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Autoflower By Sandnut


Active member
I will be starting LST on all 3 White masters in the next couple days! :D

Cant wait to see some pix bro

hehe yeah i read it in your thread i agree they ill be perfect for LST, so they turn out just like in the pics ;)

...update on its way


Active member

Everything is going so well, no problems sofar... they're taking off each day that goes by

As you can see i've put some LST work into some of them, on one of them you can already see that its growing as a buush lol!

All the females have been transplanted today... i chose not to transplant the males bcuzz i feel its a waste of space... want to give the females alot of space to dance in...:dancer:

I feel they got plenty of space now and it's gonna be awesome to see them grow out.. also trowed out 2males and got some rootmass shots below..

They fill the space up quickly!

* 21days from seed
* 17days above soil



Doing what we do because we are who we are
LST looks like a top job brother :)

they are loving that medium... look how they have consumed it :)


Active member

hey guys

A small summary of what's left in the cab...

2 NYLD females, 1 Onyx female, 1 NYLD male and 3 Onyx males
Will probably end up with 1 male to pollinate the 3females so they will have loads of space to grow in :)

* 22days from seed
* 18days above soil

Im trying to find the male that i want to keep, theres alot of things i have in mind, structure, smell, height, early/late development.
So im looking into that now, comparing pros/cons they have

Onyx 1: This one is the smallest of them all, could also end up to be the largest but it is the 2nd slowest growing atleast and the lowest...maybe alot of indica in this one, The structure of this one is the least bushy yet, but maybe it will develop into a bushier plant.

This one has the best smell of all the males, it smells really dank already, it reaks of diesel with an undertone of skunk bud, smelling on this one reminds me of when you open a bag of well cured weed if you haven't smelled weed for some time and the smell hits you right in the face.

Onyx 2: This one has a nice structure sofar, many more branches shooting out of its stem compared to the 1st onyx. This one is abit bigger than the previous onyx but the top of it isn't as developed as the other too, i think this one is the slowest, and the smell is not as potent.

This one smells more like skunk blended with somekind of fruit its hard to tell really, it is pretty nice but i would place this one in 2nd place in terms of smell of all the males.

Onyx 3: This one is the tallest of the Onyx'es so far and defenetly the earliest and fastest of them, im picturing that this one would get the shape of a christmas tree later on with a tall top bud by looking at its structure now.. the structure is really good so far and its the type of one you would like to LST.

This one has the worst smell of the tree Onyx'es, it doesn't smell bad or anything but its generally weak and the sweet skunk smell is hardly noticable yet.

NYLD 4: This one has by far the most branches but it is also by far the earliest of all the males, it has a beautiful structure but it has also been LST'd so don't let it trick you too much.

im picturing this one would finish really early like 55-60days if it was a female.

the smell on this one is absolutely the weakest of all the males and the smells that are noticable aren't really very pleasent, It smells like flowers/spices/and mint.. maybe it will develop soon but this far the smell is really not there, toobad cause i really like the structure and the speed of it!


Marijuana Enthusiast
Its between onyx 1 and 2, honestly i would go with 2... The onyx male i picked had a citrusy skunk smell to it.. Usually the slowest auto usually ends up being the biggest and heaviest yielding, not always, but usually... Also number 2 has a really nice structure..

I was aiming for a bush like Onyx when i chose my male and female... So both my female and male i used for breeding had HEAVY branching, its going to be intresting to see how they turn out! Looks like you got alot of room for them to play with, i hope they fill it up!
Looks great.
One of the most important traits when picking males, is potency. I would never breed with a male with out testing for potency.


Active member
Its between onyx 1 and 2, honestly i would go with 2... The onyx male i picked had a citrusy skunk smell to it.. Usually the slowest auto usually ends up being the biggest and heaviest yielding, not always, but usually... Also number 2 has a really nice structure..

I was aiming for a bush like Onyx when i chose my male and female... So both my female and male i used for breeding had HEAVY branching, its going to be intresting to see how they turn out! Looks like you got alot of room for them to play with, i hope they fill it up!

BTW, everything looks really healthy, you should be proud!

thank bro!! yeah probably sounds like a good choice! I'll make an update tomorrow or the next day, im really satisfied so far.

Ps. took a peak into the white master you LST, damn bro heaving branching already and branche of the branches lol, got that? haha sick!!

Looks great.
One of the most important traits when picking males, is potency. I would never breed with a male with out testing for potency.

Thanks for the pm buddy, appriciate it!

By smoking it?

Yep! some breeder pintch the top off the selected males jut after they show sex and smoke it to determine potency/kind of high/ and for how long the high lasts, creds to phreedom


Marijuana Enthusiast
thank bro!! yeah probably sounds like a good choice! I'll make an update tomorrow or the next day, im really satisfied so far.

Ps. took a peak into the white master you LST, damn bro heaving branching already and branche of the branches lol, got that? haha sick!!

Yep! some breeder pintch the top off the selected males jut after they show sex and smoke it to determine potency/kind of high/ and for how long the high lasts, creds to phreedom

Im hoping you found some pretty good onyx phenotypes, one i had was pretty shitty to be honest, but the other (the mother) was knockout smoke...

The whitemasters loved the LST, i think they started growing faster when i tied them down:laughing:

Phreedom has been around for a long long time, he knows his stuff, it might not sound the most appealing, but ive heard of many different people smoking male parts to test for potency, good males can potentially contain lots of THC...:wave:

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Yep! some breeder pintch the top off the selected males jut after they show sex and smoke it to determine potency/kind of high/ and for how long the high lasts, creds to phreedom

Hell yes! I've been glad to be able to roll up some Js out of culled males. If they are from good weed they will be worth sparking up.


Active member

Doh, im actually left with 3 NYLD females, I tought it was an Onyx in there by mistake but no, I found a toothpick kinda hidden in the soil I checked some earlier pics and realized it is another NYLD, and no harm in that.

These onyxe's I was growing had a really high male ratio, compared to the NYLD that were 60/40, anyways im left with the Onyx #2 to breed with, it has a nice structure, its a littler slower but its taking off now and i think it may well be one of the large growings, it was the only out of the onyx males with a distinct odor i think its getting better all the time... this is defenetly changing the pattern

the NYLD in the plastic bag, is the only out of the 3 that hasn't been LST, and its bushier than the others, im likeing this one!

* 24days from seed
* 20days above soil



Marijuana Enthusiast

Doh, im actually left with 3 NYLD females, I tought it was an Onyx in there by mistake but no, I found a toothpick kinda hidden in the soil I checked some earlier pics and realized it is another NYLD, and no harm in that.

These onyxe's I was growing had a really high male ratio, compared to the NYLD that were 60/40, anyways im left with the Onyx #2 to breed with, it has a nice structure, its a littler slower but its taking off now and i think it may well be one of the large growings, it was the only out of the onyx males with a distinct odor i think its getting better all the time... this is defenetly changing the pattern

the NYLD in the plastic bag, is the only out of the 3 that hasn't been LST, and its bushier than the others, im likeing this one!

I told you bro, ONYX has a REALLY high male ratio..im not sure why, the seeds i got were from a seedbank, and i had 60% males... a close friend of mine also had grown onyx and had alot of males...

Did you get any onyx females?

They look really healthy, when is your light suppose to arrive?



Active member
I told you bro, ONYX has a REALLY high male ratio..im not sure why, the seeds i got were from a seedbank, and i had 60% males... a close friend of mine also had grown onyx and had alot of males...

Did you get any onyx females?

They look really healthy, when is your light suppose to arrive?


Yeah and right you are..! No kidding man its unbelievable.....out of the 10~ i had in the cab only two where females and crappy ones imho that's why i got ridd of them..

Possibly unlucky too but it's what it is...

yeah, im going away over the weekend its gonna be fun to show up with an update and see if theres any big difference in size.

you know how it is, you look at them everyday, suddenly you start to think they never get bigger haha!

yeah man hoping so, I recently loaned a relative 4k $, doing some business this weekend lets see what I've got to spend when im back lol ;)


Doing what we do because we are who we are
NYLD has some very rapid growth until you hit her with some man dust then its like a pimp gave her a taste of the back of his hand for the next week or so... but she does come back strong :)


Active member
NYLD has some very rapid growth until you hit her with some man dust then its like a pimp gave her a taste of the back of his hand for the next week or so... but she does come back strong :)

Haha... got me thinking of the pimpslap of the pimps in "How high" the baby powder being the pollen ofc.... :smoke:

Welcome to the show La_buena_Hierba... :smoke:

I'm seeing this sort of thing as well. I'm an AF newbie, but its pretty evident that if you keep these AFs happy that they will put out.

Yeah man... they will show that they thrive right away!

It's o easy really if you think about it, they do tell us everything they need and how they are feeling by the looks of them, they need more water, ok.. you see the sign, water them! They got too much N, they will show you, ok, back off with the N... so simple when you break it down... :smoke:

Look at the root pic below, its filling that pot right away, its the one with the biggest pot and its VERY deep/tall, therefor the fastest growing, in 9 out of 10 cases.

People say you should never expose roots to light, but i've just been using what i had too use, never had any troubbles with pots like these..

Also its pretty cool to be able to see how the roots fill up the pot so quick!

BTW... some candy here....got some closeup on buds from my last grow, (autos) BudWider and Alf#3 :smoke:




Active member

Will probably start feeding them some kind of nutes soon, will start slowly tho (remember less is more!, they haven't had anything beside from pure water and the soil that contains some nutes

Rapid growth on these NYLD's really ... im really impressed, I turned off the fan in the cab to avoid the ONYX #2 male to pollinate them at this time this early, i've seen some pollen on the lower leafs.. im soaking it with water with the spray bottle to kill off any pollen that might be on the lower leafs..

Probably will take it out once it starts dropping pollen more frequently and save it up to pollinate the females myself..

Everything is looking good as usual!, they are taking off now, im noticing they are taking off in height aswell :smoke:

* 26days from seed
* 22days above soil


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