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BhT goes toe-to-toe with tea party fanatics

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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Well if you HAVE to know, BhT's use of "teabagger" is a (derogatory) play on the phrase "tea party [attendee]", using the meaning of "teabag" defined by:


- To dunk ones scrotum into the open mouth of another person

- Dipping your testicles into the open mouth of another person. Kind of like dipping a tea bag in and out of a cup of water.

- when a guy puts his balls in someones mouth.

Feel better now?

.....Hmmm....maybe I should give it a go?......is this a required practice before, during or after the party?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
When they first came out they called themselves teabaggers.

Then someone who snuck out of church told them what that meant to most.

Then they changed it.

I still think it's funny.



Active member
....and McCain / Palin would have been a better choice?

you betcha!

sure couldn't do any fucking worse!

When they first came out they called themselves teabaggers.

Then someone who snuck out of church told them what that meant to most.

Then they changed it.

I still think it's funny.


and i believe it was that nasty kunt Jeanine Garafalo who coined the phrase 'tea-bagger', definately not anyone who would consider themselves a tea party goer.

so you all go on laughing, i guess you are so blinded by your own bigoted ideas you can't see what all this hopey changey shit has led us to, you know, like a steady 9.6 unemployment rate, and the federal government ORDERING every motherfucking one you to buy health insurance, or else!

anyway, laugh all you want, the tea party is gonna be laughing come November 3 when we kick most of these bums out on their ass'.



New member
"Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public... according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll." New York Times 4/14/10. So while many leftists are painting the Tea Party with the broadest of brushes and any number of derogatory terms TEA partiers are influencing this November's elections in a positive way.

Compare the litter (none) left behind by the Beck rally and the dumpster dumps left by Sarpton's you'll see the character of what I'm saying.

"Democrats and leftists have attempted to define the Tea Party movement as a collection of angry White bigots. However, the PJTV poll of Black voters shows the wheels on the race card bus are beginning to fall off,"

While it's said that 90%+ of blacks voted for Obama 35% now agree with the Tea Party. Black conservatives are taking heat from Black democrats because Obama is losing support among his base. (AP) http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D9ETR1380

You can't get any blacker than Allan West who's a Tea Party favorite. And he's not the only minority T(taxed) E(enough) A(already) party endorsed candidate. Racist indeed. ROFLMAO

It's time to grow up, talk like adults and look at the bigger picture. Prop 19 is a single issue. Vote yes. But if you vote democrat (Jerry Brown) then you deserve what's coming down the track and it ain't pretty.


To me it seemed like a mere faux to hold a rally for white people who didnt want to see any mexicans, blacks, or muslims in their country reaping any benefits.

I for one DON'T want to see any "illeagal" mexicans reaping benefits they didn't pay for, or contribute to. Muslims are not a problem...unless they intend to harm my fellow Americans, by conspiring to blow shit up or go on a shooting spree in the name of Allah. Same goes for an illegal Mexican gang member here to do harm to one of those fellow Americans. Blacks don't bother me a bit, except the lazy ones that mooch off the Government, same as the illegal Mexicans that come here drop a kid, and think they are entitled to something I worked hard for (my tax dollars). But if that makes me a racist then by God...I'm a racist. My Mother lives off of SS, and an illegal Mexican who drops a kid here can get more assistance than she can, and she paid into the system.

Now as far as pot legalization goes, I'm for it. Just last week a young woman in Texas lost her husband due to drug traffickers south of the border. I'm sure you all heard about the Lake Falcon incident. This is not an isolated instance. It is happening more often than any of you know, or will admit. Legalizing weed would be a step in the right direction toward removing the incentive for the drug cartels to continue contributing to that type of violence, and BS. Securing our borders would be a step in the right direction too, but we have a Idiot in Cheif who is only interested in furthering his base of support. Not in doing the right thing, which by the way would be enforcing the immigration laws that already exist, instead of sueing a state for trying to enforce those same laws.

I am 52 yrs old and never voted in an election because I didn't approve of the candidates either party held up. I am a member of the silent majority...and I won't be silent anymore. And calling me a racist, or demeaning white people (which I am), does nothing but make my resolve to kick the bums out that much stronger. Most of you libs posting here have a wake up call coming in November.

The reason TP rallies seem to be mostly white is because these are the people the government targets with their policies designed to take the wealth and give it to said illegals, and otherwise undeserving amongst us. The older white middle class are the ones wall street shook down for their retirement funds, savings, etc., and stand to lose the most...the ones who worked for it and deserve to be able to keep it. Don't make it seem like white people are the problem, that shit burns me up.

Baba Ku

Active member
Opposing MJ reform is NOT one of the TEA party's platforms. It is only the biased thinking that some have that pushes this assumption into their heads. (people with half a brain and an understanding of the issues realize that the TEA party stance is far more friendly to ultimate decriminalization than any left wing stance ever has been...but I won't debate all of that now...most just simply turn a blind eye to reality anyway..too many pre-conceived bias' at play)

Bias, irrational, and ignorant. Three traits that has gotten us into the biggest mess we have ever been in. Most don't even really realize what a fucking mess we have now. They just keep pushing forward with their pre-conceived bias and bigotry, and always trying to make others think it is their opposition that are the biased bigots.

BigHerbTree....you did not debate with the TEA party, you debated with individuals only.
It is your other stances that make you have the view of the TEA party.
Just like folks think that conservatives are all about non-pot. But it just aint so. For one thing, one must consider that due to a clandestine nature of our pastime, only those who are not real sharp and tend to be boneheads reveal themselves for all to see. So, if you see a person that totally looks and acts non "pot", realize that it may be due to the fact that they are a whole lot smarter than those who would out themselves by throwing around unwarranted charges and blatant bigoted rants at others.

I applaud your work towards legalizing MJ, but your bigoted bias does nothing but help continue the fucking mess we have, and the divisions that exist are due in large part to people JUST LIKE YOU!


BHT, I would like for you to explain to us what is "fanatical" about the TEA party stance. Do you have a clue what is even in their charter? Or are you only using the limited information you possess? Can you show us why we should also view the TEA party as a bunch of fanatics?
Surely we need to see just how fanatical this group is. Maybe some of us know nothing about them and we need to be educated. Educate us.


Bong Smoking News Hound
I for one DON'T want to see any "illeagal" mexicans reaping benefits they didn't pay for, or contribute to. Muslims are not a problem...unless they intend to harm my fellow Americans, by conspiring to blow shit up or go on a shooting spree in the name of Allah. Same goes for an illegal Mexican gang member here to do harm to one of those fellow Americans. Blacks don't bother me a bit, except the lazy ones that mooch off the Government, same as the illegal Mexicans that come here drop a kid, and think they are entitled to something I worked hard for (my tax dollars). But if that makes me a racist then by God...I'm a racist. My Mother lives off of SS, and an illegal Mexican who drops a kid here can get more assistance than she can, and she paid into the system.

Now as far as pot legalization goes, I'm for it. Just last week a young woman in Texas lost her husband due to drug traffickers south of the border. I'm sure you all heard about the Lake Falcon incident. This is not an isolated instance. It is happening more often than any of you know, or will admit. Legalizing weed would be a step in the right direction toward removing the incentive for the drug cartels to continue contributing to that type of violence, and BS. Securing our borders would be a step in the right direction too, but we have a Idiot in Cheif who is only interested in furthering his base of support. Not in doing the right thing, which by the way would be enforcing the immigration laws that already exist, instead of sueing a state for trying to enforce those same laws.

I am 52 yrs old and never voted in an election because I didn't approve of the candidates either party held up. I am a member of the silent majority...and I won't be silent anymore. And calling me a racist, or demeaning white people (which I am), does nothing but make my resolve to kick the bums out that much stronger. Most of you libs posting here have a wake up call coming in November.

The reason TP rallies seem to be mostly white is because these are the people the government targets with their policies designed to take the wealth and give it to said illegals, and otherwise undeserving amongst us. The older white middle class are the ones wall street shook down for their retirement funds, savings, etc., and stand to lose the most...the ones who worked for it and deserve to be able to keep it. Don't make it seem like white people are the problem, that shit burns me up.

thats nothing but fear tacticts...

and almost insulting..... Because i live in California, there is not a MEXICANS who is not legal here who can pay taxes.

Or they would be admitting they are breaking the law. So once again prop 19 still makes them ILLEGAL. does not legalize border hopping.

And nothing wrong with a MEXICAN, trying to MAKE MONEY, just like everyone else.


Active member
thats nothing but fear tacticts...

and almost insulting..... Because i live in California, there is not a MEXICANS who is not legal here who can pay taxes.

Or they would be admitting they are breaking the law. So once again prop 19 still makes them ILLEGAL. does not legalize border hopping.

And nothing wrong with a MEXICAN, trying to MAKE MONEY, just like everyone else.

i think the point is that anyone who is in this country illegally should be deported, whether they be illegal Mexicans, illegal Russians, illegal Canadians or illegal Saudis.

all are welcome in this country if they come through legal channels.

we also must realize that part of why we have so many illegal Mexicans is because of Prohibition creating so much economic opportunity for them to supply American demand.

but don't worry, the way this country is going we will soon be on an economic par with Mexico and they won't want to come here any more for they will be as poor here as they are in Mexico, as we will be once Obama is finished 'transforming' America.


Baba Ku

Active member
Wear one of them kkk hoodies and they'll love ya
I hate to single people out...but you need to be singled out here.
Let me tell you that YOU are a big problem with our society today. Spouting off that sort of shit may sound real cute, and it may get the approval of many here, but it is nothing but ignorant divisive bullshit of the highest order.

What a sad bunch of mindless fucks some of us have become.
Sickening really.

See, a comment like this is made and is just let fly by.
It is time that we call bollocks for bollocks, and what you posted was complete and utter bollocks.

Or, perhaps you have something...anything at all...that could possibly back up your rude comment? By all means lets see it.


i think the point is that anyone who is in this country illegally should be deported, whether they be illegal Mexicans, illegal Russians, illegal Canadians or illegal Saudis.

all are welcome in this country if they come through legal channels.

we also must realize that part of why we have so many illegal Mexicans is because of Prohibition creating so much economic opportunity for them to supply American demand.

but don't worry, the way this country is going we will soon be on an economic par with Mexico and they won't want to come here any more for they will be as poor here as they are in Mexico, as we will be once Obama is finished 'transforming' America.

I'll just leave this here

Baba Ku

Active member
AH, so if it is a bit tough to gain entry, or if citizenship entails something that would involve time and effort, people should not have to put up with such things, aye?

I happen to think that admission to one of the best clubs on the planet should involve more than simply throwing your hat in the ring, and a trip to the local govt housing office.
And it is indeed one of the best clubs..why do they all want in?

No, making the argument that it is just too hard, and takes too long, to become a legal citizen is bollocks. It gives NO excuse to those who would choose to circumvent the system.

It's another hollow argument.


Active member
wow this thread is a full out shit slinging contest!! i agree with some of the TP's views, but im not on the bandwagon. there does seem to be a "dumb" ultra right element among them for sure. however i appreciate their grass roots effort and their fight against the democrats. i used to be a blind soul, who was never aware of the democrats wicked ways. if anything having obamao and pelosi in contrl really woke me up to the farce that is the democratic party...i hate republicans too...both parties are a fucking mess...however at this point id rather see the Repubs in control because they favor the 2nd amendment and states rights. and also my dad and some of his friends are TP supporters and all of them support prop 19 legalization. and if you go on the gun forums of california (calguns.net) most of them are TP or republican and there is a huge pro 19 bias over there...many of them support less government control and hate the way gangs make money off weed.....so i think BHTs experiance with one or two psycho ultra righties is really staining his view of people in general....

what did you guys expect from BHT? i applaud his effort in taking the pro 19 movement to the streets and not debating on a forum, but his experiance and the way he tries to tell of his experiance shows his huge bias. sounds like an ultra lefty like mark morford spouting off insults about all teabaggers being racist backwards folks....kinda reminds me of all the smug san franciscans i gotta live with who constantly talk trash about the country and southern folk...thinkin they are superior because they drive a hybrid and buy carbon credits....ultra lefties make me fucking sick with their smugness! know it all name calling psychos is what they are.....

....and McCain / Palin would have been a better choice?

at the time they seemed to be the worst pick...but in retrospect who knows what would be different...the republicans are fucking morons for picking candidates who seemed so out of touch with what most americans wanted at the time...they pretty much deserved to lose that election.

ultra lefties are far more dangerous than tea baggers....people who think they know whats better for other people and try to tell them how to live? thats way more dangerous than some tea bagger yelling for less government.

but hey if you hate the tea party so much....i guess you can enjoy the alternative
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...Well I think this planet is populated by alot of humans and that many of us are still hunter/gatherers and we should have the right to go anywhere we like.......to hunt for work/jobs,.....trade, and/or set up businesses and live life in peace......all borders should be banned...

....What separates us divides us.....just because you happen to be born in one place does not mean that you should not be able to go anywhere you wish to go.....whether you are poor, rich or middle-class....

Most wealthy western/eastern countries allow economic migrants because they need cheap workers......then those usually work the hardest to then become the middle-classes and within a generation or less in many instances they have the opportunity to become truely wealthy........it's a basic fact of the economic fabric of most all societies historically speaking......Just look at your own ancestors and where they came from, what they had, and what you now have.......

sac beh

...Well I think this planet is populated by alot of humans and that many of us are still hunter/gatherers and we should have the right to go anywhere we like.......to hunt for work/jobs,.....trade, and/or set up businesses and live life in peace......all borders should be banned...

....What separates us divides us.....just because you happen to be born in one place does not mean that you should not be able to go anywhere you wish to go.....whether you are poor, rich or middle-class....

Wise words from someone with experience in international travels and obviously understands the irrationality of so fiercely protecting arbitrary land borders.

What I see in most who oppose the free travel and immigration of people is fear... fear that the immigrants will turn out to be criminals, fear that with more freedom to travel will come less freedom for them and theirs, fears that seem quite irrational given the statistics on immigration and crime. Oddly, many of these same folks are advocates of international free trade, opposing political barriers to commerce so that companies are allowed to seek their profits wherever the bottom line leads them.

Its a shame to live in fear of monsters that don't exist, monsters created by the need of geopolitics and the arbitrary divisions in modern nation-states.

Baba Ku

Active member
No borders and a one world order nirvana are great food for the brain, but that is as far as it goes. We all know that it isn't that way, nor will it be.

Folks always talking about fear tactics, and that the arguments brought up against illegal immigration are all fear driven. Well, I think that is only the interpretation that many of you come up with. There are many valid arguments against a free-for-all border.

Talking about the economic fabric of society...that is the most important argument made against an illegal entry. Since we do not have open borders, and it is not a nirvana-like free for all, there are things we do in our societies to ensure the welfare of our citizens. This would include social services and education. These things are not free, and contrary to conventional wisdom we do NOT have any sort of rights to such things. No, these things are provided for the less than fortunate among us by the rest of the citizenry, and as privileges NOT provided as rights.
When this system of services is usurped, it only burdens the rest of the citizenry.

No...enjoying the services and privileges provided by a state must be obtained as intended by the state and it's people, and not stolen.

Illegals are stealing from the rest of a nations citizenry.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
No borders and a one world order nirvana are great food for the brain, but that is as far as it goes. We all know that it isn't that way, nor will it be.

Folks always talking about fear tactics, and that the arguments brought up against illegal immigration are all fear driven. Well, I think that is only the interpretation that many of you come up with. There are many valid arguments against a free-for-all border.

Talking about the economic fabric of society...that is the most important argument made against an illegal entry. Since we do not have open borders, and it is not a nirvana-like free for all, there are things we do in our societies to ensure the welfare of our citizens. This would include social services and education. These things are not free, and contrary to conventional wisdom we do NOT have any sort of rights to such things. No, these things are provided for the less than fortunate among us by the rest of the citizenry, and as privileges NOT provided as rights.
When this system of services is usurped, it only burdens the rest of the citizenry.

No...enjoying the services and privileges provided by a state must be obtained as intended by the state and it's people, and not stolen.

Illegals are stealing from the rest of a nations citizenry.

....If certain societies did not waste money on waging wars......there would be more than enough to go around to feed the hungry and heal the sick.......and educate the masses....


Bong Smoking News Hound
....If certain societies did not waste money on waging wars......there would be more than enough to go around to feed the hungry and heal the sick.......and educate the masses....

isnt that the sad truth. lil Bush sure did screw this country up with his administration, and the worl for that matter. They want to get rich off oil, but we cant get rich off marijuana?

go figure double standard crap. USA has blood all over our hands, im ashamed to be an american, and this countries leaders have Karma and god to answer too.

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