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Blockhead F2's


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
yea my last BH gro was sum time ago and i didnt put enough dolo lime..or blood/bone meal so they were super not kosher...but its an amazing strain and still kicked along....im still learning and im glad to have the good genetics to save my but every now and then...


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
bean counter you use insanely small containers for those huge clones your getting..how are you doing that???


Bean counter gets amazing results using GH 3 part in soil. He rocks!

I just got BH f2's that I am sprouting. As well as BH x Venomberry and BH x LUI. Are you my buddy's evil twin?

Either way I have two sprouts in soil and 5 more of phenome 5 in a paper towel. Harvest in about 5 months! Coming up next....

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BlockHead Runt Pheno

BlockHead Runt Pheno

Hey all you BH growers :wave: I got the ultra slow runt BH...but it still smells of Lemony/Fuel goodness, and her stone is stellar, to say the least! Even tho it is ULTRA slow in veg...here she is at only 7days...she was left a little too long in the humi-dome...thus the burnt tips(I wish I had another pic of her later on in veg, cause these next pics were both put into flower after a good 56 days or so veg)...to me, the extra veg time is soo worth it...this is the third run for this clone...definately not the last!

But Look how she goes after 4 weeks...

Here's her twin at 5 weeks...

anyways....just curious if anyone else got a slow grower? Also, mucho thanks to GypsyNirvana and Breeder Steve for this wonderful medecine :joint: ! Cant forget the kudos!
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Blue Dog , tha pics were taken at about 3 weeks in , as these girls go for 65-70 days . Yeep , they are at peak health . As far as tha "Project" goes , plants are bein grown out , observed , and documented . Some outstanding individuals are showin up , making me really excited of what's to come .


Active member
Glad to see your still chuggin along here steel...........Projects like this take at least a year investment but when it is all said and done, the final product of your creation should be well worth the reward.........keep up the solid work bro.



Good to see ya Somoz , yeep , we'll be comin up on a yr in about 4 months , so ....yeah . Seein' very promising candidates for this next stage !


indeed, the tugboat never gets praise enough....slow and low produces the best fruits, espescially when they are your own fine work=) steel, hats off bro! bd


Great thread steele. Definately gonna take a seat and enjoy the ride on this one. I admire your persistence and hard work. Must take alot of dedication to work a project this long. My hats off to you steele, I'll be watching.



So true , I thank ya for tha compliment BD.

This will be a project that's done tha RIGHT way (Carefully and slowly if need be ). Over tha yrs , I have observed many things about our plant . One thing I have taken notice to on some plants , is plants that are from seed grow out completly different looking than their clone counter parts . I'm not talking about leaf formation , but bud structure . i.e. Tha seed mother of my BB sativa's bud strucure was more "open" and alittle on tha "foxtailing" side . Though , after takin' cuts , growing em out and seeing that tha bud strucure was FULLY changed . On my MNS Shark Shock skunk pheno tha seed mom grew a 18" super gnarly , exotic looking flower . Tha clone generation thereafter was more compact with smaller colas and not nearly as "exotic" looking .

Now , getting to my point . This will be done tha right way , because I will be taking clones from all tha donors and growing THEM out , instead of tha seeds . That way I have a clear understanding of what to expect . And as stated previously , select individuals will be paired with corosponding phenotypes , backcrossed , line bred and then possibly reformulated depending upon results . I will have a set of clones vegging , ready to go into flower as soon as tha first cycle is finished . Smoke evaluation on tha selected plants will determine who breeds and who is culled . No easy task but VERY rewarding .


^ i agree w the seed vs clone comparison, ive noticed the less veg a clone gets, this is speaking generally of course, but the less veg a clone gets the farther away from its seeded mtherit becomes, and tends to have what i like to refer to as a drill bit, buds climbing along the stem alternately, rather than filling in fully, during trim you can spin these babies and see a perfect spiral....more veg has helped with this, but still get a lumpier nug than the seeded ladies give, basically, smooth dense silhouttes from seed, did that make any sense? bd


Makes sense but not quite what I'm getting at . Reagrdless of how long or short a veg , tha seed mom looks quite different . Not in formation but in structure .

BD , your point , tha less veg a clone gets ; tha reason why it's more of a spiral is because tha less veg time , tha less developed tha shoots , therefore making em cling to tha stalk , producing a spiral effect .


Blue Dog , I thought you might find part of this article interesting .

Take tha clone off flowering plants , root 'em , veg . It looks like you like pole plants so no need for bending or topping , veg 'till side shoots barely start forming then flip tha cycle . You shoud end up with columner plants . Hope this helps .
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steel, thanks man, i didnt know that about the internodes, but it explains the shit out of the lil trees i got going, i pruned heavily last cycle, and those little gals are in 12/12 now, freak lil bushes, ill pop a pic when lights are back on, peace bd


Took a single pic of 1 of my clones . Have a garage full of my BlockHead and SD IBL . Putting out tha trichs , cola formation and starting to pick up tha stank .

yts farmer

Well-known member
i saw a blockhead thread back in the og days and a guy done a 4 plant scrog with a 600w light and yielded more than 1gpw.

if i remember rightly the yield was 672 grams from 600w.truly impressive