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BC's 150 watt HPS/T5 Scrog Cab

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
time for an update...
Its day 38 of bloom, some of the hairs are shriveling up already too...she smells delicious:wave:...lol...plus those buds are getting big...
here's some pics for you to enjoy....feel free to comment...



the Trainwreck wasn't this far at 38 days so I think the buds will be nicer...hope so anyways..:)


one more feeding left then its straight ph 6.5 water...with mollases of course:jump:

the majority of the triches on this bud are 50/50 cloudy/clear so she's aways off yet...



one more pic of the Sharksbreath...I'm really liking this strain....those bigger leaves are almost as round as a 2litre bottle! she is only maybe 2 weeks old..it will be fun keeping this one low and short:)...another month of vegging then its her turn..or maybe her clones...for a sog...
the only drawback to this cab is when the plant fills the screen, leaves always get burnt on one side..so I'm drawing up a newer scrog cab( with a 250 or 400 HPS) and use this for sog..
So let me know what you all think!!
thanks everyone:)


I just read through your whole thread. Very impressive. I'm doing my first non-SOG grow right now. I have an unknown sativa that I suspect is trainwreck that I've been LST'ing. I think I might switch over to scrog next time. Check it out she looks a lot like your TW. Here she is at 50 days. I think i'm going to take her until at least 70.



A really masterful example of what training and good design can accomplish. You don't need 400 watts to stay medicated. Great command of LST and SCROG. This will be good inspiration for my upcoming operation. Planning on using a 250w and 4 t5s on a 4 plant scrog. Looking forward to seeing the next harvest.

You vegged this girl a little longer than you usually do, yes? I think that contributed to the quick flowering.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Marn!!!..sweeet Trainwreck!!...those ladies look awesome...TW can go a full 70 days for sure..keep me/us posted!!
Thank you rastaidd!!
thanks Govinda!! I'm looking forward to your grow!! please let me see pics!!! Yeah I vegged her for at least 3 months..lol..I could chop her today and its only day 40...
Thanks :-(!!
thanks cheese!!! gotta see what you've been up to!!
hello and thank you Chomp!! Yeah the leaves are afghani size aren't they?
Hello my friends:tiphat:
Today is day 40 of bloom and, believe it or not, but every bud already has amber triches and red hairs everywhere??!! me thinks it won't be too long..crazy...
Here are some pics for your viewing pleasure:wave:

this bud is covered in amber triches:groupwave:...

its like the buds were dusted with sugar:jump:..this bud is covered in red hairs too..





the buds are getting so fat that the leaves are deformed....straight ph 6.5 water now...I give this plant another week..
what do you all think??? love to know...
The sharksbreath is coming along nicely..she showed sex too:jump:...I might just throw her in the cab when the AK is done on try for some HUGE cola's instead...:)..time to clone her..
I am grateful for all the help/feedback and comments...
Thanks everyone!!


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
God damn brother, that's one stunningly beautiful dank ass plant :good: seriously drooling down here :biggrin:
puff puff pass
:smoke out:


New member


Finally read the entire thread...my eyes!!!! could you enlighten me with how you put holes in your container how big, where, how many?

completely blown away with your results!!! great job and many more buds in your future. The sharks leaves are crazzzzzy


You mentioned you were familiar with Trainwreck, I'm interested to see if the longer vegging time that put her into overdrive flowering mode will effect the cannabinoid profile, might make it lean more THC-heavy than normal. Smoke report will be a must.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Mr b00m!!!:tiphat: G'Day bro!! thanks alot for the kind words:)..I'm really happy with how she's turning out...i sometimes think I have no idea what I'mdoing so postive comments help!!...lol...
Thanks OrgAeroMan!!!! Nice to hear from you too!!
Thanks Strangely!! Yeah, the browning is from the T5's..usually the plant is supposed to be alot lower but I could'nt cram her any farther:wave:..i split the main stem too which made her think she was dying that much faster...
thanks booduh:)!!...its a 12 litre plastic tub with half inch holes drilled all over the sides and part of the bottom but not right in the middle..don't want water draining too fast:blowbubbles:there are about 35 holes...sounds like alot but the better the drainage, the less chance for root rot etc..plus there is an inch of aquarium gravel on the inside bottom..
thank you superpedro!! I am very impressed with all your grows and builds:tiphat:
Hey Govinda!! Thats something I never thought of!! great idea and I will make sure to compare..I still have a boatload ( lol ) of TW from the last grow..Its so strong that I'm in homerland rather quickly..lol..
Hey everyone!! thanks for all the kind words:) You are the ones who teach me...
my bloody cat:cathug: chewed up some leaves on the Sharksbreath while she was waiting for a cloning...you'd think i'd learn from the first dozen times....still happy but all freaky now..
i will be back with pics asap..

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Hello everyone:tiphat:
Time for pics and an update:)
Today is day 42 of bloom and the end of week 6..time flies...
here are some pics to enjoy:wave:


here is the Sharksbreath with 3 babies..lol..you can see where my cat chewed up some leaves:comfort:


after Fimming, there are now 4 tops:jump:


those buds are getting soo big...I can't believe how different this AK is compared to the TW...the TW had loger buds but this one has shorter , fatter buds...


this bud is already done:jump:..2 weeks early...

you can see where some of the cola's are slanting now...from all the nummies...
I will have my newer cab built within 3 weeks.. just the box...its really a big change from this cab..it has everything inside plus a veg chamber..comlpete with a 400 watt 55,000 lumens HPS in a cool tube....all in a 2.4 sq. foot space:wave:...this will be fun..lol...
Thanks everyone!!I look forward to hearing your comments/feedback..:)


ICMag Donor
Love the serrated leaves on the sharksbreath!

Are you gonna keep running this cab or is this new cab totally replacing this one?


Budz are lookin stellar BC :jump: Looks like you didn't get as much vertical stretch as you did with the TW. SB is gonna be an interesting one to watch. You plannin that for the 400? Keep it green Bro :ying:
Whats up BC, looking fantastic!!! That AK is frosting up nicely!!! Cant wait to see the new cab, I know it will be full in no time. Are you going to scrog in the new setup

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