to give a proper assesement.
