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BHOgart 5lb Twin Turbo...


Active member
@krunch, fwiw the 2" columns can be blasted out with a air compressor and valve, potato gun style.

A6 Grower


We may have to buy a special tool to take it apart and replace the silicone lower gasket with viton (or reccomended).


Nah, once you clamp it down you can take it off by hand. If anything a large pipe wrench will grab those teeth just enough to help you break it loose. I just hand tighten these down as much as i can(Small guy ~ 150lbs with small hands :woohoo: lol) then use a wrench to turn it just a little more snug.

A6 Grower

Im aware, dont have an air compressor though..


I have a bunch of tubes now and once i get to only a few empty ones i call my helper up and he comes and unpacks all my tubes with handy stick with a butter knife secured to the end. Usually only takes him an hour or two. Way worth it, makes my life much easier. i hate unpacking tubes.

My 4" tubes are nice and hot when i take them off the machine from the heat mats and for some reason i can just push the tightly packed 1000g's out with my 2" dowle i pack with.

All i use are 4" and 1 1/2" tubes, they vary in length from 6" to 24"
Nah, once you clamp it down you can take it off by hand. If anything a large pipe wrench will grab those teeth just enough to help you break it loose. I just hand tighten these down as much as i can(Small guy ~ 150lbs with small hands :woohoo: lol) then use a wrench to turn it just a little more snug.

Getting it off with a soft silicone gasket should be easy. What about getting it back on tight with a PTFE gasket? You will need enough force to engage the PTFE material and cause a seal. Won't this take force then hand tight?

Seems a large pipe wrench could be carefully used. The proper spanner wrench is not very much though.


Our ptfe viewing ports are a pain to seal, had to resort back to Viton and was able to seal. Why use ptfe? No solvent will ever see it ideally

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