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That's what I like guys.:cathug::jump::dance013:
But I think the more beautiful bubbles resulting from lower volumes. Then you can see more details.

I'm just thinking about a bho-spray, like the GoldMist from tetralab. Has one of you ever tried to make something like that??


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
i'm posting up some of my old bubble shots too then.

the last one has an image that looks like a grim reaper in it to me, inside the bubble that looks like it has a wave on the bottom of it.


This has to be the prize shot!
That's what I like guys.:cathug::jump::dance013:
But I think the more beautiful bubbles resulting from lower volumes. Then you can see more details.

I'm just thinking about a bho-spray, like the GoldMist from tetralab. Has one of you ever tried to make something like that??


bought an atomizer to do just that. thanks for the reminder!

love the photography on this thread!


Y4Prop215, eloquent, lol.

Nice errlz! Had some GSC shatter the other day, it was dynamite. Blew a zone of some mango haze, HOLY SHIT BATMAN. I'll try and get a pic up later, just so you guys can utter bad words at me.
hey everybody, been making oil for about 8 months now, definitely not perfected the process, nor have i really had the material to play around with. All of my runs are done using between 6-8 grams of buds, and depending on quality and purge, usually yield between 1-1.7 grams. Last run was about 6.5 grams of my first personal harvest, Pineapple Trainwreck, yielded just over a gram.


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razor ridge

Active member
So whats the advantage in whipping into budder?
And I'm glad to see one person putting it on a paper, I felt like I have missing the train with no form of oil rig. I just pressed my sticky between two papers and when I wanted to smoke some I would trim of a sliver of the paper with oil pressed in between and roll it up in a joint.
Could some folks post pics of the extraction tubes they use? I used a stainless steel pepper shaker, like a camping type, with a coffee filter strainer....


ICMag Donor
Okay...I've got a quick question Hashmasta K:

When the oil is bubbling like that, I am assuming that is butane still exiting the oil, correct?
I notice the blue flame underneath the glass and naturally wonder at what point is a safe level that won't combust.

I've only made BHO a few times...and always proceeded with the caution, hesitation, and respect a newbie should...and just made it the routine and time I have made oil.

But, I surely would love to apply a bit of heat at a certain point and not only speed the process up a touch, but more so, ensure there is adequate heat to evaporate all butane.

I don't intend this to be a saftey / purity debate at all...just a sincere question of where that threshold of no heat / heat is...

And by looking at your picture, based on the assumption I originally asserted, which may be incorrect...I COULD speed things up and apply a bit of direct heat sooner than I have previously...

Thanks in advance...these concentrate threads remind me I'll still just clowning around smoking buds. :respect:



Don't have any good oil pics at the moment but what do you all think about me new tube?

Holds about 25 grams, perfect for small personal batches.


hmmm hows she blast? do ytou use some kind of filter with those?
ive seen tubes similiar to that one on extractionexperts.com
have to say I dont really understand the use or need of the detachable slide end piece . seems like blowout waiting to happen.

but hey if it works, it works ya kno


She works pretty good, I don't need to use a filter but one could easily be put on the bottom. They use the slide piece on cause that's the only way to put the herb in. I haven't had a blowout yet. My main complaints are its a hassle emptying it and sometimes the glass on glass leaks a little if not twisted on.

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