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Thanks for the tip, I will for sure do that next time. I normally get all excited about hitting it I normally leave the tube for later


Okay...I've got a quick question Hashmasta K:

When the oil is bubbling like that, I am assuming that is butane still exiting the oil, correct?
I notice the blue flame underneath the glass and naturally wonder at what point is a safe level that won't combust.

I've only made BHO a few times...and always proceeded with the caution, hesitation, and respect a newbie should...and just made it the routine and time I have made oil.

But, I surely would love to apply a bit of heat at a certain point and not only speed the process up a touch, but more so, ensure there is adequate heat to evaporate all butane.

I don't intend this to be a saftey / purity debate at all...just a sincere question of where that threshold of no heat / heat is...

And by looking at your picture, based on the assumption I originally asserted, which may be incorrect...I COULD speed things up and apply a bit of direct heat sooner than I have previously...

Thanks in advance...these concentrate threads remind me I'll still just clowning around smoking buds. :respect:

For bho I try not to go above 150f, hair dryer works good too.


So I've got a concern to address. I've been using my buddies tube (holds a little over an oz), and we'd always run 2 cans through it. Orginally (right as we harvested our outdoors) I was getting 3-4 grams per run.

I've been reading up on bho for the entire time now, I even have my own vac pump and vac chamber (so much more convenient than heating and whipping). However, I'm only getting about 1 gram per run. Yes, 1 gram of BHO to an oz of trim and 2 cans of butane. I tried running only 1 can as it's advised but it wasn't even a half gram, the second can was necessary.

The trim has been sitting out since late october/early november; it is very dry and very crystally.

I thought that the problem could be the tube being dirty (after so many uses, the inside is just covered in what looks like a mixture of oil and keif). I cleaned the tube, the screen, ran another batch. Only 1 gram.

The only thing I could think of that's different from our first runs is the temperature/RH% (much colder now), and that the trim has been degraded someway.

Any ideas? I have roughly 2 or 3 pounds I'm hoping I could turn into oil, as long as my numbers shoot up.
pack that shit in there man. also for trim one can should be fine for that tube, just keep spraying until the stream is mostly clear. Also the sitting out will degrade the cannabinoids present in the marijuana. also whipping expands the oil and in my experience will weigh a little more. The vac pump will get all of that extra solvent out, making it weigh less. STill, the loss of 2+ grams is a little weird but i'd mostly attribute inconsistent yields with the same material to the pack. It needs to be super even, and super tight otherwise you will SERIOUSLY rob your yield. I've talked to people who put their entire body weight on their tube when packing to ensure even butane flow.


pack that shit in there man. also for trim one can should be fine for that tube, just keep spraying until the stream is mostly clear. Also the sitting out will degrade the cannabinoids present in the marijuana. also whipping expands the oil and in my experience will weigh a little more. The vac pump will get all of that extra solvent out, making it weigh less. STill, the loss of 2+ grams is a little weird but i'd mostly attribute inconsistent yields with the same material to the pack. It needs to be super even, and super tight otherwise you will SERIOUSLY rob your yield. I've talked to people who put their entire body weight on their tube when packing to ensure even butane flow.

Whipping will not make oil weigh any more. Whipping is only for budder or honeycomb. I do agree with the hard packing for consistency.

Keep your oil sexy everyone NO WHIPPING!


idk shatter is a pain in the ass during winter time.the stuff I make is already glass/brittle at room temp any colder just makes it break into lots of little tiny pieces that fly all over the place even when heat the dabber up! I mean I can break off a hit with a heated dabber, but it cools so fast that it has tendancy to shatter off instead of a pull off. needless to say Ive spent many a times looking on the floor for lost dabs :( . well thats where some earwax or budder comes in handy that shit dont fly all over the damn place in these cold months.

Sour Deez

Today I attempted my first butane extraction. Thought my tube only would hold 8-10g, well i was way off, only had 13g on me, and still had about 2 inches of empty space. I was starting to panic a little, ended up filling it with cotton, i guess it worked? The cotton was at the bottom towards my filter, i thought it should be at the top but it was to late.


Its definitely glass like, if i dont heat the dabber up first pieces of oil will go flying, learned this the hard way.

Got 1.6g back from 13g, 12.3%. I am kinda happy with that considering what i used. It was some fluffy, leafy, picked early outdoor. It was more like good trim then anything, the buds were all leaf, and a calyx here and there lol.


Oh yea, this stuff is strong as sheeett. :dance013:

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Today I attempted my first butane extraction. Thought my tube only would hold 8-10g, well i was way off, only had 13g on me, and still had about 2 inches of empty space. I was starting to panic a little, ended up filling it with cotton, i guess it worked? The cotton was at the bottom towards my filter, i thought it should be at the top but it was to late.


Its definitely glass like, if i dont heat the dabber up first pieces of oil will go flying, learned this the hard way.

Got 1.6g back from 13g, 12.3%. I am kinda happy with that considering what i used. It was some fluffy, leafy, picked early outdoor. It was more like good trim then anything, the buds were all leaf, and a calyx here and there lol.

Oh yea, this stuff is strong as sheeett. :dance013:

Good maiden voyage bro! Nice color!

Sour Deez

Good maiden voyage bro! Nice color!

thanks man, it seemed to settle or something the last couple days, its really smooth now, its like a jolly rancher, if i hold it up to the light there are no dark spots at all throughout the chunk so im thinkin its purged well.

Im gonna try a lower temp next time cause i purged all the flavor away somehow, its tastes like hash now. I did a hit before it was even close to fully purged and it had like a minty, lemony thing going on. I attempted to purge in the toaster oven at 150, popping the bubbles every few min.
made my second large batch of bho last night. Ive done probably a hundred small, personal batches, meaning like a quarter of bud at a time. Ran i dont really know how much of some lower lemon ice branches. 4 cans of Power 5X, ended up with just over a quarter of some thick, creamy wax. Real great flavor and smoke. Sprayed into a pyrex container and then sat in a hot water bath for about an hour. After that, i transfered the oil onto the plate that i usually make my oil on. I have my own method of purging, where i place a plate over a pot and let the steam heat the plate. I generally get glass, but thats from pure buds and small runs. I like this wax, thought it wasnt purged well enough, but after like 2 and a half hours of waiting and it not changing anymore, i went ahead and scraped. This is kind of a rambly post and i apologize for that, im quite toasty.


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made my second large batch of bho last night. Ive done probably a hundred small, personal batches, meaning like a quarter of bud at a time. Ran i dont really know how much of some lower lemon ice branches. 4 cans of Power 5X, ended up with just over a quarter of some thick, creamy wax. Real great flavor and smoke. Sprayed into a pyrex container and then sat in a hot water bath for about an hour. After that, i transfered the oil onto the plate that i usually make my oil on. I have my own method of purging, where i place a plate over a pot and let the steam heat the plate. I generally get glass, but thats from pure buds and small runs. I like this wax, thought it wasnt purged well enough, but after like 2 and a half hours of waiting and it not changing anymore, i went ahead and scraped. This is kind of a rambly post and i apologize for that, im quite toasty.
Looks good, nice color.


nice color, looks a little underpurged IMO. I would bring the pyrex dish up to about 145 F and smear the wax super flat with your razor blade. wait about 10 - 20 mins or untill its more stable at room temp. this gives me a nice stable budder thats always fully purged. Dont whip right away, make shatter first then whip that into budder. it takes almost little to no effort. whipping right from the start after all liquid butane is gone seems to trap butane in the oil. and will take you hours of whipping while leaving you with a underpurged gooey sticky wax product. to get a nice fully purge product without a vacuum IME is to really get your oil nice and evenly flat across the pyrex. the thinner the layer of oil the easier it is to purge the tane out. instead of having uneven thick and thin spots make it a nice even layer. i get glass everytime doing this

either way nice stuff man!

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