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Arrest Stories & Close Calls


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Had a cop come to the residence during trimming, situation mandated contact with the officer unfortunately. Had maybe five minutes to "clean house" - was barely done checking self out in a mirror (See: rogue leaves) when the officer knocked at the entrance. Had to time things just right, not too soon or he would still be right at the door - nailed the timing perfectly. Took care of things while I rubbed my buttery, THC-laden fingers ever-so-slightly together the entire time. Officer eventually left and I returned to the deed, very nerve-racking indeed.
M'kay, a freind of mine had just had his car ripped off by some meth heads that lived next-door. Unbeknownst to me, a cop had stopped by to get a statement from him because he was very familiar with the suspects. I didn't know this, so I had taken a nice bud of some bag seed i was growing at the time. I knock on his door right as the cop opens it to leave...just about crapped my drawers. I choke out a hello, and my freind waves me in and makes introductions. We discuss what scum bags the neighbors are, and the officer leaves. We were both pretty cautious (he knew i would have bud on me) so we waited 5 minutes after the door closed. Check out the front window...no cruiser parked in front of the building, so we load up and blaze. 3 minutes into our smizzoke, theres a knock on the door. My bud stashes his pipe away, hides the tray and opens the door to...Officer freindly (damn! need to get a peep-hole)! He had "one more question...(sniff, sniff) ...allright guys, I know what your up to in here, but I'll let this one slide..." So my freind stepped outside, answered his question, and away he went....Had to smoke three bowls just to settle down.


Overkill is under-rated.
My last trimming session there was a drive-by next door, I had 3 trimmers going full tilt in my living room and BANGBANGBANGBANGBANG rang out. We tried to clean up but realized nothign was gonna hide the smell of pounds of wet trimmed weed, so we changed our clothes and went outside to wait for the inevitable cop and questions.

Nope, nothin, cops never came. Had me flippin out for a while for nothing.


Active member
arrested for 1g of hash in San Bernardino co ( fuck that place )
spent 2 days in county...
got out, hired a lawyer, got the case DISMISSED as i am a MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENT!


In August I went back home in VA to visit family that visited from Italy. I decided to bring about 3/4 oz of GDP with me. I take the GDP and put it in a freezer zip lock bag and suck as much as I could. I then rolled up the bag carefully and placed it in another zip lock bag of the same size. I then sucked as much air out of that one. Then I took a bunch of Backwood's blunt guts and put it in another zip lock bag of the same size. I filled it up about 1/4 of the way with the baccy. I then put the GDP bags inside the baccy bag. Mixed the baccy up to get the bag covered up. Sucked the air out of that bag and rolled it up. Got 2 rubberbands and rubberbanded each end so it wouldn't unroll. I wore flip flops, a t shirt and cargo shorts(Hey its Socal :D) to the airport. I put the bag in my left cargo pocket because its huge.

I don't carry any metal on me at all, no change, nothing. Everything in my pockets gets put in the tray to go through the x ray machine. About 6am, I'm groggy and just want to get on the plane to fall asleep. Well I step through the metal detector, nothing. "I'm good," I thought to myself. The TSA guy asks if he could pat me down because he noticed a bulge in my left cargo pocket. "SHIT!, I'm fucked!," exact thoughts I shit you not. But I played it cool, fuck it, if I say no my girl will know what is up and be all pissed off because she will miss the plane, so I say, "Yea, sure, go ahead." I had nothing on me except the bag. He felt me down and went straight for the bag. He started to squeeze it and asked what it was. "A bag of pipe tobacco," right off the top of my head. He then asked me if I could take it out and show it to him which I did. He then asked me if I could put it through the metal detector. At this point I thought I had him fooled...

I agreed to putting it through the metal detector. I'm calm as shit like I got nothing to hide on the outside but my mind was racing with all sorts of fucked up thoughts. I put it in one of those little bowls and in it went. I walked back through the metal detector and waited for my bag to come through the x ray machine. The 2nd guy, behind the monitor, was looking at it for a second and turned to the other guy next to him and said, "check that bag right there," pointing at my carry on. As he turned and said that my bag of GDP, I mean, "pipe tobacco" comes through the x ray machine and stops right in front of me. I grab it and put the bag in my cargo pocket. So far I have fooled 2 dudes at the airport. On to the next...

I then proceed to get my things and get my flip flops back on. The 3rd guy that was "checking that bag right there" asked me if "that bag" was mine. It was. He then asked if he could search it. "Sure, not a problem," was my response. He takes my bag and opens it and grabs an unopened water bottle(hydration) and an unopened can of Monster(wake up juice), both of which are legal, unless you try and bring them into an airport. He then swabs the bag down for explosives and it comes up negative. "No shit Sherlock its fucking water and Monster," was my thoughts at that point. He then tells me that I cannot bring the water and the Monster with me and if I wanted to drink them now I would have to go outside the secure area into the check-in area and drink them and then come back through security all over again. "No thanks sir, you can keep them, I have a plane to catch," said a very pleased me. "Ok sir you have a great flight," was his reply.

I got my carry on and caught up to my girlfriend with 3/4 oz of GDP in my pocket ready to get my family and friends ripped off some Cali weed. After I landed at my connection, I went in the first restroom I saw and took the bag out of my pocket and put it in my camera bag so that it didn't rub in my leg. Got to VA nice and safe and had great herb to enjoy with all my peeps back home and from my OG home. :joint:


In August I went back home in VA to visit family that visited from Italy. I decided to bring about 3/4 oz of GDP with me. I take the GDP and put it in a freezer zip lock bag and suck as much as I could. I then rolled up the bag carefully and placed it in another zip lock bag of the same size. I then sucked as much air out of that one. Then I took a bunch of Backwood's blunt guts and put it in another zip lock bag of the same size. I filled it up about 1/4 of the way with the baccy. I then put the GDP bags inside the baccy bag. Mixed the baccy up to get the bag covered up. Sucked the air out of that bag and rolled it up. Got 2 rubberbands and rubberbanded each end so it wouldn't unroll. I wore flip flops, a t shirt and cargo shorts(Hey its Socal :D) to the airport. I put the bag in my left cargo pocket because its huge.

I don't carry any metal on me at all, no change, nothing. Everything in my pockets gets put in the tray to go through the x ray machine. About 6am, I'm groggy and just want to get on the plane to fall asleep. Well I step through the metal detector, nothing. "I'm good," I thought to myself. The TSA guy asks if he could pat me down because he noticed a bulge in my left cargo pocket. "SHIT!, I'm fucked!," exact thoughts I shit you not. But I played it cool, fuck it, if I say no my girl will know what is up and be all pissed off because she will miss the plane, so I say, "Yea, sure, go ahead." I had nothing on me except the bag. He felt me down and went straight for the bag. He started to squeeze it and asked what it was. "A bag of pipe tobacco," right off the top of my head. He then asked me if I could take it out and show it to him which I did. He then asked me if I could put it through the metal detector. At this point I thought I had him fooled...

I agreed to putting it through the metal detector. I'm calm as shit like I got nothing to hide on the outside but my mind was racing with all sorts of fucked up thoughts. I put it in one of those little bowls and in it went. I walked back through the metal detector and waited for my bag to come through the x ray machine. The 2nd guy, behind the monitor, was looking at it for a second and turned to the other guy next to him and said, "check that bag right there," pointing at my carry on. As he turned and said that my bag of GDP, I mean, "pipe tobacco" comes through the x ray machine and stops right in front of me. I grab it and put the bag in my cargo pocket. So far I have fooled 2 dudes at the airport. On to the next...

I then proceed to get my things and get my flip flops back on. The 3rd guy that was "checking that bag right there" asked me if "that bag" was mine. It was. He then asked if he could search it. "Sure, not a problem," was my response. He takes my bag and opens it and grabs an unopened water bottle(hydration) and an unopened can of Monster(wake up juice), both of which are legal, unless you try and bring them into an airport. He then swabs the bag down for explosives and it comes up negative. "No shit Sherlock its fucking water and Monster," was my thoughts at that point. He then tells me that I cannot bring the water and the Monster with me and if I wanted to drink them now I would have to go outside the secure area into the check-in area and drink them and then come back through security all over again. "No thanks sir, you can keep them, I have a plane to catch," said a very pleased me. "Ok sir you have a great flight," was his reply.

I got my carry on and caught up to my girlfriend with 3/4 oz of GDP in my pocket ready to get my family and friends ripped off some Cali weed. After I landed at my connection, I went in the first restroom I saw and took the bag out of my pocket and put it in my camera bag so that it didn't rub in my leg. Got to VA nice and safe and had great herb to enjoy with all my peeps back home and from my OG home. :joint:

wow man. good execution but very ballsy haha. i would've been shitting bricks


New member
Here's my favorite close call...

St. Patty's Day 2009. I take my car to pick up a friend who lives in the country about 15 minutes outside of town. Neither of us are big drinkers and we certainly didn't want to be at our local bars on St. Patty's (craziness), so we decided that we'd get some friends together and have a chilled-out smoke session at my place. I pick up my friend around 10PM and we start heading back into town. On the way he opens his backpack and reveals his brand-new Silver Surfer vape that just arrived that day. Understandably, he was very excited to try his new piece of equipment and remembered that I have a 12V adapter in my car. Hardly able to contain himself he plugs the vape in, grinds up some dank, and we spend the car ride back into town getting faded. We get back to my place and decide that we've been having such a great time driving and vapeing that a couple trips around town through residential neighborhoods (avoiding the downtown area) can't hurt anything, so we turn on some funk and keep driving. About an hour later we're sufficiently baked and decide it's time to head back to my place and get our party started.

We pull up to a stoplight on my road about 6 blocks away from my house and see a cop stopped opposite us. I'm a very paranoid driver sober, so I tell my friend to be cool and remind him that we've done nothing that would give him a reason to pull us over. Well, we pull through the stop light, pass the cop, and through my rear-view mirror I see him go maybe 50 yards before pulling into a driveway and turning around to follow us. Fortunately I had given my buddy a rundown of what to do in case we were pulled over (he unplugs the vape, stashes it under his seat and covers it with my black leather jacket while I crack the windows and spray the Febreeze) and we executed the plan perfectly. The cop pulls us over and approaches the car:

Cop: Good evening boys.
My High Friend: Hi officer!
Me: Hello sir, do you mind telling me why you pulled us over?
Cop: Well, you don't have a front license plate. What are boys up to tonight? Been doing any drinking?
Me: No sir, I just picked my friend up from his place and we're headed back to my house up the road to have a few friends over. We didn't think it would be too safe to be out for very long tonight with all the drinking going on.
Cop: Smart decision. (After a few more questions about my lack of a front plate). Well, if you guys wouldn't mind giving me your ID's I'll get you back on your way.
(NOTE: By this point my friend in the passenger seat is frozen with terror and not doing a lot of moving or talking)
Me: Sure thing. (Hand him my ID)

I look at my friend and wait for him to give me his ID, he finally does and I hand it to the officer.

Cop: Umm...this is a bank debit card. (Hands card back to me)
Me (thinking): Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.
Me (talking to my friend): You gave the officer your debit card, how about your license this time?
High Friend: Sorry officer, just got a new wallet today and everything's out of order. Here you go.
Cop: Alright....Be back with you boys in a few minutes.

While we're waiting for what feels like an eternity a DRUG K9 car rolls by and slows down to shine flashlights on us. The cops must've been doing mandatory backup on every call, it being St. Patty's and all. Cop comes back...

Cop: You boys sure you haven't been doing any drinking?
Me: No drinking tonight sir, just want to head home.
Cop: What are you guys listening to tonight?
Me: Oh, uhh...a little...
High Friend (cuts me off): It's George Clinton and the Parliament!
Me: Yeah...George Clinton...
Cop (sticks head closer to the window to have a look/smell inside): Haha, well, whatever you boys have been doing, take it home and keep it there *big grin*. Here are your IDs. Stay safe guys.
Me: Thank you sir.

I want to add an endnote to this and say that the cops in my town are generally pretty cool (as far as cops go). There's no doubt in my mind that he knew we were baked, but he probably didn't want to waste time hassling a couple young guys when he could be racking up DUI's all night. From then on my friend and I only smoke blunts while we're driving!


Okay...I was a delivery guy for pizza hut a few years ago...I was always smoking weed in my car when delivering pizzas...I had the window cracked to blow smoke out so my car or me didn't reek, but it still makes the car smell ya'know..

I had just taken a delivery to a house and pulled out and went down the street and turned left...I get up the road and all of a sudden I see cherries and blueberries...

Keep in mind...I was hitting a 10 inch bong while driving..

I pull over and stop...I leaned in my back seat and pulled down the cushion and threw my bong in the trunk...Mustangs you can pull down the seats in the back to get to the trunk...I sprayed some colgone and turned the fan on high to get some air circulated or so I thought..

Well, he only asked if I had been smoking weed in my car and told me to remember to use my blinkers...I got off with a verbal warning...

he was actually kinda cool

Moldy Dreads

Active member
I went to the gym the other day and I always have a routine. Stop in the same spot beside the strip mall, smoke 3 rips, get Ipod and other gym items ready, and go. Well the other day was no different. Snapped a couple rips, and was putting it away when I look back and see a cop car zooming up and cornering me into the parking spot. I remembered a similar story where Mr. N from this website said he locked the car and got out to avoid hassle. I quickly got out of the car and locked the smell in, and started walking away. All of a sudden I hear him run out of the car in my direction yelling "Hey, hey..hey, hey there bud, what's going on?" and I just looked at him and said "excuse me?" and he said "Is this your car? Where are you going? Do you live here? Work around here? and I was like "I'm going to the gym." and showed him my workout towel, water, Ipod etc, then I look and see a second cop car coming up fast, then he looks relieved and says "Rock on." and I was like "What?!" and he was like "ROCK ON"

LMFAO, I still was shaking as I walked in the gym, fuckin' basterds, he was probably making sure I wasn't burglarizing my car etc, but man that sucked...


Okay...I was a delivery guy for pizza hut a few years ago...I was always smoking weed in my car when delivering pizzas...I had the window cracked to blow smoke out so my car or me didn't reek, but it still makes the car smell ya'know..

I had just taken a delivery to a house and pulled out and went down the street and turned left...I get up the road and all of a sudden I see cherries and blueberries...

Keep in mind...I was hitting a 10 inch bong while driving..

I pull over and stop...I leaned in my back seat and pulled down the cushion and threw my bong in the trunk...Mustangs you can pull down the seats in the back to get to the trunk...I sprayed some colgone and turned the fan on high to get some air circulated or so I thought..

Well, he only asked if I had been smoking weed in my car and told me to remember to use my blinkers...I got off with a verbal warning...

he was actually kinda cool

Jesus H Christ shitting in a teacup! "hitting a 10 inch bong while driving...":yoinks:

OK, my obligatory story: A few years ago I was just learning about Green Dragon style tinctures, and had just made my first batch. I pretty much knew the appropriate dose, and had just had my evening's dose when a group of people came over and invited me to dinner. "Sure!"

So we all pile in to a minivan and head out to a restaurant, without incident. The tincture was just starting to come on as we headed home, but it was only a few miles, and there was no traffic.

Except for the cop.

He pulled me over for failure to signal a turn. Not a big deal in a minivan full of very innocent looking people, except that my license had expired several months ago (interstate paperwork mixup). So, now it turns into a longer situation, waiting for the cop to look me up in several states and decide what to do.

While we're waiting in the car I start to smell booze. Bacardi 151. Seems I hadn't quite sealed the cap on the little tincture bottle in my pocket. I can't quite reach the bottle to tighten it without looking obvious to the cops behind the car. By the time the cop comes back to the car the smell is pretty obvious, so he calls me out onto the road. He asks if I've been drinking, and I say "No, sir". Actually an unusually correct statement for me. The Green Dragon had my head spinning a bit, though, so it was slightly hard to keep a straight face.

So now he says he smells booze and knows we've been drinking. I said "No, not at all, we were at xxx (a restaurant without a liquor license)." He walks around me a bit, leads me back behind the car while watching my coordination, eyes, etc. Decided I was straight enough for this little town, and lets me go "so as not to embarrass you in front of those nice people."

Moral of the story: if you're going to be driving stoned, stinking of booze, and without a license, pick a minivan full of innocent folks to go with you.


In August I went back home in VA to visit family that visited from Italy. I decided to bring about 3/4 oz of GDP with me. I take the GDP and put it in a freezer zip lock bag and suck as much as I could. I then rolled up the bag carefully and placed it in another zip lock bag of the same size. I then sucked as much air out of that one. Then I took a bunch of Backwood's blunt guts and put it in another zip lock bag of the same size. I filled it up about 1/4 of the way with the baccy. I then put the GDP bags inside the baccy bag. Mixed the baccy up to get the bag covered up. Sucked the air out of that bag and rolled it up. Got 2 rubberbands and rubberbanded each end so it wouldn't unroll. I wore flip flops, a t shirt and cargo shorts(Hey its Socal :D) to the airport. I put the bag in my left cargo pocket because its huge.

I don't carry any metal on me at all, no change, nothing. Everything in my pockets gets put in the tray to go through the x ray machine. About 6am, I'm groggy and just want to get on the plane to fall asleep. Well I step through the metal detector, nothing. "I'm good," I thought to myself. The TSA guy asks if he could pat me down because he noticed a bulge in my left cargo pocket. "SHIT!, I'm fucked!," exact thoughts I shit you not. But I played it cool, fuck it, if I say no my girl will know what is up and be all pissed off because she will miss the plane, so I say, "Yea, sure, go ahead." I had nothing on me except the bag. He felt me down and went straight for the bag. He started to squeeze it and asked what it was. "A bag of pipe tobacco," right off the top of my head. He then asked me if I could take it out and show it to him which I did. He then asked me if I could put it through the metal detector. At this point I thought I had him fooled...

I agreed to putting it through the metal detector. I'm calm as shit like I got nothing to hide on the outside but my mind was racing with all sorts of fucked up thoughts. I put it in one of those little bowls and in it went. I walked back through the metal detector and waited for my bag to come through the x ray machine. The 2nd guy, behind the monitor, was looking at it for a second and turned to the other guy next to him and said, "check that bag right there," pointing at my carry on. As he turned and said that my bag of GDP, I mean, "pipe tobacco" comes through the x ray machine and stops right in front of me. I grab it and put the bag in my cargo pocket. So far I have fooled 2 dudes at the airport. On to the next...

I then proceed to get my things and get my flip flops back on. The 3rd guy that was "checking that bag right there" asked me if "that bag" was mine. It was. He then asked if he could search it. "Sure, not a problem," was my response. He takes my bag and opens it and grabs an unopened water bottle(hydration) and an unopened can of Monster(wake up juice), both of which are legal, unless you try and bring them into an airport. He then swabs the bag down for explosives and it comes up negative. "No shit Sherlock its fucking water and Monster," was my thoughts at that point. He then tells me that I cannot bring the water and the Monster with me and if I wanted to drink them now I would have to go outside the secure area into the check-in area and drink them and then come back through security all over again. "No thanks sir, you can keep them, I have a plane to catch," said a very pleased me. "Ok sir you have a great flight," was his reply.

I got my carry on and caught up to my girlfriend with 3/4 oz of GDP in my pocket ready to get my family and friends ripped off some Cali weed. After I landed at my connection, I went in the first restroom I saw and took the bag out of my pocket and put it in my camera bag so that it didn't rub in my leg. Got to VA nice and safe and had great herb to enjoy with all my peeps back home and from my OG home. :joint:

Good story.... have you gotten your MMJ script yet? Just about every airport in cali will let you thru with at least an oz......as long as your script is attached to it.... friend of mine was a TSA screener and she said people would come thru all the time.


gets some
TSA generally doesn't bother with drugs, particularly weed. They're looking for weapons and the like. They are NOT law enforcement so unless there's a cop very close by that they can immediately notify, they can't legally detain you unless you're in possession of a weapon or some other 'terrorist' related reason. Not that I'd flaunt that or anything and bring a QP with me. Just something to keep in mind. An exgf was a TSA screener and this is straight from her and her training. They aren't tasked with finding personal use drugs. Now the K9's running around the airport are a different story...


Creek Bud

Creek Bud

Nice basement grow room with plants in all stages and lots of full canning jars. Room was locked up tight but new stepson swiped a key and went looking for christmas presents with a friend of his. Long story short...2months later police show up asking to see the grow room but with no warrant. I was at a poker game and my wife had her wits about her and didn't let them in. They left to get a warrant, leaving a black and white parked out front. I got a frantic phone call and then sped home on my motorcycle chanting om mani padme hum. Got home and furiously gathered all plant material including lots of dried herbs into garbage bags. Stealthed out the back and poured all the contents into a small river that runs across the back of the property and went back to the house. Police came back about two hours later again asking to come in and again without a warrant. Apparently the kid who spoke to the police pointed at a fig plant on the porch and said it "looked like that". That coupled with the 2 month lapse prevented them from getting a warrant. Thank you providence. They were not let in. Ended up going back to the creek with two friends where about half of what I threw out was hung up in branches and rocks. We redried it and smoked Creek Bud for the next few months. Two years later there was still some token Creek Bud left. We smoked it and relived.

This is fiction relayed to me by a friend of a friend.
Last edited:


Overkill is under-rated.
Good story GroDoc, always happy to read about smart growers like you standing up for their rights. And DAMN THE MAN!


Active member
arrested for 1g of hash in San Bernardino co ( fuck that place )
spent 2 days in county...
got out, hired a lawyer, got the case DISMISSED as i am a MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENT!

Was this because its an extract and not bud? Thats messes up..

:pumpkin: San Bernardino Co. :pumpkin:


this is a post about a recent bust in my life.

I sleep with my windows open. At all times of the year. What can i say? Well one night around midnight i am rolling into bed and hear some strange noises coming from outside. I brushed them off as probably a dog or other animal as they always shit back behind my place. I fall asleep.

Now the story gets interesting. Apparently a neigbhor had heard the noises too. She was worried it was a person and called the mutha fuckin police. So noises-midnight. Apparently the cops (6 of em) came to the building and investigated the noises. Seeing my window open, with no screen, they become concerned for my safety :rolleyes: At 3:00 AM i roll over and dont believe my eyes. Theres 6 cops running around my place with flashlights out and guns drawn. In the Dark. If i had had a gun, they would have been shot. Men dressed in black with flashlights and guns at 3 am running around in the dark of my apartment?!!? They asked for my id and told me the situation. After it was understood that no prowler was in my house, they began to snoop around. In my half asleep hazey state i watch this cop go into my closet with his flashlight. I can only imagine the shit in his pants as he came across a beautiful unknown sativa in a scrog under a 400w light. she had just finished stretching after 4 weeks of 12/12. she was a giant taking up a 2x2 foot print completely. Those pigs.

ANyways, once they jizzed themselves they pulled me and my roommate outside in our undies (its now 3.30 am) Its 35 fucking degrees, and these cops are waiting on a hairpin trigger for me to give in and give consensual search. I told them to fuck off and go get a warrant. Slammed the door on them and locked it. I had time to take care of my place, except the plant was too woven into the screen to cut up so that it would fit into the toilet.

I severed the plant from the 5 gallon root ball and stuffed everything into a trash bag. In my hurried state i jumped out my back window to find a dumpster to toss my plant. I was met by the fools in black who were hiding with assault rifles. they detained me and hauled my ass to jail for possesion. The worst part about this was as the cop was pulling into the street to take me to jail, his fucking dashboard clock read 4:20 AM

hey found a massacred plant, grow supplies, and a couple pipes. NO SCALE OR PROCESSED BUD < those if had been in my possesion would have really hurt my situation.

bottom line i found after doing research, is that 'warrantless searches' are only legit if theres an 'urgent' situation. In my case an open window doesnt mean urgent anything. It is a violation of my 4th amendment rights and if goes to court will be thrown out. Any evidence or probable cause to obtain the search warrant that came from the inital warrantless search, gets tossed out of court.

all in all thats about all i can talk about now.

My roommate had come home late that night piss drunk and forgot to lock the front door. If he had locked the door, or my windows had been closed :rolleyes: i could have avoided all this. I would have been fucked worse if i had allowed for the consensual search.

people gotta cover the basic's if your growing pot. Dont give them an inch, or else they'll drag you the full mile.

since it's been a few years I'll fill in the ending on this story...

I have a hobby outside of ganja that I spend alot of time doing. Think Frisbee or rock climbing but neither. I'm always making friends who have the same hobby. I had made one friend in particular a few years before this bust. We were friendly and hobbied it up, but never got that close. I never knew what he did for a living, and he never knew I was a head. Well a couple weeks after the bust I ran into said friend at the hobby store... I naively said listen to this shit! and told the whole story.

He says "You probably shouldn't have told me that, You see I am the felony prosecutor for "" county. I am technically your prosecutor if your telling the truth"

And then he says "I know you, and I know your character. I haven't heard about this situation at work yet, which means the cops fucked up somewhere. I hate to see good people like you getting tossed by those guys for a little bit of herb."

I don't remember what I said, besides "holy shit!"

In the end it never went to court I even got all my non-illegal supplies back. It pays to have friend in high places! haha even if you don't know it.

and a close call...

I was 16 or 17, driving around with a friend late at night. We had a 1/4 of some headies and a couple grams of blonde hash. We were sticking to the rural roads and roasting our heads completely... in excess of 6 bowls in 4 hours... We had it all stuffed behind the seats of my truck.

So we are heading back into town, getting off the freeway, when I see the red and blues behind me. I pull over immediately into a parking lot to get off the road.

My friend and I are gone. No odor control, no visine, no hope.

The officer walks up to my window talks a long look at us, saying "Is there anything in this vehicle I need to know about."

In my head I can think of the weed, hash, and pipes that are all within an arms reach, but instead quickly reply with, "Yes officer, my drivers ID and vehicle registration."

He stuttered a sec and said "of course, can you get those out for me?"

I complied and 5 minutes later we were let off with a warning for exiting the freeway at a high rate of speed (10 over)

needless to say we were elated.
The officer walks up to my window takes a long look at us, saying "Is there anything in this vehicle I need to know about."

In my head I can think of the weed, hash, and pipes that are all within an arms reach, but instead quickly reply with, "Yes officer, my drivers ID and vehicle registration."

That makes for some funny mental images


Active member
Was this because its an extract and not bud? Thats messes up..

:pumpkin: San Bernardino Co. :pumpkin:

yes. i was arrested for the hash and the fact that San Bernardino Co. doesn't respect mmj.

It was a huge hassle. Waste of my time, and the DA's so they dropped it.

waste of money! if anything

i really hate that county... its a shithole.

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