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Are you prepared?

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southflorida said:
being prepared......there is a saying the russians have....*If I knew where I would fall...I would have put some hay there....lmao*

you have to live your life from the point of creating something...not being prepared...lol...but that's what I think

in reality....you never really know what will hit your ass.....just make sure your fuc...ing brains are working and you know how to track reality as much as possible and see what is going on at the current moment

plus always know where you are going....what result you want to create in your life

between these two things (your future result (goal/objective and your current reality....there are steps you must take....and this is what everyone's day should consist of)

being prepared is just manipulation of reality...as if you *know* what will happen...but no one *knows*....just guesses....period folks

Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.. If you prepare for nothing.. Your odds of making it threw a tuff time are lower then someone who does.. Because it comes down to the mind frame of a person who prepares for things.. They are the type of people who seek knowledge to get knowledge.. kinda hard to understand for someone who goes threw life like who cares what happens and then when somthing goes down there the first people to freak out and break down.. These people are easy to spot.. They wanna ack like they dont care but deep down there the weakest minded of the bunch..

Your right.. Most people dont know what will happen at any givin time.. but really who gives a shit.. Just like some people dont know whos gonna beat there ass at any givin time but some people still build there muscles up and train to fight so they can handle the shit when it goes down..


so you want to survive in the new world?!

so you want to survive in the new world?!

well i got good news for you guys, and i have bad news. since you are in this thread you will most likely dig deeper into the origins of the current financial crisis. you will see that the monetary system will indeed fail, as it was doomed to from the start. because it is based on prospects of the individuals to gain profits. profits are an enemy of abundance. profits are regulated by the laws of supply and demand, the higher the demand, the higher the profits.

this means that a monetary system will never produce an abundance, because it is fundamentally dependent on a shortage of supply in order to maximize the profits.

Now this is where YOU need to contemplate this, scan the internet for proof or disproof of what i just said and think about the solution.

now for the good news.. as i see it, we here in this forum are a part of the solution. the saviors of the economy, our financial messias is the black economy. the black markets have yet to be polluted with interrest rates and taxes. so believe me when i say that in the long run it will be benefitial to all that your gardens stay secret, and your little extra income remain tax-free. this goes for both buyers and suppliers.

i want to urge you strongly to withdraw any deposits you have in the current monetary system and close your loans as soon as you can. if you have any producing capacity of anything, trade your surplus in the black markets. meaning, if you for example raise livestock, sheep or whatever.. do not sell this to the syndicate butcheries, but sell it directly to your consumers and stuff the money in your own pockets.

all potgrowers have an extraordinary opportunity to get a head start in the new economy, as our business is not under the tyrrani of taxation. BUT REMEMBER ALWAYS THAT YOUR GOAL AS A POTGROWER IS SURPLUS AND ABUNDANCE... AND NOT PROFITS!!! greed will turn you right back on that same lost highway. as a friend of mine once told me; "if you want to walk a long way, bring company... if you want to run fast, go alone!" remember it is not how much you have right now that matters, it is how much more you are going to get in the future that is important. your customers will protect you if they are satisfied, and so we come one!

just my :2cents: :confused:
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
One of the most important, actually the most important way to cover yourself (imo) is by having your dwelling owned and paid for. If we're hit with a full blown depression you'd need to be NOT paying a bank or landlord, NOT paying into the utilities companies that your apartment might make you a slave to. There is cheap land available in most states, if forced you could buy a garage kit, build, furnish, and insulate it well enough to live in depending upon your familial circumstances. imo you'd need 2 to 3 acres (1 hectare), be able to farm a little bit and keep some form of livestock. As mentioned above a secret garden will ease the pains and provide either a cash income or trading for whatever is of value to you atm.


we shall come together, making energy neutral societies of all sizes. interjoined ones and independent ones.

those with limited funds will lead the revolution!

get a head start!


this means that a monetary system will never produce an abundance, because it is fundamentally dependent on a shortage of supply in order to maximize the profits.

you sure you don't mean a capitalist system will never produce an abudance?

is that putin in your avatar? nice

if you are implying capitalist system, why has it worked better historically than other systems? Or is this assumption incorrect?


bout to buy a reasonable amount of federal slugs for my mossberg tomorrow...maybe 30 or so. i don't want to/plan on using them, but better safe than sorry.
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Ipsissimus said:
you sure you don't mean a capitalist system will never produce an abudance?

is that putin in your avatar? nice

if you are implying capitalist system, why has it worked better historically than other systems? Or is this assumption incorrect?

no i mean any monetary system will fail. because the real value of money is the resources available (world production) divided by the number of bills in circulation at any given time. now this means that it doesn't matter how many bills you actually own, the value of that mass of bills will always be regulated by the number of bills in circulation. So you see rich is just an illusion, for it is not what you have that matters it is what you are able to create! it is impossible to predict the world production, because you never know what the world is going to need the next year. so the value of money is regulated by itself! this means that whoever controls the production of money also controls world production without actually having to own any of the money.

this is why any monetary system is capitalist in nature. as for capitalism having worked well historically? we are capitalizing on what exactly? did you ever think about the true meaning of the word, capitalism? the answer is that historically one nation has been capitalizing on another! slavery, occupation etc. but what does this mean to world production? we are getting to the very essence of the worlds problems now.

what has happened is that one nation has looted and pillaged the rest of the world. capitalizing on the riches of others. we have come to the point where there is nothing left to steal, the whole world has been swallowed in a giant feeding frenzy. you may call this phenomenon globalization if you want!

now imagine capitalism on a global scale, who are we going to capitalize on? now there is an interesting thought :D

oh and yes that is putin on my avatar :D i have never managed to figure out if i like or hate this guy :violin:
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NOKUY said:
Just some thoughts here peeps. :wave:

These are some good reasons to get prepared for any eventuality that could come down the highway in the future and a cpl. tips so that you and your family can survive it in comfort. (dont depend on the government to save ya)

Sounds like that old survivalist mumbo jumbo to some of you, but it makes more sense than ever these days for the following reasons:

1. Social Security and Medicare: They’re going to collapse. (2012 is the year I heard) If you or any member of your family are connected with them, you’ll be affected. The less you are dependent on any government program the better.

2. The economy: America is in debt up to its ears. As it continues, some economists predict foreigners may lose faith in the American dollar, pull their money out, and we’ll be in an instant Depression. If you’re near a large population center, you could be in for trouble from desperate people pouring into the countryside.

3. Terrorism: Terrorism could visit America again, possibly in the form of a biological attack which could require us to hunker down in our homes for months. A “dirty bomb” may require us to evacuate for an extended period. A chemical attack would be less severe, unless it happened right in our town.

4. Rising crime in the country: It may be down in the cities, but it’s rising in the countryside because a lot of city scumbags have moved into our neighborhoods. The farther out you live, the safer you’ll be, but there are lots of self defense measures you can take, including being properly trained in the use of a gun.

5. Inflation: It’ll probably be the government’s choice weapon to battle the coming insolvency of Social Security and Medicare, mentioned in number 1 above. If inflation reaches 21%, as it did in the Carter years, you’re going to look pretty smart with a garage full of survivalist items like a generator and a year’s worth of food and other supplies. Inflation is already affecting selected items, such as plywood which jumped by $7 a sheet a few months ago. Hard to build a home, addition, or anything else without plywood.

6. Illness: What if a deadly epidemic like the 1918 flu came back, and there is no vaccine available (Sound familiar?) to protect your family? You might have to stay home to avoid becoming contaminated with the deadly illness. Do you have enough food and supplies to do that? On a personal basis, if your breadwinner falls ill, who or what keeps the family going? If the main wood chopper falls ill, who cuts the wood for your wood stove? It’s tough having a sick family member, but it’s much tougher having it complicated by having too little food and other necessities in the house.

7. A personal economic meltdown: You personally could fall on temporary hard times with the loss of your income. Are you ready to weather such an event until you can get the income flowing again? If you’re making good money now, pay off your debt, and put some money away, either in a bank or in a drawer. (These days your drawer pays you almost as much interest as a bank.) Maybe even pay up your mortgage, if you have one, a few months in advance. That’ll also cut down on your interest payments. Stock up on food. Not only is it like having money in the bank, but it’s a good hedge against rising food prices.

8. A severe winter: No one knows where the price of oil and gas are going, so it’s a good idea to keep extra fuel on hand. I don’t keep a big tank of gas because even with a gas stabilizer added it tends to get stale. But I do keep my vehicles full of gas and I have several 5-gallon cans of Stabil-treated gas, plus oil and lubricants to take care of my chain saw and other 2-stroke implements. I also have about a three year supply of wood for my wood stoves, and backup propane heat. If there is an electric blackout I have backup propane lights in several rooms. One of the best ways to deal with a fuel shortage in a cold winter is to simply stay home with your ample supplies and enjoy the wood stove.

Preparedness is cost effective, convenient, healthy, and fun. There’s nothing like coming home from Costco with a truck load of food and supplies you’ve bought at the much cheaper bulk rate prices. I seldom run out of anything no matter what I decide is for dinner. I date everything and rotate it with the new supplies, so it is very unusual for to have to throw anything away. I’ve also got lots of frozen kale (I love kale soup...) and stored pumpkins (...and pumpkin pie) put away from this year’s garden. I want a big garden and a bunch of chickens, so I can eat lots of pesticide-free food and phytochemical-rich eggs. (I'll also have wild game again and fresh seafood when I get back to Alaska)

I haven’t even come close to covering all the reasons to practice preparedness, or all the ways you can do it and have fun doing it. Plug in your own reason. Preparedness is really a way of life, just like losing weight or staying in shape. You have to want to do it. If you just store a bunch of stuff, it’s going to eventually go bad and you’ll end up throwing it out. Look around at the uncertainties in the world, and see if practicing preparedness in some form might be a good idea for your family

You make the world seem more gloomy then I already thought of it as.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
You just gotta go with the flow. No need to build a bomb shelter. Survival of the fittest?...fit for what?...end of days?

If that's gonna happen?...I'd just as soon to... check out early.
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Pinball Wizard said:
You just gotta go with the flow. No need to build a bomb shelter. Survival of the fittest?...fit for what?...end of days?

If that's gonna happen?...I'd just as soon to... check out early.

well at this point dawins natural selection meets human genetical engineering.

who will win? god or man? and who is this god person really? :laughing:


Nokuy are you a homesteader?
btw i just dl the first 10 years of mother earth news and it has some pretty nice stuff.
but as far as being prepared i finally bought some fire arms.
a Yugo Ak and 2000 round of 7.62x33, also bought a Saigo in 7.62x39, and i also have 3 1891/30 Mosin Nagants and 4,000 round of 7.62x54r.

im working on a INCH bag and a BoB.

Crazy Composer

Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Goats! Goats are awesome small farm animals who give meat, milk and clothing. Goat meat is the most eaten meat on earth. Make cheeses, yogurt and ice cream from the milk.

Chickens and ducks are extremely easy to raise and can nearly feed themselves if left free-range. Eggs and meat. Rabbits, too... but they only lay eggs during the easter season. :)

Magi101, we get both Mother Earth News and Grit Magazine here. :) Some of my favorite reads. :)
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Active member
Magi101 said:
Nokuy are you a homesteader?

man i wish i was....i plan to live on 10-20 acres in a small cabin eventually....and live as self subsistant as possible...thats all i really ask for

...right now i'm just working to make it happen eventually.

backwoods home magazine is one of the best on the subject:



NOKUY said:
man i wish i was....i plan to live on 10-20 acres in a small cabin eventually....and live as self subsistant as possible...thats all i really ask for

...right now i'm just working to make it happen eventually.

backwoods home magazine is one of the best on the subject:

dude that is dope bruh i wouldnt mind going back to the land either their is just something about it digging in the dirt and the independence homesteading brings thats got me dreaming.
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