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Article in TIME magazine: Why Pot Smokers Are Paranoid


3rd-Eye Jedi

aranoia is one of the most unpleasant "side effects" of marijuana. It's also a key experience shared by marijuana smokers and people with schizophrenia. But exactly how does smoking a joint cause the feeling that dark forces are conspiring to do you wrong?
New research in rats may help explain the source of this distress. The study, led by Steven Laviolette at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, involved training rats to fear the scent of either almond or peppermint. The scents were delivered to rats in a cage either with black-and-white striped walls or with black polka dots on a gray background. (The rats were not pre-tested for their taste in interior design.) One scent was accompanied by an electric shock to the rodents' feet, while the other scent was not.

At the same time, researchers experimented with the activity of the CB1 receptors in a certain region of the rats' brains. These cannabinoid receptors are activated by the main psychoactive component of marijuana, THC. In some rats, the scientists blocked CB1-receptor activity; in others, they used a marijuana-like drug to enhance it.
When scientists blocked the CB1 receptors in a region called the basolateral amygdala — which is involved in the processing of fear and emotion — the rats that got strong electric shocks did not learn to fear the associated scent or the cage in which they received it. After getting shocked, they were just as happy as unaffected rats to explore the cage and smell the scent.

When rats were given a drug that enhanced cannabinoid-receptor activity, however, even receiving a minor shock was enough to cause them to freeze with fear when they were later exposed to the cage and its related scent. Without the marijuana-like drug, small shocks did not have the same effect.

The findings, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, suggest that activity in the basolateral amygdala is involved in marijuana-induced paranoia (the state of becoming afraid of things that wouldn't normally trigger fear). That means marijuana is actually enhancing a type of learning about fear, leading the brain to jump to conclusions about mild experiences involving particular places or things, and to perceive them as scarier and more strongly connected than they are.

This increased fear-based learning helps explain why stoners tend to see patterns in events that aren't real, such as conspiracies. (Of course, to be fair, the rats in this experiment were justifiably paranoid: they were being experimented on!)
Interestingly, the researchers also found that they could prevent the enhanced fear learning in rats given the marijuana-like drug by inactivating activity in a region called the prefrontal cortex before exposing them to the shocks. The prefrontal cortex is a higher-level brain area involved in executive functions like planning, decision-making and controlling responses and impulses. In humans, this could potentially explain why telling yourself or being told, "Chill out, you're just high," can help. (This may not work if the police actually are coming to arrest you.)

The researchers point out that both of the brain regions studied are implicated in the pathology of schizophrenia, and that understanding their interconnections could lead to better treatments for the disorder.

"We know there are abnormalities in both the amygdala and prefrontal cortex in patients who have schizophrenia, and we now know these same brain areas are critical to the effects of marijuana and other cannabinoid drugs on emotional processing," said Laviolette in a statement.

Read more: http://healthland.time.com/2011/04/06/why-pot-smokers-are-paranoid/#ixzz1J88qAXuk


This is just a conspiracy by researchers to scare us into thinking we are paranoid! I'm afraid Weird might be in on it. And watch out for these killer dragons everywhere!!! :)


3rd-Eye Jedi
This is just a conspiracy by researchers to scare us into thinking we are paranoid! I'm afraid Weird might be in on it. And watch out for these killer dragons everywhere!!! :)


I think it does up perception which has beneficial aspects

just don't tell the man i said that

:: looks over shoulder


3rd-Eye Jedi
i think its unfair and broad in spectrum in regards that not all marijuana causes a projection of fear


We're paranoid because most of us are illegal growers :)
Legalese pot then there wont be any more curtain twitching :tiphat:


Yeah all my paranoia is related to having my doors kicked in, when I was in Amsterdam smoking my brains out I never experienced one bit of paranoia.


Because there are Men in Black trying to kill us!!! hehehehe
Good Read & Thank you for the post/link.


i think its unfair and broad in spectrum in regards that not all marijuana causes a projection of fear

Yeah I guess I agree but I think it's a matter of degree, just like cannabis being a depressant though sometimes I get an uppity high. Is it a THC vs. CBD thing?


they say that marijuana works on\stimulates the part of our brain that sees patterns, planning, decision making

which all relates to the future

I feel that there might be something evolutionary about the weed

it sort of stops you, and then you think about stuff, sort of disconnects you


The problem with most marijuana testing is the fact that they don't factor in the different chemical makeup of varied strains. They use one variety of cannabis for the research and come up with a set finding, but if they ran the tests using a different strain then the results would be different. Test them smoking indica then test smoking haze and I guarantee the results will change, which is something that I haven't seen the scientific community do yet.


in traditional chinese medicine they say that marijuana affects the liver yin or something like that, which puts people who are more yin into an excess, and then puts them into their shell, and they dont talk much, are scared of what people think of them, start getting paranoid etc...

smoking is not for everyone

people will smoke for a while, and only get paranoid with time, and then they wont be able to smoke it anymore, I have met a lot of people like that

others are fine with it, and have been for a long time

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
That's an interesting study. I've noticed a few senior heads that experience the "fear" after prolonged abstinence followed by a serious session.

I've experienced it firsthand as well, though never as intense as I've seen in others.


What were we talking about?
The aliens and Freemasons are behind this paper . . .


Active member
This increased fear-based learning helps explain why stoners tend to see patterns in events that aren't real, such as conspiracies. (Of course, to be fair, the rats in this experiment were justifiably paranoid: they were being experimented on!).

Reason 1 that this paper is crap. More to come.


Active member
Are they the electric shocks that the rats learned to be scared of aren't real? The mice who got high learn to recognize the enviornment that shocked them where the non stoner rats just sat there and got shocked without learning anything. Maybe there is a better way to interoperate the data.


WTF.... they shock rats to study weed ..... maybe the pot woke the rats up to what was being done to them. sorry but if i had wires hooked up to me and there was some fuckhead in a lab coat with a clipboard sitting at the switch it would sure worry me ..... if you ARE or HAVE BEEN getting shocked what you are feeling is NOT paranoid, it is a natural reaction to getting voltage passed through you by some asshole who is holding all the cards. maybe time should be saying "smoking weed can even make a stupid rat see the writing on the wall"

good post weird

if i don't get paranoid when i smoke does that mean the government has rats that are smarter than me?