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Biden Victory Thread!!

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Well-known member
Pence sounded downright presidential tonight when he spoke at the resumption of the confirmation. Pence threw trump under the buss, as did Loeffler. More to come.

Trump crossed the line bigly and will be held accountable. The lowlifes will will not get away with any more monkey business.

Elaine Chao just quit as Transportation Secretary. That's McConnells wife.

Um ok lol :jerkit:

You love the "presidential" type huh?


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
Pence sounded downright presidential tonight when he spoke at the resumption of the confirmation. Pence threw trump under the buss, as did Loeffler. More to come.

Trump crossed the line bigly and will be held accountable. The lowlifes will will not get away with any more monkey business.

Elaine Chao just quit as Transportation Secretary. That's McConnells wife.

this just in,republicans started growing spines,albeit jelly like squid spines!!

sad news for sydney powell,she can no longer fly with her emotional support kraken!


So you think we have the upper hand regarding the police if shit was to go down?

And you believe despite the fact that looting and rioting was going on all summer long that if Democrats lost shit wasn't going down once the election was over? That's bullshit.
i would believe small isolated incidents, but literally 100% of everyone i know personally that typically votes toward the blue side of things would accept the results if there was no sign of substantial fraud.

i don't personally know a single democratically inclined person that i would believe could even riot or has ever participated in a riot.

but anyway, the discussion at hand was whether or not they would storm the capitol.

ostensibly, the police would not even let them on the capitol grounds. definitely would shoot/ arrest/ disperse all of them before they got in the building...

Tynehead Tom

Well-known member
The fact you equate protesting people being killed by police and a riot by people who didn't get their way says quite a bit about you.

the only people in the US that could understand the struggles my people have had ..... since the first europeans arrived on the shores of north america..... are your native american indians.
I descend from Chief Poundmaker of the Saddle Lake Cree nation..... a historical figure in the struggle for the rights of indigenous people in what became Canada...... and my generation is still fighting as we pass the same fight on to our children and thiers. I am a grandfather..... and still fighting to have my constitionally guaranteed rights recognized in the land i live in.

sorry but all this carrying on in the U.S. pales in comparison to what it's like to live with every part of your culture , stripped from a generation of people.
I grind my teeth every day over the lack of recognition of my constitutional rights as an indigenous person in my own country. I feel racial diminished because "everyone" just sees me as just another "white guy" when I am a card carrying indigenous person with a family line that is tied to the history of my country.

So in Democrat thinking.... I have every right to hit the streets with a Native Pride and Native Lives Matter poster... create an autonomous zone in the middle of a large city and go do some smash n grabs.....burn a police car....... geezus

I dunno, maybe talking to some folks is just futile LOL


Well-known member
“Anarchists, Agitators or Protestors who vandalize or damage our Federal Courthouse in Portland, or any Federal Buildings in any of our Cities or States, will be prosecuted under our recently re-enacted Statues & Monuments Act. MINIMUM TEN YEARS IN PRISON. Don’t do it! @DHSgov,” he tweeted.

Hoist with his own petard


Well-known member
Had Trump won, it would have been the left trying to get in the Capitol. I remember many businesses shacking up in fear of the Democrats losing on election day.

This is called P-R-O-J-E-C-T-I-O-N. Say it with me now kids.

So the "left" would have rioted if Trump won, and your proof of this is because there were race riots because of systemic racism? Nice leap.


Well-known member
Barr knew this was going to happen. Probably why he quit.

I knew and have been posting for months this was going to happen lol. The FBI knew about it before the election. It was obvious to anyone reading the articles that were coming out at the time.


Active member
This is called P-R-O-J-E-C-T-I-O-N. Say it with me now kids.

So the "left" would have rioted if Trump won, and your proof of this is because there were race riots because of systemic racism? Nice leap.

I guess u forgot how many mostly peaceful protests we have had this year


Active member
I saw a million pink hats with no violence. You make excuses for attacking our capital. There is no excuse.


Well-known member
93% of BLM protests were entirely peaceful while being instigated by a police force who, 84% of, voted for Trump over HRC in 2016.

It's still a projection based argument. The left was 100% not going to storm the Capitol if Trump won again lmao.


Active member
Not really. Government has the monopoly on power. Remove that and it'll become a private totally unaccountable monopoly on power.

You can change governments, you cant change private ownership.

Govt protects you from private individuals. For instance, in theory, govt regulation should stop toxic waste dumping in residential areas. If this was left up to private ownership they wouldn't give two fucks.

This is why right wing libertarianism is stupid and is actually just a bootlicking ideology to hand over total power to unaccountable private ownership. Seriously look into the history of this movement. Its fully bankrolled by fortune 500 companies and elitists. Before this, libertarian meant anarchist and socialist.

I’ve been thinking about this post (I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true)

And I had a question...

If these corporations have been behind the wheel of our govt (thru lobbyist money) since Woodrow Wilson was president (or if not that long for at least the last 50 years)..
In that time why hasn’t the govt (which is bought and paid for by corporations) tended toward a lassiez fair free market approach?

Why is the government bigger every year with more and more regulations?
I would think that if big buisness wanted deregulation they would get it...(They get everything else they want.)

I think it’s because they like crony capitalism.. they like regulations and taxes..
It makes competition near impossible and creates govt propped monopolies..

Perhaps I would agree that free markets and govt deregulation would be less objectionable than some other govt actions to large corporations but I think it’s far fetched to claim this is the system they want to have implemented.

I think big business has the exact system of government that they wanted (+paid for)
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