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Best spot in Cali?


Game Bred
Michigan is great for many reasons, You Betcha'.. The People Super Solid - excellent the way folks respect each other. Lake Superior is remarkable, you're right...! In fact, the whole UP and a large part of Da Mitten too. How about those Northern Lights...?>! Let's not forget about Ann Arbor - or Traverse City - both wonderful areas. It's all good. I wish it was less humid, and freezing...



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
if I come to butte county will i get work, or will the locals act stuckup and not give me a chance?

I don't know that being stuck-up has much to do with the employment situation. Unemployment in most of rural NorCal is out of sight, and Butte County has two colleges to pull in cheap labor. I would think that your chances of finding work are keyed pretty tightly to your marketable skills.


Registered Non-Conformist
Rural Northern California is very Clique-Ish. Anywhere above Santa Rosa... If you are lucky perhaps, you can find a niche. Bring lots of Cash. Don't talk about it.

But, as I said above: Newly-Arrived Lone Wolves are not really given much respect... You got to earn each Iota... Or go Isolationist - and hope that you do not need much help from others...
Locals-Only is the name of the game.

Be prepared for the first few months spent proving yourself in all ways, and also proving that you are not LEO... It is not immediate for things to work out, if it ever happens.

Most Single Males are "Spat out." All it takes is really ONE bad incident. Since Folks Drink Alcohol Habitually, they can be Dramatic.. The Hippie/Rednecks are the nicest of all the sub groups of people. And they are an Incestuous lot...

Don't ask people what they do for a living, BTW... Or talk a lot about where you are From.

If one arrives with a nice Woman, it is possible that She will make friends with other Women, and you can fit in that way. Females are a bit nicer up here than the Males.. Just a bit...

If one is an attractive Female, arriving alone, then playing your cards right can land you in a great situation. Or the opposite.. haha.. In any case, the Male to "Do-able" Female ratio is pathetic..

Most Growers see Females as less threatening. Not so... Surprises occur around growsites occasionally, due to things that Women do - directly or indirectly. Such as rat one out, or talk to their Jealous/Stalking Biker/Felon/Drunk ex-boyfriend with the house in foreclosure about the huge grow that they know about (yours).

In such a case, you might get a visit on October 3rd at 3am. When things are just STINKING to high heaven, and your Trim Room is all set up, but not filled up yet..

California is very challenging. You have to "Have People..." 'People' who Won't rip you off - or "Tax" you. Good luck with that. I just do as much as I can solo, regarding "The Work."

The ignorant SOMETIMES see "Friendliness" as Weakness.. Quite the Contrary... In my world, Comfort and Confidence with Oneself in all situations EMBODIES the meaning of STRENGTH... That is "Personal Power."

In the Wild West of Growland, One must be Vigilant, Resilient, a GREAT Judge of character, Single-Minded and Tough. Low-key and a Helpful Good Neighbor - but NOT OVERLY FRIENDLY to everybody... A real balancing act...
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Well-known member
^nice post. Good insight for a mid-west ish guy like myself. I don't necessarily have the desire to make a move to California as many do, but do sometimes wonder if I could hack it out there after hearing how everyone talks about it.

I'm staying put in my non-med state, but should I ever land myself into trouble I'll be moving to a med state when I can. Got too many buds sittin' behind bars (2-10yrs) for the exact same things you guys do on the regular. Completely ridiculous...hard to believe we live in the same country.

Much of what you said is good advice anywhere in the country.

Take care.

Jon 54

Hi, i live in So Cal, i have to say where i live is the best place ever. im 35 mins from the beach or 45-50 to venice beach, 20 mins from anaheim stadium/ducks pond/disneyland. 30-40 mins from knotts berry farm, 45ish from the mountains. Anything i can think of doing is a short drive away, Plus where i go to get my meds (santa ana, OC(anaheim/gardengrove), sometimes LA) theres is TONS of places and i know they are looking for bomb product, i see people bring in there samples all the time.

It can get pricey but in the end i promise its worth it. Someone said 909, i agree but certain areas, Anaheim, Brea, Diamond Bar, Walnut, Rowland Heights, Covina. Those are all in the same general area as where im at and i think that would be the best choices for any price range.

Hello!! This dude has it down with honesty. The Inland Empire is the place to migrate to. The prices for living are some of the cheapest in So. Cal unless you want to venture out and into the Desert Areas. There are plenty of jobs to be had and great bud to celebrate with. A State Med Card is rather easy to come by. A Doctors reccomindation is easy to get to and you need this to get a State Card issued by the Dept. of Health. This is the card that you want to get as the law always want's to see this. Good luck moving and welcome aboard. Jon 54 :groupwave::groupwave::plant grow::plant grow::plant grow:


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
It´s only a joke but we´ve got a village in northern germany called Kalifornien. :biggrin:



Salton Sea..!!!! And I agree with superman, fuck that card bullshit. Does NOT guarantee you protection from arrest, if they want to take you in they are going to take you in. Period.

Also, it's not issued only by each county's departments of health (each of which gets to set their own price for this card, by the way. My county charges close to 2 bills for it, again, fuck that noise). There are some recommending services that also create the same ID card at the time of recommendation.

At this time the current state of affairs in California are up in the air, legally speaking. Be aware. Or, just do what I say and head to the Salton Sea, just for the romance.


Active member
cali has a spot for everyone . you can be up high ,down low,near beach ,inland desert, ect so many climates and terrain . cali truley has it all. i love my roadtrips here.go thru sierras towards boarder and take coast highway back. always a fun trip


Try looking for a job before you come out here. I have a friend that lives in Washington, he found a job online, he had to fly out here twice. 1 for interview and other to take physical and drug test. 3 weeks later he's out here with a job. Look at some options before u make the move. See maybe what city's are hiring for your profession. Then check out houses in the area, make sure its do able. Do your homework before you make the big move. Maybe fly out here for a small vactikn to see things first hand. Talk to some company's about hiring. Damn near everywhere here is 420 friendly. Be smart about it....burns


Someone needs to makes this a sticky. This seems to be a very popular subject and would save some time answering same questions.


Active member
start in the city and work your way out.as there is jobs if you got skills . i am glad i didnt go rural. i like being able to easilly walk anywhere for anything. took me like 3 years here to get established and a good pad. those were 3 tough years. now as a owner who got a great deal way back . i think it all was worth it. i dont really need my car for anything if i so desired.gas and electric are my complaints along with high property tax. i was 3 years behind. that hurt$$$$$$$$$$$.standing in line to pay it off i loudly proclamed i felt like a sheep going to slaughter


There are jobs here, dont get the wrong idea.. but.. you have to be educated,high shool diploma is good, depending on job. Must have common sense,be responsible, have some experience. you have to be able to fill out an application correctly.have a resume, and not a be tweaker. you would be surprised on how many people cant fill out there app correctly and they go right in the trash. when we have big warehouses open, or a big business, they say they get 2500+ ppl apply for the job and they throw 70% out before the interviews because they didnt fill it out right. Then the other 20% out after the interview because there tweaking or some other nonsense. and then the next 5% because they cant pass a drug test. and there left with 50 ppl for 100jobs. so you can get a job out here, there is a demand for skilled workers, that show up to work everyday


Just Say Grow
Salton Sea..!!!!
now thats just mean! lol salton sea rocks if ya like extreme heat, dead fish and a whole lotta border patrol lol

j/k I had no intentions of bashing anyone's stomping ground...I gotta ton of sweet memories of camping out at salton sea.


Active member
ya job fairs here are like a concert there is so many folks. if your in medical field or mechanic and good those are 2 fields where there is always work. there is more but those are 2 i know well. having friends in medical field and being mechanic and smog certified mechanic


Active member
salton sea is good .you float really well. seamaden wants the sierras to herself.hard to be a seamaiden so high in the moutains.


SB county

SB county

i too moved from the south to cali, chose a great spot with incredibly beautiful places all around. hiking and the best surfing in reach, Santa Barbara COUNTY is a great place to live and operate your med scene. Very lenient on marijuana in this county, tho living in santa barbara city is extremely expensive and crowded, theres valleys right outside the city over the foothills. the cities in the valley are great for outdoor as well, its dry and hot with private areas to live. check it out on a map, some places are a slice of heaven so prices are through the roof but you will find a very affordable house just outside those areas. Also, santa barbara has the highest concentration of fine women ive ever experienced hah i kid you not. good luck with the search! dont let the negative posts keep you away from cali, its a great place to live just depends on your prospective.

cities in SB county - Guadalupe(middle of nowhere), los olivos, los alamos, santa ynez(pricey), buellton, lompoc, santa barbara (coastal+crowded+pricey), goleta(coastal+crowded+pricey), Gaviota(coastal), Orcutt, Santa Maria

about 3 hours north is Big Sur

Go on craigslist to look for a place


Registered Non-Conformist
Givin' it to ya straight. With a little Humour interspersed.

If you come from the Midwest, and move to rural Northern California, get ready to be appauled at the relative lack of politeness and dependability amongst the local denizens.. There are GOOD people everywhere... Look for 'Em...>!

But it is a factor of Education...

This truly is the Wild West, still - just like it was years ago - we just get around in Cars now.

Very Macho Culture. In some groups, only the loudest, or most braggart one gets listened to.. "Redneck" is the dominant Paradigm. Alcoholism is rampant, insidious, and a part of the culture. Bars are ugly scenes...

Don't wear shirts with collars, or be clean-shaven. haha... Metrosexuals need not apply.

Choose your 'work' associates VERY carefully. If you choose to have any at all. Family is best.

If you plan to move to Rural Northern California (Em Tri), import a nice LOYAL (not LOCAL) Female, and don't expect a whole lot of legit work choices..

Incestuous..? You ain't gonna find a desirable Woman already here, without tons of "Road Rash," from every previous Guy and His Dog. not to mention, old Boyfriends vying for another chance. Remember, most of these people Grew Up Together, then there are us, the Interlopers..

NorCal can be the most boring place on Earth from a Cultural Perspective. Plenty of outdoor things to do, and thank the Deities for that... But, that is it.. If you are a fan of weak-ass reggae and run-of-the-mill Rock and Blues, there is some music once in a while. At oNE bar...

There are many plusses to being here, too numerous to name.. Jeesh, just getting in the car, and driving in ANY direction is sure to produce OOOHS and AHHHS... The surfing is just OK, but can be dramatically beautiful, visually.. Low-density population is always a PLUS.

But many negs too. There is no paradise anywhere.
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