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Best Hash Strains



Hey, as a spin-off of the strain lineage thread, I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread covering which strains are best for Hash production, and more specifically, which ones make the most hash period, which ones make the meltiest hash, and which strains produce the most oils. Maybe Bubbleman could sticky this thread if it isnt too much trouble. So come on people, lets hear what strains are the best hashmakers. And if there is any extra info you want to add about the strain ( i.e. buzz when smoked, how it hits, etc.)


King aka KingBud -

This strain is an oil-makers dream as far as I am concerned. I recently got a zip of some King bottom. It yielded 1.8 grams of kif (hash) from a 2 screen dry sift system. Afterwards, I ran iso through all the plant matter to get the last goodness. After a good wait cooking off iso I wound up with 2.1 grams approx. of honey oil. If I had made it all into oil from the beginning I would have had around 5 grams, giving around a 16% return or something like that. Also although the King is coated in trics, they are on the smaller side and its not a complete carpet like some other strains; it seems the majority of the resins are built up inside the plant matter itself, which is the only thing that makes this strain best suited for oil production. Also also King is one of those sought after strains that very easily makes transparent and translucent grade honey oils, translucent oil being oil you can see through when you hold bright light behind it.


Rene -

Anytime I have made rene hash, it hash just been with a few buds; never more then 3.5 grams. Using 3.5 grams of Rene, and pushing it over my dry screens, I ended up with .6 grams of Rene hash of 2 different grades. The first grade was full melt bubble. As soon as the flame went near it, it was bubble central. As the bubbles cleared and the flame took its place (temporarily) I saw that only 1/4 of the kif that had been smoked was left. The rest had vaporised :yummy: The 2nd grade threw off the odd bubble and the kif dropped to the bottom of the bowl, showing just how melty it was. All in all, I would have to say that at the moment, Rene is one of my top 3 favourite strains to make/smoke hash from. The trics on the rene are large, imo, standing of the buds nicely; this makes the Rene very ideal for dry sifting and water hash extraction methods.


Kali Mist -

Like the Rene, the Mist is another of my current favs, but more for making hash then smoking (I find the mist over-rated). Like the rene as well, my experience (as with most strains till I get to harvest my new babys) was limited to at the most on any given time an 1/8th of buds. The return was quite good; giving me I believe it was .5 grams of kif from 3.5 grm bud. The 1st grade like the Rene was a superb full-melt, with the 2nd grade popping the odd bubble and dropping quite nicely. Kali Mist sems to produce more of fur of very erect trics, much like Rene; but obviously being a sat. they are a smaller diameter.


Sensi's Hashplant -

Now this I got to play around with a qp of once. Dry sifting yielded approx 4 grams of kif per oz, and 3.5 grams of BHO for every oz. The kif didnt bubble at all (although I have heard of a Hashplant pheno called Catpiss which makes full-melt, smoked full-melt made from it once :yummy: ) All in all I would say that Hashplant is a good commercial hash producer, and watch that you dont smoke more then a gram o' Hashplant honey a day, or you may wake up with very red eyes the next day still.


Godbud -

Here is a strain that seems to be getting more attention these days. I made Bubble for a friend around X-mas time and surprise surprise, he pulled out a approx. 3/4 lb bag of godbud trimmings :yoinks: :yummy: I got to work on it with my bags, and after some hard work hand-mixing, we pulled 9 grams of 73, 8 grams of 45, 8 grams of 120, 4.5 grams of 25, 5 grams of 160, and 4 grams of 190. All for a grand total of 38.5 grams of hash from approx. 336 grams of trim and underbud. The trics are on the darker side, with the 73 coming out looking like a mocha or something ike that. When pressed ALOT you get a hash that looks almost identical to Goldseal (so I was told by the guy I made it for) The high hits you like a freight train, and makes sure you arent doing anything for the rest of the day, unless you smoke ALOT of weed that is.


Glad ya likes there Bartender, got anything you wanna add? Come on, ya know ya wanna ;)


Bubblegum Specialist
My Bubblegum Variations

My Bubblegum Variations

Recently Bubbleman told me he rated sour bubble hash up there in his top 4 strains. I know Rene has always been one of his faves and he really knows his hash.

Bram, this is an excellent thread and I would like to participate. Bubbleman also had me sample his BC Hashplant hash and some Juicy Fruit that I must say were quite excellent really. Soma's Amnesis haze sure makes some fine oil and it may be the best I ever smoked.

With my Sour Bubble I can get up to that area you mentioned of 15% resins by weight area and all my bubblegum variations seem to have very frosty sugar leaves that make wonderful bubblehash. I like to keep mine frozen until I am ready to press a small amount and I also like it as dry dust as well.

Sour Bubble probably is my most potent hash from my strains so far. Can't wait to make Lifestar hash... :D BOG



Feel free to share any knowledge you may have BOG, as it would most assuredly be appreciated by everyone who makes hashish.

On a side tangent, which methods does everyone prefer for stoing, smoking hash. I prefer to keep and smoke my hash unpressed as kif in a glass jar or film canister. IMO, this gives the strongest, most flavourful hit due to the trics being as intact as possible.


Bubblegum Specialist
Yeah, as I said I like my hash both ways actually but a good hit of the dust burns fastest and I think you can take a bigger hit that way. When pressed it's a nice product to travel with and very compact however and it stays fresh even if in your pocket for a few days. :D


The thing I like pressed hash for is glass hot knife hits. How about posting some of the results from your strains in here BOG. I would be interested in knowin how the Blue Moon Rocks is for hash production, or the LSD.


Bubblegum Specialist
I will have to do some pic shopping to do that...

I will have to do some pic shopping to do that...

Hot knife hits or a bb on a pin is fun in a crowd. With some good bubble just a bb sized nugget can get about 6 people pretty high if its real good shit and that usually impresses a group.

It sure can change the attitude fast.

This out of focus pic looks kinda like crystals if you enlarge it...

I will look around Bram. Wish I had a stash of all my hashes but seedmaking cuts into the high quality hash stash for certain. BOG


Ya, I bet the breeding does do that. I know I will find out within the next year or so, as I plan to try and devote most of my energy towards developings cultivars specifically for hash production.



Nice blonde hash, Expands so much, it will make you look like Barnie Fife.


i make quite a bit of hash from time to time bram , have found some lovely varieties in the round 2 years ive been using bubble bags ...
' cinderalla 99 is just lovely to make hash with , always melts , and the pineapple pheno i grow makes beautiful pineapple tasting hash .
had some luck with making melting hash with quite a lot of the weed i grow , i tended to get more fussy with what i was putting in the bags , and the product of course improved from there ... if one is to use just trimmings , its a good thing to remove all the leaves that have stalk on them , the large fan leaves etc , a bag of the fine trim will make lovely hash every time ...
ive also been lucky enough to have quite a bit of unusable bud to turn to hash , some several kilos of some afghani crosses i grew were turned into hash , it was frozen fresh , and made lovely hash aswell , though it did not bubble to the extent things like cindy will ...
i guess to sum up id like to say , if you use the very best to bubble , you will always get some very very nice hash , no matter what the strain is ... but for full melt , those resin coated strains that look like it has snowed on them are definately the ants pants ...
we spoiled ourselves here recently while deseeding a bunch of mixed female plants , several varieties of , we made a nice ball of each strain and consumed them during the cou[rse of the evening .. we had pineapple , grapefruit , orange , blueberry , blackberry , panama red and a few others , definately a fun night ...



High End isn't really a pure rene, but actually rene crossed to Blueberry indica. None the less, there are 3 versions of Rene floating around Vansterdam. So far I have had 2, the real Rene which has a unique, kinda peppery, berry taste, hard to describe plus I am not good at describing tastes (my best and only way to describe thai taste is mmmmmm). The other is a Rene x Hashplant, the stuff stinks to high fucking heaven and glues your ass to the couch for the second coming of christ.


Lemon Skunk x Godbud -

This is another hashmakers dream when it comes to dry sift hash and honey oil. When made into honey oil, this stuff hits you much like the 'Budder' sold at Da Kines, but much much heavier; it gives a strong tingly sensation in the head which races up and down the spine. The hash that it produces is a lovely golden blonde with a hint of tan. Using 2 grams of bud on my dry sift screens, I was able to pull .35 grs of kif outta it. This gives a very nice return imo, but due to insufficient bubbleyness I wouldn't recommend Lemon God for anything oter then dry sift and oil. The trics are very plentiful and erect, with most of the resins being located in the trics.


wally, I could not agree with you more on using only the best to make hash. Usually I only use bud trimmings (sugar leaf), bottom bag (shake), and bud. Bud always makes the best and gives the most. Part of my reason to create this thread was to make the information on which strains are really bubbley, have the best flavour, etc. is so that someone could look up the strain theyare making into hash and figure out whether its more worth their time to make bubblehash, dry sift hash, or oil from their plant matter. IMO, bubblebags are only really worth using with very bubbley strains, so as to guaruntee bubbley hash, while other strains really pack a whallop, but would give a better yield of equally as powerful hash as what you would get from bubblebags, but using dry sift screens. Hope I didnt lose y'all there, been smokin lots of oil.


Active member
Very nice thread Bram & i would also like to contribute some info/pics on the 2 phenos of the Burmese plant i grow. One makes full melty bubble & the other makes the tastiest honey oil i have ever streaked a J with. I am getting to my gallery this morning with some bubble & macro pics so i plan to do a much better/detailed but brief write up for your thread later this weekend of course thats if yaz dont' mind. Have a nice stoney weekend there mr. hash addict & Peace out f-n 3legs