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When was your last REAL sativa buzz?


Lammen Gorthaur
Well, when was it? When was the last time you had an honest to goodness pure sativa to smoke? One that had the soaring high that lasted for hours, didn't lock you to the couch, zip your mouth shut or make you retarded? When was the last time you had pot that made the social occasion/engagement a real thing to remember instead of an evening ender?

Like me, I'm sure a lot of your old stoners remember the soaring sativas from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Thai stick, real Panama Red, Columbian Gold and whatnot. Pot that made the evening hysterical fun and the company all that much better. Today, I smoke to fight pain and the hitting power of the Indica is one of the chief concerns. That leaves all the fun sativas off the table for the most part.

Right now I have an Indica/Sativa cross I am using that works fairly well for pain, but once you smoke it your ability to communicate it seriously impeded as everything goes into over-processing mode that is so typical of the "bite of the indica witch".

It's been a while for this kid, how about you? Are you even considering putting a real-deal, 10-14 week sativa in your garden just to have something that makes you giggle?


Original haze 3 years ago, really a crazy herb. SSH is the next and that was this morning or rather the last month lol


New member


Sonic's "mind control" @ 79 days. 80% cloudy-20% amber

Smoked 3 hits ten minutes ago and I am beginning to soar now. This is exactly the herbs you speak of. LD


Every single day:) It's usually the only thing I grow. I may throw an occasional Indica in there to smoke at night so I can sleep. But they're too heavy for me to smoke often, and I'll just stare at the tv.
Good question, if I said "I don't know" would it be because.......?

A) It was that long ago
B) The last sativa I smoked wasn't that great
C) I really don't remember
D) Here in "Hicksville" we really don't get much variety
E) I've grown the same "Hash" plant for so freakin' long......
F) I've only bought 1 Z in the last 4 years (during a shutdown, poor planning, poor weed)
G) I keep to my self way to much......

I'm into "couch lock"

Fun thread, hehe, YP


ive never had a "REAL" sativa before... thats why i made the decision to start growing


Pleasantly dissociated
i grew some sweet mexi about 4 or 5 years ago that would blow yer head off, my friend took 2 puffs on a doob and had to pull over and walk it off cause he was so hot and sweaty, fanning himself and breathing like he just ran 5 k, funny watchin folks who aint used to sativas , fuckin funny


Lammen Gorthaur
Yeah, the first bag I ever bought was Panama Red. Rusty brown buds with lots of leaf in those days and it was a four-finger bag. It cost me $35 and me and my friends were laughing and scratching around the neighborhood in no time at all.

I smoked some of this Thai stuff one time and got the giggles so bad I couldn't catch my breath. It was like LSD, I just kept giggling and enjoying myself.

<<sigh>> To be young and have it all in front of me again and know what I know today. Now THAT would be an opportunity; almost as big as the one that still awaits me.

You make sure you take the opportunity to enjoy your day no matter what you are smoking.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
some phenos of the cindy99 take me back to early 80s outdoor sativas...a story ive told on the boards before...went to a casino for a poker tourny...took a glass pipe w me...was runnin a lil behind...toked the bowl, about 5 hits, in the truck in bout two minutes...ran inside, played the first round(30 minutes) in an absolute psychedelic reverie, but i really had to piss...then i was SO paranoid and wigged i actually sat through the first break, didnt even leave my seat! played another thirty minute round then went to the bathroom...now i am no stranger to either smoking in public or casinos...i was just tripped out....thats the day i realized it was a mistake to have not kept acut, but thats okay, plenty more beans where they came from!


Active member
It's been a while for this kid, how about you? Are you even considering putting a real-deal, 10-14 week sativa in your garden just to have something that makes you giggle?
Too long!
I have some African Haze (Original Haze X Bushman or something) that I've identified one female of. No idea on flower time and not having a space/setup for her is driving me nuts. :D 9 other seeds to check as well. I'm looking at 4 years probably. Gah!

Good luck in your hunt and....

Stay Safe! :tree:

Hank Hemp

Active member
subrob, I thought of my Bros Grim Cindy lo these many years now. It's a hybrid but I like it. Got 2 10-pack of c99 from mosgra negra <--close, we'll see sometime this summer.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^^^have heard nothing but good re: mosca's line....i happened to be running at the time the c99 line from rev...good luck for the summer crop..
---also, had schrom for awhile and certainly has some nice sativa aspects...but the rom brings it back to the indi side,,,


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I grew out the Luang and Afropips Malawi Gold a couple years back..both unique..trippy. I have summer plans for more...DD

Space Ghost

african seeds - malawi gold, pretty classic trippy shit... that was 3-4 years ago... lost the clone :'(


Lammen Gorthaur
I may have to look into those African seeds and those long-term India sativas that take forever to bloom but about which so many heads rave...
"Four Finger Bag", that goes back a way. But so does the 35$ a "bag"

"Son can you play me a memory,
I'm not really sure how it goes.
But its sad and its sweet
And I knew it complete,
When I wore a younger mans clothes."

Piano Man, Billy Joel


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Here is Oz back in the 80's we used to get some thai buddah that was a great smoke, very energetic high and laugh you couldn't stop, you would be laughing and then realized you didn't know what you were laughing at then you would laugh at that,
high would last for hours, But towards the end of your high paranoia would set in bad
I also remember your first pipe would make you sweat and have heart palpitation
Great smoke been looking for that laughing gear for a long time now