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Babba's '09


Senior Member
ICMag Donor

back there..I'm sorry I took up two posts but I couldn't get the link to go with the thumbnail when editing...DD


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Damn Babbas! I got something eating at my red cabbage and romaine as well! Went out there this moring and my zuchinni, romaine and red cabbage all have thousands of lil holes on em! A week of heavy rain killed all my cucumber vines too.......:wallbash:
Hope you get your pest issues taken care of!

good vibes


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Hey Bud! Hey Mrs. B! We'll see our efforts soon and look forward to your eventual visit!

Much love and deepest respect,

Tom and stonegirl



ICMag Donor
Happy Friday everyone!! hope you all had a good week...its started out kinda rough for us, babba had some tools stolen on Tuesday and then our son got a nice gash on his head from running into a piece of metal! ...and I still havent seen our old cat since last night and shes not one to go too far from the house so Im pretty worried about her!

But with all that said, we had a visitor in the garden this morning!...not sure how the hell he got in there but he looked like he made himself at home!! haha
Everyone meet Norman t. okes!

He made his way around the garden!!

heres a shot of my herb bed...my artichoke isnt as big as I thought it would be by now..oh well..

DD...how did you sneak here!! lol thats a great pic and you deff have a spot here in the fall, we would be honored to have you take some pics of our garden :D

Ohhh man Whiskey!! that sucks, damn bugs! haha Im not sure whats eating mine too

PTD...we love you guys and cant wait to visit you! soooooon very soon!

Keep on puffin :joint::joint::yeahthats


sucks to hear of the Babba's misfortune of thievery and injury..not too mention a missing pet..:badday: I'm sure kitty kitty is just out wandering, hunting for mice and will be back sooner than later.
Best thing about growing your own anything is how much better it tastes knowing that you made this. What kind of stuff do you make with your artichokes? I like mine braised in chicken stock with a good bit of lemon juice and then stuffed and baked with a good old Provencal style stuffing recipe..nummy!
...and watch out that gnome doesn't make of with any of your "herbs"! They have been known to pick a crop before it's ready!! :laughing:


:joint:here I come dragging in...Always a pleasure watching your Beautiful garden grow.Sorry to hear about thievery and injury...praying for kittys safe return..tagged,g13


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Its been a rainy cool spring so far. Seems like everything is getting a good root base and just waiting for the sun to come out. Lots of seed poppin... everything looks real happy. Just add sunshine :)
Thanks so much for all the great responses. Its great to put up this thread and remember why we are here and see all the great people come out to post. Being a moderator here means that sometimes we get caught up in some of the drama and its great to put up a thread and get back to our ICmag roots !! Thanks everyone. I took a couple fresh pics:)
Nam myoho renge kyo

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ICMag Donor
Hug Your Garden Every Day!:yeahthats

hey girlfriend!!! bout time you posted up here!!! not like you cant see it in person!! haha when are ya coming back up??
Good to see ya and stay outta trouble on the boards!! lolol :moon:


Looking good out there! I hear ya about the cool, cloudy Spring, bring on the SUNSHINE!!

Keep having fun, love to lurk your grows.....


hey can we see Mrs. B's feet again this year? lmao I'm joking. but they were HOT :2cents::joint::abduct::nanana::nanana:

great garden :woohoo:


Active member
ICMag Donor
Happy Friday everyone!! hope you all had a good week...its started out kinda rough for us, babba had some tools stolen on Tuesday and then our son got a nice gash on his head from running into a piece of metal! ...and I still havent seen our old cat since last night and shes not one to go too far from the house so Im pretty worried about her!

But with all that said, we had a visitor in the garden this morning!...not sure how the hell he got in there but he looked like he made himself at home!! haha
Everyone meet Norman t. okes!

He made his way around the garden!!

heres a shot of my herb bed...my artichoke isnt as big as I thought it would be by now..oh well..

DD...how did you sneak here!! lol thats a great pic and you deff have a spot here in the fall, we would be honored to have you take some pics of our garden :D

Ohhh man Whiskey!! that sucks, damn bugs! haha Im not sure whats eating mine too

PTD...we love you guys and cant wait to visit you! soooooon very soon!

Keep on puffin :joint::joint::yeahthats

looking great as always

i hope the cat has returned?
i had a cat disappear from me last year
he never returned again after gone missing
weird enough it happened just 2 weeks after a family in the neighborhood had complained about him going in to their garden
they also had it in for me for some time
makes one think...
i hope yours are ok and your not living close to some ppl with bad karma that has it in for you like i experienced..

that "visitor"
he he
we call them Garden Gnomes in Denmark
some ppl even has official hategroups for them

what a weird world some times ;)

wish you the best for the rest of the season and a nice rewarding harvest in the end

little j

hi babba. im in a good mood tonight and i thought i would say hello. i always watch your garden,,, but yeah,, i think about your feet too. that toe shot from last year year made my day. i think it made a lot of peoples day.
great thread as always. keep being kind. it helps.
thanks, little j.


oh thank god I thought I was a freak or something. its not just me! lmao

but yeah,, i think about your feet too. that toe shot from last year year made my day. i think it made a lot of peoples day.
wooo! i have been looking for your guys thread. i thought there wasnt going to be an 09! stoked to sit through my first babba grow.

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