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Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

Are big facilities going to put basement grower at unemployment?

  • I care not who's in the game, I want it legalized!

    Votes: 62 29.8%
  • I'd like it to be legalized, but not for MONSAMTO or MERCK to controle it!

    Votes: 99 47.6%
  • I don't want it to be legalized!

    Votes: 33 15.9%
  • I don't know!

    Votes: 14 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Lammen Gorthaur
Sounds like to me that mean mr. mustard is carrying water for SOMEONE. I wonder who?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Seems like some folks are getting upset when thier view of how things will go isn't agreed with. Well as I see it, all sides have made compelling arguements and more then one view has pointed to historical evidence to support thier view. The fact of the matter is that we don't know what's going to happen when and if marijuana is ever legalized nationwide.

After giving it much thought I'm not so sure it'll play out the way anyone is thinking with Big Business stepping in and taking over. We often talk about the big corporations and the big money they represent being "The Powers That Be" and that they more or less control government. So the way I see it, if all these big corporations are eager and ready to take control of the marijuana market and the billions in profit it represents, then marijuana would be legal nationwide for both recreational and medical use already. When you consider the history of marijuana prohibition though quite the opposite is true and it's been the big corporations that have helped keep marijuana illegal. Some would say it's because they can't figure out a way to control it, that people would just grow their own. Well if that's the case then why not just keep it illegal to grow as many think the government would do?

The more likely scenario if marijuana is legalized is that the big corporations would take a wait and see attitude. Allowing whatever entrepreneur to run with it. Then once the market was created and any hurdles overcome if it still looked profitable then the big corporations would move in and take over.


High country cat herder
The more likely scenario if marijuana is legalized is that the big corporations would take a wait and see attitude. Allowing whatever entrepreneur to run with it. Then once the market was created and any hurdles overcome if it still looked profitable then the big corporations would move in and take over.

This is what I see too,... and with the still standing Federal view on it, "Big" corporations stand to loose too much by moving into market of the 2 states that have legalized to some degree. The simple fact that they operate in many states, and conduct cannabis business in a couple, could on a federal level cost them everything. It's a LOT of risk.

On a State/local/basement grower level tho,... :tumbleweed: :blowbubbles: :artist: :tiphat:


Active member
some kids, like cannabest, think their own uneducated guesses on the matter are more accurate and right than all the trials and errors of actual practical experimentations on the matter done by big money, but hey, what can u do? they're gonna still think they know better.


no one here thinks they know better, I just KNOW and BELIEVE that there is nothing that can stop your dreams if you really put thoughts and effort into it. Only KIDS think they seen it all and know it all by crashing others dreams.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Seems like some folks are getting upset when thier view of how things will go isn't agreed with. Well as I see it, all sides have made compelling arguements and more then one view has pointed to historical evidence to support thier view. The fact of the matter is that we don't know what's going to happen when and if marijuana is ever legalized nationwide.

let me share expand on that thought both from a personal perspective (micro perspective) and a global (macro perspective)

i sacrificed any normalcy i would have in life to embrace my relationship with this plant

legislation hasn't hampered my freedom nor my will

the personal evolution i have experienced is not only remarkable but would not have occurred without the good weed and as i have posted SEVERAL times over the past years i do not fear legalization i embrace it regardless of its form

as i see it if the whole world was on pot maybe minds woudl open things woudl change and we wouldn't have the same social economic dysfunction

how this is a projection of what could be and may not actualize as one might hope but for the right people the plant does seem to have this property

legalization and cheap not is not a financial threat years before you can quote me as saying here to "unscrupulous" growers what are you gonna do when the ONLY value add you have illegality is gone?

now that were past my personal view let me share my macro view, i will try to remove the hyperbole and state my case

the state of our countries economic distress is caused by fat government and big business through the use of lobbies and co-cooperation. we are on a fiscal cliff because of the rampant corruption that occurred in the big business banking mortgage oil and defense industries (i can offer statistics and data if need be)

this has skewed the open economic opportunity in the American market especially in the terms of small business


all is not lost

the general public through persistence and willpower made cannabis legal in two states

so i present that as simple proof positive that we are not powerless over the shape of future legislation

now marijuana is an amazing commodity and some forms are ready to change the face of big industry

hemp is a great example

however some facets of its use and nature fit and already empower the classes that hold the least wealth and are facing a landscape of decreasing opportunity and this has been an economic vehicle for these classes for a long time

i don't think its right to be apathetic to the people who participate a community that together helped make and is making this possible, in fact it blows my mind

this is America and in the light of change an reform why should the
middle and lower classes suffer?

we all belong to that aggregate whether you want to believe it or not unless your a specialized medical professional like a neurosurgeon with a fair repute

in essence don't make the healing herb a whore of babylon


Well-known member
@Cannabest LOL Looks a garden i've seen:) Like once upon a time people thought it impossible to grow weed indoors... And not sure if E. Novo discussion breaks TOU as it is not included in UN or similar schedules as coca cola is made from it as mentioned previously, ie. not illegal to possess or grow etc. just illegal to process. . It IS grown inside by many, for novelty or what not, around the world in all sorts of climates contrary to what you might THINK. And ephedra makes meth and one kilo of meth magically turns one K of prime fluff into 10 for the stupid punters as soon as it hits mexico or nigeria or anywhere. The chinese make more profit of each unit sold on the street whether in africa, europe or america.. Don't kid yourself otherwise, most movie stars can't even get their coke without speed in the 2000's..So... Although not illegal to grow, it is way, way off topic..so case closed huh and back to the mega-evils raping our herb.
I think if monsanto sold weed maybe their board members might get really ripped one day sampling the produce and the world with be a better place with them sitting back and reflecting on what evil c#nts the are..and they might for the first time feel something for the world they are ruining for all of us.


Game Bred
monsanto is doing ZERO damage or evil...

monsanto makes a product. it's the people who demand the product you should be angry with ;)


Andinismo Hierbatero
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no one here thinks they know better, I just KNOW and BELIEVE that there is nothing that can stop your dreams if you really put thoughts and effort into it. Only KIDS think they seen it all and know it all by crashing others dreams.

oh shit, here comes the new Pablo Escobar with his stolen pic of a hobby grow of 20cm tall coca seedlings, watch out everyone!


Andinismo Hierbatero
mary, a real coca tree is about 2 meters tall, I've seen taller than 3 meters told, no less than 30 years old, they flower and pump out new growth like crazy. they have tons of these trees planted for many many years, and it is still hard to harvest enough.

if you guys think you can make a commercial grow of leaf indoors, I dunno what to tell you... maybe try growing banana trees indoors commercially, eh? why not, chase your dreams and all hehehehe...


Game Bred
your point is a moving target..
first it can't be done and the other poster is "talking nonsense" when he points out it would be cost prohibitive to produce commercially.
now you insinuate he is suggesting that is not the case.

you jump more than a bean.


Well-known member
Yeah right everyone is demanding to eat GMO corn. I have worked for many years in agriculture, if you think we in the third world want monsanto's seed you have got to be kidding. Thing is we have no choice, they have monopolized the industry on our continent and farmers have no choice now unless they were hoarding seed before. Even my seed at the supermarket or nursery is all Monsanto crap irrespective of brand or label. Du Pont and monsanto own all the seed brands here now. They bought out the last independent seed producer in the middle of last year and now there is no choice. It is the way they do business. GM food suits no-one but them.


Active member
MMJ at the federal level is a looooong way away. Which means monsanto/ big pharma cant touch it with a ten foot pole.

And unless you live in CO, CA, or WASH you'll be fine, and probably would be fine even if you did live in either of these if your ahead of the game or have that go getting ambition.

Since the legalization of cannabis in CA and WA intrastate trafficking of the substance will come to all but a stand still. Heres why, most of the smuggling to the mid-west comes via automobile.

Take Colorado for example; Route 80 is the quickest way to Chicago/Michigan this road will become like route 95 from Miami to Newyork in the late 80s during the height of the cocaine epidemic--total lockdown.

Yes very well organized criminal enterprises (and a few lucky ones) will develop schemes to smuggle some amounts into other med states/non-med states with higher rates; but by closing these very important routes for mass trafficking the flow will be bottlenecked and if any thing prices could go up in other places. This means big money for the Feds.

Just a thought.


Game Bred
i live in farm country.
most of the farmers here sing the praises of roundup ready and drought resistant strains of corn and soy.
they wax poetic about the bad ol days before these "miracles".

we have a tendency to lay the blame.

"the economy is the governments fault"
no it's not it's ours.
we abdicated our control for baubles.

"guns caused the school shooting"
no we did.
we allowed the complacency that provided the environment.

"monsanto is evil with their GMO"
WE demanded cheaper,mass produced shit. they provided.
WE no longer wanted to till our own plot. they provided.
a company is soulless. they are like nature. they are good nor evil. they provide what the market demands.


Andinismo Hierbatero
dag, I'm not arguing with mary, in fact we agree on the fact that it is silly to think u can grow commercially indoors; my 'beef' is with the other guys thinking it can be done snd that it will replace canna grows if canna becomes legal.

I also mis-read a previous post by mary where I told him he was speaking non sense, you're right on that one. I thought he was confusing ephedrine producing plants with coca, my bad.


Professor Organic Psychology
I was just talking about this with a client..

Most people have something Personal to gain from being elected to public office. This person owns an orchard in an area that is sought after for expensive lake front property. A land developer got into city counsel and lobbied (and won) a way to tax the orchard at the same rate as everyone else on the lake. The farmer could not afford those kinds of taxes for an orchard and was forced to sell... To the developer that wanted his property to make money.

To make a long story short never expect that anyone that passes legislation is doing it for any other reason than money. If what they do is not going to benefit them directly it will benefit their cohorts, those that get/got them elected.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
mary, a real coca tree is about 2 meters tall, I've seen taller than 3 meters told, no less than 30 years old, they flower and pump out new growth like crazy. they have tons of these trees planted for many many years, and it is still hard to harvest enough.

if you guys think you can make a commercial grow of leaf indoors, I dunno what to tell you... maybe try growing banana trees indoors commercially, eh? why not, chase your dreams and all hehehehe...

I'm not sure where you ever got them wanting to do a commercial grow of coca leaves. All I ever saw mentioned was a hobby grow. That an individual might grow enough just for themselves to enjoy a bit here and there. Not that anyone might turn it into a commercial enterprise to rival Columbian drug lords. In fact I believe maryjaneismyfre made the point that while it is possible to grow indoors it would be too impractical for a commercial operation.