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4K No Trays - Blumats in Coco (LUI, LEMG, BBxLAV)



Gotta love some diversification and not keepin all yas eggs in 1 basket Cheeb........You all over tha place with setups.......lol...........

Bought some blumats ta play with fer headies myself.....Good luck Bro.........

Respect Cheeb.......DHF........:ying:........




Thanks guys,

I do not water until runoff - infact I think I may be keeping them a tad too dry. Have been gradually opening blumats to allow it to slow drip when it was previously off.

7 Days Later - Week 2 flower.

Everything on blumats.
Been lazily defoliating here and there. I really dont like to do it because it makes me itch and get bumps on my hands & arms, but I know it'll be beneficial to yield and airflow and result in less of a mess/work come harvest time.

Think I may have some pressure issues when 55 gallon reservoir gets low. I've got about 15 gal at the moment and went to adjust one of the farthest blumats. Dialing it more open I realized that it was only giving me a slow drip..and I couldnt open to the point of full on stream. I removed the 3mm hose from the blumat thinking it was clogged with something but its not. ..there just isnt enough pressure to make a stream of water come out of it-- even when removing the 3mm all together.. Other blumats nearby can be backed off to the point of full stream..its odd.




BBXLAV - these ladies are very light green - given the same as the others. Maxibloom @ 7g per gal. Perhaps its a hungry bunch?

Shot from the end. Closest to farthest. LEMG, BBxLAV, LEMG, LUI (cant see em).

Hiding LUIs - much different plan structure then the LEMG.

Lone BubbaKush


The plants are looking good, but can you elaborate a bit on your watering schedule? I'm want to give coco a try but i'm really not looking forward to watering frequently, using blumats seems awesome, I just wanna know how you go about doing it. Thanks man :)



No water schedule - the blumats take care of that.

When setting up the blumats I initially hand saturated the entire garden. I then dialed the blumat from wide open to where water just clings to the end of the 3mm tubing. I then close 1 arrow from there.

Over the next few days the blumats will start to drip as the pot drys out. Initially I think I had em running a tad too dry so I've been dialing open a 1/2 - 1 arrow if the pot seems too light. I think I have em dialed pretty well now. Most pots feel generally heavy, but not over-saturated. If I notice that the concrete directly under the pot is wet I'll close them down 1/2 arrow to 1 arrow.

If you've got them setup right you'll start to get mad fuzzy root growth on the surface of your coco - mainly where the blumat drips.

Aside from that I just fill up my barrel when it starts to get low and addback Maxibloom at 7g per gallon. No pH adjustment needed here when using RO. I think I'll call it pH/PPM perfect. Or is that title already taken?



Active member
Looks good. I just got my set of blumats in today. Everyone's praises sold me. Any tips or tricks to advise using these in coco?


Active member
Looks good. I just got my set of blumats in today. Everyone's praises sold me. Any tips or tricks to advise using these in coco?

pretty much what cheeb said above you, that's the most sound advice i've read on setting up blumats with coco.


Active member
Yeah, it's great advice. Now do you have to fresh water flush at all being that you don't really have much runoff? And I'm guessing these CAN be set to keep the pot moist as you're saying your pots are staying relatively heavy. Sorry if I sound redundant, I'm just trying to soak up as much info from you guys who have been using these. Thanks a lot.


One thing I experienced in a table-less room similar to yours was that it increased humidity more than with tables that would channel away the water better than a flat floor (even w/ multiple drain sites)


I do not intentionally let the blumats drip to run-off and only do plain water the last week or so of bloom. Previous grows I didnt flush to run-off, but just let them feed on straight RO for the final week.

This grow I may handwater straight RO until run-off the final days of bloom, but blumat reservoir will contain just RO the last week or week and a half.

- -

One thing I experienced in a table-less room similar to yours was that it increased humidity more than with tables that would channel away the water better than a flat floor (even w/ multiple drain sites)
I'm not sure what you mean. Since I dont have run-off how will I experience any increased humidity?


AF is about to use these in coco, I've used them in soil but not coco yet so thanks for your thread.

Is there any reason you aim for zero runoff?

I've been unsure whether to recommend he shoots for fully heavy pots with no runoff, or fully heavy pots with a bit of moisture underneath when he checks them.


Looking awesome Cheeb! Thanks for the info about ordering...

I've got 50 of these (Blumats) little buggers headed my way and a shit load of coco...should be fun! I'm killing myself running perpetual with different strains. Too many different nute strengths and additives for the different stages. I'm going to setup multiple rez's, one for each loop of Blu's, for each stage.

Keep up the good work!


AF is about to use these in coco, I've used them in soil but not coco yet so thanks for your thread.

Is there any reason you aim for zero runoff?

I've been unsure whether to recommend he shoots for fully heavy pots with no runoff, or fully heavy pots with a bit of moisture underneath when he checks them.

I dont think runoff is really needed if your not overfeeding. Blumats do a great job of maintaining a constant moisture in the pots so its really a whole different type of growing then saturating heavily - wait to dry - repeat.

If my pots are really light I open blumat more. If they are too heavy per say - or have wetness under the pot I close then down a hair. I shoot for something in between. A pot with some weight to it, but dry underneath.

Devil, Thats really easy to do with the blumats. I dont get hung up really on different mixes for different varieties as I give everything Maxibloom @ 7g per gallon, but do notice that my BBxLAVs are most likely hungrier feeders. They are a little more yellow then everything else. I was originally going to do a separate blumat reservoir per light, but decided it might not be totally necessary and went with 2 lights per res. Isolation of plants whether it be rows, variety, age, light, ect is definitely a nice PRO of these things. You pretty much have the power to do whatever you want.

Here is some more random shots for those interested.
Where are we now. I believe a few days past 3wk flower.

In no particular order.



In Full Compliance with Prop :moon:


Cheeb, those are really coming along! Looks great!

I have my first couple Blumats in operation on a veg plant in a 4 gal pot of soil. Working awesome so far. Waiting on parts and hose from Germany...or wherever they ship out of.


Hey Cheeb, Excellent looking forest there.

Do you have an airstone in the res and do you have any bleeder valve set up on the blumats.

I am looking forward to using my maxi set next grow but am concious of a flood!


No bleeder valve, and havnt experienced any problems yet. I would like to put one in just in case, but havn't located any 8mm barbed valves around here.

In this particular setup I do not have an airstone in the 55 gallon reservoirs but do have a small water pump in each reservoir keeping it circulating.

My other blumat setup in the tents does have a small airstone, but no recirculating water pump.

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