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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


Hey mate...that's wierd isn't it? It looks like they've been pollinated.
Although, having had another look, the white pistils are kind of wispy and kind of twisty/curly as well. Maybe they're just changing colour.
She looks healthy enough...I assume the tiny spots are a little bit of mite activity?
What's your gut instinct?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
the CB was one of those that matured from the bottom up - but its a bit early for that i guess. could the mite spray have scorched the pistils a bit?
tops looking lovely though. i can see both parents in the plants which is nice...



Take A Deep Breath

The only pollen recently was when I did the LC/NC.....couple of weeks ago....would have thought I'd have noticed earlier...also seems a lot of pistils affected for a few grains of rogue pollen....but my shaky hand cannot be totally discounted.

My gut says it's a genetic colour change thing......maybe heat stress....been a bit toasty in there the last couple of days.

Yeah.....mites are loving the heat.....guess I should give the Cherryjuanas another blast....but no more after this......4 weeks in.

ETA: Hey VG! Ya might be right with the mite spray thing.......although only one plant reacting like that is odd.


Well-known member
Lemon Chunk x Northern Chunk F1 looks pretty tasty from here mate...She's going to be some fine smoke I'm sure....big up man.


Take A Deep Breath
Hey RudeDog :)

She's fattening up like I married her.....She's carrying a few babies....but I might even get a decent amount of smokables off her.....let's hope so....June 20 is circled in red in my calendar. Ultra-sweet funkiness when I fondle her......


Take A Deep Breath
Gave the Cherryjuanas a blast of PK a couple of days ago.

Day 30 of 12/12.

B and E - E is on the right.







Wow...even those little side branches are fat trunks!
Looks like it's gonna be good, nice bit of frost already. Are they all in the same size pots? Do they smell the same? What I mean is, do you think you've got a couple of different phenotypes there?
Peace bro.


Take A Deep Breath
E is in 5 litres, the others are all in 3 Litres.

It's a bit early for smells.....E has a faint fruity/melony smell....nothing much from the others....there might be two phenos judging by leaf width and bud structure.....but there's not much in it.


Take A Deep Breath
Cherryjuana - day 35 of 12/12. Starting to smell nice.

Subject E. Second pic is of the same node as shown a couple of posts back.



Subject B.


Subjects C and D are a little way behind in development.


Take A Deep Breath
Thanks, RD.....I'm pretty happy with how they are going. They are all drinking like beasts.

Group shot....Left to Right are E, B, an Afghani x NL (at the back) and C. As you can see, C is quite a bit less developed. D is somewhere between C and B in development. C is actually taller than B (soil to top of plant), but is in a lower pot, so always looks smaller.


That Afghani x NL is one day older than the Cherryjuanas....same veg time....in a 10L pot, but is much bushier, will yield a lot more.....but will take a bit longer, by the looks of it.

The Afghani x NL is a real branchy girl, whereas all the Cherryjuanas are straight-up SOG plants (Note: Nothing has been topped or trained).

Afghani x NL:


Subject E. 72cm tall.

Subject B. 62cm tall.

Subject C. 66 cm tall (D is about the same height, but resembles B more closely in bud structure).


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah looking good, nice work, definitely looks like an improvement in density over straight CB, and indeed an improvement in bud size over the heri...

any smell yet??


Take A Deep Breath
Ramius - thanks, mate :)

Hey VG...

Density.....the buds are surprisingly dense....they have that satisfying sturdiness when you give them a squeeze. What really rocks my boat is the sheer density of pistils...if each pistil/calyx swells just a bit, it will really add up.

Smell: E is the stinker....definitely fruity.....not citrus or berry.....saying cherry may be optimistic at this point, but melon/mango maybe.....that smell of fruit just a bit over-ripe.....with a funky undertone.

B, C and D really aren't giving off any smell at all.....surprisingly low odour, in fact....maybe slightly plasticy smell, with a hint of freshly-hoovered carpet.....but I had to fondle a bit just to get that. Maybe it's just early yet....but these 3 aren't short of resin/greasiness.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yeah you're tight about the density of pistils - usually when the pistils are that long they tend to be spaced out more - like a typical thai structure.

good to know that one smells strong. the CB was acid /fruity whilst sweet at the same time - i couldnt say it was definite cherry but there/thereabouts. heri doesnt smell much at all...


Take A Deep Breath
So far I think there are 3 phenotypes:

Phenotype BD. Subjects B and D. Tightest internodal spacing....forms a budsicle very quickly. Looks to be the biggest yielder, although there isn't a huge difference between the three. Smell is plasticy, but not strong.


Phenotype C. Subject C. Now I don't know if BD have the bud structure of one parent, and E the other, but this seems to be in the middle somewhere. Node after node of small golf-ball style buds, all the way down the plant. The smallest buds (at the moment) and looks to be the longest flowerer. Smell is like BD, but with a nail varnish edge. Least branching of any pheno.



Phenotype E. Long internodal spacing with large pom-pom buds, more spear-shaped lower down. Looks to be the quickest finisher, and lowest yield, despite the good size of the buds. This is the smelliest one. Overripe fruit and funk.....but not really strong.



I think my Thai is female.....it's difficult to get to looking at the tops without a major PITA...having to be a bit creative with the training....she's probably well over 5ft now...day 72 of 12/12.



Well-known member
I like the look of E Blimey, sods law it looks like being the lowest yielder eh?

That Thai is a wild lady.

I met a few wild Thai ladies when I visited Thailand over a decade ago, and they weren't ladyboys either.

I think you have you tent dialed in these days? Have you got the mites under control?

Good luck mate..


Take A Deep Breath
Hey RD....

E is my favourite too.....I think I'll reveg her, see what she can do in double the rootspace, and see how much quicker she'll be starting from fully mature.

That Thai had better start actually making some flowers or she'll be in danger of the snip next time the tent is getting a bit crowded. Luckily for her, I've had a torrid time with seeds recently, so it'll take a while for me to get all the space filled.

Things are OK with the tent.....I'm getting better at not over-watering things and reading the plants needs.....but there's still a couple of niggling issues.....I probably should raise the light a bit higher, which will involve a bit of messing about.....and I need to judge when to up-pot better. Had a couple of plants wig out a bit from being up-potted into soil that's too hot for them.

Mites are around.....but not really ruining the party. Everything gets regular sprays for the first month or so and any left don't usually give me too much of a problem.

Got a D4SD (Chem D x (Chem 4 x Sour Diesel)) girl just showed sex. Looking forward to see how she turns out. She's got the claw something rotten at the moment, but hopefully it won't slow her down too much.

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