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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Sheesh bro you're freezing and today it's 39c here in South OZ. Crazy world.


Holy F loving the dbl scrog.....wish i woulda bin smarter and vegged them....I have heard hps work fine in veg as well as flower but they are better for flower...:dunno:....what you think......anyways awesome none the less.......:lurk:


weed fiend
Thanks, bengie. I think you'd be fine vegging under HPS. The nodes might not be as close but HID will grow faster than non.

I might consider finishing veg under hps. I could use some stretch but my cool CFLS are keeping things compact. I might try warm light in veg and see if it loosens things up first. Thanks for stopping by.


weed fiend
The brief conversation with bengie187 about light color gave me an idea. I had a "Y" adapter laying around as well as those warm cfls I bought by mistake.

I replaced the middle "cool" cfl with the smaller pair of warms


Stems are starting to fatten up.

I'll keep an eye on the growth with the warm bulbs. I'm able to influence growth a little with auxin control, maybe light color will help influence the process. Thanks, bengie.:biggrin:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Hey Disco, personally I believe that is a good move having a mixed spectrum in ya cab, I have always had better results with mixed bulbs than with say just all blue spectrum, just my 2 cents for the day. Hope ya not too cold bruz. :freezing: I'm off with the kids and dog to the beach to try to cool down some.
Happy Gardening All.


weed fiend
Glad to hear you'll get some relief from the heat, b00m. You and the gang enjoy the waves and smoke a fat one for us, would ya?

The little "warm" bulbs are warmer to the touch than the cool bulbs, even though they're smaller. That might help since it's 14*f and snowing right now with a low of 11 forecast for tomorrow night.

Be safe at the beach and thanks for the tips. I like the band, lol.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Pardon my ignorance, but what's all this talk of warm bulbs? How do I tell the difference?


weed fiend
Hey Scrub, thanks for the complement.

vintner, no wonder I'm confusing, I'm using warm in color AND heat sense, lol. I use warm and cool as slang terms. "Cool" bulbs are blue, "warm" are red and "daylight" are white. I think it's mfg lingo for folks like me who aren't too familiar with kelvin numbers.

I'm referencing memory but I believe the warms I'm using are 2700 kelvin. The cools are ~6500 and I think daylight is closer to 5000.


That scrog is looking perfect. You already have the training down, awesome. I also have had awesome luck with mixed spectrum setups.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Thanks for that info DB :rasta: I always just assumed all cfl's were the same. :spank: Over half of the ones I have scattered around my house don't list K output. Guess I'm gonna have to do some research. So, which is better, or should I use a mix?


weed fiend
I'm not sure which is best for veg. I'm following conventional info that says blue light will keep nodes compact. Thundurkel says a mix is best for flower. He just got a 400w hps and has some real good comparison pics in his thread.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I use to have those same exact sheets!! I can tell from the color and that blue diamond. I think I got mine at Wally World.

That Catpiss looks yummy. Eh, I don't like the word yummy anymore. It looks fantastic!!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Catpiss is looking dank bro, very nice harvest right there. Awesome work Disco, can't wait to see some more zombies.
Happy Gardening Bro.

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