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Auto Blueberry a.k.a Blue Streak



Wow they are looking great how tall are they getting on average?

I'm Dykster

Nothing I have grown smells more than the a ak-47...These Blue streaks don't smell as bad although they do have a great floral smell, no blueberry taste and a nice high. Most of the girls are 18 -22 high with a couple shorter one out of the 18 plants.


Awesome bro thanks for the quick reply and they look amazing keep it up. :)


New member
Nothing I have grown smells more than the a ak-47...These Blue streaks don't smell as bad although they do have a great floral smell, no blueberry taste and a nice high. Most of the girls are 18 -22 high with a couple shorter one out of the 18 plants.

Hey dykster can you give us a smoke report on those pretty gals?

I'm Dykster

I chopped 2 plants 3 days short from 8 weeks. The first photo is where I chopped it out of the tub. I have already planted 4 cracked seeds next to the remaining stems. The soil is about 4 or 5 years old. Organic with worms living in tubs. The worms stay in the tubs because I do not have drain holes and the 24 hour light keeps them down in the soil.

So, there are the two stem and the photos of the two 20 inch plants i chopped out.


New member
Wow Dykster, you got that rotation down pat, I like growing in tubs like that too, but my dirt is not as old as yours .. its about 2 years old, but still kicking out the autos like it was right out of the bag. Auto growing is just not complicated.


The ladies are looking amazing I am curious as to what the final dry weight of them will be.


I really like your "soil bins" do you take the root mass from the harvested plants or just leave it in the bin?

I'm Dykster

Thanks everyone...I leave the root mass behind. Bins and dirt is about 4 years old. I have a worm bin and since growing these autos, I have introduced worms into my flower bins and they are doing a good job in there. I don't have a scale but I would guess that the taller ones are giving about a dry ounce or little more each and the smaller ones 1/2. I have 18 of them, 9 in each 25 gallon tub.

I am VERY happy with these autos and have grown 12/12/ from seed, but the autos are fatter, faster and will mess ya up. I vaped some of this and I am also very happy with the taste and high. No blueberry taste or smell, but fruity, tasty and gives this old stoner the giggles..even though I am a heavy user.

Loving them..going to run a newer version and see how those go next. I have some auto Hindu Kush that have just finished sexing and I will put up a thread when they start to get interesting...

Again, thank you for all the positive vibs. I chopped all my non autos...I think that is a statement on how these autos work.

Forgot to add..if you look at the stems left from chopping in the tub... and how close they grew together and both plants were not lacking in growth being that close...so..I found that interesting....


Really look good not to mention the nice yield!
Can't wait for the auto HK thread those defiantly look interesting.

I'm Dykster

I will conclude this thread with my vape report.

Buds are sticky and nice fruity smell. No taste of blueberry, but a very nice mellow, giggles sort of high. Great on the pain control. It's a nice chill out strain. I get a little slanty eye from it and enjoy the up mental state it leaves me in...I get the giggles from this strain.
Thanks eveyone for you nice comments...I started the auto hindu kush thread today.