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Blockhead F2's



Here's a pack of Blockhead f2's created from tha freebies from Gypsy . These will be grown out and delt with in tha very near future . Fuckin excellent parents , though tha male was untested and I had a lone mom in a pack of 5 . Mom has a very Danky blueberry familiar aroma to it


nice, I'll keep a look out for that grow for sure. I have a pack of those freebies aswell and I cant wait to get them going...


Nice steel I'm sure they'll be good. Make some f-3's outta the keepers! I've heard blockhead is awesome but no longer available so keep it around!
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keep us updated on your babies
once the ball gets rollin :)

nice to see ya around, savage

be well


Yeep , tha BH will be grown to see how many phenos it will show us and among tha phenos only a select few will be used fer future projects including a stable version
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Cant wait to see the results Bro :respect: im doin the same thing with SourBubble bx1.Makin a ton of beans from a sweet purple mom with a fat Dude,lol.Whats the lineage of BH?Ive got 3 five packs and im wondering about them.Any grows around?I searched but found very little.Good luck with yer BH's everyone,Peace and stay safe,DWW :wave:


Here's tha momma that created tha "f2's". Pics were taken 'bout 2-3 weeks ago



Hey ya GMT , this girls effects are awesome . Tha momma was grown out to her peak , for an anticipated , stupdifying high . What we ended up with , was a full on , sativa high , that made you feel like you were floating but with a energetic edge that tingled yer skull bone and would allow you to handle yer bullshit . I love this smoke . Potency is very good , flavor is tops and yeild is very good . Tha clones are frostier than tha seed mom , lookin like they are encrusted with diamonds . Cash croppers will be stoked , as this has mad bag appeal . Current pics will be posted this evening .


They are at week 4 in tha pic . And grown around 1000 watters . Not too observant are ya
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I've got a blockhead lady that's just about two weeks into 12/12. I'm curious,SS,how long does she need to mature? I've had her for awhile but I've just gotten around to growing her out, actually I kinda forgot about her and now I'm pretty excited. I've been reading dood things about blockhead.


ICMag Donor
hej hej steel
hope ya f2s are nice ... had one lady much like yours but i culled it :chin:
i ended up with three phenos , one red grape ,one grapefruit and one odd BB pheno ...
the grapefuit pheno should look like this

the smoke is killer to say the least ... just the BB pheno carries the sat dom high the other two are very indy style


Pics taken 'bout an hour ago . Battling a mild case of pm but nothin to get highfee about . These have 'bout 2 weeks to go . RudeDude , my bb pheno takes about 8 weeks .



Thank you SS,my,those are some pretty ladies. I'm really looking forward to smoking some blockhead now!


Well-known member
420KushMaster said:
the buds dont look very dense.. sorrry

When you're growing for your own stash, the quality is what is important, not the bud density. Speaking of dense, I remember you talking trash on some other threads, too - you ever have anything nice to say, or are you just another sorry hater with no friends spending his time hating in cyberspace?

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