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Biden Victory Thread!!

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Well-known member
I agree the right is a thing of the past,not a doubt in my mind.AOC,Ohan and the likes are the future of the country.Depending on the next 4 years,will be telling as to there's ever a right leaning president again.In all honesty I doubt it.Thats why I believe the country will continue to divide,biden may be a nice guy,but can he change 70 million Americans beliefs....we shall see.

Definitely a good chance for a Republican in 2024, no way in hell Biden is going to do too good. We're heading for the worst economy since WW2, probably won't reach the Great Depression levels of poverty, but it's not going to be good. We're going to be limited on the number of people working indoors and there just isn't too many jobs outdoors in the winter. Thankfully I'm all set for at least the next 3 years of outdoor work.


ICMag Donor
I'm dead serious, stop eating at their restaurants, stop shopping in their stores and stop vacationing in democrat cities and towns.

You can totally demolish entire cities and towns by stoping spending your money there.

Especially with the pandemic it would be especially easy to totally torpedo small democrat business especially restaurants and bars and shops.

Boycott democrat businesses!

What a comic,too! Go ahead and boycott.... You are FREE to make choices....choice by boycotting....OK then!! ;o)
Likewise, I don't go to Chick-fil-A, Cracker Barrel or Hobby Lobby because of their myoptic views.
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ICMag Donor
Oh Is that Democrat weed he has? Makes me want some
@ aridbud here I come I’ve heard tell it causes courteous behaviors in angry white folk and and a feeling of positive regard for others

Yes, BONAFIDE DEMOCRAT WEED!!! Jack Herer, et.al! :bow:


ICMag Donor
afterthought autos would be a great place to start :)

Not that I would buy them anyways but a business man that puts politics before his product is a fool.

Jealous much?:thank you: We already know you're angry.

You are compartmentalizing us. One can be multi-faceted and not be a 1-trick pony. Have had numerous rewarding careers, traveled a good amount. Yeah, seeds are just one of our pursuits; a lucrative pursuit, I might add.



  • nothing-in-all-the-world-is-more-dangerous-than-sincere-ignorance-and-conscientious-stupidity-qu.jpg
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pumpkinpie eyes

some of us believe that there are more important things in life than profit margin & 401k. what was that old saying about a rich man, a camel, an eye of a needle & Heaven....it'll come to me.:D

Matthew 19:16-26
New American Standard Bible

23 And Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I say to you, it will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” 25 When the disciples heard this, they were very astonished and said, “Then who can be saved?” 26 And looking at them, Jesus said to them, “With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”


Active member
Hey guy's congrats and enjoy your 6 weeks of pretending you won a free and fair election....
Now I know you don't care about free and fair elections because you hate America and American values...
I also know you're a bunch of pompous wind bags with low IQ's, no real skill set, useless wastes and completely enamored with hearing your self speak so have fun with it...
The others here hang tight , within 2 weeks the SCOTUS is going to order a recount and open a transparent, and open process into how ballots are verified and deemed legal in NV. MI. PA.Georgia,and AZ.
They will find the fraud and the actual numbers will look remarkablly similar to how they did at 11 pm. on Tues. Before those 5 states suddenly STOPPED counting and started manufacturing votes for Biden.Trump will be announced the winner and sworn in for a 2nd term...That's where this is at...It's now on Trump's legal team to show enough evidence to compel that investigation, if they fail then it's over till 2024 when Trump can run again, till then ,we can all sit back and watch as democracy dies in the darkness and we plunge into a true 3rd world status with no jobs, no hope, no rights,and we'll all be standing in line at the soup kitchens but hey look at the bright side everyone will be ultra fake and polite and Trannys will get better spots in line.

member 505892

Hey guy's congrats and enjoy your 6 weeks of pretending you won a free and fair election....
Now I know you don't care about free and fair elections because you hate America and American values...
I also know you're a bunch of pompous wind bags with low IQ's, no real skill set, useless wastes and completely enamored with hearing your self speak so have fun with it...
The others here hang tight , within 2 weeks the SCOTUS is going to order a recount and open a transparent, and open process into how ballots are verified and deemed legal in NV. MI. PA.Georgia,and AZ.
They will find the fraud and the actual numbers will look remarkablly similar to how they did at 11 pm. on Tues. Before those 5 states suddenly STOPPED counting and started manufacturing votes for Biden.Trump will be announced the winner and sworn in for a 2nd term...That's where this is at...It's now on Trump's legal team to show enough evidence to compel that investigation, if they fail then it's over till 2024 when Trump can run again, till then ,we can all sit back and watch as democracy dies in the darkness and we plunge into a true 3rd world status with no jobs, no hope, no rights,and we'll all be standing in line at the soup kitchens but hey look at the bright side everyone will be ultra fake and polite and Trannys will get better spots in line.

GEORGEEEE.... WELCOME BACK.... 'Stop the count, stop the count'.... 'Count the votes, count the votes' :biglaugh: :biglaugh:


member 505892

Your life in OZ must be trult pitiful ...If I had ever found even one redeemable quality in you i'd feel sorry for you,alas I didn't so I dont.
Enjoy your misery , and petty ,spiteful endevours ..

I would like your post if i could but it wont allow me too.

I wish America all the best, but not orange man, i don't wish him anything positive TBH.

You have a nice weekend, now, you hear? :huggg: :)

DJT 45

New member
Hi stoners i'm new here ,1 st post.
I 'm intrerested in politics, pot ,pepsi,pizza and dogs.
I voted for Trump i'll probably get banned just for saying it
I've been reading here for a few yrs
Lots of good info on pot growing stuff.(yes I grow dope )
Lots of one sided , bad , political disscussion.Why is that ?
I've noticed a trend here like other social platforms it's very left leaning
Left minded people start fights with everyone ,right minded people fight back and get banned.
Just like twitter for stoners.
I had assumed this community would be more tolerant and fair but I guess not.
So I have to ask you guy's something K
Do you really believe this year was a fair and square election?
I don't lots of things seem fishy.
My dad is currently trying to figure out how his mom who died 3 yrs ago ( miss you grandma )
was able to register and vote in the election .It's public record in case you're wondering .
He found it by checking to see if his vote was counted
It did , so did grandma's .
I don't know if the court will get involved it might, even should but who knows.
It baffles me that Joe could earn even one vote and lets be honest most people hate Kamala
But it seems for now anyway that Joe is the guy.
I don't like him
I believe he's corrupt and incompetent but I respect the office so that's all i'll say about him.
So be honest like I was
Was this a open, transparent,fair election and why ?

member 505892

Hi stoners i'm new here ,1 st post.
I 'm intrerested in politics, pot ,pepsi,pizza and dogs.
I voted for Trump i'll probably get banned just for saying it
I've been reading here for a few yrs
Lots of good info on pot growing stuff.(yes I grow dope )
Lots of one sided , bad , political disscussion.Why is that ?
I've noticed a trend here like other social platforms it's very left leaning
Left minded people start fights with everyone ,right minded people fight back and get banned.
Just like twitter for stoners.
I had assumed this community would be more tolerant and fair but I guess not.
So I have to ask you guy's something K
Do you really believe this year was a fair and square election?
I don't lots of things seem fishy.
My dad is currently trying to figure out how his mom who died 3 yrs ago ( miss you grandma )
was able to register and vote in the election .It's public record in case you're wondering .
He found it by checking to see if his vote was counted
It did , so did grandma's .
I don't know if the court will get involved it might, even should but who knows.
It baffles me that Joe could earn even one vote and lets be honest most people hate Kamala
But it seems for now anyway that Joe is the guy.
I don't like him
I believe he's corrupt and incompetent but I respect the office so that's all i'll say about him.
So be honest like I was
Was this a open, transparent,fair election and why ?

Hi George :wave:


Well-known member
posting again. i've never met a smart republiucan.

People with low emotional intelligence are more likely to vote Republican, new study claims

A recent study out of Belgium scientifically supports the notion that people who scored lower on emotional ability tests tend to have right-wing and racist views.
Emotional intelligence is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal.

For the study, researchers gave 983 Beligian students three tests: the Situational Test of Emotional Understanding, the Situational Test of Emotion Management, and the Geneva Emotion Recognition Test.

An example of the Situation Test of Emotional Understanding goes as follows:
Charles is meeting a friend to see a movie. The friend is very late and they are not in time to make it to the movie. Charles is most likely to feel? [A] Depressed Frustrated [C] Angry [D] Contemptuous [E] Distressed.
For the second part of the study, the participants cognitive and emotional abilities were measured.
The results of the study found that those who scored lower on the emotional ability tests also scored higher on measures of right-wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation.
People who have a right-wing authoritarian disposition are are especially willing to subject themselves to authority figures (political leaders, police, religious leaders) and have hostility towards those who are outside of their in-groups.
This type of person is attracted to authoritarian leaders like Donald Trump.

DJT 45

New member
yup, george.
hard fought ethical biden\harris win.

Why do you guys keep calling me george ?
What am I missing ?

Do you think it's weird that dead people can vote ?
Are you ok with it ?
Hardly ethical i'd say
But as the Dems say "If you aint cheetin you aint trying."
That's why I'm conservative, I believe in honesty but to each their own I suppose
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