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Aspirin Seems To Have "Cured" My Sickly/Dying Plants

yes you bring up a good point by pointing out the other ingredients......i dont really think they would cause any problems considering the ultra small dosage of this stuff that you would use.....in the uLs range....shall i point out the other ingredients contained in a tablet of aspirin??

Neo 420

Active member
Make sure that is uncoated ingredients. :) BTW have you tried using wart remover with your ladies and documented any of the results. I would love to see that.....

Below is a portion of a gardening article I read on dealing with diseases.

Chamomile tea works against plant fungus and mildew. Chamomile tea works against plant fungus and mildew.

Chamomile tea is a cure-all for fungal diseases
It’s a little-known fact that chamomile tea has antibacterial and fungicidal properties that will aid plants suffering from fungus and mildew. I often make a simple brew for my sickly plants. Place 16 chamomile tea bags (or 2 cups of dried chamomile flowers) in 2 quarts of water, and simmer for 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, and allow the tea bags to steep for several hours. Strain, if using dried flowers. Use the tea to irrigate tender seedlings (from the bottom) to prevent damping off, or use as a foliar spray to battle diseases on plants. Because I never let anything go to waste, I also add leftover tea and used tea bags to my watering can.

A tonic for black spot and powdery mildew on roses
Roses, while beautiful, are often plagued with black spot or powdery mildew. I mix these ingredients into a tonic, which I spray on my roses: 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of liquid soap or Murphy's oil soap in 2 quarts of water. The tonic protects the roses for months.

Garlic helps thwart noxious diseases
For plants with a fungal, viral, or bacterial disease, cook up a batch of what I call "garlic soup." Purée two cloves of garlic in a blender for a minute. Slowly add 1 quart of water, and continue blending for about six minutes. Strain the mixture, and add 1/8 teaspoon of liquid soap. Pour the liquid into a storage container and cover tightly. When you're ready to take action, mix 1 part garlic soup with 10 parts water into a spray bottle and apply the mixture to the top and undersides of your sick plant's leaves, taking caution not to spray beneficial insects and larvae. Scientists have discovered that garlic leaves are potent in their own right, so you can also purée two handfuls of leaves instead of using cloves.

Aspirin is the remedy for fungal headaches
Black spot, powdery mildew, and rust are a terrible trio of fungi, which can attack and destroy your plants. Scientists have found that two uncoated aspirin tablets (325 milligrams each) dissolved in 1 quart of water and used as a foliar spray can thwart these diseases.


Neo 420

Active member
I thought I'd help you on the ingredients of aspirin...

While the aspirin production process varies between pharmaceutical companies, dosage forms and amounts, the process is not as complex as the process for many other drugs. In particular, the production of hard aspirin tablets requires only four ingredients: the active ingredient (acetylsalicylic acid), corn starch, water, and a lubricant.
well im sketchy about applying aspirin let alone salicylic acid.....i would love to see some pics of peoples unhealthy plants before and after aspirin and before and after wart remover.....these would be great experiments....great experiments im not willing to try myself lol


I've used aspirin in one of my grows before, but the effects were negligible as far as changes in health. I did one uncoated tablet to the gallon and applied as a foliar spray to induce sexing. I actually got two plants to go male because of this :D


I think the main thing is to remember the dosage. aspirin should be used at a rate of 1:10,000 and that salicylic acid applications are good anywhere from a few weeks to months. Like fertilizer to much can do more harm than good. Not saying willow water is better, but I think the chance of "overdosing" the plants would be greater with an aspirin than willow.
this thread is exactly what i've wanted to see for years, :)

in 2007 i read somewhere on the overgrow archives, and old time grower "prevented, and even stopped/killed bud rot (mold) on outdoor plants, simply by using 1 aspirin per gallon of water, from beginning of flower till finish"

i'll see if i can find a link....

thanks everyone, alot of good resources are posted here!


they sure didnt protect me from the borg (aka spidermites). I got them about the same time i added an asprin to thier waterings.

I noticed no effect from the aspirin what so ever.


Active member
Update: My plants look good, which is amazing!
I skipped the aspirin for one feeding, and immediately noticed some yellowing coming back. So last night I hit them with more aspirin in their nutes, and today, the plants are happy. Greener overnight.
One thing I did notice: my AK47s don't seem to take to it as well as my other strains-Cheese, Critical +, and Cindy 99. Of 5 AK47s, three went male, and one of the fems went hermie on me, so I am left with one female AK47. This did not happen with any of the other strains, ie, my Cheese were 5 out of 6 females. Critical+ were fems, and they take to the aspirin really well. They look really nice. I am curious how the Critical + turn out, as they are very fast (48days), and supposed to bulk up very quickly, which I am already noticing, as they begin their third week of flowering. I will be using aspirin from now on, and I can assure anyone that 325 mg per gallon will not hurt your plants. By the way, these don't stop the borg, but they will strengthen the plants natural response to attack. You need pesticides to deal with the borg. Secondary infection introduced by insects are another story, however. The aspirin will help there. I will post some pictures in another week or so.


I haven't tried aspirin yet, but I intend to try it on my hardier strains first. I'm running some AK47 as well, and out of a pack of 11 regs. I had three females go herm on me. I was disappointed to say the least. I think heat stress caused it, but I'm not sure. Anyway I don't mean to jack your thread, and thanks for the heads up on the aspirin.


Active member
It could be that AK47 are prone to hermie.
I have not had that happen to any other strain. My one female is the weakest of all my plants.


Active member
Some pictures of my plants @ 4 weeks flowering after continuous aspirin at every watering. Remember, these plants were going to be thrown out at 2 weeks of veg because of unknown disease. After the aspirin dosing, they completely turned around.
This strain, Critical +, puts on buds faster than any strain I've seen, far outstripping my other strains. They only had a short veg (1 month), and part of that they were stunted.

And a couple of cheese. These are @ 4 Weeks, but had a longer veg. This is a 70 day strain, as compared to 45-50 for Critical +. And, the Critical + started 8 days later!
Notice the yellowing of a couple lower leaves on the Cheese plants. Without the aspirin, this yellowing and loss of leaves would have been three quarters of the way up the plant. The aspirin keeps it almost totally in check.



Active member
Retro...Sounds like your problem is Root Aphids in the room. You cannot see them and whatever you do they come back. Check out my coco thread. You have a real problem and it has nothing to do with aspirin.


Registered User
Just tried this for a preventative boost... Oops!

Went with 325mg bayer at 2 pills crushes up in 4gal of solution at 1.2ec/6.2ph... Root drench and 12 hours later...

New shoot tips have taken a soft undercurl, wrinkled and going lime green.


Wow, I've never seen that from aspirin, and you're using a rate pretty much that I use, too.

Nice necro-bump!


Registered User
Wow, I've never seen that from aspirin, and you're using a rate pretty much that I use, too.

Nice necro-bump!

Lol... After the leaf curl (haha perfect timing)...i went digging... ;-)

It was so bad that i reasoned lost a couple of weeks...was thinking about almost starting new cuts. Did a flush with ro and a ml of cm+ and put em on the periphery of the light... 12-18 hours later they straightened back out. Never seen so much curl work itself out so quickly... In the past it was usually pretty gnarly shit to cause such an effect, like ra or rot or somehow killing off roots. Dunno... But im surprisingly cheerful today with their quick recovery.

Live and learn... Maybe il try some in a couple without nutes,or half the rate,or move em from the hid for a day...?


Try it as a foliar, instead. That's the only way I've ever used it, never as a root drench.

Vein, I don't see how or why aspirin would force hermaphroditism.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
one benefit of aloe is the salicylic acid it contains ~plus other myriad beneficials

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