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Clones from point A to point B


Active member
Theoretically speaking how do these elite clones get from point A to point B when it involves aircraft? I am wondering how exactly would the best way to fly with your prized clones be. Anyone have any thoughts on this subject? Do they get mailed where they are going? Im wondering about this daily.
I have a couple of ideas how to do it. Im just wondering how its really done. Here is one of my ideas
I thought of getting over sized test tubes, fill them with a little ph'd water pop in the clone rooted in rockwool and put on the cork. They can be mailed or stashed in baggage.
Will this work?
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Active member
true, true

true, true

well then PM me all you ingenious people, I really wanna know and dont wanna blow anyones cover. I have need for this knowledge so IF anyone is so kind as to help a brother out , I would really appreciate it


Active member
I wrote a FAQ at Overgrow on how to ship clones thru the mail. I reposted it here in 2005 or so, but it got binned.

Bunz :D


Active member
its on you tube, last time i checked. that ex cop who has that "NEVER Get Busted Again" page. his name is Barry Cooper. pretty sure hes got a tutorial on an oldschool vhs tape or some shit." gotta give Rep to JULIAN on that tip. he mad OG.


Putting it in your tight briefs while you go thru security. It only works these days if you have a choice between the micro-millimeter machine and the old school metal detector. If you refuse the micro-millimeter machine you will be patted down and your balls fondled somewhat. Used to use plastic test tubes but due to fondling I use just 1 layer of zip lock bag nice and conformed between your ass cheeks and your perineum.
Remove after security and secure in more stable environment.

If you only have the micro-millimeter machine at your airport then you can't have it on you. You have to rely on your carry on. I have no idea what a cutting would look like to an x-ray machine. If it's nothing, then I would easily distract the TSA employee with some other contraband.
These are government employees and drink fluoridated water. You can easily distract the right hand of a TSA employee from their left hand.
Put a 5oz container of hair gel in a separate part of the carry on. They will swoop in on what they are trained to confiscate: Large bottles of hair gel.
Let me repeat.
All TSA is there for is to confiscate large bottles of hair gel.
You can bet Paul Mitchell had his hand in their creation.


Active member
Well the airports around here have the scanner. Some thing tells me the mail might be a better option. I appreciate the responses.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'd say pack them up real good in your luggage if you want to take them on a plane unless you'll have to go thru customs where they might actually search that luggage. For the most part though I'd say mail them. The vial idea sounds fine but the important points of mailing is that the have enough moisture for the trip and the trip is as short as possible. Also that the return address is fake and the address it is going to is a safe address (one that can not be traced back to you or a friend you may be sending the cuts to). You also want to mail it the fastest way possible so as to minimize any harm it might come to.


Active member
Read Pappillon by Henri Charriere.

Small clones are best.


For the risk adverse crowd...

You may want to shy away from Churchills or Presidentes depending on your er... comfort level.

The best solution is to get dark glasses, a cane and a dog. Nobody will care why your dog is grumpy.


passing the gas
Oh I'm so loving the salad full of mite infested OG cuts... seriously this has got to be the best way to carry on a few grams or a few clones.... so glad I saw this thread.

can the new full body scanners pick up what's shoved up your ass??


Active member
The clones can withstand a day or two in the dark.

Another completely unrelated piece of info is that many package services can deliver in two days or less.

I hope you can find a way...


Active member
- Chill your bagged cuts for a few days before shipping, they go into a semi-hibernation state

- Try not to have them in the mail more than a week

- Send it express when it's gonna be freezing temps or roasting temps anywhere along the route.

- Select LARGE and HEALTHY cuts with no "issues"

- Fake return address is a great idea

- Throw something in like candy, cards, etc... (Edit: nothing heavy that will crush the stems/leaves though. lol) That way you can look the postal guy in the eye when you tell them what's in it... minus the cuts of course. :D

- Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
I did two FAQ's at OG.....................the one for cuttings can be found on the net if you search "clones when customs will not be involved." The second one was for rooted clones and involved a plastic vcr case and 1.5" rockwool cubes. Don't wanna give out too much info and get this thread binned.

Bunz :D