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Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

  • I care not who's in the game, I want it legalized!

    Votes: 62 29.8%
  • I'd like it to be legalized, but not for MONSAMTO or MERCK to controle it!

    Votes: 99 47.6%
  • I don't want it to be legalized!

    Votes: 33 15.9%
  • I don't know!

    Votes: 14 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Game Bred
how do you stop it and legalize?
can you really say ok its legal but company A B and C are not allowed to be involved?
is it acreage limits? plant limits? outlaw genetic manipulation?
how do you accomplish "I'd like it to be legalized, but not for MONSAMTO or MERCK to controle it!"(SIC)
the poll of this site really means nothing as you well know.
unless you live in a very myopic world and i dont believe that is the case.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Outlawing genetic engineering would be so overly optimistic.

Are you insinuating that Monsanto is going to own production as soon as legalization occurs?

What about dairy farmers and worker's unions?

Don't they get a say and stake in decisions?

Is it impossible in your opinion to keep them out?


Game Bred
hell no...
i dont believe they will ever "own" production...
i dont believe in the death of heirloom cannabis or increased incarceration from legalization.
its your nightmare scenario not mine.

i see the feds modeling after states that have legalized.
if it ever happens.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I don't think that incarceration will increase. I do think it will continue.

It's not my nightmare scenario but it could be ours.

You're fairly certain we will gain freedom to grow our heirloom varieties free from GMO threat?

I'll toke to you, as you are a much cheerier guy on this front than I.




how you do?

educate for knowledge to power

freedom to cannabis
universal freedom for being seed to life

with knowledge to cannabis paramount, such company not to control such wealth of influence

am not to prohibit to any, such to include company am not agree to such discussion

am focus to share one perspective with respect seek to share wisdom and experience to enjoy
cultivate love and positive energy

am within universes within universes
am not within such bounds to laws
am being to human

many nation agree to patent
many nation not agree to patent

universe not can patent, such is not within being to universe

freedom to cannabis equal to healing to universe and within such universe earth to heal
human to heal
life to heal

for educate knowledge to power

teach and learn with love

one perspective moments within moments for always to change
such is life

am keen to focus such lovely moments within moments for change positive

one perspective, am keen to think monsanto to disagree....hehehe

such is life

chant down babylon

positive vibrations


Game Bred
Not making it more illegal doesn't mean making it legal.


no but not making it more illegal while allowing the average citizen to avoid felony prosecution for possession?
we have absolutely ZERO freedom to grow our heirloom varieties of cannabis right now.
if we gain ANY freedom whatsoever we have gained freedom.
if the average toker can do so without fear of arrest and subsequent conviction we have gained in freedom.

id love to know how to achieve
"I'd like it to be legalized, but not for MONSAMTO or MERCK to controle it!"
but i have not heard it.
how will they be kept out?
do we just continue incarceration while it gets figured out?
1 every 42 seconds..
that is the price of hesitation.
so we want legalization without GMO but outlawing GMO is too simplistic.
i need something to sink my teeth into.
what's the alternative?
42 seconds went by

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
What stops us from trying to gain something for our entire nation?

Why are you willing to sell at any cost?

How about getting on a real bandwagon and fighting for our rights to grow?

I thought this was a cannabis growing community, not NORML.

I don't see any signs from you that you want anything more than a "legal" stamp on smoking...
Even if it's smoking a limited amount of limited THC cannabis purchased from Pfizer and grown by Monsanto behind closed doors at locations minors are never present.

If we've fought this long I would like to see people able to grow and smoke on their patios.

There's a pie-in-the-sky ideal.

Let's rush any bill through right now!! Time has fractured into 42 second intervals!!!


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm not advocating it for cannabis either.

I'm just pointing out that it's prudent to care by whom and how the "product" gets to market.

If we can get our shit together on just one aspect of legalization we stand a good chance of actually getting it done.

Now as for that "Who cares if Monsanto does it?" attitude, that would warrant plenty of hands up from within our very community.

Oh look there's 77 of them in this poll alone.

That may be a misinterpretation of the data. I agree that a large majority of our community would oppose Monsanto controlling legal marijuana production but I would not be surprised if some of the 77 (now 78) voted that way seeing Monsanto as a generic example of a big corporation. I myself don't care if a big corporation produces it for the masses so long as I can grow it for myself without fear of being thrown in prison and/or having my home taken from me. Marijuana is not that difficult to grow really unless you're trying to push for that 1lb per plant in an indoor grow. If people can't be bothered to grow their own then having to put up with the inferior quality a big corporation might produce is the consequences. In a legal nationwide scenario I don't see it ending up solely in the hands of some souless corporation. There will be people not happy with the corporate weed and for those people some entrepreneur will come along and specialize in better quality. Yes it will make life tougher for people that have enjoyed the profits from the way it's been but that's how it will end up because we live in a free market society. Even if that way of life is allowed to continue intially it won't last. Those guys in the Emerald Triangle doing small outdoor grows aren't going to be able to keep up with national demand. You can't say sorry, no corporations allowed because that's as wrong as saying corporations only.


Game Bred
What stops us from trying to gain something for our entire nation?

Why are you willing to sell at any cost?

How about getting on a real bandwagon and fighting for our rights to grow?

I thought this was a cannabis growing community, not NORML.

I don't see any signs from you that you want anything more than a "legal" stamp on smoking...
Even if it's smoking a limited amount of limited THC cannabis purchased from Pfizer and grown by Monsanto behind closed doors at locations minors are never present.

If we've fought this long I would like to see people able to grow and smoke on their patios.

There's a pie-in-the-sky ideal.

Let's rush any bill through right now!! Time has fractured into 42 second intervals!!!
so what do we do?

im open.
but those 42 seconds represent yet another victim.
so instead of poo pooing lets hear a realistic alternative?
how do we achieve the goal stated?
can we do so as quickly as possible?
lives are being ruined in the interim.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
We just need a lot of money and a petition then we move forward!

It would behoove us to kick Texas and Florida out of the States too.

The Feds won't budge until all the states are on board.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
What stops us from trying to gain something for our entire nation?

Why are you willing to sell at any cost?

How about getting on a real bandwagon and fighting for our rights to grow?

I thought this was a cannabis growing community, not NORML.

I don't see any signs from you that you want anything more than a "legal" stamp on smoking...
Even if it's smoking a limited amount of limited THC cannabis purchased from Pfizer and grown by Monsanto behind closed doors at locations minors are never present.

If we've fought this long I would like to see people able to grow and smoke on their patios.

There's a pie-in-the-sky ideal.

Let's rush any bill through right now!! Time has fractured into 42 second intervals!!!

If marijuana is legalized people will be able to grow, they just won't be free to distribute. You can't declare marijuana is legal and then prevent people from growing a legal plant. You can however prevent people from distributing without being subjected to some regulatory process. Now If I know you're arguements you're likely to compare it to alcohol and distilling spirits. The problem with that though is the method for distilling spirits is potentially dangerous and that is why the government doesn't allow just anyone to make it. Beer and wine are allowed because they are not as dangerous.

There is nothing dangerous about growing a plant though and at no point in the normal process is the fruit of the marijuana plant more dangerous then the finished product. Alcohol on the other hand at some stages can be fatal or cause blindness if not handled correctly.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
My lawyer will contact you.

Okay but why would you want to have your lawyer spending billable hours trying to contact someone that doing so would not benefit you in any way shape or form? If you want to throw money away just send it to me, I'll gladly tell the world your lawyer contacted me. It'll be equally as meaningful as if he actually did and will likely cost you far less.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The problem with that though is the method for distilling spirits is potentially dangerous and that is why the government doesn't allow just anyone to make it. Beer and wine are allowed because they are not as dangerous.

There is nothing dangerous about growing a plant though and at no point in the normal process is the fruit of the marijuana plant more dangerous then the finished product. Alcohol on the other hand at some stages can be fatal or cause blindness if not handled correctly.

If you think that methanol is the true reason that distilling is illegal then I've taken it upon myself to enlighten you.

While it is true that methanol is deadly, it's easily seperated as it's lighter than ethanol and therefore is distilled first. This separation is called "heads" in the industry.

Any distiller knows this as it's common knowledge.

The reason distilling is illegal is because it's avoiding high taxes that pockets like to keep.

Marijuana wasn't outlawed because dope smoking jazz crazed negroes rape white women either.

Homebrewing wasn't legal until the seventies by the by.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
We just need a lot of money and a petition then we move forward!

It would behoove us to kick Texas and Florida out of the States too.

The Feds won't budge until all the states are on board.

The Feds won't budge until 2016 at the earliest even then it happening that soon is pretty optimistic. The best we can hope for from the feds is that they'll leave things alone and see how the experiment pans out in states that legalize it. I think it's pretty clear we won't see legalization happen under Obama, afterall he has a legacy to look after and clearly he doesn't want to be remembered as the President that freed the weed.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
The first thing you should do is quit painting Monsanto as a saint.


PS I think that would be a great topic for the cannabis legislation forum.