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Big Fuckin' Problems For Emeryseeds Customers!!

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Active member
i think that about sums it up BullsNBowls......this thread has been kicked around for a long time and there have been a very wide range of opinions and information presented.......i hope Canada comes to its senses and refuses extradition- i would love to read a transcript of the trial when Mark begins a speech like those in Rand's "The Fountainhead"......:wave: :wave -gp


resinryder said:
Anyone know why you have to have an account to log onto cannagenetics,com?
That site was BUSTED,along with the owner.
Register at your OWN RISK,imHo it's likely an LEO TRAP.


Did you guys see this months issue of CC magazine? Marks got a big sticker across his seed catalog part in the front telling people not to order seeds, and people in the U.S. should not order seeds through ANY seed dealers.


I'm sure he wants no-one to order seeds, after all, misery loves company. Why would people who fight so hard to get laws passed for their medicine not order seeds to grow their medicine? Doesn't make sense to me. Lame scare tactic there.


Active member
yeah Manga Rosa, right on!!!! If he was true to his original vision/philosophy/money-making-scheme of "OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT" he would be urging us all to go out and get seeds and grow them despite the overwhelming pressure that has been applied to him by the DEA......instead he urges us not to purchase seeds anymore???

the only thing that can explain it is maybe he is toning down his rhetoric to appear concilliatory in front of a judge or something but even that is a stretch......someone chime in here and prove me wrong......someone tell me why he is urging people not to buy seeds through seed merchants and/or breeders of fine Cannabis seeds??? -GP


Guineapig, it could be to the reasoning that 1: He has made a million+ bucks shystering crap beans (after the facts were laid out) and knows when/if he walks away he can still shyster another million, 2: He is snitching on reputable distributors and guilt is laying in, or 3:It makes him look like the covert to the drug policies of the world. In any circumstance, I personally don't trust the guy and with his beans as much as they are...will never be able to afford them on a Social Security income. It goes back to pride in my accomplishments as well as my peers. I cannot be honest about my business if the source is questionable. Emery is sucking every DEA dick he can squander in his mouth and when/if he goes to the pokie, he'll be kiestering more than DEA dick. With that image in my mind, I'd keep my mouth shut, prepare myself for prison (and that doesnt mean playing with my pooper!), and accepting where my big mouth got me. I did time-4 fucking years and never snitched on one person. Never displaced blame or burned another's reputation. Emery is what I would call a Jailhouse Jesus. Someone who plays the part to get by.


Donate to NORML...buy A LOT of seeds from Gypsy...and plant the magic.

In the end, it's the only way to fight back and stand tall in this War on our FREEDOMS.

Cough...if you give in...they WIN...and we LOSE. Order seeds NOW.



^^^ Oh I dont plan on stopping any orders. I order from Gypsy quite frequently. I never understood why people ordered seeds from Emery anyway with his prices $$$$$$$$$$$

I always see these stories about bad seed orders, but I have used all of Gypsys stores ( Seedsdirect, Seedbay, and Seed Boutique) and have NEVER had a problem. My only knock would be E-Mail confirmation. Sending cash from the U.S. and always getting my order from 14 to 21 days, I have learned to stop caring about the e-mail confirmation though!

The thing about Mark that bothers me (and makes me not care if he goes to jail) is that he is an arrogant/money hungry bastard. If you really want to Overgrow the government, then you dont try to Overgrow your wallet first...know what I mean.

Oh well, all I can say is take it like a man.


there seems to be 2 different schools of teaching in this "overgrow the government" approach.marc emerys' is use his pocketbook to somehow sway the vote.gypsy's seems to be freebies to actually overgrow with herb.I think 'll stick with gypsy's belief's.you can't overgrow anything without the weed,and gypsy makes sure there's plenty of genetics out there,at all cost.marc just wants to make sure there is a cost,and that ends up in the customers pocketbook.marc fake's poverty.gypsy rides in a sweet ass jag.hey gypsy,enjoy the ride,and punch that accelerator for me dude ")~


durga said:
Donate to NORML...
Does ANYBODY remember Dr. Peter Bourne? Anybody remember how we were THISCLOSE to legalization when SOMEONE outted Dr. B because they had a personal beef with the paraquat "hoax"???

Does anybody think that NORML doesnt mean the National Organization for the Referral of Marijuana Lawyers?

Regardless of what you think about the person who formed MPP, to me there is only ONE organization that is making inroads and it is NOT that tired old NORML

Just one mans opinion.... BUT..... I was there.... I remember what it was like when there were head shops on every corner, High Times was fat and full of ads, powerhitters were sold at gas stations and nickel bags were FAT! Then the shiznit hit the fan, Dr. B was canned, Carter sold us out, Regan was elected and the beginning of what has culminated recently was just getting roots!!

Sorry, I do tend to go on

Jah Bless......


Final Reply...will NOT revist this thread..PM w/question

Final Reply...will NOT revist this thread..PM w/question

Manga Rosa said:
I'm sure he wants no-one to order seeds, after all, misery loves company. Why would people who fight so hard to get laws passed for their medicine not order seeds to grow their medicine? Doesn't make sense to me. Lame scare tactic there.

guineapig said:
yeah Manga Rosa, right on!!!! If he was true to his original vision/philosophy/money-making-scheme of "OVERGROW THE GOVERNMENT" he would be urging us all to go out and get seeds and grow them despite the overwhelming pressure that has been applied to him by the DEA......instead he urges us not to purchase seeds anymore???

the only thing that can explain it is maybe he is toning down his rhetoric to appear concilliatory in front of a judge or something but even that is a stretch......someone chime in here and prove me wrong......someone tell me why he is urging people not to buy seeds through seed merchants and/or breeders of fine Cannabis seeds??? -GP

Okay....I guess that its impossible to read every reply and because I have answered this at least twice and have become the unofficial defender of another human being...something I am NOT comfortable with....I am going to answer this again for the last time.... for those who have read my other replies....SORRY....

1)Does ANYBODY not believe that RIGHT NOW Heavens Stairway and the other canadian banks that are filling ME's void are NOT being scrutinized by the DEA? ANYBODY?

2)Does ANYBODY believe that the DEA is NOT activly engaged in a war on CANNABIS? On Cannabis growing?

3)Does anybody recall that there was a MORE THAN one year investigation into Emery before they busted him? If so, is it NOT POSSIBLE that there is a one year investigation starting regarding the seedbanks that are stepping up and taking his place? (ASSUMING there wasn't already an investigation underway)

4) Anybody who has MET and KNOWS Marc Emery (Not the HATERS who spout pure drivel bullshit AS FACT, things they no NOTHING about!.. YOu know what? There are REZ haters who will tell you a hundred reasons REZ sucks and there are GYPSY haters who will tell you a THOUSAND reasons why gypsy is EVERY adjective you use for Emery!! Its ALL BULLSHIT!! If you KNOW the person and have a LEGIT BEEF fine....But if his PRICES gall you dont BUY.... but dont HATE.... as it has been said before there was PRACTICALLY no MJ movement that DIDNT get money from Emery... INCLUDING the New York Marijuana Party)er sorry back to point 4: ANYBODY who knows Marc Emery KNOWS that BACKING DOWN is NOT in his nature.....ESPECIALLY right now when he compares himself to the sacred few)

So AGAIN..... I am NOT here to apologize for Marc Emery.... I "KNOW" for sure he is IMPERFECT as we all are.......

It just bothers me when people ASS U ME things as fact, and join in on blind hatred and anger!!

I'll tell you ALL one thing.... IF they do get Emery they WILL come after Gypsy! The US/UK have the exact same treaty and I love DG and Gypsy but NO legal disclaimer will ever defend against sending seeds to the US.... While it ABSOLUTELY IS OUR responsibility to know whether or not seeds are legal where we get them, ignorance of the law is no excuse (at least in the US) and there is no corrupt judge that is going to say it wasnt their responsibility to know!! ESPECIALLY when it comes to the US......

Sooooooo....... As I have said A FEW TIMES before.... It just MAY BE that they are TRYING to make you an INFORMED CONSUMER!! If not RIGHT NOW, sometime in the future there may come a time where every LARGE seedbank comes under the scrutiny of the DEA.... And then if you are in that 1 - 2 year investigation there MAY be some risk!

YOU DECIDE..... As I also said before to me this means play squirrel.... Get a hold of all the genetics I can.... If the bottom DOES drop out (As it has done BEFORE Gypsy) then I have something..... If it doesnt drop out..... GREAT! Jah Bless..Allah Be Prasied!

But to IGNORE that there may be danger lurking.... to say the ONLY REASON for that statement was MISERY LOVES COMPANY.....

Well.....I fell sorry for anyone who gies through life with Blinders on... that hit from the side HURTS like a MoFo!!!

Jah Bless

EDIT: ABSOLUTELY NO DISRESPECT was meant towards REZ and GYPSY in that ME Haters rant.... I was MERELY trying to make an IC revelant example..... That MOST if not ALL of the "reasons" they spout about Gypsy or Rez are similar to the rhetoric about ME... Its NEVER 1st hand knowledge and its USUALLY overexaggerations or outright misinformation) I, PERSONALLY think Rez is a generous, thoughtful, intelligent breeder and Gypsy as I have said before Gypsy was my savior in 2000 and in 2005 I get 99.99999% of my genetics from, His ICMAG 420 cup soured me on the overly commercial BS cup, so I TRULY hope Gypsy lives a LONG HAPPY PROSPEROUS life selling the worlds diverse genetics... There is NO ONE like Gypsy and DG and Seedbay....PERIOD) I hope he will forever be able to sell to the US.....
Okay... I think my motives are clear..... Peace
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I cant believ eppl say hes a bad guy because he makes money....no offence to Gypsy intended but where do u guys think the fuvking jag comes from....at then end of the day, regardless of the charitable things any1 may or may not do,,,this is a buisness like any other and people arei it to make money...any1 who claims otherwise and says money has NOTHING to do with it(I AM NOT REPEAT NOT SAYING THAT MONEY IS THEN ONLY MOTIVATION) is a big fucking liar..full stop
if you think its OK to go after ME, then u r also saying its acceptable if they do the same to Gypsy....and u know how much of a lapdog our PM is....
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I should certainly hope yo' ass make some money!

I should certainly hope yo' ass make some money!

What do any of us do any form of commerce for...the giggles?


i agree with harry.

and enjoy that jag gypsy you do a great service to the community and you deserve it.
we all work to make a living and thats that. so what if gypsy makes his selling seeds.
he works he makes money. no different from anyone in this world. i like gypsy, i always get good seeds, and thats that.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
....well....I will keep doing what I do regardless......since this is my quest and I am already 79,000 miles down the road with it in this car,..... hopefully the motor holds out to get here and back again a few more times with the seeds of possibilities.....

...most all of my wealth is in seeds......I have no personnal fortune.......and any funds I get from seed sales helps me to buy more seeds to sell or give away as well as paying a multitude of bills every month to cover pretty substancial overheads......

I.C.Magazine has never made a profit yet although it looks good with quite a few thousand ordered of the next issue by our N.American distributors.......The Magazine is still very much in its infancy and needs help to keep it going so it has loaned funds from my other businesses in this difficult time...After loosing the last editor to illness.......we are currently in dire need of someone with the requesite skills to put the physical magazine together that will not want an arm and a leg as payment for doing it....

...Every year I see more and more happy growers coming by the shops to either thank me and/or drop me a bud to taste as a big thankyou for helping them out and getting them started in the first place with the seeds and a whole support structure for growers in these very forums that they find vital to their progression thru the horticulture of this plant......All of this convinces me that what I am doing is the right thing.........and to be thanked by strangers really brings a smile to my face and a touch of joy with it...

...I am not a politician.....nor am I about to become one......I truely belive that if we just quietly and methodically cultivate as many cultivators as we can, then eventually by sheer force of numbers we can make a substancial difference, then they can never eradicate us by subjecting all of us to their un-just cannabis inquisition........It is not possible for the powers that be to have their eyes in every closet, basement, loft, shed or greenhouse.......and as long as I am free I will carry on...


Gypsy Nirvana said:
...most all of my wealth is in seeds......I have no personnal fortune.......and any funds I get from seed sales helps me to buy more seeds to sell or give away as well as paying a multitude of bills every month to cover pretty substancial overheads......

...Every year I see more and more happy growers coming by the shops to either thank me and/or drop me a bud to taste as a big thankyou for helping them out and getting them started in the first place with the seeds and a whole support structure for growers in these very forums that they find vital to their progression thru the horticulture of this plant......All of this convinces me that what I am doing is the right thing.........and to be thanked by strangers really brings a smile to my face and a touch of joy with it...

...I am not a politician.....nor am I about to become one......I truely belive that if we just quietly and methodically cultivate as many cultivators as we can, then eventually by sheer force of numbers we can make a substancial difference, then they can never eradicate us by subjecting all of us to their un-just cannabis inquisition........It is not possible for the powers that be to have their eyes in every closet, basement, loft, shed or greenhouse.......and as long as I am free I will carry on...

Okay.... I LIED!!! (I did revist this BUT..... when the man speaks it would be RUDE to ignore it!)


EVERYTHING.... EVERYTHING Gypsy Said Marc Emery said at one point (EXCEPT the politian thing)
Gypsy Nirvana said:
...most all of my wealth is in seeds......I have no personnal fortune.......
Instead of seeds emery put money into Rene Boje, Alaska Initiative, and other MOVEMENT related.. (YES, he ALSO paid Ex-wives etc.. BUT I have to guess Gypsy is also supporting his child(ren) and exwife.. dont know how it works in the UK)

For "ME" this has NEVER been about making money..... I will NOT hate Gypsy if he DOES make MILLIONS... Jah Bless him and protect him!!

This has NOT been about EVERY Basement, attic and field..... OF COURSE they CANT nor will they EVER try!!!

Its about CUTTING the HEAD off the movement.....1st the original pioneers who used to mail genetics from Amsterdam UNTIL the guy went on vacation and the long arm of the US Govt got him!!!

Then with the new generation, Eddy Lepp then Marc Emery....It doesnt matter WHAT gypsy does.... HOW Nice and KIND etc he is.... nor even how pure his motives are.....

IF and when Gypsys biz get big enough to NOTICE (Im not saying it HASNT been!) it will generate interest.....

I find it completely INSANE and IGNORANT for me to say, They ONLY wanted Emery cause he has a big mouth..

They FEAR the sacred plant and will do ANYTHING to irradicate it.....

AND as mentioned they CANT visit every basement, attic, spare bedroom or field.... THAT is a GIVEN... o... WHERE do they go????

Again, I am telling NO-ONE NOT to buy seeds from Gypsy... In my humble opinion, he is safer than Canadian banks now....I CONTINUE to purchase seeds from him.....

My ONLY point is THIS......

ALL YOU HATERS(And sycophants included)

YOUR GLEE about Marc Emery's plight can turn to consternation about Gypsys.... This is a FUCKED UP THING that is happening to US ALL!! NOT just to Marc Emery....

AND if you don't REALIZE THAT, or refuse to entertain REALITY, dont be suprised if YOUR BUST is one of the ones they want to trace back to Gypsy.. There were (at least) 7 busts in the US that were traced to Emery.....

So....again..... I leave you to yours! I am SORRY I did not have the fortitude to stay away.....But "I" for one, find this type of "piling on" sad....

Jah Bless

Gypsy Nirvana said:
......All of this convinces me that what I am doing is the right thing.........

If ONLY it was that easy.........
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