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BhT goes toe-to-toe with tea party fanatics

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Ben Tokin

egos, pride, greed.....blind to reality.....need for attention.....generalizations....it's a me world.....i'm always right......never wrong.....no concern for others.....robbin the hood.....eh, keep it!

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
please dont insult me. I never said any of what you are implying. I stated that Mexicans have the right to be here and make a living too!!!! And that prop 19 wont effect them if they are not legal, as they WONT PAY TAXES EITHER, AS THIS IS THE REGULATE AND TAX ACT OF CANNABIS! i dont think its my English, i think its your reading skills.

Im saying, Mexicans, who are trying to make a living, and feed there family's, deserve the same rights as us immigrants. as this was the MEXICAN INDIAN's who owned this land first anyways before it was stolen, and used to bring black people from Africa as Slaves.

As far as DRUG CARTELS, there wouldn't be any if drugs where legal...

You cant stop people from coming over the boarder on any side, and legalizing prop 19, will PUT A STOP to the crime, as 70 percent of there money is MARIJUANA!! And now we can grow our own, and not have to buy off the black market!! Imagine that, stoping violence, by stopping the BLACK MARKET.

you got here because your family are immigrants. I personally try not to throw stones in glass houses..

and if you want to bring up murders, American Citizens are just as bad with murder, just look at Scott Peterson, who killed his wife and unborn child and threw her into the San Fransisco Bay.....

And OJ Simpson who VIOLENTLY murdered his ex wife, and boyfriend.

But im sure you will argue there defense to right? But dont forget, you got here on your family being illegal immigrants. What comes around goes around...


and im done with this crap feast.....

i love how all these people starting crap, have join dates of 2010... while the other people who are being attack, have a join date of many years......

....Good post SCF.....and so true in essence....

...we all know the reality, well I do anyway I lived in California for the best part of 5 years, and actually studied the history of it.....


Active member
....Good post SCF.....and so true in essence....

...we all know the reality, well I do anyway I lived in California for the best part of 5 years, and actually studied the history of it.....

And next time you come...Hash bars everywhere lol


Freedom Fighter
it's my opinion this thread should be closed.

Really?? Maybe you should start out by telling us why it should be...other than you disagree with his opinion??
Maybe I should ask that your Post be deleted?? Is that any more of censorship than what you propose?? (Smaller Govmt my ass!!)
As time goes by, the tea party movement is more and more transparently walking in lockstep with the repubs: sarah palin, newt, and jim demint. Also, all of the "tea party" candidates, are running for the republican party or in place of it. They are the products of misguided anger and the increasing movement toward anti intellectualism in America. it's a damn shame. the tea party was basically started by fox news, who encouraged all of these retiree shut ins to come out and yell at "town hall" meetings during the health care thing. "keep gov't off of my medicare"

and they are about the have all of the same stances on social issues: gayness should be abolished, education should be abolished, war = good. coupled with extra jingoism (the birthers). but they're different; they're ANGRY... ooooooh

well, there are only so many ways to vote no; and there are only so many ways to represent war and conservative moral values on a premise of "small government". Let's be real here, the tea party is just the republican party. At least the wolf put on some wolf clothing. You can put lipstick on a pig, but at the end of the day...

I'm not afraid to say it; I am a liberal. I came for the social issues (gay rights, environmentalism), and stayed for the economics. Look where deregulation has gotten us. And now, the national consensus is to go back to the right? damn i guess these christians really are having a lot of kids.

its just sad because its a liability to be smart in politics. in humphrey bogarts post, he (derisively imo) referred to obama as an intellectual. Education is the answer, intelligence is the answer. Ignorance begets more ignorance; that is all that it can make. But that's the direction we're going in.

all of these factors combined, re-affirm my assertion that the tea party are the same bible-thumping, gay-hating, white-collar-crime-ignorant, war monger, closet racists that have hated marijuana from day one ("damn hippies!"). and trying to prove to them that legalization is the logical conclusion of their claimed logic is like leading a horse to water. thanks to big herb tree for trying though... maybe if jesus smoked weed in the bible... or reagan in the white house.


please dont insult me. I never said any of what you are implying.

What was I implying?

Because i live in California, there is not a MEXICANS who is not legal here who can pay taxes.

Read that shit again and tell me I'm the impaired one. You can't even put together a proper sentence, yet you think I have a reading problem? OK buddy whatever. You summed it up for me when you say "Im saying, Mexicans, who are trying to make a living, and feed there family's, deserve the same rights as us immigrants". If you are here legaly then I say fine. Illegal entrants into this country have NO rights. They only come here because they know we are sympathetic to those who want a better way of life. I have no beef with those who contribute to the system, and come here the "right" way. I don't think as a tax payer I should subsidise their illegal existence here. Is that clear to you, or are you just determined to be insulted.

you got here because your family are immigrants. I personally try not to throw stones in glass houses..

You just did asshat. BTW, I'm not an immigrant. I was born on this soil, and so were my parents, and my grandparents. I bet you weren't, which explains a lot about your mentality.

and if you want to bring up murders, American Citizens are just as bad with murder, just look at Scott Peterson, who killed his wife and unborn child and threw her into the San Fransisco Bay.....

And OJ Simpson who VIOLENTLY murdered his ex wife, and boyfriend.

But im sure you will argue there defense to right? But dont forget, you got here on your family being illegal immigrants. What comes around goes around...

Dude that is the stupidest shit I ever heard, and I won't even respond to that. But the last line in your quote says it all. You think "we" did all people of color some injustice, and we should be punished for it. So just admit it dude, you don't like white people.

It all started for me, with Bht statement, about whites not wanting to see mexicans, blacks, and muslims prosper basically...and that's BS. I for one would like to see all people do good, but unfortunately, there is not good in all people, so it'll never happen. Color has nothing to do with it. Don't come here illegally and expect something from me as a taxpayer, because I don't owe you anything. Your the one my friend, casting insults...to every immigrant who came here the right way, and played by the rules, instead of showing up in the ER about to drop a kid, and then expect the taxpayer to pick up the tab. Your full o shit bro.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
most every American or American's ancestors were originally immigrants.......over the last 300-400 years.....most much earlier than that.....

...Immigrants made America what it is today, and continue to service it....


BhT goes toe-to-toe with tea party fanatics

Bht is a troll

Really?? Maybe you should start out by telling us why it should be...other than you disagree with his opinion??

I don't see this thread as having a lot to do with Prop 19. Sounds like a excuse to bash white Tea Party activist, that's what I see. That's why. Any other question?


Freedom Fighter
most every American or American's ancestors were originally immigrants.......over the last 300-400 years.....most much earlier than that.....

...Immigrants made America what it is today, and continue to service it....

Yeah sure...blame the Immigrants!! lol (Sorry El Presidente...I couldn't resist!!) lol


Freedom Fighter
Bht is a troll

I don't see this thread as having a lot to do with Prop 19. Sounds like a excuse to bash white Tea Party activist, that's what I see. That's why. Any other question?

Yeah...who the fuck are "you"??
Ok..I don't think that he said it was a Prop 19 Thread...I believe he said it was him going toe to toe with Tea Baggers...is there some clarification needed??


most every American or American's ancestors were originally immigrants.......over the last 300-400 years.....most much earlier than that.....

...Immigrants made America what it is today, and continue to service it....

By definition, I am not an immigrant. And I never said immagrants don't have rights, or even belong here. Just the illegal variety. Who sponge off the system.


You can't expect to go around stepping on toes and then wonder why people get upset.

Ok..I don't think that he said it was a Prop 19 Thread...I believe he said it was him going toe to toe with Tea Baggers...is there some clarification needed??

No i got it thanks, you just made my point for me. This is in the cannabis laws and legislation forum, not the lets bash the Tea Party because I think they are a bunch of white racist forum...


Freedom Fighter
You can't expect to go around stepping on toes and then wonder why people get upset.

No i got it thanks, you just made my point for me. This is in the cannabis laws and legislation forum, not the lets bash the Tea Party because I think they are a bunch of white racist forum...

But it involves a view into one of their "Parties"...and from what was reported...it was very Racial-- You can't expect to bash another's observations...with nothing but vacant opinions--

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
By definition, I am not an immigrant. And I never said immagrants don't have rights, or even belong here. Just the illegal variety. Who sponge off the system.

....I am sure that you have just as many past/ancestral sons and daughters/grandsons and grand-daughters of American immigrants sponging off the system as you do the more recent immigrants....

....The same can be said for the UK......and various other countries in the more affluent west.....

...Maybe they need some support, to be able to get the first foot on the rung of the ladder towards 'The American Dream?'......


...Maybe they need some support, to be able to get the first foot on the rung of the ladder towards 'The American Dream?'......

Maybe they should come through the front door, and work hard, and pay their own way like I have to. Welfare nation here we come.


Freedom Fighter
Maybe they should come through the front door, and work hard, and pay their own way like I have to. Welfare nation here we come.

Have you ever interacted with Border Brothers?? I have always found them to be self sufficient...and by their "Illegal" status alone...unable to apply for Welfare--
Maybe you can share some different experiences??


But it involves a view into one of their "Parties"...and from what was reported...it was very Racial-- You can't expect to bash another's observations...with nothing but vacant opinions--

There are assholes in all walks of life and political affiliations. Bht met a few, or went looking for them, anyway. My point is don't call the Tea Party out as being white racist interested in keeping Mexicans, blacks, and muslims down, because that is stupid BS. I'm white! I'm not a racist, and I agree for the most part what the Tea Party stands for. Thats not a vacant opinion. It's just not one you agree with.


Freedom Fighter
There are assholes in all walks of life and political affiliations. Bht met a few, or went looking for them, anyway. My point is don't call the Tea Party out as being white racist interested in keeping Mexicans, blacks, and muslims down, because that is stupid BS. I'm white! I'm not a racist, and I agree for the most part what the Tea Party stands for. Thats not a vacant opinion. It's just not one you agree with.

But I did call them out-- You're right...I don't agree--
But I am debating in a respectable fashion...and have you noticed, I have not even requested for you to be Censored...like you did with BHT--
So much for "Freedom"...from the Tea Party Representative--:dance013:
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