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Are you prepared?

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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
given the title of this thread I find it odd that 'The End Is Near' has yet to post.......


Active member
A WIDELY RESPECTED Russian professor has stated that he believes that the US will crumble in 2010. I read the article.
sounds plausible.

Best thread I have read!

Best thread I have read!


I have 40 acres of dry land farm ground, numerous outbuildings, a very big barn, built in 1901, and solid as a rock, chicken coops, wells, a small pond stocked with fish, a big house and plenty of wild game. I need a few investors just as you. PM me if you would, as I have not enough posts to do so. I'd love to pick your brain and extract some of your wisdom.
genkisan said:
I'm doing everything I can to get my shit together.

I have started an investment group with the idea of buying 200-500 acres within the next 3-5 years and building totally independant, low-tech, low-impact housing that will last a few hundred years and is built from natural, locally harvested materials.

I have a number of business ventures I am either running (Cannabrex) or starting up to try and fund my project. I have about 6-8 interested parties and am always on the lookout for like-minded people who think the Canadian Shield is a good place to be in the future (esp those who are rich and generous...hee hee hee).

These kinds of thoughts started for me when I was 6 years old.
On the first day of grade one, I was less than enthused with the prospect of going and asked my mother why I had to go to school. She told me the usual shpiel about having to get a good education so I could get a good job etc etc...

And it hit me all at once...in about 1.8 seconds.................is that it?

Is that all I am here to do....go get a job, work, pay taxes and die?
I hid in my closet, screaming hysterically.................... and have been recovering ever since.

That early experience and the thoughts it forced into my mind led me long ago to one major decision. I have made it my life's work to provide a place for my children where they can LIVE for a living, not spend their time dying a slow death working their lives away making some scumbag donkeyhonking nutsack in a suit richer than he ever needs to be.

Because I truely believe that the only way to free humanity from the malignant, exploitative profit-based paradigm we have been following for the last 5000 years is to make people who live differently, and value a life-giving as opposed to resource-hoarding lifestyle and philosophy.

Some people say having children in this fucked-up world is a crime, and we don;t need more people, blah blah blah....

I say bullshit.....we need children who value sitting in a 400 year old oak tree over a fucking video game or 'bling'. We need children who marvel at the wonders of this beautiful planet we live on, and can make the drastic lifestyle shift to low-tech, low-impact living. So have kids...and provide them with the infrastructure, knowledge and skill base to be truely free of the malignancy we call industrial society.

Maybe after 15-50 generations of people who live on that paradigm we can start maturing to the point where we can use our vast and deadly technological ability responsibly and with long-term vision.
I always find that the best way to survive is with one foot in society and one foot in the wilderness while being able to survive in both for extended periods of time yet retaining the ability to change over to the other incase of un-seen events


hypothesis pls kill it for me

hypothesis pls kill it for me

the strategic island of iceland in the middle of the atlantic ocean has already been driven bankrupt in a scheme to switch the powercenter back over the atlantic. icelandic banks were bought up by norwegian and russian state investment funds. norway is one of only a very few countries not selected to be in the european union, and trust me guys that is not a matter of choice for the people! also known as the richest country in the world with an annual surplus of god knows what.

the poles will melt down in a scheduled way, the northwest passage is open for traffic within 2025, trading as we know it gets a turn for the unexpected.

the central asian tundra melts down and allows for a new boom in settlement from europe, vast areas of land becomes fertile, water returns to the aral and caspian seas and allows for further economic growth in the area.

russia, canada, norway, denmark and a very few other states hold control over all of the polar areas and thus the trade routes. economic growth starts in the northern regions, large harbors are built.

the second migration starts, educated people from america and europe goes to south russia and central asia for work. scandinavians establish bases in the north controlling trading posts with their russian friends.

a new economy is born, usa gets divided into different states, small economic sanctuaries are established in some american states. others become down right third world countries where unwanted elements are herded into and slowly exhausted.

dunno guys, just a feeling i have .. im sitting here way on the outside of most of this looking in


i just gotta say thanks to NOKUY for starting and everyone else contributing in this thread.

been feeling extremely depressed lately and having trouble dealing with it. i think it mostly comes from seeing the mental state of people around me deteriorating. don't have anyone with similar thoughs to talk to really. don't wanna go on anti-depressants or some bullshit shrink. but i finally got myself through this whole thread and already feel a bit better.

about being ready... well i'm still young (23) and in good physical shape. dont have any loans but dont have any money either. no kids, no gf etc. dont have an education but i consider myself aware and pretty intelligent in common sense. that's all i got for now.

i'd like to contribute more myself but have to get my brain functioning better and some thoughs together.

anyways thanks to everyone and please keep contributing to this thread.

oh yeah, i can grow ganja pretty far up north... :wave:

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perakko said:
i just gotta say thanks to NOKUY for starting and everyone else contributing in this thread.

been feeling extremely depressed lately and having trouble dealing with it. i think it mostly comes from seeing the mental state of people around me deteriorating. don't have anyone with similar thoughs to talk to really. don't wanna go on anti-depressants or some bullshit shrink. but i finally got myself through this whole thread and already feel a bit better.

about being ready... well i'm still young (23) and in good physical shape. dont have any loans but dont have any money either. no kids, no gf etc. dont have an education but i consider myself aware and pretty intelligent in common sense. that's all i got for now.

i'd like to contribute more myself but have to get my brain functioning better and some thoughs together.

anyways thanks to everyone and please keep contributing to this thread.

oh yeah, i can grow ganja pretty far up north... :wave:

my friend fuck the antidepressants! i have been depressed lately aswell, also we have hade scary episodes lately involving peoples mental health. very scary shit.

keep fighting it mate, dont give in, dont let them drive you nuts. as i said, come on up here have a vacation for some days after newyears. ill cure that depression of yours mate. down worry new times are coming.


thanks for the kind words man.

i know these phases come and go, the fall/winter is very challenging 'cause of the lacking ligth. have to keep excercising and preparing good healthy meals often enough and it'll pass once again.

i'll definately will try to get my self up there, no reason really why i coudnt. the place sounds amazing, catch ya later!


do it mate, and norwegian winter tip against depression. eat fish my friend! you need that vitamin D thats what is taring on you.

and totally come on up here, have a vacation mate, its only a 7 hour drive from your place anyway. its much more chill up here i think


Active member
This is an important thread, I check in from time to time. One question is, if America faces a 2nd great depression, will Americans spill over into Canada in search of work?
Is this happening already? How easy is it to find the papers to work in canada? A mass migration into Canada by English speakers (who can "pass" as canadians) might be tough to stop by Canadian immagration control. Now that's what I'm talking "Ah-boot."


hunt4genetics said:
One question is, if America faces a 2nd great depression, will Americans spill over into Canada in search of work?
If America faces a 2nd 'great' depression, there have actually been a few depressions in US history, then basically the world will be in a depression. No place to go to in this instance. Just look at the auto industry tanking. ANY businesses directly or indirectly related to the auto industry in Canada are hurting.


Active member
When the 2nd great depression happens,
and business owners can't keep up with health care cost,
will the government and big business back off the medical marijuana movement?

will the mantra " let them have their medical marijuana,"
be the "Let them eat cake," for the 21st century?



Active member
i just watched a cool program on the science channel that had a portion where the did a little documentary on this place in north carolina called "Earthhaven Ecovillage"...they are an off-the grid self contained eco-community near Black Mountain NC.

I thought Genkisan or Rudolph might already know of this place and figured quite a few might really be interested in what they are doing.

here is their website:

they are looking for new members too


Maybe they will show it again later today.. I have talked to a few people on here that use the off grid set-up..

B. Self Reliant

What a great thread. Many people think that "survivalism" is this huge step you have to take in order to be prepared for any eventual problems that may arise. These same people seem to think that it's a black & white issue that requires a complete change of lifestyle.

To me, survivalism isn't about being some nut job out in the middle of the woods (I live in the woods, so I'm not implying that it's a bad thing). It's about what most people here are talking about in this very thread! Is it so crazy to think that the many small decisions that are made on a daily basis could eventually help (or harm) an individual or a family out in case of an emergency? I don't think so.

NOKUY mentioned that he keeps his vehicles and implements full of fuel. That's a great example in my mind of how someone can be prepared without becoming some "crazy survivalist." Is it really so hard to fill up before your fuel light comes on? Is it really so hard to manage your finances to the point that you have a little cash (or other liquid asset) on hand in case something unexpected comes up? Even our beloved buds. How hard is it to accept that you go through __oz's per month, and then keep a few months extra on hand in case of an emergency? These are just a few trivial examples, but even then I can say that if an emergency happened, regardless of whether it was a personal issue that lasted a couple days or it was a major catastrophe that changed everyone's life forever, I'd be glad I had a full tank of gas, some cash in my safe and an extra gallon Kerr jar full of medicine.

Certainly bigger decisions such as city life vs. rural life come into play in a very large way as well, but I think that many people can start the process by just changing their daily habits and working up from there.

If you think about it, since the beginning of time until just a few decades ago, it wasn't even possible to live day to day. When was refrigeration invented, and when did it become common in every household? This affected how most people handled their food and how they planned on survival through a typical change of season, let alone a major meltdown. When was the car invented, and when did it become commonplace? I can tell you that living meal to meal on fast food from the drive-through wasn't an option before that! Bottom line is that until very recently (in the grand scheme of things), it wasn't possible for a person to live day-to-day as many people do today. This has only become an option in the very recent future and I don't see it as crazy, or even an option, to have a back-up plan. There are certain consistencies throughout human history, and those who depend on others, especially the government, are often disappointed.


Active member
I feel that it will take alot less to create a great depression. Perception is reality. In 2009 our standard of living is so high(material) compared to 1929, that it will take alot less for us to believe that we are in a depression.

I think about the dad who killed his wife and 5 kids, because he was fired from his hospital job. they released the suicide note today.

we have so much more to lose today as compared with 1929...

I feel that at 12% unemployment nationally, the national guard will be deployed.


Active member
i dont wanna turn this thread in the wrong direction, but i found it quite telling how firearm sales went through the roof the day after obama was elected.


Active member
I feel that it will take alot less to create a great depression. Perception is reality. In 2009 our standard of living is so high(material) compared to 1929, that it will take alot less for us to believe that we are in a depression.

...and i agree w/ that, my former boss and wife who i worked over 10 years for in manufacturing are almost 90, and of course a product of the old depression.

penny pinchin muther fuckers who i got along w/ great and learned alot from.

...they would step over dollars to save a penny, but they had the right ideas to begin with.
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ruger 500
no yummy ,its wise to prepair for the worst and hope for the best ,there is an old saying that goes i would rather have it and not need it as to need it and not have it,yukon you are always welcomewat my house if ya need a place to go i live on a lake
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