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Australian and New Zealander Smoker's Lounge

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MF The peeps that make this site happen are seedboutique and seedbay (links on front page)and of course the vendors that sell there,if you use your safe address you wont have any problems,the bay and bou have been around a long time and have a proven track record,cash only but that is why it it safe, if your seeds did happen to get nabbed by customs there's nothing to track + I just had a look at Bonza.. I never heard off them but thieves for sure 3 x nirvana seeds for what you can buy a 10 pack at the Bou and after recent events with within the seed industry I wouldn't trust any one else .Cheers Rf


rumble fish good info another one i like is seedsman.com if you apply for a wholesale account you will get seeds given to you cheaper than the bou or any where elese their stealth is amazing and ive never lost an order and i got a kick ass strain collection

Sat X RB

the wierdest thing just happened! I tried to answer a private msge and when I clicked on the END of the message in order to reply ... the cursor moved backwards thru the message letter by letter until it stood at the FRONT of the msge. OK, I thought ... I can send the msge whether it's at the front or at the end of the original msge, BUT ... when I began to type the word came out BACKWARDS! like this ... siht ekil!!!!

WTF bOOm? Rumbles ... ? Anyone ... ? is this a job for SuperSkip?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Heya Sat it sounds like you might have a bug on your computer mate, trying logging off ICMag, restart your comp, then log back on to here, if it happens again then I'll ask Skip about it :tiphat:
:smoke out:




New member
Thanks for the replies to seed in Oz question guys. Great to see the trusted, affiliated banks "bay and the bou" are getting stuff through to Australians. Thanks Rumblefish

Will look at seedsman too, cheers BatCave.

Next thing on my list to figure out is growing medium. Soil looks to be a lot easier, hydro seems to give better yields. But looking at hydro setups, while many claim to be easy, gives me a sense I am trying to learn too much for my 1st grow and soil will be kinder.

I guess this is not an Aus related question so can post it in other threads but through I'd ask my fellow Aussies.


Active member
hi, and what name brand is your window rattler and how's the noise? better results.

It's a Kelvinator 1.6kw. I think its the smallest of its type on the market
The noise is not to bad, you know its there but its faint. I have started to cut the case away so I can do some duct and sound deadening work.
As for results the improvents started to show within days. This AC should help to produce a bumper crop.
I am hooked on AC now. The next job is to drop some coin on a custom climate control unit of the same capacity.
By the way my cabinet is 1.2 x 1.2 x 1.9 with 600w


Mate I personally think what I grow in soil is the better of soil v hydro sure not the quantity but much better taste and smell , although with a short read in the coco forum you could put together a simple hand watered coco grow , a lot of the info about soil grow here is from the USA where they have access to a lot more product ,that being said it a fairly simple thing to do I add 1 cup of blood and bone and a cup of dynamic lifter to a 30lt bag of premium potting mix + add worm castings if I can get them.I keep spider mite at bay with MitreRid , and I top up with a bit of power feed after about a month or so,let the plants tell you when they need it, so simple ..plenty to read in the Grower's forum and the Infirmary is handy to consult if you think you got something going wrong but if the object is to get some quality home grow bud then keep it as simple as you can for the first grow.. also picking too early is the biggest mistake made by newbies you learn all about patience in this game Cheers


Bug Scissor Hand
MF The peeps that make this site happen are seedboutique and seedbay (links on front page)and of course the vendors that sell there,if you use your safe address you wont have any problems,the bay and bou have been around a long time and have a proven track record,cash only but that is why it it safe, if your seeds did happen to get nabbed by customs there's nothing to track + I just had a look at Bonza.. I never heard off them but thieves for sure 3 x nirvana seeds for what you can buy a 10 pack at the Bou and after recent events with within the seed industry I wouldn't trust any one else .Cheers Rf

:yeahthatsI been buying from boo/bay for over 10 +years with 100%
ive shoped around. boo/bay for the best deals IMO:tiphat:

Sat X RB

Heya Sat it sounds like you might have a bug on your computer mate, trying logging off ICMag, restart your comp, then log back on to here, if it happens again then I'll ask Skip about it :tiphat:
:smoke out:

all is OK on this new day. will ask Skip anyway. thanks!

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Thanks for the replies to seed in Oz question guys. Great to see the trusted, affiliated banks "bay and the bou" are getting stuff through to Australians. Thanks Rumblefish

Will look at seedsman too, cheers BatCave.

Next thing on my list to figure out is growing medium. Soil looks to be a lot easier, hydro seems to give better yields. But looking at hydro setups, while many claim to be easy, gives me a sense I am trying to learn too much for my 1st grow and soil will be kinder.

I guess this is not an Aus related question so can post it in other threads but through I'd ask my fellow Aussies.

When you get a female clone it, grow it in dirt and turn it into a mum…in fact just clone it in dirt…works fine. Once you have a good mum or two, the growing method is your choice. You will have guaranteed girls forever.

Always look after your mum.


New member
Yeah man I do plan on cloning a female before I send it to flower. At this stage I have zero equipment or access to a clone so I am going to start by getting some mail order seed, seeing if I can sprout a few females under some CFL's. Once sex is known I want to try a clone and as you say, get a mother plant.

Thanks for the replies about growing medium, I do think soil will be what I go with, maybe experiment in the future with some hydro.

I am wondering if you Aussies have a suggestion for what strain I should be trying for my 1st tent grow.. so far I have had suggested either a mazar or superhaze strain. I have very little knowledge of strain names but I guess I would like to go with a Sativa? More importantly I hope to get a strain that is hardy in a grow tent and has a good yield.

Funds are low at the moment but I hope to purchase seed in the next week or so.

Sat X RB

the wierdest thing just happened! I tried to answer a private msge and when I clicked on the END of the message in order to reply ... the cursor moved backwards thru the message letter by letter until it stood at the FRONT of the msge. OK, I thought ... I can send the msge whether it's at the front or at the end of the original msge, BUT ... when I began to type the word came out BACKWARDS! like this ... siht ekil!!!!

WTF bOOm? Rumbles ... ? Anyone ... ? is this a job for SuperSkip?

bOOm, Skip suggests the trouble might be down to an add-on. anyway, fixed now ...

Sat X RB

Thanks for the replies about growing medium, I do think soil will be what I go with, maybe experiment in the future with some hydro.

I know that old farts are always telling stories about the old days ... and Mr Flavour's post reminds me of my first grow ... and seeing as this is the Smokers' Lounge then I guess no one will mind if I tell you all how my first grow went. It was a resounding success and rewarded me well.

now, I figured out what to do all by myself. there was no internet. (altho I spoke to the son of a market gardener about germinating seeds and he twigged me straight away!)

so I got hold of a number of 20 litre drums (5 gals in them days) and made a mix of soil that was 50% sand and 50% dried horse shit. then I fed the plants Yates 'Thrive' every day. that's right, every day.

anyway, the plants grew to six feet and flowered like crazy. I learned heaps. for example I learned that if there are no saucers under the pots to retain water most of what goes in the top simply runs out of the bottom and goes to waste. that's why so much Thrive didn't kill them! and there was no Thrive for Flowers and Fruit in those days either. only the potent high N stuff.

perhaps the Angel of Cannabis was beside me those months of growing many years ago ... but after that it was years and years before I could grow a decent crop again. musta been beginners luck or I kept it simple (k.i.s.s) out of ignorance and my ignorance paid off!

Mellow Fellow Members ... care to tell ... how did your first grow go?


Active member
Ahh satty, have fond memories of my first grow... was before I'd ever smoked the stuff as well..
I always had an interest in gardening, mostly thanks to my mother...
There was always talk around the school yard of who was and who wasn't smoking "mull". One of the fellas in my grade, who knew I was sort of in to the garden, slipped me a pen in class one day. he'd pulled out the ink tube and replaced it with seeds. Of course I was stoked. And they were soon planted in a mix of composted grass clippings, and potting mix stolen from my mums pots.. about a dozen seeds were sown, most germed, and several made it to maturity..in the guttering of mum and dads house, in disposable cups... must have yielded about a gram per cup....
Was a funny time though, learned heaps about stealth amongst other things.
The strains I came across back then, in hindsight, were a mix of great sativas and mediocre indica.
So many great memories....
Did I tell you about the time...nah, never mind.

Sat X RB

Ahh satty, have fond memories of my first grow... learned heaps about stealth amongst other things.
The strains I came across back then, in hindsight, were a mix of great sativas.

Being the child of chronically dishonest parents I was always into Stealth. but growing cannabis gave me an outlet to enact my 'born' stealthiness! how healthy for my psychological development (lol)!

and I lived in WA ... which is much closer to Indonesia than the east coast. smokers I met then often mentioned their trips to Sumatra. there were some good seeds around that's for sure!
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