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Biden: No Guns for Weed Smokers


Well-known member
They never make the news for crime.
they do here. trouble in Paradise...sad. you would expect possible problems in Detroit, Memphis, or Miami...or Knoxville, for that matter. idiot pulled a gun and pulled the trigger on a bouncer here in JC last night. guy injured, news not saying if he was shot or injury occurred from pistol whipping before the gunfire erupted. trying to carry into a bar = big nope. WTF is wrong with people?
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Well-known member
open carry means that you will likely be the first person killed, probably while standing in line at the check-out counter. not a fan of being shot because of ego problems...
"Open carry" is just a pretty term for concealed carry. I dont think theres many idiots left out there that openly brandish their gun like john Wayne. And im not a fan of being gunned down because of mental problems. I dont pack at restaurants or public events but i feel safer in todays climate knowing a sane gun owner is somewhere near by.


Well-known member
"Open carry" is just a pretty term for concealed carry. I dont think theres many idiots left out there that openly brandish their gun like john Wayne. And im not a fan of being gunned down because of mental problems. I dont pack at restaurants or public events but i feel safer in todays climate knowing a sane gun owner is somewhere near by.
the two terms are legally distinct here in TN. to "open carry", you have to have an "enhanced concealed carry" permit, which sounds contradictory. but to actually carry "concealed" you don't have to have any permit at all, ala "constitutional carry". the latter is free, the former costs $350. yup, it sets you back $350 to show off your pistol while wandering around in Home Depot...:biglaugh:


Well-known member
Right at $3 at the lowest places. Cost will go down more closer we get to midterms.
i meant at the guns/liquor store...if Iran signs on to a nuclear accord, most sanctions will disappear, their oil will flood the market & gas prices will fall like a bowling ball rolling off of a table top.
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Well-known member
the two terms are legally distinct here in TN. to "open carry", you have to have an "enhanced concealed carry" permit, which sounds contradictory. but to actually carry "concealed" you don't have to have any permit at all, ala "constitutional carry". the latter is free, the former costs $350. yup, it sets you back $350 to show off your pistol while wandering around in Home Depot...:biglaugh:


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he's probably an off-duty cop, and is gonna get his damn free coffee no matter what...:chin: i mean, LOOK at that hair cut. :laughing:
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Active member
If they want to pretend allowing 100 million people to illegally enter a nation of 300 million people is sustainable then slap that ignore button - those people can't be fixed or reached - definitely a learning disability or a combination of pure psychosis.

Nevermind the fact they are war-aged men - many of which BP have caught were literal ISIS members - war-aged men from 150 different nations - nevermind the fact they raid homes and kill entire families along the border - nevermind the fact more than 300,000, some estimate near 1 million, murders, along with mass-graves, have occurred on the border over the past 40 years - nevermind the fact BP have daily shootouts with cartel snipers on the border as a result of all of this intentionally incompetent policy - we can just pretend it's all hunky dory because some people divorced from reality said it's a conspiracy theory to be concerned about 100 million people showing up to get a free $500K added to each of their bank accounts because hyper-inflation isn't a thing, Rome certainly did not burn, and skittles are growing on trees on Mars too.


No Jive Productions
no one is allowing 100 million people to enter the US illegally yearly.

there were 1.6 million migrant encounters at the southern border last year. the border patrol either apprehends or immediately repatriates. most of the apprehended are also sent back, after processing for possible criminal activity.

very few got asylum.


Well-known member
no one is allowing 100 million people to enter the US illegally yearly.

there were 1.6 million migrant encounters at the southern border last year. the border patrol either apprehends or immediately repatriates. most of the apprehended are also sent back, after processing for possible criminal activity.

very few got asylum.
your attempt is noble, but pointing out reality does not work on some people. everything is secretly hidden from us, but THEY know the "truth". probably have a "hot line" going to the red phone in Qs bathroom... "300,000 murders, some estimate a million..." trying to use that as an argument that our immigration policy is why cartels kill folks indiscriminately in Mexico. THAT can largely be placed at the feet of our failed "war on drugs" instead, which has been going on since the 60s, with weed demonized since the first half of the last century by govt liars. now, let's talk about the ridiculous $500K... LOL! yeah, Rome DID burn, but it was not Nero's fault according to historians. skittles on Mars? :biggrin: farther out in left field every day.


Well-known member
your attempt is noble, but pointing out reality does not work on some people. everything is secretly hidden from us, but THEY know the "truth". probably have a "hot line" going to the red phone in Qs bathroom... "300,000 murders, some estimate a million..." trying to use that as an argument that our immigration policy is why cartels kill folks indiscriminately in Mexico. THAT can largely be placed at the feet of our failed "war on drugs" instead, which has been going on since the 60s, with weed demonized since the first half of the last century by govt liars. now, let's talk about the ridiculous $500K... LOL! yeah, Rome DID burn, but it was not Nero's fault according to historians. skittles on Mars? :biggrin: farther out in left field every day.
Hipsters are the real invasive species in this country. When those clowns show up in town you know your cultures about to get fubar'd. No more mom and pop store. No more mexican restaurants. No more black owned bbq stands. Just a bunch of teenyboppers and their culotte toting boyfriends. Entitlement. Trust funds. Tiki taco trucks. Gated condos with pink elephants on the fences. Priced out. No room for anyone else mind you. Especially not those minorities they pretend to care so much about. Yeah, people have their own stance on immigration but wed be far better off tagging them and sending them to Mexico


Well-known member
"hipster" must come in a multitude of versions. they can be seen in nearly every diner (okay, maybe not McDs) around here. or...maybe those folks we THOUGHT were hipsters were just guys with longer hair that they put up out of the way while they were eating. (i do that myself sometimes...) do they drive a certain brand of car? or are you referring to "people with money" ? we ARE having problems with rising real estate prices here, but that is mostly retirees moving into the area. that is what happens when your state has no income tax...


No Jive Productions
everything just sounds more dramatic all blown up out of proportion. for example, i was a commercial diver for 20 years. i went diving almost daily for a living. in the ocean. yeah, i saw a few sharks. most of them were just minding their own business, doing shark stuff.

but every time some travel writer wrote something about the area i was working in it suddenly became "shark infested".

have you ever heard of a swamp that was not "snake infested'?

the term "open border" is just more of the same.


Well-known member
Theyre definitely people with money, they flaunt it quite openly and no we don't get a lot of retirees where i live. They usually move to the smallest communities they can find here. If you want to be a homeowner thats the only option left here for most folks. I cant establish a direct link yet but id say they prefer Subarus and Toyota Tacomas models 1995 to 2004. You know for the ones that dont want to appear filthy rich. I dont have anything against people with money either. I have something against people bringing in their lifestyles that push everyone else out. Its a disturbing thing to watch. And youre right. No income tax is certainly a driving force behind it


Active member
Well the movie "My Son Hunter" has guns, and I think some weed smoking, can't say for sure what was in his pipe. I have a link to the full movie I posted in the lounge.