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Biscuit Box


Smoke weed and prosper
I threw the pile fans in the disposal and clogged it pretty good. Reefer leaves stared flowing up through the other sink drain, lol. Had to get a plunger to unclog the disposal. Didn't dawn on me that the fiber would be tougher to chop than typical greens.

Got some friends that could help you with that



excellent work your experience with screen grows show. that canopy is looking very even. may you buds be glorious lol


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Looking really good there DB! Gonna be a nice full scrog. Right up there w/our friend KOKs :yes:
Stay safe n stoned :rasta:


Very nice scrog DiscoBiscuit! I love how even the canopy is! I also like how you cleaned up under the screen. Those pictures looking up from under are awesome.

looking forward to your progress.



weed fiend
Thanks guys.

dfunk, I'm not as SCROG happy as I was the first few weeks. I think it'll be much easier if I only scrog the leggy varieties. Maybe I'll get a leggy Acapulco Gold cross I can more easily scrog than this one. Tangerine Haze also comes to mind as a good scrogger.
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weed fiend
day 22 - 12/12

day 22 - 12/12

Three weeks of 12/12 has brought the canopy within an inch of the lamp tube, about 1-3/4" from the bulb. I cleaned the tube last night. It's pretty surprising how hot it gets between the bulb and reflector. The rest is cool to the touch.


Here's the most recent, rooted cuttings. All eight rooted and I picked the best of each. A little Mg and K defs here and there but that happened during rooting. A shot of FN and FLP will help them along.

Here's a peek of what's going on in Dutchgrown's neighborhood. These babies are only 4 days old. Nine of ten sprouted within 72 hours of planting plus an additional 1 day water soak.

I think this is the week I'll break down and buy a couple of 34 watt pl-l fixtures from ahsupply.com. I don't think the bulbs come with the fixtures, I'll compare prices and shipping with 1000bulbs.com. I'll also compare T-5 fixtures on ebay. The CFLs are just about as bright but my arrangement doesn't lend well to raising seedlings nor vegging scrogs.

The white cup is an ICU for the tenth seedling that didn't break the surface. It's low-maintenance so I'll leave it a few and see if I can make ten for ten. The pl-l fixtures will help out because I'm gonna need all the headroom I can manage.



~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hell yeah bro, looking good, that scrog is nice and full, it's a pity you have run out of headroom and @ 3wks she is going for it.
Peace and Gardening.


weed fiend
Hi, b00m. I've got plenty of headroom for the scrog. It's stacked on dow board and I can lower it a half inch at a time. The wide-angle pic was edited because it looked ridiculous.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Doh, my bad, it just looks like you maxxed out on headroom. Can't wait to see this bad girl really fill out for ya bro. Congrats on the MM sprouts, they are going to be interesting to watch also. Been trying to find info on the AG and it all sounds like it's some fire for sure.


weed fiend
Thanks again boom. I hope I get a little more stretch. I lowered the whole thing about 3" for ~10 days, hoping to get as much stretch as possible. Now that it's smashed up into the light I might not get much more.


Active member
This is one gnarly little micro grow, and a great thread about it to boot. Thanks for posting this up Biscuit. I have another 1600sq.ft. of finished basement space to use and I still want to build a little stealth cab like this just because of how cool yours is. :laughing:



weed fiend
Hey, jd4083! Thanks! Wow, 1600 square feet is cool on steroids! I sure hope we get to see a little of what you do with that much room. A good buddy, SpasticGramps has one hell of a dedicated attic setup. Gonna be good for a little fella like me getting to know you guys.

In the future, I'm considering closing in my garage alcove. I can rig a hidden door with a rolling cabinet or put the door inside the house. Either way I can cover the door and the perception will diminish considerably.

Glad you like the mini-version and thanks for dropping by.