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Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

  • I care not who's in the game, I want it legalized!

    Votes: 62 29.8%
  • I'd like it to be legalized, but not for MONSAMTO or MERCK to controle it!

    Votes: 99 47.6%
  • I don't want it to be legalized!

    Votes: 33 15.9%
  • I don't know!

    Votes: 14 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
I mainly grow for myself, and few friends so i dont care much if big companies r makin big money out of it.

What i know ther is jst masses of cannabis floating around in market, legal or not.
It jst cannot fit my head how companies, no matter how big they are cud jst grow all tht weed ppl smoke.
300mil ppl living in us, so if quarter wud smoke 2grams/day 200days in yer tht wud b like 30mil kilos/yer, 2,5mil kilos/month 625k kilos/week ,so u wud need 6250 growromms producing 100kilos/week.

Idk im jst high, so dont take this post seriously.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
i love how the prospect of innocent people being jailed makes it acceptable to sacrifice the livelihoods of those who grow it

see in my mind if every pot smoker and grower is facing imprisonment unjustly then so are the basement growers who charge money

why is your injustice holier than theirs, so much so that they should sacrifice more for legalization than you?

hasn't the ongoing risk of incarceration so people can smoke weed sacrifice enough regardless of said profit or reward?

how about making the people who knowingly mislead the public about the properties of marijuana so they could profiteer on prohibition on the first place pay the cost of sacrifice?

why put the profit from this plant everyone sacrificed for into the hands of big business so it can be a stock market commodity that the police prison and other unions invest their pension into and profit from

why empower those that fucked us at the expense of those who been doing the same fucking things as you

i think i can guess why

people are frustrated and they dont give a fuck who pays as long as it aint them and claiming its in the name of justice for others

same shit different day

You seem to think those pushing for legalization are only worried about being able to smoke without fear of jail. I don't think that's what anyone is saying though. The ones most likely going to jail, losing rights, having homes taken away, having their children taken away, etc are growers and/or distributors the majority caught for simple possession aren't getting hit that harshly. They typically get a misdemeanor charge and probation. Although it varies state to state.

Those who grow and make a comfortable living only do so because of the threat of all those things happening to them. Once that threat is gone they are not going to be able to command the prices they do now whether corporate giants get into the game or not. What holds most people back from growing isn't that it's so hard but that they might suffer any of the dire consequences they face now due to marijuana's illegality. Once that threat is gone and people can grow openly without having to worry about their neighbor turning them in because they smell something funny coming from the house next door they'll start growing it themselves rather then paying $300 plus an ounce.

The only thing preventing current growers from being able to continue to make a living is they won't want to deal with the hassle and expense of meeting regulations that will be imposed to insure reasonably uniform and reliable quality and safety. They'll still be able to make money just not by only growing a few pounds. They'll have to think in much bigger terms and work harder but they could still make a living most likely.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I have a nagging suspicion you've missed my points.

That's okay.

We all smoke :)

No I've not missed your points at all I just don't agree with most of them. I see no reason why it'll necessarily go the way you think it will. Ironically since your response to my points is that you think I've missed yours then there is a high degree of likelihood you have missed mine as well.
There will always be small batch cannabis growers and small batch beer brewers. Conversely there will always be large cannabis grow ops and large beer brewers. Both can and do coexist in the same market place.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Why do you think people already locked up won't be pardoned? I'm not sure if this is true and I'm not going to take the time to prove or disprove it because I got other things I need to do but I'm pretty sure that after Washington went legal I read about people arrested for possession being released. Now people arrested for distribution is a whole other matter. Unless when nationwide legalization happens they also make it legal for anyone to sell to anyone then I doubt you'll see people locked up for distribution being released.

It's not a whole different matter at all. Distribution is possession for others to eventually possess.
I am relieved to see that you understand that many things will probably not change though.

This is how it boils down for me. I'd like it to be legal for recreational use but I expect there to still be laws to govern people using in public or while driving or while at work, just like there is with alcohol. I don't expect and nobody else should either for legalization to be carte blanche for people to do whatever they want with marijuana whenever and wherever they feel like it. What I do expect is that it allows me to enjoy use of it in my own home or on my property so pretty much however and whenever I want so long as my use does not present any realistic risk to anyone else's safety. I would also expect there to be some provision for at a minimum designated areas for people to enjoy it away from home.

So we would still have to buy it from a store and then hide in our houses to smoke it?

I'm not seeing a trade off...

Assuming that you can't grow your own legally (making whiskey at home is still illegal) you would have to go to a store (bar or liquor store) and pay out the nose for it to stay on the legal side of the fence... I just can't see that being preferable to being truly free (growing our own).

As far as producing it I should be able to produce a reasonable amount on my own land or in my own home so long as I do so in a safe manner and without stealing electricity or other resources I might need. I don't really expect there to be provisions for distribution by just anyone growing it but if there end up being such provisions I fully expect it to be regulated at a minimum the same way we regulate any other things that are grown for consumption. If one wants to make a business of growing fine, more power to you, but don't expect it to be anything like "it's legal now so you can do whatever you please".

I agree with the "should be able to produce" but argue "probably won't be able to" is more probable for all of my previously stated reasons.

What we expect is very different.

I've noticed what this government does to industry... some haven't realized full consequences.

The only thing I think we as a community should try to ensure in any legislation is that anyone locked up before that would not be charged under new laws should be pardoned for those charges.

We do agree on a few things.
I think that should be a priority but there are many things this community needs to lock down or at the least clarify before we sell this to the beast.


Professor Organic Psychology
Right. The title of the thread is what I'm going to refer to here.

No homebrewer can legally sell his or her wares... and they certainly cannot distill ANY spirits.

This wasn't an accident in legislature.

Sorry for the misunderstanding. I think you are a pretty good guy from what I can see.

There has Always been a black market in the world. If there was no black market in places like China or Cuba people would starve and people would die. But in those two places mentioned you could be sent to jail or executed for participating in the black market. There always has been a black market and there will always be one.

No government anyplace is going to openly let people sell a vice legally. It will always be the black market. Vice in general is probably the single largest source of income on the planet. The government has to get their share and as a government has to maintain food/drug safety.

That is not to say that Someone Someplace is not going to fill that market need for quality whiskey, bud or whatever. In my old country you have people coming up with every way imaginable to get coca to the USA. It is like a fact of nature that if someone will spend as much for a consumable as they do for gold someone will supply it. When it comes to quality herbs, much like what is already happening, someone is going to make and distribute it. The more demand, the higher he price. You are just not ever going to get a government to sign off on it. The fact that they don't makes it more dear and more expensive. You will have plenty of people working the basement, you just don't have the government's seal of approval and you never will.

What you may have is a lot of people buying mostly the Bud Light and a small percentage getting the goods.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You are just not ever going to get a government to sign off on it. The fact that they don't makes it more dear and more expensive. You will have plenty of people working the basement, you just don't have the government's seal of approval and you never will.


:thank you:


Game Bred
Not seeing a tradeoff huh?

The 18 year old in Florida facing felony charges for less than an ounce of weed does.

The single mother in Indiana who just wants to take the edge off after the kid goes to bed does.
Not everyone cares if monsanto makes roundup ready hemp.

Sure we do. But your average prole could give a shit.

Oh Monsanto corn is quite fertile btw. Just ask any farmer who has been cross pollinated.


If you can't adapt you will not survive. Simple as that. Lots of people will be happy smoking garbage comparable to natty ice and budwiser, but there will always be a community that will happily pay much more for the best product just like those who will drop $300 on a bottle of wine. Not only that, but extremely high quality dry sifts, fullmelts, solvent made extacts along with perfectly cured flushed organic/veganic flowers from hoarded genetics will be what alot of the connoisseurs want and these are what big business will have trouble providing. It's harder to control quality with the quantity these large companies will want to produce, this is where small cannabis businesses comparable to micro breweries come in. And even if everyone can grow there own, most will not, either because it will be easier for them to go to store or just because there not into the cannabis lifestyle like us here nor care to learn how to grow and just want to get high.

No matter what happens there will always be a way to earn well in this industry.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Nah screw the sub, I'm thinking about USA indoor homegrown coco plants!!! Think about how easy it would be to just grow leaf. Then you'd have pure cocaine. The whole evolution of marijuana being homegrown could start over with cocaine!! Then in 30 years it will be medical, 45 years legal. You're talking big profits for the foreseeable future!! Think about it. Lol! Although it might be worth looking into

surely you must be kidding...

it'd pretty funny to see someone trying to grow coca plants indoor...
it'd be like seeing someone trying to make a dolphin live up on a tree and a monkey living under the sea with the little mermaid.
The bottom line is >>>>

The bottom line is >>>>

After reading all of this thread wow the speculation is unreal !!

If you think for one minute you will keep big corporations out of this you need to stop smoking your own stash for awhile and wake up !!!
It is a multi- Billion dollar industry !!!

To start a journey you have to take the first step !!!!
Colorado and Washington have taken that first step now unless you want the big boys to own the whole market people of those states need to talk to the Representative in there area and voice there opinion !! If the committees That are writing these new laws don't hear from the people and what they want they will be shut out of this new industry . The lobbyist have there ear right now count on that ! So speak Please !! Blow up the phone lines and there emails make them hear you Please !

1 let them know you want smaller production licenses for small growers and boutique products .

2 let them know you want smaller shops and mom and pop stores to be able to compete !
and so on !!!

If you dont speak and tell them what you want then you are sure to see only people with major bankrolls able to be in this industry . They will set it up where the small basement grower will face penalties and prosecution at extreme levels for any broken regulation .

Big Business is all about cornering a market and the small player are easy to crush at the beginning if you let them .

the lobbyist are going to do there job are you ?

my two cents



how you do?

cannabis heal of the universe

cannabis fuel
cannabis textile
cannabis food
cannabis medicine

cannabis not require especial equipment for thrive and flourish within natural environment
cannabis love individual and small farmer with respect to such

incredible energy and value store within cannabis

cannabis compete to corn and sugarbeet with respect to fuel and biomass energy store
am not keen to think to garden corn and sugarbeet with respect to indoor lamp and efficiency

indeed perhap environment control greenhouse

at when legal indoor lamp not can compete to sun
at when legal many labour effort not can compete to other labour effort

at when legal, many within cannabis community for money not to remain such inflate

cannabis not for money
cannabis for wealth

cannabis for heal of universes

seed to life

such and such company to prohibit advance to cannabis to heal universes understand of the thinks at how cannabis to being incredible value store and utility plant

merck not stranger for cannabis tincture and such and such

cannabis not stranger to methanol fuel

am keen to cannabis

love to cannabis

seed to life within life such beautiful

cannabis to replace much need of paper money
such not to need much of other type to wealth
actual wealth vs imagine wealth

am keen to think one perspective more for thinks cannabis of simple medicine....
simple tokes....

cannabis to heal universes
cannabis to love all human and being to life

fuel and wealth
energy store

chant down babylon

positive vibrations


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad

how you do?

cannabis heal of the universe

cannabis fuel
cannabis textile
cannabis food
cannabis medicine

cannabis not require especial equipment for thrive and flourish within natural environment
cannabis love individual and small farmer with respect to such

incredible energy and value store within cannabis

cannabis compete to corn and sugarbeet with respect to fuel and biomass energy store
am not keen to think to garden corn and sugarbeet with respect to indoor lamp and efficiency

indeed perhap environment control greenhouse

at when legal indoor lamp not can compete to sun
at when legal many labour effort not can compete to other labour effort

at when legal, many within cannabis community for money not to remain such inflate

cannabis not for money
cannabis for wealth

cannabis for heal of universes

seed to life

such and such company to prohibit advance to cannabis to heal universes understand of the thinks at how cannabis to being incredible value store and utility plant

merck not stranger for cannabis tincture and such and such

cannabis not stranger to methanol fuel

am keen to cannabis

love to cannabis

seed to life within life such beautiful

cannabis to replace much need of paper money
such not to need much of other type to wealth
actual wealth vs imagine wealth

am keen to think one perspective more for thinks cannabis of simple medicine....
simple tokes....

cannabis to heal universes
cannabis to love all human and being to life

fuel and wealth
energy store

chant down babylon

positive vibrations

THAT was an interesting post!!!

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Not seeing a tradeoff huh?

The 18 year old in Florida facing felony charges for less than an ounce of weed does.

The single mother in Indiana who just wants to take the edge off after the kid goes to bed does.
Not everyone cares if monsanto makes roundup ready hemp.

Sure we do. But your average prole could give a shit.

Oh Monsanto corn is quite fertile btw. Just ask any farmer who has been cross pollinated.

I know the genepool is going to get used like a pisser in a pub and you know as well as I do that there are plenty of varieties that were sterilized purposefully.
I'm not going to think for a bit that Monsanto hasn't purposefully pollinated neighboring corn fields land to sue the land right into their pocket.
They did it with canola, what stops them from doing it again?

But... how I digress.
:joint: :joint: :joint:

For the rights of the population now I can understand any type of legislation being preferable.
For the rights of the population tomorrow I would like to see genes preserved and rights and privileges restored.

Always a pleasure rapping with you dag!


Krunch - Absolutely :D


Active member
surely you must be kidding...

it'd pretty funny to see someone trying to grow coca plants indoor...
it'd be like seeing someone trying to make a dolphin live up on a tree and a monkey living under the sea with the little mermaid.

why would it not be possible? you control the environment indoor into anything you like, you can add more lights, heaters to make it 90+ degrees all year around. or put AC, led lights, air cool light and make the room 70 degree all year round. Add water for humidity. its extra work but I don't see why its not possible.
you might only grow enough to produce a few grams at the end. but it should still work.


Active member
After reading all of this thread wow the speculation is unreal !!

If you think for one minute you will keep big corporations out of this you need to stop smoking your own stash for awhile and wake up !!!
It is a multi- Billion dollar industry !!!

To start a journey you have to take the first step !!!!
Colorado and Washington have taken that first step now unless you want the big boys to own the whole market people of those states need to talk to the Representative in there area and voice there opinion !! If the committees That are writing these new laws don't hear from the people and what they want they will be shut out of this new industry . The lobbyist have there ear right now count on that ! So speak Please !! Blow up the phone lines and there emails make them hear you Please !

1 let them know you want smaller production licenses for small growers and boutique products .

2 let them know you want smaller shops and mom and pop stores to be able to compete !
and so on !!!

If you dont speak and tell them what you want then you are sure to see only people with major bankrolls able to be in this industry . They will set it up where the small basement grower will face penalties and prosecution at extreme levels for any broken regulation .

Big Business is all about cornering a market and the small player are easy to crush at the beginning if you let them .

the lobbyist are going to do there job are you ?

my two cents

there is no way we going to complete with the big boys, here is why.
the only ones that want 1.) want smaller production licenses for small growers and boutique products
IS basement growers like us. there is simply not enough, and most will not step out of the shadow to speak. A lot of people want the big boys to come in and play so its easier for them to get weed over the counter.
2.) want smaller shops and mom and pop stores to be able to compete !
MOST "mom and pop" shops are dispensary. and they already got the feds and city rules to worry about.

im not against you, im on your side. but we just too weak to win this war.

so the only hope right now is to have YOU lead us!
there is no way we going to complete with the big boys, here is why.
the only ones that want 1.) want smaller production licenses for small growers and boutique products
IS basement growers like us. there is simply not enough, and most will not step out of the shadow to speak. A lot of people want the big boys to come in and play so its easier for them to get weed over the counter.
2.) want smaller shops and mom and pop stores to be able to compete !
MOST "mom and pop" shops are dispensary. and they already got the feds and city rules to worry about.

im not against you, im on your side. but we just too weak to win this war.

so the only hope right now is to have YOU lead us!

Well i would love to lead it but i don't even live in either of those sates and from what i can gather on these boards nobody wants an out of stater growing in there state !LOL :biggrin:

From what i can gather from an attorney I hired in Colorado to try and get into this new legal market . The rules and regulations that are being discussed are heavily in favor of big business not the little man . If the small shops and the hydro shop owners and the people of this state don't start opening there mouths they will loose allot more than just quality herb they will loose jobs and businesses and quickly . The dispensaries will start off fine and get bought up by major players very quickly or will be forced out of business by being strong armed this is the way big business works . They will do anything to own the market ! again anything ! Get me ! You not only have to worry about the Major corporations and there army of attorneys but also the organized crime like the mob and the cartels they are not sitting Idol in this game playing wait and see they have there attorneys working on every angle possible to get there share You can bank on that !!!

So put groups together and stand up for what you want to see in this new laws and regulations . Tell them you want the right to grow and sell your wares to Retail stores and medical dispensaries .Tell them to Free the market and to get rid of the 2 year licenses
regulation and that landlord should have the right to lease to who ever they want without fear of prosecution.
Tell them you want the right to bread and sell seeds and market your strains and you don't want people being able to patent plants or strains . Speak ,unite and fight for what you want !!

There are enough Colorado growers on this site that you all could fill every one of the people on this committee email everyday to get your point across. Light up the phones set up meetings to try and talk with these people get what you want out of this new legal market ! If you don't open your mouths now getting the laws changed later will be even harder !!
Your voice matters use it !!!!!:tiphat: