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Automatic Hindu Kush

Dr Psycho

Soaking old or weak seeds in a seaweed solution for a couple of days prior to planting seem to help germination and vigor especially if the soil is soaked with sea-weed solution prior to planting.

Dr Psycho

The oily smell can be traced to the ruderalis , i once toured a field of fin-314 oilseed hemp a low thc variety that is grown for food and cosmetics here in Canada- it was a hot day in august and the field was about a week from harvest- the smell from 4oacres of Ruderalis Hemp was a road-tar/warm motor oil smell-with a hint of burnt coffee.


Active member
Well, I never was one to be trendy but it seems the seeds I have chosen aren't very popular. If you search google for info about autoflowering varieties, you get only a few hits with any real information about Automatic Hindu Kush and thousands of hits about Automatic AK47. It's amazing how many auto varieties there are now and how many new varieties are coming out.

But I bought the Automatic Hindu Kush (Masterlow X Hindu Kush) seeds anyway and you have to know I'm dedicated because the first order for $112.00 got stolen by a crooked seed vendor. I ordered again though and suffered the agony until they arrived.

Then, when I looked at the seeds I was quite disappointed. There were 5 very tiny seeds and a couple that were so small I felt they would never germinate and 5 larger seeds that were very light in colour and I felt they were no good as well. But I kept going.

I read years ago that the way to tell male seeds from female seeds is that the females seeds are smaller. There was argument about it but I tried it and sure enough I have some success with it. So I started up the two smallest seeds about the size of the head of a pin. I'm starting 2 seeds a week to work a perpetual grow but I want the females to grow a bit before the males come on. Now granted there is no proof that the smallest seeds are female but it's the way I do it. I want to make a seed run so I have some seeds to plant out in the garden in between the giant marigolds.

I soaked the seeds in a cup of luke warm tap water and set it on top of the shoplight I use for growing my orchids in the exact place that keeps the water at 76f degrees. After 12 hours they both sank to the bottom with a little tap which is a good sign because in my experience floaters don't grow. After another 12 hours the larger one started to crack and another 12 hours the smallest one cracked. After one day the larger one had a nice little root pertruding out and I planted it. Another day later the second one was ready and planted and a couple of days afterwards they popped up. I was shocked because they came up so fast when I was really expecting them to not grow.

I'm using the AllTreat Premium Potting Mix from Walmart which is actually very good and it's PH adjusted.

The seeds grew really fast and on the first day they were already showing their second set of leaves. I don't think any of my plants grow that fast although most of them will sprout like that.

Actually going against all the advice I have read, I began fertilizing on day 2. They doubled in size overnight. These plants are just gorgeous, so healthy, so fast. Then after a few days of fertilizing a few dribbles every day and letting some drops remain on the leaves I got scared and decided to listen to the other growers and stopped fertilizing and swithched over to plain water that had been left out to get rid of chlorine. And after a few days of not fertilizing I could see a definite slow down. I started to fertilize a little bit every day and they took off again. They really do seem to love the fertilizer. I use the Schultzes Premium Orchid Fertilizer with micronutrients 19-32-18. I've been using it for years on my orchids and all my weed grows and it's actually PH adjusted. It's very mild because orchids don't like heavy fertilizer. I grow my orchids with very mild fertilizer with every watering and use that system on my standard weed as well. These two plants are two weeks old in a few days and are growing great.

The following week I started the two smallest of the remaining seeds and had the same very fast response and after a few days the second two look great.

This weekend I'm starting the two smallest of the remaining seeds which are getting to be normal sized seeds. Again the larger one is ready to plant after 48 hours.

So even though I had lots of worry and heartache over these seeds my faith has been restored and I'm very happy.
I chopped some auto hindu couple weeks back the smoke like a champ .you wont be sorry .im adding the non-autoplant to my pool .DNA genetics via dope seeds


New member
Great post keep it up. I was thinking about placing an order soon myself. I was thinking ak47 but now hindu kush is on my mind ha. Do you know anything about the blueberry?


Active member
They gave me freebies of blueberry also smoked supreme ,im a newbie but have been studying the plant for years both plants produced trichs from hell....an i didnt even use nutes during veg.. only flushed for few days ,didnt dry a cure correctly an it still was some kill. so grown properly skys the limit.But the hindu was tops imo.
If you look back at the beginning of this thread you will see that I got ripped off for my original seeds that I ordered in November from a bogus vendor and then ordered a second order of the Automatic Hindu Kush from Europe.

Then last week a surprise package arrived with my original order of seeds that I didn't receive. So only 5 months for delivery.

Not that I need them however as every female is absolutely loaded with seeds from the ground up. Thousands of seeds. Nice fat juicy seeds and some are showing nice and brown through the splits in the calyxes. It's just about 30 days since they were pollinated so probably harvest time will be on the weekend.

I don't have room for many more photos within my limit so I won't post any until the buds are harvested and stripped of their fan leaves so you can see what I got. I'm happy. And after curing for a month or so it'll be just about time to start up guerilla gardens in the Toronto ravines. Listen if people find my plants and rip them off, that will be good--it'll be party time here in T.O.


New member
Great read! Looking forward to seeing your finished products!
Something tells me there is gonna be a lot of outdoor hindu kush in Toronto this fall! lol
Well, I guess this is the beginning of the end. Here you can see the plants just before I started cutting. In the back row, #2 on the left and #1 in the center back were cut today. Don't forget they were the smallest seeds and #1 was so small it was no good at all but it managed to pull through and form a solid little chunk of seeds for me. #2 is about 12" and #1 is still 5 ". You can see #8 and #9 the mutant in the right hand row. They were the largest seeds and formed the largest plants, about 16" tall. The mutant in front on the right is still forming lots of extra leaves and even has managed to form a huge triangular seed.

I think in my future grows, coming from my beautiful homemade seeds, I will get a lot better plants and no males need apply.


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Here are #1 and #2 after cutting next to a bic lighter. Sorry for the small sized photos but I am running out of space.


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The #4 plant is a week younger and still needs to ripen the seeds a bit more before cutting. It decided to lean over a bit but it's not really horizontal, it's just the camera. It's about 12" long.


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You have to understand that even with the slightest touch of the Automaticd Hindu Kush your fingers will stick together like crazy. I can see why they call this a good hash maker.

Hopefully by next week I can sample some of the smoke.

The smell is strong and delicious and lasts on your fingers although it grew with very little odour.


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Even the smallest one managed to put on quite a show. As you can see it is a pretty solid chunk right from the ground up to it's 5" high tip with a couple of side branches.


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Great thread! I'm new here & to AFs. Really enjoying reading your thread. Thanks for sharing! Now if only you could actually share some nugs...hahaha!
I've cut the next three plants now, #3, #4, and #6. I can see the seeds poking out of the calyxes now and they've turned nice and dark.

I've smoked #2 a couple of times now from the tip and here's what I found. The seeds seperate from the bud easily and even though curing for only a week they are just dry enough to be able to break up with my fingernails into smokable condition. The smell is strong and very nice but not that different from any other pot to rave about. It just smells like pot, a bit sweet, kind of hashy. Which is good actually. The seeds are nice and brown and covered in black speckles, and kind of small which I find odd although some of the later plants came out with larger seeds. But don't forget that #2 was a very tiny dark seed. It's possible that this smaller seed thingy is genetic and dominant. Wouldn't it be nice if these smaller seeds mean sativa dominant. I've noticed that the sativas seem to have smaller seeds.

I would have to say that the smoke is not that strong but I didn't expect it to be strong as all the females were fully pollinated. It's a wierd stone and I'll have to analize it. I get a heavy hit at the beginning then shortly after a wide awake stone as I go through the joint. I can feel it now as I end my second skinny joint in an hour. Still up and down roller coaster. Too hard to describe.
The first two plants were much too old to make seeds and ended up going more than 80 days, but the younger plants came out much better. I smoked most of #6 and it was better smelling and tasting and resinous. I found it pretty strong. I wanted to take some with me when I went over to my friends' place for coffee this morning, but I smoked too much last night so I had to blend in some #4. I crumpled them together and extracted the seeds from the #4 and took a bit with me.

I always like to get an opinion from Inatasha because she's a b-tch and hates everything. If she says it's good, then it's great. She just loved the smell, called it funky and smelled like Patchuli oil or something. I said you mean herbal, she said yes but funky like Patchuli. It's hard for me to describe the smell myself, but I find a bit of fruity and floral notes in it under the mild skunkiness, almost berry. She raved on the taste.

Her boyfriend took the first hit and said oh strong. She took a hit and said I don't think it's strong. (I told you). Then he takes a hit and says I find it strong. Not as strong as some pot but I can feel it, so we decided medium. Then Inatasha says oh yeah, I can feel it now, it's a creeper, and it hit me right here in the third eye.

Then she says "I don't care if it's strong, I just love the smell and the taste. So she was happy.

I do find it nicely medium and don't forget each of these little plants has produced 125 or more gorgeous succulent dark brown seeds, about good medium in size. Most of the thc has converted because the plants are older than they should be in order to get the best dark seeds. I think when these are grown sensi they will be pretty nice. I'm starting some seeds now to hide amongst the marigolds as this is the perfect time to get the maximum hours of sun as the growth will span the solstice.
I've smoked several of the plants now and some are very delicious and very sticky and #8 is very potent as it was harvested at the proper age and it's quite stoney.

All in all I have to give it a thumbs up as something so fast and so easy and basically free for the rest of my life is just great. And it smokes pretty good too.

I started up 4 of the Purple Jems and got 3 plants and one aborted seed still in the cup. The plants are 3 weeks old now. Out of the 3 I have 2 males and one beautiful female, so it looks like I am going to be in for another seed run. The one male is very fast and extremely strong looking. I think I'm going to kill the smaller and slower male. I'm going to pick all the flowers off the good male for a while to let the female get ahead. With normal pot you can keep a male alive for years if you never let him flower, so this will hopefully work with an auto male as well. I want the female to bulk up a bit before she gets hit. I also have another couple of younger Purple Jems coming along a couple of weeks younger, so it would be good to postpone the male

I did a lazy job with these seeds as well. I was reading in another forum about people that just cut down the old plant at harvest and plant a new seed next to it. They claim the soil just gets better and better. Of course the old roots are there rotting underground. So I did it, and I have to say that these plants look extremely happy and healthy. Normally I pulverize the root ball and add 25% fresh soil but this time I didn't.

I can see a light purple cast to the leaves of the Purple Gem that doesn't show up in the leaves of my Burmese Pure, hopefully female (seed mother), which just looks blue under the mostly blue led ufo light.

I do really like these autoflower plants. They just grow so fast. Imagine 60 days from seed to harvest. 3 outdoor crops a year in Canada.

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