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bangi haze



GG updates in a few days brother been trying to brace these girls up(time consuming) they seem to be picking up the pace a bit. should be updated this weekend

hope all is good with you brother


here are a few updated pics of the bangi haze. still trying to catch up on nitrogen def. but here they are



just a little up date on the bangi haze. I have not been able to totally catch up with the nitrogen def. but I am still trying. they have jumped to 6-7' maybe a little taller. the weather has been nothing but rain for the last 10 days on and off during the day and all I can do is top dress with ewc and guano. I think if I cut them back (some small branches and inside branches ) it might help them catch up with greening up some. here are some pic's of the 3 bangi haze. remember this is due to my neglect nothing else. the 4 pic bangi is dead center. pic 1& 4 same one



bangi 1 & 4 pic has been trimmed back and it looks better than the other 2 I have I think it is due to this trimming on it. things are getting a little crowded as you can see. they are starting to show little button on the tips now so it won't be long before it get's interesting


I have no idea what the hell is going on I load the pic's same as always lets see if the one's above stay this time twice they have not. now pic 1 & 2 are the same plant

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
I can see them now. Looking nice. The one is still pretty yellow. Have you tried a foliar spray? It is a lot faster in getting into the plant. Just don't over do it with Nitrogen.
Next time get some close up pics of the buds starting to form please. You said they have been flowering for a week or so?
Keep on keeping it green
Cheers GG


far beyond driven...
@ flboy don't smoke before you doing serious computer stuff :laughing:

well nice plants you all have there! Lot's of work! respect.
spray is very fast and you will see the results way faster than feeding... but i would also recommend some organic fert's feeding with watering...
wish u all the best & Big Bud's:tiphat:


GG I sprayed them one time but I think your onto something. I will be doing it again but I will do it a few times this go around after the rain stops so it will do some good. next time out I will try to get some up close but I don't think my cheap camera will do the job. they have little button tops on them. my Malawi is surprising me this early with the pistols she is throwing


thanks madmac I hear you on the smoke factor lol. I will be spraying when the rain lets up it has been a constant for the last 10 days or so. I have used fish 5-1-1 a few times . what would you and GG suggest as a foliar feed ?

gorilla ganja

Well-known member
thanks madmac I hear you on the smoke factor lol. I will be spraying when the rain lets up it has been a constant for the last 10 days or so. I have used fish 5-1-1 a few times . what would you and GG suggest as a foliar feed ?

I'm not really an organic guy as far as fertilizers. The fish stuff should work fine. Just do it as soon as you get a break in the weather. You probably don't want to be spraying fish guts on the buds. The other things you put in the soil should be working in with the rain also.
So they should be fine.

Peace GG


far beyond driven...
well i'm a total fan of the http://www.baconline.co.uk stuff.
i never had such good easy working products like that.... the last 20 years
i tested them all with my soil... like canna, hesi etc... bac is the best like ACE for me...
this is what i used since 1 year and the results like ACE Seeds speak for themselves...

BAC Foliar Nutrition ensures the quick creation of chlorophyll (green colour) in the leaf. BAC Foliar Nutrition stimulates the micro-organisms living on and in the leaf (photosynthesis bacteria) that ensure the creation of chlorophyll.

This foliar nutrition is also used as a plant enhancer, which will make your crop stronger and the leaves thicker. Mildew, Botrytis and other plagues will have less of a chance to affect your crop. Furthermore, BAC Foliar Nutrition contains ingredients that make the crop uninteresting to enemies, such as thrips and spider mites. It will be much easier to keep these enemies at bay as they no longer like your crop. Prevention is better than cure.

don't know if you can get bac in your country but if so get it.
They have also some howto and feeding scheme...


madmac I don't think I can get my hands on baconline wish I could seems like they have the complete set up after looking on the site you gave. I need to look into a line that has what bacon line has if possible here in the states

stay safe
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GG I will more than likely try and make a tea with first with ewc and guano thinking about adding a little liquid karma (need to read bottle first ) and then do a lite mix and spray with the fish see if this will help them. I will not spray with developed flowers on for sure as the taste of fish sounds ruff lol

stay safe



GG at your request here are the beginning of the flower as they are today not the best pic's but I messed with the camera to see if I could do better and this is what I have. hopefully they stay up this time and don't make me work at it (sober )
