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Article in TIME magazine: Why Pot Smokers Are Paranoid


Active member
Interesting read, thanks for posting.

I always wondered if paranoia is based on where you are smoking.

I have never smoked in a country with lax laws.

If I went to the dam and smoked the purest tropical sativa that I could find, I wonder if I would get paranoid?

I doubt it, regardless of the thc% the mere fact that I am in a govt sactioned tax paying coffee shop would put me at ease.
So I would expect. Hope to test this theory some day.



Interesting read, thanks for posting.

I always wondered if paranoia is based on where you are smoking.

I have never smoked in a country with lax laws.

If I went to the dam and smoked the purest tropical sativa that I could find, I wonder if I would get paranoid?

I doubt it, regardless of the thc% the mere fact that I am in a govt sactioned tax paying coffee shop would put me at ease.
So I would expect. Hope to test this theory some day.


i like the way you think....

i wonder if rats from california or colorado are less "jumpy" than rats from texas, utah and florida?

headline!!!!!! draconian drug policy changes the way a poor rat is forced to think:dance013:


3rd-Eye Jedi
yeah temu its a vehicle that illuminates possiblity and lets us see the cause and effect behind actions

it gives a silloutte to the unseen if you would, the fabric of the human spirit revealed through feeling not sight


Well-known member
hmmm, delta9, lab rats, freemasons, crazy scientists...
anyone remember pinky and the brain? always thought brain was the stoner, and pinky was the non thc fed guy or geneticly knocked out canna receptor bearing rodent...



We are Farmers
Are they the electric shocks that the rats learned to be scared of aren't real? The mice who got high learn to recognize the enviornment that shocked them where the non stoner rats just sat there and got shocked without learning anything. Maybe there is a better way to interoperate the data.

That is exactly what I took away from their experiment. The stoner rats were smarter and learned that one of the rooms and smells were associated with pain. This is why the man doesn't want people smoking they want passive people who don't notice they are getting fucked again.


3rd-Eye Jedi
i posted this particularly because of its poignancy

not that pot causes fear, I could write a dissertation on that alone, its just a weak analysis by the observing scientist

but the fact that it is more proof that it effects the location of thought, that is where it is processed

i had made this hypothesis years before on this site as a different user

for someone like me, who has been given a psychiatric death sentence by modern science (this i can prove in a court of law) and found salvation in a organism that the human genome has been exposed to and obviously acclimated to for at least a millennium

modern science has often said much of our brain goes unused

my new thesis is that it is those parts of our brain are merely not stimulated in these assessments because those parts of the brain are meant to be accessed through stimulation


Cannabrex Formulator
Well, if I lived in a place where they piss test folks for minimum wage jobs and getting caught with a few plants will totally ruin your life, I'd be pretty fucking paranoid too.........


Get two birds stoned at once
I don't get paranoid much anymore... I did when I first started but now I don't have to tell myself I am just stoned etc..

I tend to get less scared when I am stoned... I must admit tho, I do curtain watch when I am growing.
fucking morons testing on rats,or anything for that matter" oh we humans are so important lest abuse our position at the top of the tree and in order to understand something about ourselves we will make anothers life shitty.

yep,sounds about right,so fucking advanced are we we've actually lost sight of what it means to be human.


I thought all our fears just stemmed from "parents and cops" ?!?! I know mine was.

Or maybe of some really cute chick calling me and her knowing I was stoned and not liking me anymore.

I really hated that one. Especially when they'd call and say "oh, I'll just let you go" because you are laughing and talking with popcorn in your mouth.


What I take from this is that the subjects have an increased ability to learn. Now the fact that they were teaching them fear, using a pain stimulus, it is no surprise that they learned it so well. Another probability is that our nervous system is loaded with cannabinoid receptors, therefor enhancing tactile senses, that is why sex and other pleasures are so much better when using cannabis.

It has been proven that people, and animals, will do far more to avoid pain that to receive pleasure. I wonder what would happen if they were to be taught complex problem solving or logic problems, using such powerful emotional stimulants as fear, or pain, or even pleasure, what the outcome would be. Oh, but wait, that would be proving a positive effect of cannabis on learning, and that is simply not allowed.