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Arrest Stories & Close Calls


KK well last week i bought my integra a little 92 b series, its not raced out just plain stock but here it catches cops attention with a quikness.this last saturday there was a dance partty a couple blocks down from my place. i did'nt realy wana go but my bro did so i just droped him off and from there i went to my girls house.we chilled for a while watched donnie darko (cool movie), i had a fat blunt of juice fruit ready to spark but my girl said if we could wait for her bro and sure enough we did.he got there and to my suprise he had just goten a fat O of king kush (disspencary herb) we lit up the juicy blunt and it had us torrched,played some texas oldem for a while and then my bro hit me up to pickem up so i said my good byes and to my suprise he threw me a quarter.shit was i a happy camper! i jumped in my car and just stuffed it down my crotch, it did have a outstanding smell... like an earthy kushy undertone but not supper strong but still very noticable.i got to the block and saw it was swaaarmed with cops....and here i am...in an integra,no tags or plates..and a quarter down my crotch! i said fuck it and just parked turned my car off and told my bro where i was so he could walk to me and we could dip ASAP.he found me and jumped in.we waited like 10 min and there was no cops in sight so i turned on my car and busted a u-turn past a little street and BOMB red and blue lights pop out from the verry en speeding to me on the quikness,he go right on behind me and turned his high beams on me. i pulled over and said screw it if its done its done you know nothing i could do about it now.he walked up to my window and asked why i dint have plates,told him i just got it so i was wating to get them,he asked if it was stolen i said no but he checked the vin # anyways,asked for my licence gave it to him and he went to the cruiser.my bro was freaking ooout haha triping ballss and once i told him he shud relax kus he wasnt the one with a quad next to his crotch he fliped worse!! the cop walked bak up and asked if we had anything on us we'd like to tell him about,we both said no and he proseeded to ask if he could search the car....i thought about it and said not without a warrent at this point im thinking ok im going down this is it...the cop looks at me and craks a grin,starts to tell me hes not stupid he can smell it..the sweet sweet smell of the budaahh...my bros triping bouncing his leg just all twitchy..i didnt know what to say and the cop was just smiling, it seemed like an hour of silence but im sure it was no more than a few seconds.he asked me to step out the car and follow him to the back of my car,told me to lean on my car,starteds lecturing me about how some choices arent the right ones and blahh blahh blah. he asked what i wanted and my smart ass just plain out said i wanted to go home and pack a bowl...he stared me down and to my suprise said i was free to go....i didnt stand there to thinka bout it as soon as i heard that i was in my car. we got home and i still couldnt belive what had just happend.. and im still just pretty much thankfull man, that was the only dope cop ive ever met,and probly the last


Active member
About 4 years ago me and some friends that i had meet travelling was staying just out side Thong Sala, which is a small town on Koh Phangan in Thailand. It was amazing we were staying in little huts on the beach perfect blue green sea and white beaches which we had mostly our selves.
We had been there about 2 months, smoke was easy to come by we were never out for more than a few hours at a time :eek:).

Anyway, Me and G one of my mates were sitting out front of his hunt one afternoon drinking Chang and smoking this bong that we had fashioned out of what i think was a papaya leaf and a water bottle. We are toking away when i notice we have some new neighbours a Thai guy and what i assume was his wife. As soon as i look over he gets up walks over and says hello we say hi, there's a short pause and he realises we cant speak Thai then he points at the bong so i think he wants a smoke and offer him a bowl he declines making a rolling motion with his hands, a few more hand gestures back and forth, i roll him a J and pass it to him he takes it pauses for a moment couches down next to us and says, in English

guy "I'm a police officer"

My hart dropped i didn't know what to do i wasn't sure if i was in trouble or what

me "What?"
guy "I'm a police officer, here's my badge"

shows me some kinda official looking badge with an id card all in Thai but me me and G just looked at each other stone faced thought we were off to the Hilton but the guy just Lahghs and says,

guy "Just kidding"

He takes the J back to his place and lights it up, Me and G still not quite sure if it really happen proceed to get annihilated.

The Thai couple only stayed that one night i never did get to find out if he was really a police officer or if he was just winding me up lol

He probably wasnt a cop... most Thai cops in that situation would have at least asked for a bribe. A J in Thailand could be a real problem as you probably already know. I had an Aussie buddy get busted with a gram of thai dirt weed, not good cost him 3,000 baht. I lived for 15 months in Hua Hin and i sure do miss the kingdom.


I was a Jr in Highschool and was attending night class (I was a bum in school) everynight me and 2 buddys would go to the other side of the school where night classes were not held and would fire up on our break. well one night we were smoking out of my buddys cigarette pipe when all of a sudden a cop comes walking up... we all saw him coming as I was hitting the pipes... I quickly and discretly droped it in my back pocket. obviously he stops us and can tell we were smoking so he serches each of us as I'm waiting to be searched I forgot i had about an 1/8 in my jacket pocket so I quickly stuffed it in my boxers above my pants line (saggy pants come in handy
) so it would feel like my clothes (Hopefully) well my turn next my heart was racing.... he serched me over pretty quick missing the 1/8 and the pipe......but this guy finds less than a fucking gram in the 5th pocket of my jeans (shit must have been throught the wash a few times it looked so fucked up) BAM cuffs on sitting on the ground my buddys are tripp'n cause they are not sure whats going on... the cops partner then walks up and is a total dick.... I'm a white kid from the burbs and this guy is asking me are you a member of a gang? i replie no I'm from _________ we don't have gangs... he replied gangs are everywhere even in _______.... wow ok... so I sit there with my mouth shut as the 2 cops let my friends go....they keep me there asking me all kinds of questions (never where did you get this) in the end they dumped out the sack and ground it into the ground with his foot then kicked it in a puddle (ruined my plan of coming back later for it
) and set me free.....fucking cops! this whole thing took about 1.5 hours and got me kicked out of night school cause I missed part of class nothing to do with the cops detaining me.


we were walking home from a party at 2am. i've had a backpack with 15 spraycans I've just "obtained" and 25 grams of Morrocan low quality hash(about 100$ worth-in 1988).
There were 3 of us. We talked and didn't notice a cop car pulling up behind us. the pigs flashed their siren and I will never forget how my friends face turned ultra white. We were to drunk and stoned to run. so 2 officers get out ask me hand the back pack they opened it. " what are you guys doing at 2 am with a backpack full of cans? me officer I'll paint my room tomorrow, we've, been at a party and I've bought the cans on my way to the party and now I'm on my way home .he emptied my backpack and luckily I didn't have any sketches or my black book with me.
Then he opened the sidepocket. I thought fuck. He took out my block of hash" what is this?" Me " This is hash offficers." He laughed He asked me for my Id.
He wrote down my name and addy. He made a call to the station asked about if there was a warrant for me or anything.
Then he said. If we see any new tags or pieces we'll come to your house, now take the hash and throw it down the drain.
I'm like thank you officers. then they drove away. I looked at my mates face which was still white and asked dude why is your face so white? he opened his wallet and took out 25 hoffman's.lol So went to our fav place overlooking the city and lake and luckily my other mate had some pollen as they didn't search us and rolled a fat one.
sometimes you'll find a human cop.
ps this was in Zurich Switzerland


when i notice we have some new neighbours a Thai guy and what i assume was his wife.

I bet you didn't get busted for one or several of the following reasons.

1) he was on holidays, if he caught you in his jurisdiction, you'd probably been busted, Thai cops are the lowest form of scumbags and stoned tourists are their bread and butter.....if they find bud on you they will take you back to your hotel room, search the room, push fingers in your chest threatening you with "10 years in a Thai jail.." etc etc to scare you, then escort you down to your safety box, take the contents back to your room, steal all the money, your camera, and anything else they can turn into cash that night and then leave you with enough to pay the hotel bill and maybe a hundred bucks and the bud...and laugh at you as they leave. They are a law unto themselves, avoid them like the plague. Don't even look at them. Some one mentioned a 3000 baht fine, those guys were extremely lucky, usually they bleed you for every cent you have on you and in your hotel safety box.

2) it was not his wife, most married Thai men and all Thai police have at least one gf or "mia noy" aka minor wives..a sgt would have two or three mia noys ......he wanted a night of boom-boom, not all night typing out arrest reports...you were lucky.

3) he wanted a joint, lots of Thais smoke, but most of them not everyday....if he didn't smoke and didn't like stoned farangs, you'd probably been busted or emptied out.

4) he had cash in his pocket..if he had been broke, you would of probably been busted. In Thailand, they are the hyenas and you are Bambi

the golden rules for smoking ganja in the land of Smiles is to roll up, then stash all the ganja, papers, sticks, seeds safely away...then light up. That way if theres a knock on the door you won't have sticks, seeds, bud, lighters, roaches in the ashtray, all over the table, just the smell to worry about.

If you are staying in a beach side bungalow, hide the ganj outside in the sand near your bungalow, if in a hotel, hide the bud in the bottom seam of the curtains, flatten it out really thin, make a slit along a stitched seam and slip it in (don't put it in the bedside phone, as that's the first place they look!..or in a/c vents..or under the mattress). At the beach walk out knee deep in water when theres no Thais close by or down wind and blow the joint (we used to start the day this way every morning..we referred to this with a big mug of strong Thai coffee in the 80's as a " Koh Samui breakfast"..lol) don't smoke in your bungalow...smoke in the bush or in the shallows
Beachside bungalows are nice, but ones further back up the hill and more remote are quieter and safer for smokers.

If in the city in a hotel room, always smoke in the bathroom with the exhaust fan on max and with a towel blocking the door gap and another towel blocking the main door, of course don't order room service after you blow a jay. Tip room service and leave a few small notes for the room girls under the pillow each day and you'll never get busted, instead they will tip you off! the average Thai hates cops too.

Don't fall into the trap of thinking that it's cool to smoke openly cos some other idiot foreigner is doing it. Follow those simple rules and you'll never get busted in Thailand, flush the roaches down the toilet wrapped in toilet paper. Smoking on the roof of the hotel is good too.

Prepare it, clean up, stash it safely away, block the smoke, then light up, ventilate and you'll be cool.....I've smoked a million jays there, always followed those simple rules and never had a problem.
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High Grade Specialist
About 4 years ago me and some friends that i had meet travelling was staying just out side Thong Sala, which is a small town on Koh Phangan in Thailand. It was amazing we were staying in little huts on the beach perfect blue green sea and white beaches which we had mostly our selves.
We had been there about 2 months, smoke was easy to come by we were never out for more than a few hours at a time :eek:).

Anyway, Me and G one of my mates were sitting out front of his hunt one afternoon drinking Chang and smoking this bong that we had fashioned out of what i think was a papaya leaf and a water bottle. We are toking away when i notice we have some new neighbours a Thai guy and what i assume was his wife. As soon as i look over he gets up walks over and says hello we say hi, there's a short pause and he realises we cant speak Thai then he points at the bong so i think he wants a smoke and offer him a bowl he declines making a rolling motion with his hands, a few more hand gestures back and forth, i roll him a J and pass it to him he takes it pauses for a moment couches down next to us and says, in English

guy "I'm a police officer"

My hart dropped i didn't know what to do i wasn't sure if i was in trouble or what

me "What?"
guy "I'm a police officer, here's my badge"

shows me some kinda official looking badge with an id card all in Thai but me me and G just looked at each other stone faced thought we were off to the Hilton but the guy just Lahghs and says,

guy "Just kidding"

He takes the J back to his place and lights it up, Me and G still not quite sure if it really happen proceed to get annihilated.

The Thai couple only stayed that one night i never did get to find out if he was really a police officer or if he was just winding me up lol

holy shit thats fucked up!
thai cops are downright scary.

i was in koh phangan too (we stayed in chaloklum in the north) and me and my buddy would smoke all day there too, it was great lol.

one day we couldnt find our baggy of weed, searched everywhere but was nowhere to be found. that day we decided to take a trip down to thong sala using this mainroad going through the island. in the middle of the road there was a roadblock, police stopped us and started searching us. they looked into my pockets and that moment i was shitting myself. i was thinking "Holy shit what if i left that weed in my pockets?". i was never so scared in my life, could already picture myself in bangkok hilton.

but thank god it wasnt in my pockets. later that evening it turned up on some cupboard in the bathroom lol.

He probably wasnt a cop... most Thai cops in that situation would have at least asked for a bribe. A J in Thailand could be a real problem as you probably already know. I had an Aussie buddy get busted with a gram of thai dirt weed, not good cost him 3,000 baht. I lived for 15 months in Hua Hin and i sure do miss the kingdom.

your friend got off really cheap.
i heard ppl say the usual bribe for some weed was around 1500-2000 euros or else you go to jail. 3000 baht is nothing i would happily pay that.

btw the cops there are soooo fuckedd up and corrupt its not even funny. at one guesthouse we stayed the owner would bribe policemen to come over every day and make sure everythings safe etc. at some disco place we saw policemen acting as securitys (they got shitdrunk and fooled around with the hookers tho, not very good security). there was open bribery going on in bars, police dude would come in and bartender gave him a huge envelope (wonder whats in there lol).

at another barr some drunk ass thai cop was playing around with a gun and handcuffing some other thai to the bar for shits and giggles. i heard also in bangkok theres a park where at night drunk thai cops turn up and turn the place into a shooting range. its really fucked up...
Ok, just picked up two 1/8ths of some nice smelly AK47 and i started heading home. I had just got this new car and if anyone is familiar with Vauxhall's automatic lighting, then you'll know what i'm talking about...

Its starting to get dark and i'm used to my lights turning on automatically....I then turn down one residential road, and its slightly darker, i look at my light switch and its not on...

After realizing that, i just switch em on and carry on driving, literally 30 seconds away from home...

I see one silver car in my rear view....

...all of a sudden its accelerating towards me like a madman, heres me tripping out and my mates on the phone to his mum...talking casually...

blue lights appear above this silver car..

my heart drops, my right hand flings over to the windows switches, down they go...my left hand goes into my pockets and grabs the 2 draws and i shoved em down my ball sack...

officer walks up to my car, immediately saying "PHWOAR...bloody STINKS of cannabis in here lads, you been smokin?"
(these pricks really do like to see how far they can stick their heads into the car dont they...)

i lean back and reply calmly.. "you must be joking officer, not me"

he just straight away said "aright get out the car"

him and his boyfriend start searching my car..and when i say searching, i mean proper searching... I straight up knew this guy wanted to take me down..

The main officer returns to me and starts searching me "thats a pretty flash car for a 19 year old dont you think?" he said. I just nodded my head and lifted my arms...

As he makes his way down to my waist.."spread your legs mate"



2 baggies of some fine ak47 drop down my left leg....

after swallowing my puke (thinking, im gonna be sent back to **** in a wooden box after this)

he started searching my right leg....down to my ankle...slipping his fingers down my trainers, pulling my trackies up...

at this point my friend is arguing with the other officer saying "BLUD IM ON THE PHONE TO MY MUM, RIGHT NOW MY MUMS THE MAIN PRIORITY"...not a very good way to talk to an officer...

he goes to my left leg and starts searching, as he makes his way down to my ankle, i just swivelled my ankle a tiny bit and covered my eyes with my hand saying "can you turn your lights off please, my eyes are hurting", as i lifted my hand, i brushed it on his shoulder accidently (purposely) diverting his attention...he just stopped what he was doing wriggled my trousers and said to himself "nah, youre aright", he got up and turn the lights off...

my knees went weak...my friend looked at me like (i hope that shit aint up your ass)....

not a very good story teller, much better in person..

but hey, pretty damn close.


good story mad logistics! filled with suspense! glad you got to celebrate that victory

i have a story everyone can learn from, alas im no good story teller, nor writer, so ill just ramble instead.

So when i was much younger, less than a block from home, infront of an elementary/primary school in the wee hours of the morning, a friend that is a girl and me met up to smoke.(PICK A BETTER SPOT NEXT TIME)

I only had a jay that my manager from work gave me. So we smoked half of it and noticed a clown car crown vic rounding the corner about 2 blocks from me - coming straight at us. i turned on the car and made a left and went up the block and kept driving. The cop went right by, took a right on a street, took another right at the top of that block and came right down behind me.(HAD I JUST PULLED INTO A DRIVEWAY OR STARTED WALKING AWAY...DIFFERENT STORY ALTOGETHER)

The cop flipped the lights and i pulled over. He came right up to the car and exclaimed marijuana was being used, said step out of the car and put us in hand cuffs and sat us on the curb while he radio'd a buddy. (he was a rookie cop) Together they made a mess of the interior and had no intention of putting anything back, it basically looked like a tsunami hit the inside of the car and everything had floated around for awhile and then settled WAY out of order. They obviously found the roach in the ashtray, but there was nothing else to find, so they didnt come out with much. They talked to us seperately, the girl type friend didnt tell them i had been smoking, but i figured she would, so i admitted to smoking it(BEGINNING OF THE END)They took the roach, told me if i wanted to "do that" do it at home. Then they towed my car. Cost me more than 100 bucks to get it back, and a drive all the way across the city - youd think they would get a towing company from the same municipality wouldnt you?

anyway, i walked home, it wasnt far, and the next day when my parents didnt see my car, i had to fib and tell them it was towed when i parked illegally. anyhow, they didnt have anything on me until i was sitting in the back of the cop car, talking to him through glass, VERY uncomfortable sitting on handcuffs and your hands by the way, i mentioned i smoked, he was like a kid in a math class getting an A on a test he thought he was going to fail. When i say this rookie cop was happy to nail me, i mean it; he was fucking pleased with himself, even though they full know the population, and themselves believe against this war - even though it's a much smaller war in canada against MJ.

then at the end when i was walking away, the cops did a handshake gesture to one another and were fucking talking shop about the bust. it was dispicable, rookie cop thanked the veteran one for helping and other justified remarks, but the fact of the matter is, they get off on this, adrenaline junkies. anyways, i will forever be biased in regards to many cops' alignment until this war is finished.

they dont even care most of the time up here, unless youre driving.


i have a story everyone can learn from

no...let's hope you learn from it....blowing a jay @ 3am in front of a school! real clever

They obviously found the roach in the ashtray,

huh??? you saw the cops two hundred metres away and it didn't occur to you to ditch the roach??

and then you squawked and gave yourself up in two seconds while the gf was zippered and remained solid???

and the cops are the bad guys???...they even told you to smoke at home....try looking inwards. maybe some of the blame just might be there.

I bet that girl dropped you like a hot potato after that ...she's golden and there aren't many like that


i have a story everyone can learn from

no...let's hope you learn from it....blowing a jay @ 3am in front of a school! real clever

They obviously found the roach in the ashtray,

huh??? you saw the cops two hundred metres away and it didn't occur to you to ditch the roach??

and then you squawked and gave yourself up in two seconds while the gf was zippered and remained solid???

and the cops are the bad guys???...they even told you to smoke at home....try looking inwards. maybe some of the blame just might be there.

I bet that girl dropped you like a hot potato after that ...she's golden and there aren't many like that

woah woah woah woah there PMS attack by a resident armchair warrior!

- yeah, infront of a school - and i would do it again because you dont know the area, and it sounds worse than it is. probably over 1300 feet to the actual school.(In the middle of the night!) we were merely JUST off the property, known as a street.

- 200 meters isnt far, the police car was approaching SO fast, i was QUITE inebriated, and my fight or flight instinct kicked in.

- she isnt my girlfriend, never will be, that was our first meeting in quite some years, probably 5 or 6, maybe more! how was i to know how well she handled pressure by the police?

i shouldnt have to defend myself here. i tried to explain it as well as possible, you DO NOT KNOW what went on, who she is, who i am, the area, the circumstances, it's a fucking story you moron. (that's the worst id chance calling you on here, but believe me i have better words for you)

this was the first and last of this kind of episode, i learned from it, and id hope someone else could too, isnt that decent of me?

ps i even said GIRL TYPE FRIEND, and A FRIEND THAT IS A GIRL; i tried pretty hard to make the female in the story look like she was not coupled with me, so you sir, have been THWARTED, and your reading comprehension needs work. Be sure to work on that.

Good thing i dont have any other stories to tell because you make it seem like one is put on trial and i would be REALLY hardpressed to summon another. ARGH name calling is bad, resist the urge...must resist.


thanks for the long explanation, though a concise "get phucked Chamba" would of sufficed.


"..she isnt my girlfriend, never will be,.."


anyway, never mind the bullshit, what's her number?
This is an abolutely true story: Back in the early 1970's I had occasion to go to Jamaica, negril specifically, several times in a couple of months period. On this occasion I took two ladies with me and we partied for 3 days and got ready to return to Miami, where we lived. The girls had nothing in their luggage but had some bags of pills stuffed in their panties and bra's, and I had my boot heels hollowed out and packed with pills as well. I also had a vaseline jar, a big one, pack to the brim with grass oil, and I had about 3 OZ's of good weed stuffed down my boots. The Vaseline jar was in my suitcase, at the bottom, stuffed into a tennis shoe. If you looked at the shoe, you could see the outline of the jar. I prayed and drank a lot of overproof before boarding the plane.

On the plane they give you a form for immigration, and you fill it out and carry it along the process and give it eventually to the guy at the door before you leave the terminal. This is a major thing to remember.

So we get in line and finally get to a Customs agent, who opens my suitcase, pulls the clothes up and exposes the shoes, round jar protruding and all..and then she shuts the suitcase and tells me to go on. I breathed a sigh of relief and kved away to wait for the girls to pass. The Customs lady that had me went theru their stuff with a fine comb...for some reason the lady was suspicious of them, but their suitcases were clean so i was not too worried.

Now comes the heavy part; As I am standing there about 30 feet away waiting, I feel a tap on my shoulder from behind. I turn around and am facing a grim looking uniformed Customs Inspector, who says: " Are you ( my name )". " Yes", I say. Then he says: You are under arrest."

I said" What for?" in my most shocked and offended tone possible. I figured I might as well play this out and I had no time to think..I just reacted. Then, the Inspector smiled and said: " I'm just kidding...here, you dropped your card". Dear God. I had dropped that accursed card that you carry along and he saw it and just had to mess with me before giving it back!!

I took the card and smiled and said ' thanks' and headed for the door. i instinctively knew that ALL my luck had been used up. All gone. I had to leave then. I met the girls at the car, and they said they almost freaked out when they saw the customs guy accost me...but I told them it was a joke...they were as flabbergasted as I was.

Anyway, we got away with the goods and had a heartstopping experience while doing it. i resolved to NEVER again try and bring in anything at all again to an aorport, as I know that I still do not have enough luck stored up to get away with another one like that. What a day that was.


Recovering UO addict.
back in the day...

back in the day...

..when I was younger, bout 16 or so..I was at a big house party in some nice neighborhood...well apparently we were making too much noise and the cops got called...they separated some of us and searched and questioned us...

a cop had me and 3 of my friends all lined up..(the cop confirmed we were already getting m.i.p. tickets btw) and said "ok empty your pockets, throw your stuff on the ground and pull out your pockets." ..everyone starts throwing wallets and cigarettes on the ground..and in my horror I see my friend next to me throw his pipe, papers and a bag of weed on the ground..and I think to myself..oh shit I have a lil bag of weed on me too...and I'm like
OMFG I only have a bowl left..I'm not getting busted for a bowl!

..so I empty my pockets..and at the very last second, I ball that little baggie up in my hand and pull out the corner of my pockets, cupping the baggie in my hand..and the cop says "ok, you kids stay right here".. and takes my friend that threw his weed and stuff on the ground, and handcuffs him and takes him away...and I'm trippin..like omgomg they're gonna pat me down and find it omg..(they always pat ppl down on T.V. right?) .. then another cop comes over talks to cop #1, then comes over and takes us all to his car and 3 of us get in the back..

cop#2 takes us downtown, gives us our m.i.p.'s and our parents come pick us up like 1/2 later...the whole time I'm sitting there with a bag of weed in my pocket...and I'm seriously freaking out...not for a second did I think I was gonna actually gonna get away with it...not till I was at home..and listening to my mom bitch me out at the kitchen table at 2 am for about 2 hours..and I was finally alone in my room bout to go to sleep, and I busted that shit out and was like :woohoo: (bowl of schwag rofl)

...another time I was at a party when I was probably 17...big keg again...A huge fight broke out...shit got broke, I mean like nice ass house in the hills, and big huge fist holes in the drywall everywhere..whole living room just smashed to shit..cops come. haul away like 10 of us to figure out who did it...my car gets impounded. they figure out who was responsible. tell us we're not in any trouble and we'll get released to our parents.......then a cop walks straight over to me and says "Come with me." .. I'm like cool...guess I'm going home.. ..leads me to a door (which I'm thinking I'll be leaving through btw).. and it's this tiny little interrogation type room..like size of a small bathroom..the cop sits me down and says "we found a marijuana pipe in you car" . (I had a pipe and weed in my stash spot in there, why didn't he say anything about the 1/4?!?).. and quickly I'm like "wtf man you can't just search ppl's cars! That's against my rights! you need a warrant or probable cause!"
..cop looks a little nervous now...I wasn't being charged with anything else so far..

-I was like 17 and didn't really know what I was talking about..just shit I heard on T.V. and I figured T.V. must be pretty accurate right?

..looking a little unsure of himself now, the cop says "was it your marijuana pipe? I say "NO! I don't know who's it is..I gave a bunch of ppl that I don't know rides to that party...so it coulda been anyones.

This whole time I'm thinking to myself, HOW the hell did they find my shit...I have the best macgyver stashspot ever in my car..it had to be someone else's...and I decide to chance it since there's no mention of my weed being found

I say to the cop "Well can't you just take some fingerprints off the pipe and stuff?" ..I see it on T.V. all the time right? a guy comes in with rubber gloves and puts shit in separate baggies..exhibit "A" right? ...rofl I highly doubt that pipe ever went in any baggie..the cop says..."Well, maybe we WILL do that, thanks." ...I'm thinking...Oooohhh shit that might have been the biggest backfire ever...

So I get released cuz they couldn't bust me for the pipe for whatever reason, I go to get my car out of impound..yet..wait I don't actually have a license...I have insurance, and a permit...but with a permit you need a person with a REAL license to be with you when you drive....I wasn't really worried about it, I figure worse thing is they just won't let me drive it outta there...well, they check my insurance (which is in my name) and never ask to see my license..I guess they assumed I had one, due to having insurance...but I was able to get insurance with only a permit somehow..

So the impound guy finally says "ok, go through that door and drive your car up to the gate and show em this paper" ... mwhahaha..I'm gonna get to drive outta here illegally? really? ..and they let me do so...

few blocks down the road I look in my super secret stash spot..which was just a normal factory cubby hole, but I made a false bottom in it and had a container underneath..I look inside...
they let me drive out of the impound lot without a license AND a pipe AND a 1/4 of buds...wow just fucking wow man...before all that went down I was under the impression that cops were all like super smart detectives like you see on T.V.... like Colombo, or Matlock or somethin..(god I'm old). but it turns out they're not like that at all...and they're really not all that organized either..glad I learned that at a young age.

...never did find out who's pipe they found in my car:confused:...and never heard back from them about it ...


New member
I've got a couple good 1's IMO anyway...

When I was 21 I was meeting a buddy of mine to go grab a half lb of some schwag, late nite, didn't have a car so my neighbor drove me to go pick him up. We get over to his neighborhood and there is a parameter around his house of patrolling, searching police cars, apparently including some undercovers. We see them and I call him and say hey maybe I meet you on street behind your house, ill call and you come out as we pull up. That all works out fine and we drive to the bank up the road so I can grab some cash, and notice a green escort type vehicle changing lanes with us and keeping a "safe" distance from us, so we opt to hit the gas station 1st instead because it was well lit. Soon as we pull up to the pump, 5 different cars surround us from all around, so my neighbor jumps out, (She's or was a paralegal) and starts screaming amendments and rights, etc. They run up to my window (2door car) and tell me to come out because I fit some description, and my buddy to get out as well, the half lb was under my seat, wrapped only in a ziploc:joint::joint::joint:, and he pushes it under the seat and they dont and never notice during the whole time "detaining us to confirm description" which was way off, I also asked them how they knew my description from a distance, through tinted glass windows, hat on, and of course, sitting down, with NOOO response from them, of course. Long story short, description didnt match, our stories kinda matched ish, according to them, but they couldnt figure out why we would lie to them at this point:nanana::nanana::woohoo:SO they let us go, my paralegal friend tells me, "wow! you were so Calm and Collected during all that, how'd you do it? I looked at her n smiled, said I knew their was a reason I wear baggy jeans, you couldn't see my knees knocking that whole time?

The other 1 occurred immediately after a trim session, which became a very heavy pickup (bout 8lbs) for me anyways, I am not generally accustomed to having that kind around me so I was obviously very nervous, not to mention the beers I drank while we trimmed, didnt realize it was going to be over so quickly that day. Anyways, I go grab a shower before I leave but had too much stuff in the trunk so I figure, its in a raftbag, and sealed for smell, no worries. So I head out, goin thru town and of course, a little lapse in attention, I end up goin 5 over, and SUPERCOP jumps thru traffik and cuts off another driver to pull me over for that... So I sit there while he tells me the story of the town and the reason for the strict speed enforcement. Then he leans in the window and says "you dont go the speed limit til you pass the roundabout, not a moment sooner" and goes back to the car. I wait, very nervous and getting my cellphone ready to text the E mergenC signal, and he returns with a formal paper warning, smiles and says, "Good thing you have a good driving record, dont even have to ticket you" Smiles and Waves, thanks for visiting, and leaves.:yoinks:

LOL got alot but those are still my 2 favs, hope it gave you a quick smile...


Active member
This will be a good enough place to make my introduction i suppose. In '87 I was a junior in high school. A friend & I went to see Neil Young at an outdoor concert. We picked up a couple quarts of beer, drank them in the car in the parking lot & not wanting to litter or get popped for underage we stuck 'em under the seat. duh. So we go to the show & smoke many doobies. we make a friend & he being weedless offers us a few blotters in exchange for a few J's to take home. Reckless youths that we are, we take the acid and a few hours later are caught by surprise that we need to actually leave the concert venue.

So I get pulled over driving home, I'm driving, i'm tripping balls. The cop separates us to get the story, one of us tells him about the empty bottles under the seat & due to this he's going to take me in for a breathalizer. I think he generally believes the story that I'm just really tired & we drank the beers about 8 hours ago & have had nothing since. He thinks Tom is suited to drive, so he instructs Tom to stay immediately behind us, and puts great emphasis on this. "Right behind - fall back or do anything funny & there will be serious trouble." On the way the cop is being really cool, asking me about the show, what songs Neil played, how our school's basketball team did last year, etc... He says something like "I'm going to show you why I pulled you over" and starts REALLY exageratingly swerving from one lane to the next, I mean all the way across the road from one shoulder to the other. "You were all over the road, just like this." I think this odd because, while I'm sure I was in no position to operate a toilet seat, my muscle coordination isn't the problem and I know I was keeping it together better than that. But...

While he's doing his swerving demonstration I get struck with an acid induced mental connection with Tom back there in my car. I know Tom is unsure what to make of the officer's driving. I get a sinking feeling, this is not going to be good. I turn around and sure enough, Tom is RIGHT behind, swerving from one lane to the next, following the cop's every move like one car length behind. I can't imagine what the officer thought of that, but if he noticed he didn't say anything about it to me.

Into the station, no search, no cuffs or anything. bag of weed in my front jean jacket pocket and all, never searched us. Why didn't I stuff it in the rear seat of the patrol car? Damn acid. Go in a small room wait a while fighting off fear & nerve induced nausea. think good thoughts Erik, think good thoughts. Blow in breathalyzer. Cop hands me the print out and points to the result. It's like 0.02 or something inconsequential, he says "You guys be careful now, and let Tom drive home, ok?"

"Oh, absolutely Sir! have a nice evening."


This will be a good enough place to make my introduction i suppose. In '87 I was a junior in high school. A friend & I went to see Neil Young at an outdoor concert. We picked up a couple quarts of beer, drank them in the car in the parking lot & not wanting to litter or get popped for underage we stuck 'em under the seat. duh. So we go to the show & smoke many doobies. we make a friend & he being weedless offers us a few blotters in exchange for a few J's to take home. Reckless youths that we are, we take the acid and a few hours later are caught by surprise that we need to actually leave the concert venue.

So I get pulled over driving home, I'm driving, i'm tripping balls. The cop separates us to get the story, one of us tells him about the empty bottles under the seat & due to this he's going to take me in for a breathalizer. I think he generally believes the story that I'm just really tired & we drank the beers about 8 hours ago & have had nothing since. He thinks Tom is suited to drive, so he instructs Tom to stay immediately behind us, and puts great emphasis on this. "Right behind - fall back or do anything funny & there will be serious trouble." On the way the cop is being really cool, asking me about the show, what songs Neil played, how our school's basketball team did last year, etc... He says something like "I'm going to show you why I pulled you over" and starts REALLY exageratingly swerving from one lane to the next, I mean all the way across the road from one shoulder to the other. "You were all over the road, just like this." I think this odd because, while I'm sure I was in no position to operate a toilet seat, my muscle coordination isn't the problem and I know I was keeping it together better than that. But...

While he's doing his swerving demonstration I get struck with an acid induced mental connection with Tom back there in my car. I know Tom is unsure what to make of the officer's driving. I get a sinking feeling, this is not going to be good. I turn around and sure enough, Tom is RIGHT behind, swerving from one lane to the next, following the cop's every move like one car length behind. I can't imagine what the officer thought of that, but if he noticed he didn't say anything about it to me.

Into the station, no search, no cuffs or anything. bag of weed in my front jean jacket pocket and all, never searched us. Why didn't I stuff it in the rear seat of the patrol car? Damn acid. Go in a small room wait a while fighting off fear & nerve induced nausea. think good thoughts Erik, think good thoughts. Blow in breathalyzer. Cop hands me the print out and points to the result. It's like 0.02 or something inconsequential, he says "You guys be careful now, and let Tom drive home, ok?"

"Oh, absolutely Sir! have a nice evening."

:joint: Very Lucky!!!! btw welcome to the mag...hope to see you around