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Black Ra1n's Grow Journal ~2008~


Active member
back to the germinating thing

back to the germinating thing

Mutants are always cool to see how they turn out. You got nice clear pictures always a good thing in a grow diary.
I thought everyone on IC used that technique to crack seeds, it certainly keeps me satisfied when I'm feeling nosy to see how they are doing. Some people let the root get 4 cm long with a thick bushy root system before potting the seeds.
anyway, love to see grow threads from seed, and can't wait to see how these turn out!


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey Dog, the mutants are stunted it seems. The other two are already on node 3.

Stein, thanks man!!!

FarOut, these seem to be much greener than the last ones lol.

High Lowlander, yeah it's a weird one, starting to get some growth on it.

hanfiking, I just started using the crack open method, I like it. Thanks, this camera works awesome. I normally plant them when the tap root is half an inch long, they normally come up out of the soil in a day or two. Thanks for stopping by.

Babies are doing good, I'll update in a few days. I've been giving them their normal feeding, pretty much everyday and they love it.



go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
hey blackrain
how r those babies doing
i like ur ur camera
great pics mate

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
m@rg, thanks man, loving this new cam.

I decided to snap a few pics. I'll be in the process of moving over the next few weeks and won't have much time to post. I gave them a lil molasses, they were starting to show some deficiencies.
Here's the fist two, doing great...

The mutants, one grew out of it, the other is still slow growing.

Take care....


Hey B/R! Just stopped by for the first time and I am quite impressed! With everything really: the attention to detail you put into your work and the crystal clear pictures....i will be coming back for more and often!

Sorry to hear about the issues with the seedlings before, but it looks like you are on the right track now....I've had a stupid PH pen die on me before and it just sucks...a friend actually broke it, and I was a bit annoyed by it, but now that I see they are commonly shitty...well I guess he's not so bad

Overgrow the world!!! Keep it up and enjoy the new house.
Hey B/R
The babies are moving nicely along!, the really stunted mutant does kinda look like it's going to give up? hoping it doesn't for some reason freakish plants can make the most amazing bud from what i've seen around here.
Good luck on the moving! Take your time getting settled in and everything!
Will be :lurk: in the meantime! :D
:wave:, Low


Heyyyy B/R! I finally made it to your thread. Thanks for the germinating advice...it worked! I'll go back and read through your thread later on, when my wife's not yelling "It's your turn to take care of the baby!" lol, well, talk to ya later.


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Glad you're getting settled in bro :ying:

Nice to see the plants doing well :yes: Now that you're getting settled in, you get the pleasure of setting up your new garden to your preference :headbange
Looking forward to see how you do it up :lurk:

I'll be talking at ya soon :wave:

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Sammet, thanks man. The new update will be nice, it's been a while as soon as all the upgrades are done I'll post.

Dr Dog, the one mutant just keeps getting crazier by the day, it will be interesting if it's a female to flower it out.

bongcritter, nice to have you aboard. As soon as all this moving crap is done I'll be back up. Thanks for the kind words.

High Lowlander, the mutant just won't die lol. It's stunted for sure but still has some weekly new growth on it.

FarOut, thanks man.

twistedtree, no problem man, I got the advice from Dr Hooks, tried it and it worked great. Baby is doing good, hope all is well with your family.

ogenko, in about 2 months this train will be rolling along nicely.

2cool2, grab a seat, new room will be constructed soon.

TML16, hey bro. It's been a while since I posted pics, would love too, but you know how it is. Talk to you soon.

Well the babies made the trip the other day to the new house. There are only four of them but damn they stink already. I set up the rubbermaid bin in the basement. Temps are a bit cold right now, when I get the room up I'll probably have to introduce a small heater for when lights are off. I need to get a few things for the new room. Have to get popping some beans, have some clones on the way, a new batch of 39's, my ak 48 mom is at my buddies awaiting some clones to be taken off her and I have some big bud clones coming too.

Seeds to be popped soon are... I'll give the trainwreck x straw d another go now that I know that my ph pen was the problem with the last batch. Crash test is on the list along with the mumbles stabilizing project, if all goes well there should be some beans for donation. Well it is move day, I better get my ass in gear...



go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
i love "brand new" grow rooms
cant wait to c urs

Hey B/R
Good to hear/read that you're settling in already.
Ain't it nuts how soon those little plants will start to stink?!?!
I noticed it too, after about two weeks of growth they're really starting to get that typical smell..i used to think it was because of the nutes..as i didn't feed my first ever plants awhole lot, and then the second time around i gave em alot..
Do you think organic vs more chemmy nutes could make a difference in smell/stink?
Anyways..i'll be :lurk:
:wave:, Low


Active member
Hey Black Rain. I was looking over the early pages of my thread and noticed that you were one of the first to post in it and of the last as well, and that made me want to stop by and say thanks.
I'll be glad to see your new setup when it gets going.
Good that you got youngins going.
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Hey B/R:wave: Good luck with moving, I know how stressful that is, and that's without moving plants. I'm sure you'll have a seamless transition. Man, one of those WW's had to be taken out. The stem was so weak it flopped over from the weight of it's beginning leaves and shriveled up, so I yanked it. Got another soaking right now, plus I just started some A11, so methinks this year will be pretty good for me.

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