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Blimey's Ghetto Perpetual


All looking good man, things have really picked up. BC although lagging behind a little, looks like it's going to be a strong one.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey blimey - nice to hear the BF is a girl - i think some of these sativas will be very slow to show when young. i vegged mine for 60 days and still had to flower a tiny clone to sex it.
it definitely looks a better colour after a feed ;).

the black cheese has quite wide leaves. are they wider than on the power black you chopped ? - mine all looked pretty much the same. the black cheese is some potent smoke man - possibly stronger than the power black but i prefer the powerblack i think.

now all we need is for the weather to keep warming up!




Take A Deep Breath
FreeMan - Don't forget the Black Cheese is a lot younger than the BF and PB....by about a month. I often think things are going slower than they should....but I think that's partly an artefact of spending time with them evey day.

VG - Letting her get bone dry before water/feeds has helped too!

I think the Black Cheese might have slightly wider leaves...although not quite the same shape as the PB....probably another 12 days or so before sex shows.

60F on the floor when I turned lights on last night.....and it didn't rise much from that! Let's hope it's just a blip.....don't want any more snow.


Blimey I like the idea of Black cheese. I have some stuff with a lil cheese in it. I can't wait to get a female from it.


Take A Deep Breath
Black Cheese....sex still undetermined....staying quite squat, which makes me think it might be a girl. We shall see in due time.


Stumpy was suffering from major leaf loss (I'm thinking pH issues)....and the buds weren't bulking up enough to warrant the big pot she was in. So she got the chop (lovely potent smoke - hope I can find this pheno again from seed).

Which means the Black Forrest got promoted to the big 4 Litre pot. This may be an act of pure insanity....or not. Only the long weeks and months of flowering ahead will tell hehehe.

But she already looks to be quite happy in her new home.



Take A Deep Breath
The Freakazoid has been in flower for a few days now, and has outgrow it's mutant ways...which is a pity, but probably for the best. Vigorous growth, but still a while before sexing.


Day 37 for the Black Forrest....and 25cm left before she hits the ceiling.....lovely looking girl, and not giving me any trouble at all in her new pot.


Black Cheese should show sex any day now.....still staying very squat, and not really stretching in any significant way.


I had to cannibalise a bit of the Spoetnik, as it was my birthday recently, and I needed a smoke. The foliage is all turning purple....not sure why, as temps haven't been all that low, and the stem has stayed green.....maybe genetic? None of the others have done this. Still waiting for the bud to suddenly put on a lot of height/weight. Shouldn't be long now.



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Hey Man! Happy Birthday recently :D

I'm keeping everything crossed for this next one out mate :)



Take A Deep Breath
Thanks mate :) Forty....something....again hehe

Splashed out big time for the big day.......bought myself a pack of Nirvana Blue Mystic, one of which is in the paper towels as we speak. Never tried anything blue before, although with Nirvana, may not actually get anything vaguely resembling a BB or BB cross lol


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
well then best of luck with those mate... hope it comes out even vaguley blue, as anything blue tends to be a taste sensation :)


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey blimey they're looking good! the black cheese is perhaps a bit more afghan dom? mine were pretty stretchy. hope you get a girl :)

so what's the genetics of blue mystic?

maybe the spoetnic needs a shot of P?




Take A Deep Breath
Hey VG, Thanks man!

The Black Cheese does look rather afghan-stylee, doesn't it? Deffo doing that layers-of-leaves-with-no-gap thing....I'm hoping it does stretch a bit.....or at least give me a nice fat kush top. Day 22 of 12/12 and node 7 just emerging (from zero veg), so should see pistils or balls very soon. My gut feeling says it's a girl, as males are usually stretching more by this stage.

It may well be that the Spoetnik is a bit heavier feeder than I expected....been giving her 1.5ml of 5-7-7, 1.5ml of 0-13-14 and 1tsp of black treacle in 2.2 litres of water for a while now...which is my usual flowering feed...but she's a bit bigger than my first run with her. Will bump up the PK next time I mix up a bottle. She's certainly putting out lots of trichs on every inch of leaf, both fans and sugar. Me likey.

Blue Mystic......well, therein lies the usual Nirvana argument....having spent/wasted quite a lot of time searching the site...it's either a straight Blueberry F2, or a Blueberry x Skunk #1...or Blueberry x the infamous "Nirvana Purple Skunk"....I honestly have no clue at this stage....hopefully the structure of the plants I get should allow for a more educated guess.

Deep in my heart, I'm hoping it's a Blueberry F2...I wants me some pukka DJ genetics!!! lol

I'm all about the sunshine and warm days...good for the plants....and I've been getting my veggie patch in order in the garden....kohl rahbi, carrots, french beans, spuds....going big-time this year!


Take A Deep Breath
Hey herbal....thanks man, and thanks for checking out my grow.

Yeah.....getting older sucks big time generally....for me the worst thing is each year seems to go quicker than the last...I hate that feeling of ever-increasing acceleration towards old age....gotta live in the NOW....

Was checking all the plants out with the loupe tonight.....looks like the Black Cheese is a boy...not 100% definite yet though......the Black Forrest is going to be a monster....visibly growing every day...6cm since that last photo....3 days ago?....19cm left...which gives me about 9 days before she hits the ceiling.....I'm guessing some training is in order......any suggestions welcome......I'm thinking maybe stick a screw or something on the pot and tie down.....never tried supercropping, but I guess that's an option.....anyhow she's adding leaves and hairs everywhere at a fantastic rate of knots....pics in a couple of days, just to accentuate how fast this is growing. Not really any smell off her yet....though the Spoetnik is all you can really smell in the cab......earthy/fruity....more sweet fruity when you rub it.

I won the lottery! A whole tenner ;)


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
hey man... good luck gotta start somewhere... I found a euro on the train... and maccy D gave me a free chicken burger by accident today :D

happy times...lets PARTY! ...hehehe :D


Take A Deep Breath
My social diary seems to be clear for next Tuesday....no plans of any sort at present.

The Black Cheese....showed his true colours.....and paid the inevitable price.


The Black Forrest is getting bigger....and bigger....all the nodal budsites are growing off on their own shoots very energetically. Should be quite impressive when she finally decides to start putting on some weight.



Take A Deep Breath
Not to worry.....I'm sure I'll get a BC girl further down the line.....

Next to go into flower is a White Widow.....want to give it a bit more veg time before I promote it.

Got a few other things in veg....most noteworthy are another Power Black and a Blue Mystic, but it will be quite a while before they get their time in the spotlight.


Sounds good man, there's just something about cured WW that really hits the spot for me. Looking forward to seeing it do it's thing. Do I remember you saying it was from Nirvana? Blue Mystic sounds like quite a fruity affair too... onwards and upwards bro.

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