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Best thing to WATCH ON A TELEVISION while high

yea strangers with candy is hilarious..
for me its
arrested development(fox keeps fucking up by canceling their hits to early)
family guy(although after that southpark episode the humor isnt as funny for some reason, they kinda had a point.)
hustle..the cornyness(word?) of the show is hilarious to me and i cant stop watching it.hope it doesnt get canceled.
and uhhh
stuff on the history channel, like the history of the gun, shootout, etc.

Mr. Nevermind

motaco said:
were you replying to your own post? md cheef is signed out as nevermind.

I forgot to add moral orel, aqua teen, and squidbillies. stephen colbert is a riot too. the presedential dinner or whatever that was where he made fun of bush to his face was priceless.

I have no ideas why he typed Nevermind after his post , i just noticed that. Not good, thats my sig!! lol

haha alex notice the lowercase "n"...maybe he was trying to say "that shit is hilarious nevermind".who know i have to go study...blah


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Best thing to WATCH ON A TELEVISION while high

Shibbyguy said:
I was just wondering if anyone else liked watching trippy movies. Not that I get high and sit on my ass everytime I smoke, but every now and then, I'll get me some couchlock that makes my headspin and I looove to watch big wave surfers lol.

What do you guys watch? :joint:
yeah, funny or trippy movies are cool when stoned on some nice indica bud, but when I get good and paranoid from some wicked Haze (sativa) I get all freaky deeky and like to watch the monitor in my apartment buildings lobby.......

j/k, no apartments for me.


Active member
anything animated is usually best, favorites being South Park or Futurama. 70s show is good too.
i think the best movie you can watch while your smoking out or are already stoned...

hands down... DAZED AND CONFUSED.. dont believe me? haha, try it.
yea i just checked all the other posts, and i can not find where anyone else said Dazed and Confused..... what are you all, crazy? def. the best movie ever, especially stoned!@


I think everyone should check out the Claymation classic, The Adventures of Mark Twain. At first it might seem a bit too childish for some but just wait till it gets further, it gets very deep and amazing. Mark Twain was indeed genius! Make sure you don't get any censored or cut version of the movie. I have it on good ol' VHS :D

Sorry if I bumped you, user: Napalm. Haven't seen Dazed and Confused, I should check it out.
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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight



sqidbillys rule....dont touch tha trim

pixars stuff is too funny...the newest "Lifted" is only a few minutes, but man its funny shit.

weeds season 1-2 on dvd

heros on dvd

new appleseed...man

all futurama...love the new movies. bought one out red box.

frazier on dvd...i hate commercials
movies- Total Recall, Matrix (1st one), lord of the rings( third one), Simpsons,
Snoops Fatherhood (series), Saving private Ryan, and though it sounds a bit sad, but
I've been stuck on Youtube lately, watching just about anything high.

But now, right now, I feel like sex...lol.

Oh, and a nice lesbian porno, but not if I'm too stoned.


I never noticed until someone pointed it out one night, but every time I got high for about a 3 month period I'd end up watching Forrest Gump. It's just a great movie while I'm high for some reason or another, never gets old apparently.

But I don't usually watch TV if I'm having a session. If I do, I watch something like Family Guy, South Park, or The Simpsons. Then of course there is those great movies like Fear and Loathing and Pulp Fiction I'll watch every now and again.


breaking bad
trailer park boys
stand-up comedy
discovery and national geographic HD channels :D
I watch alot of A&E , they got alot of good shows.... Spike TV ....... IFC........National geographic channels .................

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