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Big Fuckin' Problems For Emeryseeds Customers!!

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Active member
I read a while back that William's Wonder is your preferred medicine,but you have no seeds.
I'd be happy to remedy that,I have a sweet William's Wonder-based seedline if you'd care to run 'em,let me know.
This post is years old,and some of my opinions have changed since the original post.
If I can be of service,let me know,am happy to help.



Nice of you rez

And Michelle the road is long and windY full of twist and turns and some times a detour But i appreciate YOU staying this course in this battle that should never even begun THANKS

HuffAndPuff said:
Not as much as I sarcastically love the fact that he can drop the EFF BOMB in the thread title whilst posting as a guest, no less! NOT ****ING FAIR. Inequity is a mother****er.

Stay Safe,
:spank: Clueless n lookin fer trouble :bashhead: ./////OK now, I dont think any rational person wants ME to go to an American jail no matter who he is or how bad he makes things look as far as the way he goes about his fight for MJ legalization or his other disgusting side hobbys.To set this precedent(sp?)would be fatal to many and just another waste of taxpayer money.Ive read where he has threatened Reef and what not,but for selling seeds(even at a 400% mark up to sick people)i dont think the US should extradite anyone.Good luck Michelle :respect: ,hope all works out for you,you dont deserve to be in the position youre in.You have many many supporters,and you are in our prayers.Love TY Mag,its the best one out there right now,imo,just waitin for the new IC Mag :joint: .Peace and stay safe,PVP


Well-known member
Hey michelle

Hey michelle

how are you sweetheart? hope your health is good and it sounds like your spirits are up (as usual). Mark has always come off as a good activist, but his seed business has been as close to criminal as it comes. I have spoken with him and debated over at the AN forums and I even went to the BCMP when I was their for the AN party and max yeild show a couple of years ago when we met. He was very pompous, very squirmy and he really gave me the feeling that he was fleecing the very people he claimed to protect w his seed boutique as well as his vendors. Anywone who self claims to be the prince of pot and wear that ridiculous purple outfit, should be questioned for their effectiveness for the legalization movement if you ask me. but thats just me.


Over the years Marks Emerys forums became as much about bashing the United States as it does supporting the marijuana movement. When he continued to flaunt in the face of the DEA, FBI and others he really brought the spotlight on himself, and while doing that is not a crime in the U.S., shipping contraband there is.

I don't know about the rest of you, but for myself I sure as hell don't go around screwing with LEO and then paint a big target on my back. I also refrain from engaging in potty mouthed posts about my Canadian neighbors and their government. While I never joined the CC forums these many years (for some of the above reasons) I decided to be a part of ICMAG, a place where pot is king and political bashing is at a minimum.

I think Mark made it personal and after LEO arrested him I will bet they all went out and had a big party and celebrated busting this smart ass bigmouth.

Personally I support the cause, give clones, seeds, plants and equipment to the compassion center and to individuals. I think the marijuana laws are overboard beyond belief and a tragedy. I also believe that no one should go to jail for pot, including Mark Emery, even if he isn't my cup of tea. For our sake and Marks I hope he wins the extradition hearing.

Ty-Stik :wave:
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New member
Not to mention on top of all this, after admitting to making over 15 million dollars selling seeds (many to the US), he has the gall to ask people to DONATE to his legal fund.... :laughing:

peace - CME


Ty-Stik said:
Over the years Marks Emerys forums became as much about bashing the United States as it does supporting the marijuana movement. When he continued to flaunt in the face of the DEA, FBI and others he really brought the spotlight on himself, and while doing that is not a crime in the U.S., shipping contraband there is.

I don't know about the rest of you, but for myself I sure as hell don't go around screwing with LEO and then paint a big target on my back. I also refrain from engaging in potty mouthed posts about my Canadian neighbors and their government. While I never joined the CC forums these many years (for some of the above reasons) I decided to be a part of ICMAG, a place where pot is king and political bashing is at a minimum.

I think Mark made it personal and after LEO arrested him I will bet they all went out and had a big party and celebrated busting this smart ass bigmouth.

Personally I support the cause, give clones, seeds, plants and equipment to the compassion center and to individuals. I think the marijuana laws are overboard beyond belief and a tragedy. I also believe that no one should go to jail for pot, including Mark Emery, even if he isn't my cup of tea. For our sake and Marks I hope he wins the extradition hearing.

Ty-Stik :wave:

Well said!



Too bad that Thai won't grow outdoors this far north huh? :joint:

D Rock

Ive got no problem donating to Marcs legal fund and have already done so.


MichelleRainey said:
We never had a 'sexual' relationship, I was mom and he was my son(or little brother)hehe.

Start really watching about 1 minute 45 seconds in. My mom or sisters never acted like that - looks kinda sexually charged to me. Like swingers relaxin' on the couch after a good "session". And you do have a great rack, shame you got timid when CC did that layout w/ you. Looked like a nursing bra you wouldn't even hide the straps for.

Me thinks the lady doth protest too much - IMHO
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I dont know if you all have met Marc in person but I have on a number of occasions and he is always polite. I remember the first time I walked into his book store on hastings and he passed me a bong fill of some fine herb without even hesitating. And I was just some cat walking in the front door and he didnt even know me.

I have spoken to him on the phone many times and he gladly gave me great advise on seed selections. I have recieved many freebies from him, even when I only spent less then 50 bucks he has given me freebies of strains worth far more then the one I just purchased.

I have seen him personally donate money to organisations around the city of vancouver.

Sure Marc made money but so didnt the many many seed companies he sold seeds for.

Sure Marc live comfortably but he tried to help out as much as he could. if it wasnt for those millions worth of beans he sold to the US, many of the fine genetics we see today in the US wouldnt be there, most would be still smoking mexican sticks and seeds!

So instead of trashing Marc maybe we should salute hime for the years he put in for the cause.

It sucks that he has such anger for the US and has been so voiceful because of it. I do not condone that, mainly because I am an american born canadian.

But I think that marc does deserve more respect then what I am seeing on here.

Marc is a pioneer and helped put many unknown small seed companies on the map!


New member
"Just because someone is not on the same road as you, does not mean they are lost"
not sure who said it but it rings so true for life I think......
We're all here for the same goal, ending the absurd war on marijuana correct? While we may not agree with another person's methods, that does not make them wrong or deserved of persecution from the law or society. So long as nobody is killed, maimed or whatever then I say go for it so long as your ultimate goal it assisting in the end of prohibition and spreading far and wide the plant we all love to smoke/eat/injest.
I really hope Marc or any coaccused stay here in Canada, I hate to think what sentence they face if sent there for a trial, they dsent Tommy Chong to jail for like 9 month's I believe?, for selling bongs over the internet,, wonder what they would give for selling so many seeds etc? Hopefully we never find out...


i met him personally in 98 when he first started selling seeds,his approach was honest,his motives genuine.thanks to him alot of us got the seed sown in ourselves.the desire for better cannabis.marc is not anti american, he is anti U.S.governments and their agencys.the canadian government should throw the DEA out of canada unless it involves hard drugs.if they spent the time they waste on pot smokers and the harm we do to society and put it toward fighting meth, crack,pills etc the crime rate would drop drammatically.but i doubt if they really would want that.then insurance rate s would have to drop.people would quit buying security and we all know who owns these insurance(rich polititions and their friends)companys.we shouldnt even be discussing this,they should drop the charges and free his will.good luck MARC and thanks a million.

Space Toker

Active member
I agree with the above poster, but take it further. the DEA should not be allowed in Canada period, for any reason. It is a US agency and has no business sticking its big nose in Canadian business for any reason. I have nothing bad to say about Emery in the 90's at least, he provided a vital service few else would and went to HempBC and smoked a joint with a cool guy working there at the time. Seems like it was fine then, and everything since is speculation or trolling, who's to say what is really true. Regardless, he is of the cannabis tradition as are all we, so I support him and hope for the best for him. I truly believe his heart is in the right place regardless of whether or not he is motivated by greed as are most of us if we will be honest... to be greedy is to survive, to be not is to fail or at lest it has been this way thoroughout time. Not saying this is right or good, I personally favor kindness and the absence of all greed and war and other undesirables, but I am speaking realistically here on the basis of present realities! Go Freedom fighters! F... LEO. PEACE


Just a factual observation and nothing more. At this moment there are 728 people in the ICMAG Forums and 25 in the Cannabis Culture Forums. That is a 29:1 Ratio. With few exceptions this is the norm each and every day.

Ask this question of yourself: What is happening here and why?



To elaborate, I am concerned at the loss of HS. OG, seed growers no longer doing business and what appears to be a decline in the CC Forums/Magazine.

We are, all though of different persuasions in many ways, in the same boat together, and we are losing some of our "oarsmen" hence the boat is on anything but a straight course and even keel.

Is CC readership decline a result of people shying away because of the DEA/LEO fiasco? If so folks need to migrate back instead of shying away, and strengthen Marc and Crew. That is something that all of us can do. Browsing his site will not harm the surfer, I visit CC one or more times a day, anonymous, and ICMAG as a member many more times a day.

Competition is good, even amongst sites......it stimulates thought, creativity and solutions to mention a few.

In closing I do not have a problem with Marc or CC......but there appears to be a problem with CC and it would be good to find the problem(s) and fix them before we lose another of our "oarsmen".



PS: At this moment the head count is 803 to 38. Comments and observations please.
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I think that Marc was kind of the cause of the decline in interest in his site and mag from his outing of RC's real name on his open forum. He even wrote RC's addy down which was totally uncalled for. Thats kind of where some people started calling him Narc Emery.

anyways it was totally uncalled for and perhaps Marc's motivation was his jealousy he had over heavens Stairway since they were at the time his biggest competitor. The old Coke and Pepsi war at its finest!

regardless of Marc's motivation, my point is, he did do alot of great things to help our cause and he opened alot of doors as well as closed some, but the doors he did open are wide open today because of him so he deserves a little more credit then he has been recieving.

Now I wouldnt leave Marc with my own personal information nor would I invite to my home, but I will give credit where credit is due!
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CC really does that bad ... IC out preforms CC 29:1 On a consistent basis? Who'd of thunk it ...


The norm referred to is IC over CC. Read the whole paragraph, the ratio refers to the numbers as enumerated. My humbles for not being more clear. At this moment it IC 568 and CC 259, it is good to see the higher numbers.



I don't need any more clarity. I read the whole paragraph. I understood it fine. I just thought Emery had more of y'all fooled than even a 1 time 29:1 attendance ratio. Is it that much of a shock? CC sucks IMHO and it has always sucked. Your figures don't surprise me at all.
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