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Arrest Stories & Close Calls

this happend sto a good buddy of mine long story short long night out got pulled went to jail supended license but when he saw the lights to his bg of nugs and tossed it in his macdonalds cup. they searched his truck for a while and couldnt find shit. so the next day after i got him out we go to pick up his truck and go home and grab the bag floatting in his drink wich was in th cup holder and talk about how they were pissed they couldnt find what we were smoking.


since it's been a few years I'll fill in the ending on this story...

I have a hobby outside of ganja that I spend alot of time doing. Think Frisbee or rock climbing but neither. I'm always making friends who have the same hobby. I had made one friend in particular a few years before this bust. We were friendly and hobbied it up, but never got that close. I never knew what he did for a living, and he never knew I was a head. Well a couple weeks after the bust I ran into said friend at the hobby store... I naively said listen to this shit! and told the whole story.

He says "You probably shouldn't have told me that, You see I am the felony prosecutor for "" county. I am technically your prosecutor if your telling the truth"

And then he says "I know you, and I know your character. I haven't heard about this situation at work yet, which means the cops fucked up somewhere. I hate to see good people like you getting tossed by those guys for a little bit of herb."

I don't remember what I said, besides "holy shit!"

In the end it never went to court I even got all my non-illegal supplies back. It pays to have friend in high places! haha even if you don't know it.

That is a crazy story and I'm glad it worked out. Definitely sounded like a violation of your Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable searches and seizures as well as your right to privacy. . . .

The way it probably would have gone down is this: your attorney would have filed a Motion to Dismiss the Evidence. The argument is that the evidence is fruit of the poisonous tree -- the tree being the illegal search. If the evidence is dismissed, the prosecutor has no case and will be forced to dismiss the charges. Having said that, something like over 90% of judges are former prosecutors and they almost never grant those motions to defense attorneys.

My first year of practice I lost one of these motions when it was a clear violation. The judge took a lunch break to figure out how to deny the motion with some reasonable basis. She came back and made up some ridiculous ruling. I immediately appealed and the judge agreed that it was an illegal search and the cops were wrong. The second judge also denied the motion but on the grounds that the law was so confusing he was going to excuse the cops mistake. He then pointed to how the first judge screwed it up as proof that the law was confusing. When I took this case as a first year lawyer I was so excited to get such a solid slam-dunk 4th amendment violation. Then Reality bitch-slapped me pretty hard. After we lost the appeal, my client turned to me and asked, "What do we do now?" I said, "What do we do now? Now you go to jail and I go back to my office." (Just kidding, that's just a bad lawyer joke).


Then Reality bitch-slapped me pretty hard. After we lost the appeal, my client turned to me and asked, "What do we do now?" I said, "What do we do now? Now you go to jail and I go back to my office." (Just kidding, that's just a bad lawyer joke).

best lawyer joke I ever heard, where the lawyer isn't the butt of the joke!


New member
Close Call

Close Call

I got one close call for ya,
It was saturday night 2 am or sunday morning if you prefer.
My car leaked so there would always fog the windshield on the inside, this car was the most total piece of shit ever so of course the aircondition was broken. Where I live it gets COLD at winter so there was snow outside and the temperature like -5 celcius.
So what the frost would do is freeze the fog on my windshield on the inside, and I had no ice scraper so I found an axe in my car which I used to scrape the ice off, being stoned and all I didn't bother putting it back too where it was so I just put it in my front seat and started the car.
I've only driven for like 5 minutes when I see a police van behind me.
I had like 3 grams of hashish on me so I got a little nervous and quickly forgot the axe.
They pulled me over so I ate the hash and chewed it good, then stopped the car.
The officer knocks on my window and asks for my drivers liecense, I was on my way to give it to him when he yells: OUT OF THE CAR and rips me out of the car, then 6 other officers rushed out of the van to find out what was going on, they didn't cuff me but put me in the back of the van with 1 officer watching over me while the other 6 searched my whole car.
The officer in the back asked me if I had been smoking anything tonight, because he said I smelled like mary jane, and I was like naaaahh (picking the rest of the hasish out of my teeth)
They finished searching the car and found nothing intresting then asked me; what are you doing with an axe in your front seat. I said they would'nt belive me if I told them and they didn't ask again, so they told me they were taking the axe and I could get it back on monday morning, no charge.

One of my favourite police encounter stories :D
Hope sombody bothered to read this mess :p
Its been a few months but still this one was scarey.

Its like 10:30 AM in Rochester NY, me and my fiancee stayed at my buddies the night before getting ready for Camp Bisco. We get up make multiple trips to the car packing shit in and getting everything ready. We decide were gonna smoke down before we leave so theres no reason for us to smoke in the car and no issues if were pulled over on the way in. So we proceed to smoke a blunt and a few bong packs in my buddies piece right before leaving. My fiancee and I and my two friends all are headed downstairs with the last shit that needs to be packed, I pop out the front door in my festival gear(grateful fred shirt, bandanna , rasta colored belt etc etc.) red eyed as can be. Who do I look over and see behind our car, Rochester Police, talking to the two old ladies whos housed we parked in front of. Apparently we were parked illegally that morning because the street was being cleaned.

Officer Johnson proceeds to interrogate about what were doing and where were going, we give him most of the truth and explain were on the way to camping trip outside of Albany. He acts suspicious for about 2 minutes before saying "oh well let me save you $83" and takes the tickets off my car and the buddies. Never said one thing about how stoned we all looked or even really seemed to care. Lucky, since when we walked out I thought we were doomed :)
I got one close call for ya,
It was saturday night 2 am or sunday morning if you prefer.
My car leaked so there would always fog the windshield on the inside, this car was the most total piece of shit ever so of course the aircondition was broken. Where I live it gets COLD at winter so there was snow outside and the temperature like -5 celcius.
So what the frost would do is freeze the fog on my windshield on the inside, and I had no ice scraper so I found an axe in my car which I used to scrape the ice off, being stoned and all I didn't bother putting it back too where it was so I just put it in my front seat and started the car.
I've only driven for like 5 minutes when I see a police van behind me.
I had like 3 grams of hashish on me so I got a little nervous and quickly forgot the axe.
They pulled me over so I ate the hash and chewed it good, then stopped the car.
The officer knocks on my window and asks for my drivers liecense, I was on my way to give it to him when he yells: OUT OF THE CAR and rips me out of the car, then 6 other officers rushed out of the van to find out what was going on, they didn't cuff me but put me in the back of the van with 1 officer watching over me while the other 6 searched my whole car.
The officer in the back asked me if I had been smoking anything tonight, because he said I smelled like mary jane, and I was like naaaahh (picking the rest of the hasish out of my teeth)
They finished searching the car and found nothing intresting then asked me; what are you doing with an axe in your front seat. I said they would'nt belive me if I told them and they didn't ask again, so they told me they were taking the axe and I could get it back on monday morning, no charge.

One of my favourite police encounter stories :D
Hope sombody bothered to read this mess :p

Had to be a sick buzz later?


This happened when I was a younger more "invinceable" lad. I had went to a bowling alley to visit some old friends one of whom is the bartender. We knock back a couple of drinks and I start talking about some fine quality herb I had recently purchased. I was dealing at the time to smoke for free but quickly got all hyped about the lifestyle of dealing, using and partying. So I take two of my friends outside to my car to smoke a bowl and show them this nice weed. I had a little less then an oz of herb, scale and an Oz of fungus packed into nice neat 1/8s for all the good lil boys and girls. Where im from it comes in certain times of the year and it goes quick so always a need to have on hand. We hop into my car and I precede to grab a bag that has the pot in it to show my friends. As I reach into my bag my friend says "WTF are these guys looking at?", I look up and two older gentleman walking down the street in plain clothes stopped and were hawking my friends and I. My one friend gives them a nasty look and faster then lighting they both run to my car. I thought "wow I am getting shot, robbed, Jumped?". My friend must have pissed of some drunks. They come right to my window and throw out police badges from under their shirts.... My sphincter clenches to hold back my own shit, my penis shrivles smaller then it would if I tried to fuck a snowman in December. One of the men signals me to roll down the window. No smoke yet, just me with my hand in a bag on my lap and two kids in my car one in the back drinking a beer parked in a lot. I roll down the window and one of the undercovers pops his head in and looks at all of our faces. I go into straight "I got nothing to hide mode". I release a deep breathe of air and tilt my head down and say "holy shit, I though you guys were gonna kills us!". My friend in the back says "Oh, there cops?, I thought we were gonna get beat up." Im waiting for the routine "What are you kids doing tonite?", the whole nine yards. Instead the undercovers apologize for scaring us and ask my friends and I if weve seen a 6 ft african american on a tricycle in an oversized yellow shirt. That is not a joke I will repeat, a 6ft african american on a tricycle in an oversized yellow shirt. We say "no, sorry officers". Apparenlty there had been a scuffle outside the bowling alley earlier and someone drew out a knife and was wanted for assault charges. After we had told them we havent seen the guy the one officer laughs at how scared we look and apologizes again for shaking us up so much. We ended up talking for a few minutes with my hand still in the bag on my lap and they told us how they hated charging up to people like that and didnt mean to shake innnocent people up. I dont deal or carry anything in my car anymore. I dont belive in god or luck but karma, she can be a bitch and she let me off that nite.
I got one close call for ya,
It was saturday night 2 am or sunday morning if you prefer.
My car leaked so there would always fog the windshield on the inside, this car was the most total piece of shit ever so of course the aircondition was broken. Where I live it gets COLD at winter so there was snow outside and the temperature like -5 celcius.
So what the frost would do is freeze the fog on my windshield on the inside, and I had no ice scraper so I found an axe in my car which I used to scrape the ice off, being stoned and all I didn't bother putting it back too where it was so I just put it in my front seat and started the car.
I've only driven for like 5 minutes when I see a police van behind me.
I had like 3 grams of hashish on me so I got a little nervous and quickly forgot the axe.
They pulled me over so I ate the hash and chewed it good, then stopped the car.
The officer knocks on my window and asks for my drivers liecense, I was on my way to give it to him when he yells: OUT OF THE CAR and rips me out of the car, then 6 other officers rushed out of the van to find out what was going on, they didn't cuff me but put me in the back of the van with 1 officer watching over me while the other 6 searched my whole car.
The officer in the back asked me if I had been smoking anything tonight, because he said I smelled like mary jane, and I was like naaaahh (picking the rest of the hasish out of my teeth)
They finished searching the car and found nothing intresting then asked me; what are you doing with an axe in your front seat. I said they would'nt belive me if I told them and they didn't ask again, so they told me they were taking the axe and I could get it back on monday morning, no charge.

One of my favourite police encounter stories :D
Hope sombody bothered to read this mess :p

you win ! :smoke:


New member
Mine is pretty typical I'm sure its happen to most people here??

So one time we were hanging out at the basketball court and some cops approached to chit chat and after a while reached towards my ear and took the joint I had sitting there.. I completely forgot about it till that o'sh!t moment.

I had a few pipe moments as well. I had this wicked cool pipe that unscrews into 3 pieces and can assemble into a pipe or into a peach looking thing with a metal pipe that connects to my key ring. So when ever I got searched there's always an officer that singles it out on my key ring for a bit and sets it aside not knowing what it was.


New member
Arrest Stories Close Calls

Arrest Stories Close Calls

I live in connecticut and currently have a full protective order on me from a girlfriend. It originally came about from me dumping a beverage on her at school. Today the police came to my house looking to arrest me because as the story goes, her brother saw me with her in my car. I was not at home when they went there and I had called the officer back later on. He said he went to my house to make an arrest but however because I wasnt there he said he had a certain amount of time to either arrest me or turn myself in otherwise he wouldnt be able to arrest me without applying for a warrant through a judge. My question is how long do they have to either arrest me or have me turn myself in?


Good story.... have you gotten your MMJ script yet? Just about every airport in cali will let you thru with at least an oz......as long as your script is attached to it.... friend of mine was a TSA screener and she said people would come thru all the time.

Thanks. :) I have gotten my MMJ recommendation and now that I know that I won't have to worry about it. Thanks for dropping the knowledge on me. Keep it dank! :joint:


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
The only close calls were in high school and in 2003. I had a group of CPD rush my car and open the doors without consent. They saw the pipe but left. A few weeks later, I was arrested on a warrant. 5 years later I was paid $40,000.00. The short. They intentionally falsified information on an affidavit, The knew they had the wrong guy. I was paid.


I was backpacking through Europe with some friends around X-Mas time 1994. spent a few nights in Paris and were jones'n for some weed. Three of us were talking to some cool French dudes in a bar and we asked them if they had any weed. They had some hash but they didn't want to smoke it in our hotel room b/c they were scared we were gonna jump them or rape them or something idk. So there were all these Christmas trees, like a field of them, lit up at night right in front of the Pantheon (Panteon?). They insisted that smoking in the middle of the Christmas tree patch was safe.

Wasn't long before two French cops scared the shit out of us, screaming at us in French. The two French dudes started talking all smooth to the cops who stopped yelling. They wanted to see our passports. After some more French was spoken, the cops made us leave the tree patch but didn't arrest us. The French guys were like, "See, we told you, no problem."


Active member
had a close call pretty recently, i had just dropped something off to my buddy and he invited me to take a couple shots before i left his house. i got a dui so i cant even have .01 on my breath as condition of my probation.

i was flying down the hill on 580 right before you hit castro valley and i got radar gunned by a CHP, he came up to my window and just showed me the speed. I was trippin about him smelling the alcohol and finding the cash in my backpack. luckily he just wrote me a ticket and let me bounce.

ive been good lately when i was young i would have run ins with the cops at least 3-4 times a year, having multiple court cases all the time haha..this year i got it down to only two run ins, got a BS ticket for painting a "legal" graffiti wall, and the speeding ticket. trying to keep up the good luck, knocks on wood.
So just picked up 10 grams of some fine P.O.G and i start heading home with a friend.

I pull over to make an important call, thinking "I don't want to pulled over with all this weed"

I notice one guy walk up to the side of my car, walked round to the front and stood there in front of me. I said to my friend whilst screwing my face at the other guy "what the fuck is he looking at"

I turned my car off to get out and the guy just gets his badge out his side pocket and BAM!

Another officer comes up to the passenger window, my friend opens the door and the officer said "What did you just throw down the side there eh? what was it? go on! tell me! was it drugs?! it was drugs werent it? the good old nabis? or a heroin wrap!?"
(clearly he was taking the piss)

My friend did NOT even MOVE his hand, he had a lighter in his hand We just looked at each other all confused and whatnot.

Long story short...

Whipped us out of the car, searched us, found the big bag of dank, gave us a warning because we were such nice lads.

Went home without the 10 grams...got a call...went and got 10 grams of cheese.



Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
Had to tear down a 12 x 7 grow room back in the spring, just as a precaution. I tore it up pretty quickly, burned everything up including 12 rdwc bushes on day 23 flower. I still had to get rid of all the framing and everything, so I load up all this wood in the back of my truck. It still had electrical outlets and wire all over it lol. My drill burnt out half way through the deconstruction so I started tearing the walls down by hand. I piled this shit in the back of my truck, and tied my girlfriends "coach" scarf on a 2x4 hanging out the back of my truck lol. I accidentially had one more bag of rotting cannabis I had to take with me, could not believe I forgot it.

I passed a sheriff who immediatly proceeded to pull me over. There were 2 cars in between us, I took a right a smashed the gas. I quickly pulled into a gas station and got out of my truck so if he stopped me I could speak with him outside of my truck, since the inside smelled like skunk. He pulled in the gas station as I was walking in to grab something to drink, he stopped, looked at the back of my truck, and pulled away!!! It was a weird spot where he could just hit me back up soon as I pulled out, so i waited for 20 min, and busted out of there! Veterans license plate may have saved my ass that time.


Well, normally i don't deliver anything to anybody..Today was different, I told a buddy of mine i would rip an ounce down to him as he had no transportation. He lives in an apartment building so i told him to meet me by the 7-11 parking lot.. I hadn't smoked anything or drank nothin yet , it was still early like 8 pm or so... I pull into the parking lot and my buddy jumps into my ride and off we go. Defiantly in the "BAD" part of town.

I pull out onto a street as we BS and cruise.. about 2 blocks down I pull out the ounce for him so he can roll a doob up for us. We had no particular direction just headed towards a park.

All of the sudden....outta nowhere 5 O........ lights are red and blue, I immediately grab the ounce from him and stuff it under my seat...hes like HOLY FUCK!!...FUCK !!WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO!!!.....freaking the fuck out...... I calmly tell him to CAN IT, PUT yer fucking seat belt on.. we are cool.. and i proceed to pull over..

So yeah im a bit nervous, this isn't a regular everyday ordeal for me..I'm not a dealer, im the least likely type of person to raise a bip on the radar.. However i know my rights.

I look at my buddy strait in the eyes and say, follow along, don't say shit.let me do the talking. He nods, frantically ...oh yes he understands alright..

The cop is now outta his car... I glace back in my rear-view, undercover car....great....i'm thinking.. then i notice...... the cop is in plain dress, no uniform....FUCK.... this is a bad start.

anyways the officer approachs the car, flashlight on(it's dark out) i roll the window down....look directly into his eyes..

Evening officer, I say.. everything alright tonight??.

He looks at me intensely looking for intoxication in my eyes or face, and finds none. says

How are you boys tonight?

I say "fine, just picking up a buddy go for a drive".

he asks. Where about you guys headen?"

I frantically think for an answer..my only purpose here tonight is to deliver an ounce(i'm sure he doesn't need to know this)...hmmm.... I immediately tell him we are on our way to go check out my new office downtown, we have just finished renovations..

he looks at me again then at my buddy... My buddy says... yeah he just picked me up , my cars broken...

The officer shines his light into my truck peering in towards my ashtray, this things seen better days.. huh?? insulting my ride..(fucken bitch, violation of my rights)

I again look at him squarely in the eyes again...This old thing.. shit yeah, its my winter beater.. my nice ones off the road...

he asks me what my "nice" one is... i tell him, and also why i don't drive it in the winter because i love it and i don't want sand and rock to wreck it....

"wheres your office" he askes

I answer him clearly and give him the address.

"License and registration", He asks..

ok... at this point i know, he has SHIT. He CAN'T search my vehicle.. He knows somethings fishy. but has no way of PROVING it, no probable cause. So at this point....lol...... i start wasting his time...( ive been in THIS situtaion plenty)

I start by reaching for my wallet in my pocket and ask him. Why have you pulled me over tonight officer??

Now, it's me watching HIM intently.... and he fucks it up.... I see a glimpse of panic in his eyes... says, "your front plate is missing.... and your right rear brake light is out"...

He's right on both accounts.. but... thats something for traffic cops to fight over.... NOT a plain clothed undercover, this guy is defiantly a drug enforcement cop. So i say OK...."playing dumb"

Now im really wasting his time. I have three registrations in one pouch and pretend like i cant find the one i need... so i ask for his help... you can see he is getting plenty frustrated with dumb ol me...lol...

finally we located the proper one... normally when a cop is processing this information for a traffic violation it takes around 2-5 mins.. He went back to his car for about 30 sec, and came back.. handing it all back to me..

"you boys take care, and get that light fixed" walks back to his car... He looked plenty frustrated...lol.....

I fire the truck up and pull away, noticing my buddy staring at me.... That was fucking unbelievable dude....I cant belive im not in cuffs right now....(he looks kinda sketchy...hoodie, jeans)... It was funny.. I just laughed.. its a good thing we hadent smoked anything. I would have been FUCKED.

"where are we going" ?? he askes..

"To my shop" I say, as i turn back towards the street i had come off of..... "That cop isnt stupid"... So we head towards my office downtown... I hand him the ounce again.... As we get closer to the street.... piggy piggy has intercepted us through the back ally I can tell it's the undercover car...watching... making sure we are going in the direction where i told him we were heading....

my buddy instantly starts freaking out again.....I m like relax.... he knows somethings up.... but he cant do fuck all about it.... so lets go blast a doob at the shop and i'll drop you back off!!!.... thats what we did.... last time i ever do that.

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