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Big Brother 11


Non Conformist
Jordans sooo cute..the stuff she says are just priceless!

She is cute! I haven't really watched the show that much, but I did notice she has a simple, honest, down to earth quality about her that makes her as attractive on the inside as she is on the out. Kinda reminds me of some one we know here too. :D BC


i hope Jeff & Jordan get together and make babies. can you image how dang cute their children would be? :party:


Active member
On a positive note, I have started working out again. What got me motivated?
Jessie constantly talking about his body. I'm tired of some petite dude talking about how big his back, and guns are. I have to admit it feel great to be back in the weight room.


Tonight should be a great power of veto.


Active member
What do you think Jeff should do?
I think Jeff should use the Coup d'etat.
He should take Lydia and big Russ down.
Then he should put up Michelle and Natalie up.
Michelle is getting stronger and starting to win more, and Natalie is just riding Jessie's
coat tails.


ICMag Donor
ya med..not a bad idea, I was glad that Kevin won the POV and didnt use it. Russell and Shitma crack me up, screamin and yellin at each other!
I hope Russell goes on Thursday, but if Jeff does do something it will put a huge target on his back, so Im thinkin hes not going to use it.
Lydia and her different looks...she has quite the pizazz when it comes to how she dresses!


I agree, don't think Jeff will do anything either.
Russell lives in opposite world. He says nothing bothers him when he is mellow but when the slightest thing shakes his jewels he thows tantrums and becomes a big bully.

Nothing for nothing Chima is a strong chick. She was raped by a serial killer and escaped. I couldn't believe she has come back from that. e.g. her face had to be reconstructed...
Great casting... they need to bring back Ronnie :)


Active member
Every season on BB there are floaters that don't win, stay quiet, lay low. By this time in the season I think everyone should have a little dirt on them.
Jeff should put up two floaters. Like Kevin and Natalie.


My little pony.. my little pony
I want Chima to get her way and when the house is down to just the girls she wonders how in the hell was she the root cause for the largest catfight in Big Brother history.



I bet they diffused them with a spot bonu$$$
They are just too happy.


Active member
The Thursday "Live" show will not be live this week. The producers are so worried by how Chima will react if jeff uses the coup d'etat that they decided to just pre-record it.

This is gonna be a great episode!


I like MortysTV and Hamsterwatch.Chima.........what a mess that girl is! GO FOR IT JEFF! TEAR EM UP!!! Give us some good TV for a change!! Everytime I hear Chimas voice I want to plunge knives into my ears.....................not really,but she bugs me.If the producers are worried about that dumb chick "going off" maybe she should go off the show. She said some pretty bogus things to Russell calling him a terrorist. But the way that guy follows people arounds yelling at them......I would smash a bottle over his head. He is a bully especially to women. PUNK.


I just hope Jeff shakes everything up...........thats why he got the POWER.

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