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Active member
Big business loves regulation?


Honestly. You sound rather brainwashed.

Can’t debate the idea? Cause I’m Just asking a question...
If big business doesn’t like regulation and taxes.
and big business has bought and paid for nearly every politician in office (for the last however many years) than why has govt tended consistently toward more regulation + more taxes?
That’s the opposite of what u suggest they’re paying for... so I’m just trying to understand because I think this is an important point and perhaps I’m missing something


Active member
Can’t debate the idea? Cause I’m Just asking a question...
If big business doesn’t like regulation and taxes.
and big business has bought and paid for nearly every politician in office (for the last however many years) than why has govt tended consistently toward more regulation + more taxes?
That’s the opposite of what u suggest they’re paying for... so I’m just trying to understand because I think this is an important point and perhaps I’m missing something
No. You’re trying to confuse. Try reading some history. Go out and breath some fresh regulated air. We can do that again.


Active member
It is a weak argument.
I made it in jest as lots of people said this about property owners who incurred damage during blm riots
And honestly if protestors are going to destroy property I prefer it be the govts property

That’s our property. Unless you’re not an American.


Active member
No. You’re trying to confuse. Try reading some history. Go out and breath some fresh regulated air. We can do that again.

No, I’m trying to figure something out..
As it’s explained to me by socialists doesn’t seem to hold much water....
But perhaps I’m missing something?


Active member
That’s our property. Unless you’re not an American.

Let’s test this concept
Go and try to borrow some of “our” property back from the government and see what happens.

Try mayb a cop car...
Or even just an office computer.
Let me know how it goes (when u get out of lockup)


Active member
Yes you are. Research.

Research what exactly?
Why government has trended over time toward more red tape , regulation and taxes
How lobbyists and super pac money controls politics?

Are these two things happening simultaneously over the course of us history a coincidence? Ur saying yes. I’m saying i doubt it


Active member
Let’s test this concept
Go and try to borrow some of “our” property back from the government and see what happens.

Try mayb a cop car...
Or even just an office computer.
Let me know how it goes (when u get out of lockup)

You’re grasping. It’s not yours or mine or theirs. It’s ours.

I think you do it on purpose. Passive aggressive trump support.


Well-known member
because in short, they use the government to protect and increase their wealth and power while barring the small people from entry into the industries. free market for you, govt protection for them.


Active member
because in short, they use the government to protect and increase their wealth and power while barring the small people from entry into the industries. free market for you, govt protection for them.

So ur saying big biz does like regulations and taxes because it raises the bar for entry into an industry? (Thusly limiting competition)
That makes sense, and seems to fit with what the political scene looks like


Active member
Research what exactly?
Why government has trended over time toward more red tape , regulation and taxes
How lobbyists and super pac money controls politics?

Are these two things happening simultaneously over the course of us history a coincidence? Ur saying yes. I’m saying i doubt it

You know this country was founded by big business for the sake of big business. Again read some history. You sound really ignorant in those regards.


Active member
You know this country was founded by big business for the sake of big business. Again read some history. You sound really ignorant in those regards.

Nothing funnier than someone saying go read some history.
I’ve read a lot of history,
I listen to history podcasts during work..
It’s my favorite subject, I’m fascinated by it.
If you have some recommendations great, Let me know and I’ll check it out..

But to say go read some history like it’s some trump card is laughable..
Ur not even stating a position just dropping in to condescend and belittle without even offering to educate us with ur obviously vast knowledge on (check notes) “history”


Well-known member
So ur saying big biz does like regulations and taxes because it raises the bar for entry into an industry? (Thusly limiting competition)
That makes sense, and seems to fit with what the political scene looks like

well yeah. they are neoliberals and from my understanding of neoliberalism this is basically the plan lol. deregulate for themselves, strict regulations for the little guy. and then when they need bailing out, the govt calls for austerity measures which again disproportionately effects the average person.

the regulations i am generally in favor of are the type that restricts corporate power and benefits the avg joe. not the type that limits the market against the avg joe.


Active member
You know this country was founded by big business for the sake of big business. Again read some history. You sound really ignorant in those regards.

Yes, the founding fathers were mostly industry leaders who were pissed off (and started a violent coup over 10% tax on tea)

Now we pay 50% or more if you count the multi level taxes...
Payroll tax, Income tax, sales tax, room and Meals tax, capital gains tax, social security tax,


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
I don´t know, if you know it, but in August in Berlin, some fools tried the same. After a Coronarally. Like in the US, it was possible to know it before. In Berlin 3!! brave policement stopped the crowd before supporting policemen were coming.



Active member
the regulations i am generally in favor of are the type that restricts corporate power and benefits the avg joe. not the type that limits the market against the avg joe.

When you have some time could u give some examples of the types of regulations you support that limit corporate power and benefit the average joe?
Because I could probably get behind something like that
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