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Biden: No Guns for Weed Smokers


New member
Every single person I have gotten to start fact checking no longer believes any of the lies that are constantly spewed on those far right paid spam websites. Fox "news" is not a news channel, their founder admitted in court that it was just for "entertainment". Just as Trump's election lies have shown to be 100% false with zero proof & zero truth, these type of claims are guaranteed to be 100% manure. All those type of websites have one thing in common = they all were created to bleed $ away from the gullible & all of them have requests for $$$$$$ to "fight against .... " . Reality is they keep your $$$ and do nothing. Steve Bannon's "Build The Wall" site generated millions of dollars = Bannon and his gang kept every dollar & not one dollar went to the "Wall". Steve Bannon was criminally convicted and would have spent years in prison but Trump made sure that criminal was pardoned, even though he robbed every Trump supporter who sent in $. Gov DeSantis is a perfect example of the freak show of liars - he banned 83 Math books with bizarre claims/lies of "transgender" blah, blah, blah. When Gov. DeSantis was questioned for specific examples of these freakshow claims, his spokesman said "We have no specifics at this time" = they still have not provided even ONE example. Why do they lie non-stop ???? Because they are counting on people to continue to blindly support them with complete obedience & zero questioning or fact checking of their bizarre claims. Check how the hugest government failure in USA history, The MAGA Wall, was a complete failure that criminal contractors robbed hundreds of millions to do shoddy crap work. For those of you who "disagree" ,the proof is right in front of your face, the only time you should be laughing is when you look in the mirror. You spent endless hours learning to grow but have spent zero time checking to see if what you believe is factual. If you had checked, you would already know it is fiction.
Eek, knowledge takes work, ignorance is free. I'll ne more than happy to take anyone to the border ftontier in the San Rafael Valley, (look it up) where my family were pioneers since the 1850s and prove how wrong your assumptions are about so many items you state. I'll ptovife trsnsport, security (you'll want that) and a free lunch in Mexico if desired because of the work you'll have to put in to see and learn the facts.
Get to Tucson or Nogales, I can' pick you up at the airfield.
I'm serious - you'll learn some things...unless you have a legit learning disability, then I'll just show you some places and we can chat with the armed BP agents down there - they might enlighten you too.


No Jive Productions
don't let my pro-gun stance fool anyone. i don't like biden but i don't like trump even more. i don't approve of the maga portion of the republican party. very fascist-leaning.

and worshipping a cult leader is moronic. "i used to be all fucked up on jesus, now i'm all fucked up on trump."

i am an independent who is fed up with both parties.

the congress is broken because it is populated with dinosaurs in both parties.

we desperately need term limits. i'm for one term and out. imagine if no one was running for re-election.

they could all vote their conscious instead of the party line.
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Well-known member
Can the legally blind can go hunting in Michigan? If so, what happens at a hunting trip as a team building event for the blind? Better not smoke cannabis at the same time.

I guess it's true, life is stranger than fiction.


Well-known member
don't let my pro-gun stance fool anyone. i don't like biden but i don't like trump even more. i don't approve of the maga portion of the republican party. very fascist-leaning.

and worshiping a cult leader is moronic. "i used to be all fucked up on jesus, now i'm all fucked up on trump."

i am an independent who is fed up with both parties.

the congress is broken because it is populated with dinosaurs in both parties.

we desperately need term limits. i'm for one term and out. imagine if no one was running for re-election.

they could all vote their conscious instead of the party line.
Well considering each president seems to be getting dumber than the last I'd say you'll have far better options in 2024. You can jump on the Kaitlyn Jenner/Dr.Oz band wagon or the Howard Stern/ Van Ness band wagon. If you don't like those options well that's just too bad. Its a two party system. But we would be far better off having the plumber that fixed your toilet in the white house. Atleast he hasn't been pampered his whole life like a politician or celebrity
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Well-known member
I guess you can choose to smoke weed, not carry guns. As if it's a lifestyle choice, to pick one of two paths. Snoop could probably make a song out of it.


Well-known member
Can the legally blind can go hunting in Michigan? If so, what happens at a hunting trip as a team building event for the blind? Better not smoke cannabis at the same time.

I guess it's true, life is stranger than fiction.
i don't know about Michigan, but...there was a blind fellow by the name of John Rook who was a traditional bowhunter. he shot a recurve, i believe. someone sat behind him in a ground blind and verbally lined up his shot after he had come to full draw. he's gone now, sadly, passed away in 2012. quite an ambassador for archery... pictures on Bowsite.


Well-known member
What i should have said is if you can obtain a gun while blind, the weed/guns should be a mute point. In canada they are now banning the sale of handguns yet the registered owners are not the problem.


Well-known member
news today is reporting on the subject of drug use versus the 2nd amendment right to self defense. there is a case which is headed toward the Supreme Court over a mans admitted one-time use of cannabis where the govt came back THREE years later & charged him because he owned a gun, and had it in his vehicle when they busted him for weed. the govts position, if taken literally, would deny the 49% (estimated) of the population that have tried weed their 2nd amendment rights ON TOP of the millions of people who have EVER taken a prescription medication belonging to anyone else. i do not believe that the SC is gonna buy that argument myself. it would absolutely GUT the 2nd... hell, last time i got popped for weed, we both had loaded black-powder rifles on federal property during deer season...


Well-known member
What i should have said is if you can obtain a gun while blind, the weed/guns should be a mute point. In canada they are now banning the sale of handguns yet the registered owners are not the problem.
the govt in Canada has historically had a hard-on over handguns. not a clue why...


Well-known member
If by "assault rifle" you mean the simple semi-auto that takes a medium capacity magazine, like 30 rounds. I think the number is higher.

Production really stepped up after Bush signed the law protecting firearms manufacturers from product liability, around 2005.

So now we've had 17 years of increased production.

From talking with other firearms owners, I think there were 20 million in circulation in 2005.

I think 40 million would be a fair estimate now.

Plus at least that many semi-auto handguns. That would take the total up to 40 + 40 = 80 million.

But if there are 400 million total - maybe a 1/3 are semi-auto rifles and handguns ? a 1/2 ?

On Wednesday August 24, the new Ghost Gun law takes effect.

So the 80% lowers one may possess increase in value, but it becomes illegal to sell them, and very complicated to give them a serial number.
i was under the impression that it was ALWAYS illegal to sell them. certain firearms made before 1968 did not have numbers, like my moms old Detective Special. those selling the "kits" were pushing (HARD) at the boundaries of what was legal already. LEO never bothered anyone that i heard of for MAKING their own guns but you were not supposed to sell/give/trade them off. selling them as "kits" was just thumbing their noses at laws designed to keep guns out of hands legally blocked from buying them. morons shooting themselves in the foot...:dunno:


No Jive Productions
i got busted in frisco in 1970 with 22 kilos of mexican brick and 2 of black afghani hash. i was wearing a s&w bodyguard airweight 38 special in an upside down bianchi snap out shoulder holster.

the rig was so nice the cops argued about who was gonna get it. they never charged me for it.


Active member
Eek, knowledge takes work, ignorance is free. I'll ne more than happy to take anyone to the border ftontier in the San Rafael Valley, (look it up) where my family were pioneers since the 1850s and prove how wrong your assumptions are about so many items you state. I'll ptovife trsnsport, security (you'll want that) and a free lunch in Mexico if desired because of the work you'll have to put in to see and learn the facts.
Get to Tucson or Nogales, I can' pick you up at the airfield.
I'm serious - you'll learn some things...unless you have a legit learning disability, then I'll just show you some places and we can chat with the armed BP agents down there - they might enlighten you too.
lol Hilarious nonsense. None one single bit of the current GOP nonsense is factual. No "learning disability" here - we deal with facts & reality here. No blind political support like you folks do. It will awesome to see Trump indicted for his many crimes/treason.

As far as the "border" nonsense, here in Michigan the BP agents catch human smugglers & illegal citizens of other nations, crossing over from Canada. Happens all the time, for decades - they do their job regardless who is in office - it is not a political issue in reality, just invented by the GOP lie machine because they do zero useful actions & are incapable of telling the truth. We have a much longer border with Canada & the majority of illegal citizens in the USA are visa overstays from nations all across the planet. I have talked with BP agents for many years on occasion, used to chat with them when I had a large boat on the St.Clair Lake/River.

Every nation on this planet which has economies better than neighboring countries, gets illegal entries of people looking to work. The myopic view of the Southern Border "issue" is hilarious and only a small part of the issue. Not ONE person I have ever talked to has ever lost a job to an "illegal alien" or has known anybody who has.

We saw you folks on Jan 6 - the nation will not allow your failed coup to ever succeed.


In my empire of dirt
ill just leave this here
lol Hilarious nonsense. None one single bit of the current GOP nonsense is factual. No "learning disability" here - we deal with facts & reality here. No blind political support like you folks do. It will awesome to see Trump indicted for his many crimes/treason.

As far as the "border" nonsense, here in Michigan the BP agents catch human smugglers & illegal citizens of other nations, crossing over from Canada. Happens all the time, for decades - they do their job regardless who is in office - it is not a political issue in reality, just invented by the GOP lie machine because they do zero useful actions & are incapable of telling the truth. We have a much longer border with Canada & the majority of illegal citizens in the USA are visa overstays from nations all across the planet. I have talked with BP agents for many years on occasion, used to chat with them when I had a large boat on the St.Clair Lake/River.

Every nation on this planet which has economies better than neighboring countries, gets illegal entries of people looking to work. The myopic view of the Southern Border "issue" is hilarious and only a small part of the issue. Not ONE person I have ever talked to has ever lost a job to an "illegal alien" or has known anybody who has.

We saw you folks on Jan 6 - the nation will not allow your failed coup to ever succeed.
canada is not mexico
im glad you think the southern border issues are minor and "...Not ONE person I have ever talked to has ever lost a job to an "illegal alien" or has known anybody who has."
/ i like this thread and want to keep things light here, maybe you should start another thread of your own
oh yeah, ill just leave this here


Active member
ill just leave this here

canada is not mexico
im glad you think the southern border issues are minor and "...Not ONE person I have ever talked to has ever lost a job to an "illegal alien" or has known anybody who has."
/ i like this thread and want to keep things light here, maybe you should start another thread of your own
oh yeah, ill just leave this here
This thread is a huge laugh - the "info" the OP posted with is 100% false paid spam, connected to a paid spam website that was created to steal $$$ from fools. Everybody will find out there is zero truth to it.

Maybe "minor issue" was not what you wanted to read but there you are replying posting about issues in Tijuana, Mexico. ( Hint, not in the USA)
Just the other day BP agents here caught smugglers bringing people on jetskis across from Canada - they were illegal entries who were citizens of Brazil. Customs catches people bring very large cocaine & marijuana shipments hidden in trucks from Canada ( they probably miss many).
What personal issue have you ever had with an "illegal" ?


In my empire of dirt
This thread is a huge laugh - the "info" the OP posted with is 100% false paid spam, connected to a paid spam website that was created to steal $$$ from fools. Everybody will find out there is zero truth to it.

Maybe "minor issue" was not what you wanted to read but there you are replying posting about issues in Tijuana, Mexico. ( Hint, not in the USA)
Just the other day BP agents here caught smugglers bringing people on jetskis across from Canada - they were illegal entries who were citizens of Brazil. Customs catches people bring very large cocaine & marijuana shipments hidden in trucks from Canada ( they probably miss many).
What personal issue have you ever had with an "illegal" ?
nice, put down the guys thread
like i said maybe you should start your own thread

if you have a map handy you will see tijuana is a "border" city
/like canada

way off topic and i dont think you have any idea what you are talking about
/strt your own thread bright guy
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St. Phatty

Active member

Good article about ATF chasing down owners of Solvent traps.

I guess they're even harder on people who use their rifles as water pipes ?

Tools used for cleaning firearms, that can also be used as a form of Suppressor.

You can also use an Oil Filter as a Suppressor - very effectively.

You need a thread adapter to make it work.

It only works once, the pressure f-cks up the oil filter.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I wouldn't buy one of those solvent traps.
Its an obvious work around the suppressor laws.
That's just asking for trouble.
If everything went to shit and laws didnt matter any longer I could thread a barrel and make a supressor in a couple hours with the tools and materials I have here at home.
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